Discussion Honestly I would rather live in a zombie apocalypse...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Cutter Masterson, Jun 24, 2020.


Which would you rather live through? A zombie apocalypse or COVID for a year?

  1. COVID

    10 vote(s)
  2. Zombie

    10 vote(s)
  3. Valentines

    14 vote(s)
  4. Rectal examination

    3 vote(s)
  1. BB_Tensei

    BB_Tensei [Crystal Operator][Jack of all Trades]

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Eh, variations of this thing hit every 5-10 years. Remakes be on steroids in 2020. Next thing you know, cities will get nuked over it in 2028.
    Chiiiiiiiii likes this.
  2. DocB

    DocB "I see you, little mouse! Run along"

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Fat Man 2, the RE:fusion
    Little Boy 2, electric boogaloo
  3. BB_Tensei

    BB_Tensei [Crystal Operator][Jack of all Trades]

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I doubt we'll get to fusion bombs with the economy in this state. It's good old fission, for sure.
  4. A Certain G.I.R.L.

    A Certain G.I.R.L. Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    I am unsure if it is possible to survive a whole year's worth of rectal examinations...
    kenar and Cutter Masterson like this.
  5. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Finale someone caught that. My question thou is who are the two that choose that as an option.
  6. Miserys_End

    Miserys_End 「Lv1 Pretend Person」I'm the preson i pretend to be

    Nov 25, 2017
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    While I'm firmly in the "my anus is exit only" camp, I'm sure there are a few that would only be bored after a year's worth of rectal excavation....
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  7. Amaruna Myu

    Amaruna Myu ugly squid dokja (●´∀`●)

    Aug 28, 2016
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    covid got resources
    zombi no resources
  8. A Certain G.I.R.L.

    A Certain G.I.R.L. Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Well... I'd rather not think too much on it.
    Well, exams aren't particularly entertaining, so I can understand getting bored.
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  9. Chiiiiiiiii

    Chiiiiiiiii >Daoist Thirteen Bears< >Hero Astral Saber<

    Dec 4, 2015
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    After all it's more freaking out than actually being deadly.
    Were I live there are many people already fed up with it and saying "whatever", kind like the case of England's citizen saying whatever for the bombs falling on their city on WW2 and going back to work, after all it's pretty much the same waiting for death or fighting it kind of feeling.... though the chance of dying is not that much if compared with others in my country.
    There's a interesting story:
    One man met the Disease at the desert, the Disease said it would go on a city and would kill 50.000 people..... after a while the man and disease met again. The man said "didn't you say that you would only kill 50.000? You killed 250.000!", bu the Disease responded at easy "No, I only killed 50.000, the 200.000 died by despair".
    Also, I don't how many of you perceived that there seems to be something wrong with the media, after all when they call a scientist that received a nobel prize and many other scientists/doctor as fake news and insist on the worse outcome it feels strange......

    kenar and Cutter Masterson like this.
  10. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    There are no glory in prevention. We took in the early data run our research on the virus and their method of spread as well as the population trends (hygiene and other habits such as gathering, eating habits etc) and we run estimate of the infection growth if They are just left without any kind of dynamic intervention in scales. The grim outlook prediction scares people into countermeasures which they are overcompensates. Then as they're being run progressively the expected grim outlook being predicted didn't happen and idiots would say the infection rate growth being scales model were wrong. Discounting the fact that the data we now are fed of were data where countermeasures are being taken not where there are no countermeasures being taken.

    Here's a challenge to just a flu gangs.
    Go purposefully get infected yourselves. After all this is just as bad as flu no ? Nothing you can't recover from.
    Then live just like you normally do and see what happens. If none close to you catch your covid during the whole ordeal then you might be right after all.
    Keep in mind what i suggested might have criminal charge depending on your country.
  11. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Ai-chan totally agrees. Not only can you easily see and point out who's a zombie, you can even escape them if you're smart. With this virus you just have to turtle and not go anywhere. Who knows if that bottle you're swiping from a grocery store is covered in crown juice.

    Besides, with zombies, you can throw your loan shark into the hoards and the result is immediate. Once he's dead, you won't have to pay your student loan anymore. With this virus, throwing the loan shark into a hospital only results in him getting a checkup for diabetes.
    Fulminata and Cutter Masterson like this.
  12. _BlissCity_

    _BlissCity_ head above the clouds

    Jul 2, 2019
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    I would rather live during the COVID pandemic...! Why?

    First, Zombies are DISGUSTING, UGLY, UNSIGHTLY, CANNIBALS(?). In short, scarier than the pandemic.

    Second, COVID is less deadly since there is a higher chance for cure with today's technology than antidote for Zombies.

    Third, Zombies are unknown creatures and humans don't even know anything true about them (if they even exist..). At least, there are past records of pandemics/epidemics/plague that helped humans prepare for COVID.

    To make it shorter, There's nothing more scarier than fear of the unknown.
  13. Chiiiiiiiii

    Chiiiiiiiii >Daoist Thirteen Bears< >Hero Astral Saber<

    Dec 4, 2015
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    The first signs were that the new virus wasn't so deadly, but had a high propagation rate...... with this the most orthodox doctors said to make the same as it's to all others disease, quarantine and treatment of the infected; some even proposed to isolate the risk group...... to lock everyone when it's not a zumbi or ebola virus magnitude does more bad than good, specially so for poor countries!

    "The State will send money for those in need" bullshit! That help isn't enough and it's not everyone who can get! Lives are at risk and isn't exactly because of the virus, it's the measures! One might say that lockdown will save more lives, but in the long run it will actually kill way more people!
    There are people that can stay comfortable at home, home office, or have plenty of money...... but most don't, I don't have this luxury either! The bills are pilling, the money is gone, the government won't help because I had a good money last year, but it's gone, 1 or 2 months closed was already a nightmare for micro entrepreneurs (self employed too), people getting unemployed, people going hungry (and their families too), companies closing, everything being destroyed...... but is not an ebola.....

    There were doctors who said around march that since it had a high propagation rate but relatively low death rate, that it would be a disease that would stay with us, that it would be like the h1n1, we wouldn't really get rid of it, sooner or later people will get it..... after all about 50%+ don't even have symptoms, and not all those who shows symptoms will end up needing a respirator and die, many will have lesser symptoms, many heal.....

    When we are in a desperate situation, at this crossroad of staying at home and dying, or go out and catch the virus and maybe die, of course we will choose the later! It's not the case of getting infected and will have a sure death! There's HOPE! Don't know if hidroxicloroquina, ivermectin and annita have a real effect at healing, but who knows, it's working for a lot of people (using at the beginning, not when already have a pulmonary thrombosis), if the effect is real or just a placebo effect doesn't really effect, as long it makes people more confident and bring people hope that they can pass through this is enough. We don't have time to wait for a vaccine, there's not any assurance that they will be actually be able to make, after all if it was so easy to make a vaccine why they didn't make for the many others older viruses? Even if by a miracle they are able to make a vaccine, there isn't any guarantee for they giving vaccine for all population either, after all we are already a broken country....... there's no free meal in the world, if they give the vaccine for us they will surely demand something from us, and I'm not willing to be a paw for those games that will cost even more lives......

    Also, I think that I've already got the disease... after all I work in a neighborhood that have money (medium class and a little +), those people love to travel to Europe and spending the carnival in other more exciting cities, no wonder it is one of neighborhoods with most cases, it would make sense for me to get infected around february or even now; on march (summer) the gym teacher had some flu (ferver + pain); some days ago I had some coughs and light ferver it was probably that, it stopped after I took the medicine....

    Then you watch tv and some kid say that you should stay at home, that if go out you will die..... come on, there's already so many pandemics going at the same time in the country + the violence cases (one of the biggest in the world), this disease ain't all that lethal if compared with the ongoing pandemic, I actually feel that there's a higher chance for me to die from this other pandemic than from covid.... but compared with covid there's no drugs with apparent effect in treating, on the better case it can give plenty of body pain and high fever, the worst case scenario you will bleed all over the place, with others complications, with slim chance of surviving.... I'd rather get covid, it seems less deadly and there's more treatments that works than for the other (even more now that they only give attention to covid patients, like all other diseases doesn't exist and just end up letting people die...).......... this situation is so f*cked up.... :blobwoah:

    Come on! Cheer up! Let's go work and exercise! If we get too idle a ton of diseases will be able to kill us! Bandits too! Fight!! :blobhero:
  14. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Lockdown are an emergency last resort to give time to the healthcare system to process their high number of people that need hospitalization coming their way. Yes, the disease weren't so deadly, and yes the most fatalities that happened were within the old or very old age group with comorbidities or other chronic complications but then there's younger peoples and healthy peoples that died too (due to cytokine storm syndrome). Back in February and March there's very few things they knew about the virus (how it act within the bodies or any of their effective treatment mostly unknown) and rapid exponential infections swamped many European country healthcare system with cases that need hospitalization. And then their medical staff and workers get sick and die too during the ordeals. Understand the idea where there might be potentially more case when you also get the number of medical forces get dwindled at the same time do you ? Especially when you're on a high office where you're taken as responsible. Keep in mind there's also other common cases that need hospitalization during the ordeal.

    If any of you wondering how it goes when you catch it, there will be coughing fit, your body would feel very weak, you would have diarrhea and nausea, while you'll also develop breathing difficulties which if it get worsen 50% it might have you in need of breathing assistance (in which 30% might die). The disease would incapacitate you for at least two weeks or more and you'll definitely need hospitalization in case it does developed into full sickness. Otherwise you might recover without even knowing you catch them.

    Until there's over the counter medicine for the public it's only sensible to limit the possibility of the infection spread. All in all do i support lockdown ? No i don't, but other measure such as limiting proximity of people within the same space and wearing mask in public space should still be in place until you can have definitive treatment available for the public.
  15. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Hmn... Which to choose...

    One being an apocalypse being able to kill a lot of people, able to infect lots of citizens, chaos would ensure, military are now legalize to kill innocent be it infected or not, the lack of resources and especially..... No internet.....

    Or just some virus where people can get locked up and live their isolated lives.

    No seriously, i'm not a smartass but Zombie apocalypse over a virus? I'm sure you are already gone mentally insane from being locked up but my opinion over this is kinda confusing.

    As a zombie fanatic, i know the situation one occurs when a zombie apocalypse would happen and i can list them which are far more dangerous than a virus.

    First of all is the military. Even zombies are easily killable, one would start to suspect civilians in an area to be infected and would randomly start to kill innocent lives due to panic and doubts. Plus, with this pandemic already been causing chaos, you damn sure as hell know that Zombie apocalypse will actually cause even more chaos and spread faster than covid.

    Second, resources. Well, with less people would be sure to be less shortage right? Yup, that is until you actually survive. People would hog all the resources before you can even manage to get a single can. Plus, even some resources would actually get infected and turn you into a zombie later on.

    I could actually talk more of this topic but i'm too lazy to make a document which most won't definetly read but just some main features as such.

    -Covid can be build and resist it but zombies do not.
    -Covid is less painful than slowly transforming into a zombie after bitten and even worse is that you might still be living while undead.
    -Even if your prepared, it might not be enough as you don't live in a movie.
    -Raiders, Psychopaths and other human insanity isn't stopping a zombie apocalypse.
    -You might start missing your life as a normal person before the apocalypse.

    And this is actually coming from a guy who wants to kill himself everyday... Shame on you guys...

    This is just my honest opinion and don't want to reply anymore since i used up my limited brain cell.
  16. GoneGretel

    GoneGretel Sequence 8: Student of Ratiocination

    Jan 27, 2019
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    For a couch potato like me... zombie apocalypse involves quite a lot of running... so.. nope! :blobsleeping:
  17. Chiiiiiiiii

    Chiiiiiiiii >Daoist Thirteen Bears< >Hero Astral Saber<

    Dec 4, 2015
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    Sorry for the lateness in replying, I was cursing my country's politicians for them trying to censor people and do political persecution.

    Well, this thing of readiness only works for rich countries, if poor countries were to wait in lockdown until their country health system is ready then most of poor people would've died of hunger and other problems....... that's the problem, one thing is not know the disease, the other is know the minimum and still locking everyone without real necessity........
    To say that there's a need for lockdown because the hospital will be full is the same as saying that they should cancel carnival because after the festivities there's a rise of sexually transmissible diseases, or that cars and motorcycles should be prohibited because there's lots of accidents everyday and lots of deaths too.....
    But not only did they do a lockdown in the beginning, it's lasting months, and they said that if there's no vaccine (which is not easy to do even if cutting corners) we should do a lockdown for 2 years...... can people really bear it? If we are to lock everything whenever there's a new disease, many people will suffer..... it's impossible......
    People say that we shouldn't think of economy and just think about saving lives.... but they can't see that for each unemployed person, the chance of dying rises..... when people have no money (or little) they will feed themselves (and their families) poorly, and if they feed themselves poorly they will be malnourished, if people are malnourished they will be more susceptible to diseases, if they are more susceptible to diseases there will be higher chances of dying (which is already happening in my country).... without saying about the rise of violence (the rise of domestic violence in my country have been awful) and psychological problems that might lead to death (high blood pressure, heart attack..... all on the table of c-virus)....... in my country about 75% of employment is by small companies (those little shops, bakeries, restaurants, and so on), but small companies can only stay closed by +-30 days, after that it's difficult to stay open.... how many people will be unemployed and die because of those draconian measures?
    To say it's all in the name of science is one of the most f#cked up thing! There's lots of people researching, there's nothing absolute..... in this pandemic they decided in utilizing a new method, which have no real proof and had it's paper opposed years before, instead of doing the orthodox method......
    Why people can't decide by themselves? If they can vote to decide the ways of a country, so why are people unable to decide if they want to go out or not? They even able to decide to make business and go out everyday even when they live in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, but why they aren't able to do it now?
    Please, remember one thing, what Hitler was doing was also in the name of science, in the name of the well being of people...... politicians can use "it's in the name of science" for whatever they want, and is only on the science that is on their favor.....
  18. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Wow many misconception and strange idea written here but one thing i need to clarify is that i don't support lockdown unless it's an extremely necessary.

    "Well, this thing of readiness only works for rich countries" not really poor countries would be even less capable to handle large scale outbreak in which their population would died off en masse should one happened that they can't handle.

    "if poor countries were to wait in lockdown until their country health system is ready then most of poor people would've died of hunger and other problems" this is true. Though the terms one to describe healthcare system being swamped by sick people is 'overwhelmed' or 'over capacity' not unready.

    "To say that there's a need for lockdown because the hospital will be full is the same as saying that they should cancel carnival because after the festivities there's a rise of sexually transmissible diseases, or that cars and motorcycles should be prohibited because there's lots of accidents everyday and lots of deaths too....."
    Pandemic is when there's mass of peoples that all got sick at the same time not because there's many recorded cases. If suddenly there's mass automobile accident happen that none can stop and none knows why i would say that stop driving until we knows why sounds like a good idea to me.

    "People say that we shouldn't think of economy and just think about saving lives.... but they can't see that for each unemployed person, the chance of dying rises..... when people have no money (or little) they will feed themselves (and their families) poorly, and if they feed themselves poorly they will be malnourished, if people are malnourished they will be more susceptible to diseases, if they are more susceptible to diseases there will be higher chances of dying (which is already happening in my country)."
    I agree.

    "There's lots of people researching, there's nothing absolute..... in this pandemic they decided in utilizing a new method, which have no real proof and had it's paper opposed years before, instead of doing the orthodox method......"
    Because this is a new and never seen before cases. For one thing that the disease doesn't make people sick for weeks while they infect others during said period. No orthodox measure can cope with disease that it's spreader doesn't even sick.

    "Please, remember one thing, what Hitler was doing was also in the name of science."
    No dearie Hitler worst crime known wasn't in the name of science it's in the delusion of mythical obligation of his races. Though you can probably argued that he's using pseudoscience to back his claim.

    Forgot to add that you're free to cope with your own situation that i can agree but what about when you infect others by purposefully ignoring the hygienic guidelines ?
    That and what's your plan if in you got sick of them in the end other than going to hospitals ? Knowing that no over the counter medicine that work in treating them ?
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
  19. imK

    imK Artful Dodger

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Well either way if we went back to basic subsistence I'd be fine. Most of you would die though.
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  20. Fulminata

    Fulminata Typo-ist | Officer of Heavenly Inc. |

    Jul 4, 2018
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    i will die without potato chips and gloss. And cafes that serve double espresso.
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