Spoiler Helena: Master of the Guardian Stone

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Deleted member 475588

    Deleted member 475588 Guest

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    I agree completely with everything that you said. On paper it’s cheating but that’s about it.
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  2. Juju48

    Juju48 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    Right. Even if time had kept running she had no chance of inheriting the house. Someone from the side line would have gotten the stone even after all her manipulations. She was set up to loose everything right from the start no matter what. All she did was unknowingly pay everything so her mother could have a few more minutes of respect as the mother of the house. And met her downfall as a patsy. Tragic. Honestly trusting her mother was her biggest mistake. It was obvious that her mother was outright lying to her, yet she ignored it.
  3. Deleted member 475588

    Deleted member 475588 Guest

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    You are correct the mother is the cause of all of this she knows her daughter‘s plotting to kill the female lead. The marchioness over the years has convinced her daughter from a young age that the female lead’s birth and her mother. Are of the cause of their family falling apart. When marchioness knows in her heart that it was a forced political marriage and she walked into the marriage already pregnant with another man’s baby. Not to mention she was still continuing to see her lover even after the marriage. The stepsister believes if she kills the female lead the stone will go to her little does she know she has a rude awakening coming for her. The stone is an ancient family treasure not just anyone can receive it you must be related by blood to the Marquis. The female lead is a melting pot of mystical beings on top of that if she was to trace her ancestry. The stepsister is the type even if she knew the truth she would still try to justify her actions. The Marchioness modeled her daughter in her image.

  4. shinichilove

    shinichilove Active Member

    Feb 16, 2021
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    I'm really curious about the ML's origin and the reason why he has been helping the MC since 1st TL. Spoilers please :aww:
  5. micahkung

    micahkung Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    Can someone please tell me what Viat did to FL’s hairpin?
  6. Darkjacky07

    Darkjacky07 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2022
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    He put a tracking spell on it.
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  7. Deleted member 475588

    Deleted member 475588 Guest

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    He used his magic to monitor all of her activities, who she talks to and where she goes. The step sister is paranoid by nature so she wants to know everything , even what she’s thinking at all times. She also did this in the first timeline as well monitoring her.
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  8. milafalconidae

    milafalconidae Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2020
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    So, what happens with the sister in the end ?
    Did mc get her revenge ????
    I need answers
  9. Burnfavor1

    Burnfavor1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2021
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    What happens to the older sister, Does she get a redemption arch? Does she get what she deserved for her first life?
    At first, I felt bad for her but the more I think the more I realize she is a character who can change but is too into self-pity and ruthless. I think this is her character even if FL was her true sister and they shared the same parents. Cause how can one really justify starving, neglecting and actively bullying, and making others bully ANYONE let alone a sibling?
    Yes her mother for sure did not raise her in any positive way BUT generally speaking, she did not abuse her matter of fact she went out of her way to protect her, yes for her own greed but I think she loves her daughter in her toxic way. She got the best home, school, food, reputation, and also like/love from her mother and those around her. Yes, she did not have love from her father (who is her biological father anyway?) even tho I doubt that he was angry at her, seemed more like he was trying to confront the mother and she was there so bad timing, especially for a child. Unlike FL who even tho abused and loveless she still had the character type of not being malice toward others without reason. I could forgive the older sister if she had a bad end in her first life and she gets redemption arch in this life. IN that order, cause that happens to most villainous and the saints LOL

    As for Fl parents, Yes they apparently had an affair, I WOULD too, seeing how his wife did not care and had her own affairs before he did. I don't think she would have minded if not for the divorce which he was honorable in doing just not a SMART move. Honestly can't believe his wife pulled of killing or being part of the murders of the FL parents, she seems to dumb for that
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
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  10. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    The girl didn't cheat because they weren't even married yet tf. I said "imo it's cheating on PAPER." Learn to read and understand. Ur making it sound as if I'm letting the girl go and only getting mad at the dude. Was my reply not that clear? I'm confused. :blobwoah:
    ValReads likes this.
  11. Minhwan

    Minhwan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2022
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    First of all... I think cheating will only be apply if you love each other but the others finds someone behind your back, and as far as I know they have political marriage it doesn't contain love and nor they love each other through their time as a married couple, so no one can say if someone love the others since it's not even their will to marry... Well I'm not saying it's ok to cheat but you marry the person you don't even love but when you find someone you really love then what that's cheating?
  12. micahkung

    micahkung Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    Thank you:blob_grin:
  13. Deleted member 475588

    Deleted member 475588 Guest

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    The stepmother yes she likes money however she LOVES being a noble and indulging in the luxuries/respect that come with having a noble title more. In this novel being rich with no noble title does not give you the same respect or benefits as somebody who is of a noble bloodline.

    Agreed. People synthesized more with the stepsister’s mother than they did the father. Making it seem as if they were in a loving relationship and him having an affair is what made her the way she is. Even convincing her daughter of this too. When in fact that was a lie she was like this even before getting married.

    I just don’t like seeing the stepsister’s mother being betrayed as a victim when she wasn’t. Ironic how the gender roles are reversed just like you said and how the man still was the one that got dragged to filth. What a lot of people fail to understand is the stepmother wasn’t upset that he fell in love with another woman. She was upset because she saw a baby of his bloodline as a threat to her daughter inheriting his title.

    Even though he is not the stepsister‘s biological father. The Marchioness could care less about who her husband was with because she had a lover before and during the marriage. She may not be the brightest but the love she has for her daughter is unrivaled. She will do anything she can to give her daughter the best life she can.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2023
  14. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    That's right. I said this bfr as well in one of my comments bfr this one that no matter what people start to sympathize with the woman and curse the man. At least think of his perspective as well. I know that mostly it's men who are in the wrong since women are mostly faithful to the person they love but that's not always the case. Don't comment like that bfr knowing their side of story. Her love for her daughter is whats going to destroy her daughter. She made marquis's legitimate and only child live in filth without any affection and kicked out anyone who showed her even a little bit of affection whereas took everything that should have belonged to her and even killed her parents. Viat suffering bcz of her mother's crime is what someone said in one of the comments but I don't agree. Viat already knows who killed her father. She knows it all yet supports her mother cz of her so called jealousy since her father loved her sister and not her. someone said that viat felt like the father was wrong since he cheated on her mother but uknow the story portrayed viat smart. How could she not know this that if her father wanted to cheat on her mother he could have killed her and after like waiting for 2-3 years he could have married MCs mother then MC wouldn't be an illegitimate child but he didn't. He asked for a divorce which was practically impossible since nobles weren't allowed to divorce. Rather it was her mother who killed her father as well as MCs mother. The only reason MC wasn't Harmed was bcz everyone knew of her existence and if she was to die then it's obvious who the culprit is. And viat was going to get rid of her after getting the stone in first place before MC even got the stone but her plan failed since MC got the powers so she has to wait. Since the marquis was killed the stone didn't manifest in anyone for 10yrs so nobles knew that he was killed so she was waiting for the stone to manifest in her so that everyone would forget about MCs existence and then she could kill her easily without any suspicion. That's what I could speculate. Viat is not a pitiful character at all but everyone is pitying her
  15. Juju48

    Juju48 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    That could definitely be the case. The only plot hole is that viat isn't a daughter of Crozen. If she knew everything, she would not be waiting around for the stone to recognize her. It can't recognize her since her blood isn't Crozen. Her belief that killing her sister will get her the stone is, in my opinion, proof that she's been lied to.
    minim00nlight and nihal eleonor like this.
  16. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I know she doesn't know about her own situation but still even if she was a legitimate daughter of marquis, she doesn't have the right to kill MC. She killed her parents with her mother and isn't leaving her alone as well. To kill someone to satisfy yourself is cheap and she can't take i wasn't loved so i hate you as an excuse to kill MC.
    Dhiyfal, Sarah1281, akasugaro and 3 others like this.
  17. akera93

    akera93 Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Does anyone know what becomes of the step sister and step mother at the end? Also the murderous garbage fiancé.
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  18. Fluffy From Flufferland

    Fluffy From Flufferland Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I find it hard to read this story since I absolutely cannot find it in myself to hate the sister as well.
    You pointed out everything I wanted to say and the MC isn't very bright and deserving of her position as a heir. The sister is so capable and smart. I actually like her than the MC :notlikeblob::blobtired:

    Tbh I consider the Marchioness the main villainess and Viat and MC are both the victims of her selfishness. Viat seems to be a decent girl in matters when it did not concern MC.

    Tbh I don't find her evil at all since I know very well that if I grew up in a situation similar to hers, not knowing the parent's relationship, with her mother lying and brainwashing her and seeing the man she thought her father loved another child and not her for any moment, anyone would turn evil. She was only a child when she faced the family conflict.

    I'm sure all those supporting MC here would not do that had MC been evil as well even if it was known Viat wasn't the Marquis' child. And those who say the dad was only human so he cheated and hated on the innocent child that's not his and it's justified, Viat is also human and a child that grew up unloved. (The mother only stuffed her thoughts and whining into her and did not properly care for her)
    And those who say killing isn't justified....Not everyone can remain rational when their life is full of negativity. It just comes down to whether you have the courage to take the step or not and Viat took the step that's all.
    Tbh I really like leads like Lelouch and Light so I don't find what Viat did horrible when I think from her perspective. She never had a moment of peace in her life. She's not much better of than MC.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
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  19. Ganso777

    Ganso777 Active Member

    May 26, 2020
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    As the wish before time leaping was to get revenge I expect no forgiveness - especially for mother and sister duo. As per prior spoiler we know the ending of the ex fiance, but I'm more curious about the ending for Viatte and the marchioness.
    Also, does the aftermath in the first timeline exist?
  20. Emma626

    Emma626 626 flavors of love, none for you~

    Apr 26, 2021
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    Am I the only one here who wants the story to be written in Viatt's favor? I don't know but the whole time I'm reading this, I felt this sense of incongruity. I understand that fl may not have been wrong but her parents, still Viatt's pov is definitely not wrong either. While she's working hard, fl is already enchanted by the ml's beauty and kindness and forgets the fact that it won't help her in her plan. I know she wasn't allowed to do anything, yet now that she has a 2nd chance. It's not the time to wallow about the beauty of the ml. She has to step up her game so she can be on a par with Viatt. At this point I can't hate Viatt but fl too isn't hateful it's the circumstances their parents left. Ugh this is hurting my head.