Spoiler Golden Forest

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    If you read one of the later chapters Lenny and kichida talk about it. Although I still don’t like kichida I honestly think he didn’t do it to make her infertile so that he could have sex without impregnating her. He just did it out of desperation to try to save her. But well Lenny herself can’t be 100% sure so we can’t be either. That’s just how I felt reading it.

    Don’t worry, read until the end and it will be ok (the having kids part) :blobhug:
  2. GreenLily

    GreenLily Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Thank you so much for the spoiler.

    Just sayin. Armanu is kind of a bish. Kata is too blinded by love and too good for her. I am doubting my reading comprehension but I wish Lenny isnt Armanu's reincarnation or something.

    I actually quite like Enki at first for planting the seed of doubt into Armanu. And holding on his gift from God. Thats realistic and hey, why would you ask someone you love to sacrifice his everything for you? The reason why I hate Armanu.

    Kinda sad that he regretted letting Armanu go and became(?) Kichida instead. Wait so it is still implied Lenny was Armanu? Oh shied... :sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely:

    Well they are 2 different people now. Lenny isnt so perfect either. I just dont like Armanu that much ahahah. She reminds me of Pandora from greek gods myth but worse.
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  3. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    Yea I’m not a fan of Armanu either because she seems pretty selfish testing each of them and pretty bold to go to the second guy after she’s not happy with the first.

    Enki is actually not the black dragon. Enki is the father of the black dragon. The black dragon is who planted the seed of doubt.

    But I think the black dragon planted the seed of doubt to make it more advantageous for him to get picked. Its purely for selfish reasons. Armanu didn’t seem that smart in the story and I strongly doubt she would come up with the idea to test them. She was still undecided completely.

    Yes I felt it was kind of surprising the black dragon felt so much regret and wanted a second chance with her. Felt like he’s just lonely and bored and wanted to feel something like Kata. So he was jealous. It was hard for me to completely believed he loved her after doing the spiteful thing knowing it would lead to both their ruin. Only because he wasn’t picked in the first place.

    I like Lenny though. Don’t really see her as that similar to Armanu since she fights really hard for everything. But she’s not perfect. Yea it’s implied Lenny is Armanu reincarnated because of the last bit in the side story. He’s dreaming of the time Lenny accompanied him on his donkey back when they first met. And in the side story he wished them 3 to be all reincarnated in the same time.

    Glad you enjoyed the story :)
  4. Guide1410

    Guide1410 guide with bad sense of direction

    Sep 19, 2020
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    @shung90 Thank you very much for the spoilers and translations! Your spoilers are detailed and long and there is translation so it was really easy to understand. Tysm :aww:
    I love this story very much, and the ending satisfied me :cookie:
    and also hey guys I made a pickup thread for this:
    I really wish a translator would pick this up so we can get to read this story.
    simplysharonda, boom2424 and shung90 like this.
  5. MangaCommission

    MangaCommission Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    I am at chapter 14 manga. Can you explain how they can get from that point to her ending up with him?
    They basically told her he already moved on? What’s the twist?
    shung90 likes this.
  6. river.wyles

    river.wyles Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
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    As far as explained in the side story about Kichida, Armanu left Kata because Kichida (when he was still the snake) that she is just a filthy mud man who is not worthy of him, and she should choose someone of the same league to leave Kata alone (not ruining him anymore etc, just like how Kichida tricked Lenny to go with him). As explained Kichida was wise and good at manipulating, so Armanu ended up do as he said.

    Of course all we read is just spoiler, and I might understand it wrong, just hope it makes sense for you somehow xD

    Anyway this story was so good! Thanks a lot for the spoilers!
  7. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    You're welcome! Yea the black dragon played on her doubts, making her feel inadequate and not good enough for a god like Kata. The black dragon telling her that she's a dirty human and asking if she thinks that a glorious god like Kata would love her. Kata did love her unconditionally but she didn't know that (and the half truth the black dragon told was that the black dragon obviously knew Kata loved her, but didn't say it). She feel into his trap making her think she isn't good enough for him. Well, still though, she spent a night with Kata and she rejected him because he wouldn't give her eternal life. If she really loved him sincerely wouldn't she just let it go?

    Yes the side story confirms that Black Dragon got reincarnated as Kuchida. I quite enjoyed the karma aspect too haha

    In the side story I didn't translate yet, from what I can understand from MTL, after brought back to live, she didn't have a beautiful appearance anymore. I think her hair went back to brown.

    The part about the cameo's of the gods, I couldn't say for certain I 100% knew which gods were who because of the MTL. I'm pretty sure the old man was Utu. I thought the old woman at the beginning is Ianna, not sure. And really not sure who the underworld person was, though he seems familiar too...
  8. deathany4390

    deathany4390 New Member

    May 19, 2021
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    Does anyone know if there is a discord group for this novel?
  9. deathany4390

    deathany4390 New Member

    May 19, 2021
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    Has anyone heard of light novel heaven here? They translate several Korean novels. If they get enough requests for The Golden Forest, they might add it to their list!
    Rin.rinaaa likes this.
  10. Dreamingflower

    Dreamingflower Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    I started to read the webtoon, since the story is inspired by the Sumerian myths, at least they borrowed the name of the gods and certain customs from Sumerian culture. But it really caught my attention and thank you very much for sharing these spoilers
    boom2424 and shung90 like this.
  11. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I'm worried about the heir part. Do they have to bring in another woman for Kun to screw with so they have a heir? Fuck no please. I literally hate that. Please someone tell me if they did that. I don't want this to turn like that one manhwa with the knight thing ugh.
  12. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    No, doesn’t explain clearly why but after she gets brought back to life she can have kids. They have quadruplets in fact.
    vannaokuzo and dancewesteal like this.
  13. DebZee

    DebZee Active Member

    Aug 3, 2021
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    This story is just so sweet. I cried like a baby throughout the happy and the sad parts.
    It's so funny how Kun was all "what a bad son" and his own grandfather was so enraged.

    The switch ending was such a whiplash. Like. Damn. Was not expecting that. But it made everything so much sweeter.
    Honestly, I think MC is still so smart to figure out word play and nuances that others wouldn't. She was perhaps tricked by the Black Dragon, but it's very much understandable why. He's supposed to be the representation of wisdom. The worst part was that he understood compassion and love and still chose otherwise. Both times.

    But what was one of the most painful realizations was that the girl everyone thought was the representation of the tree was just so human and so uncertain about their love that she decided to abandon it first. And in the end, she died without even realizing...

    MC did the same thing, but at least she could go back.

    ALSO!!! The people on the mountains always thought they were descendants of the eagle, but they were actually the children of a god??
    It's so contradicting.

    In the end...That guy really was just too good. Waiting till his own death and everything. The reason she didn't come back was because she didn't wait at the gate. MC/Lenny or whatever her name is DID. Cause she received and believed in his love.

    To think that would be the turning point. Security in love. To think this was the difference between the happy end and the sad end...
    But Kun really was just too sweet...♥️
    PrincessBubblegum, Elren and shung90 like this.
  14. mj209

    mj209 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    Thank you all who put effort and dedicated your time with the translations and explanations of this beautiful story… specially thanks to @shung90 :blob_plusone::blobmelt:

    The story is a bit difficult to understand, but I really loved how it ended and the twist ending :blobparty:

    The only concepts / things I didn’t like much in the story were:
    1. The snu snu parts should been more descriptive and hottt lol :blobnosebleed:
    2. How Lenny went back with kuchida and he made her a ‘whore’ then lock her… I really hoped that shouldn’t have happened :blobtired:
    3. I really like the tale of Kata and how Kuhn was him but I don’t think it was necessary to transform him into a ‘blonde’ person/ god… looking at the manhwa Kuhn looks REALLY GOOD :blobnosebleed: and even Lenny kept telling him he was ‘pretty’ , just hoped he would stay looking like the manhwa just more majestic? Even though he said looks don’t matter, didn’t like that Kuhn was not attractive in the story :blobunamused: just my thoughts lol
  15. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    Yes, what a good point that Lenny was the reincarnation of Amaru, but she's the one that changed the most. Kun and Kichida were pretty similar to their previous life, made the same choices and mistakes. Lenny though like you said really believed in love and took a chance even though she would be hurt.

    I love the twist part which the mountain people were revealed to be the descendants of the god, not the eagle. All based on a simple misunderstanding that they looked ugly. Never judge a book by it's cover, a simple lesson that is true today as well.

    1. Yea it's not a 19+ novel unfortunately....too bad
    2. I think that part made you realize how crazy and obsessed he was, and honestly so irredeemable for me
    3. I guess turning him into a blond pretty god is just the way to show he's the true descendant of Kata. If he looks the same it's not dramatic reveal his is a god.

    Yea the twist ending is the best!
  16. jbchick11

    jbchick11 New Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Seriously thank you so much @shung90 for translating this!!! The story and construction We’re phenomenal and I’m soo thankful you did this!! This makes me really excited for the Manwha!

    Also - the black dragon story twist was mind blowing! My jaw dropped/ I was screaming out loud in my room reading the ending and the epilogue stories!!
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
    Elren and shung90 like this.
  17. Liya

    Liya Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Just why oh why her name is Lenny but the story is not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    ysabelover likes this.
  18. Bowzers

    Bowzers Member

    Oct 16, 2021
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    Thank you so much for your time uploading the chapter summaries!! I read the webtoon and since it's own going, I found this forum and your chapters, and stayed up late late last night reading them ... my heart is so at peace and full now. :aww::blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed:

    Im not sure If this was already mentioned previously, but I'm super curious about the marriage ritual for Kun/Northlanders. It's sooo cute in the webtoon and reading the chapters and then the webtoon again, I notice the allusions to the rituals. Just wanting to know If you could describe the marriage rituals that Kun did (Kun is just so cute!! :blobuwu:)

    Also, how can we repay your kindness?? So thankful for your time and work.
    shung90 likes this.