Discussion How many times have you wanted be an A$$hole?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Cutter Masterson, Oct 22, 2021.


How often do you tell yourself. I want to do an A$$hole move?

  1. 1 or 2 times an hour

    8 vote(s)
  2. 1 or 2 times a day

    6 vote(s)
  3. 1 or 2 times a week

    4 vote(s)
  4. 1 or 2 times a month

    3 vote(s)
  5. 1 or 2 times a year

    0 vote(s)
  6. Never

    0 vote(s)
  1. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Seriously, I did a double take. When I wish I could have been an a$$hole. Than a thought to myself. Wait what are you thinking. Who would want to be an a$$hole.
    Than I realize I probably wish it more often than I realize. Lol.
    I ask you. Have you ever wanted to do an a$$hole move? Like
    Yell at another driver.
    Double dipping in some sauce.
    Cut in line.
    Lie so you can get something you want.
    I could go on and on, but you get the idea. So I ask how often do you think about it, but don’t do it?
  2. Kirikaize

    Kirikaize Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2016
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    Pretty often. It's just the consequences keeping me at bay. I go through a bunch of dialogue in my own head, like how I'll respond and how they'd reply and what I would say. And sometimes I'd wonder about how it would feel to stick your arm out of a window when driving close to a wall, walking with something in your mouth and then falling face first, crashing a car, stuff like that.
    Baldingere and Cutter Masterson like this.
  3. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Same here bro. I have had similar thoughts in the past
  4. Deleted member 369806

    Deleted member 369806 Guest

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    Whenever outside, I am in a bad mood and someone around is being an a$$hole, I try to control myself not to be one as well XD
  5. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Yep... usually happens right after a jerk does something mean to me. Usually in games like Among Us. And I want to try being the jerk for payback, just a little bit >.<;;
  6. a14635

    a14635 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Every single time I have to deal with idiots. :facepalm:
    Luckily, since these past few years have forced me to live on my own, I no longer have to deal with them on my own personal time. Still have to deal with them on my working hours, and every time I go shopping though.:blob_thor:
    Baldingere and Cutter Masterson like this.
  7. Nefasdetestasti

    Nefasdetestasti ❄️Wɪɴᴛᴇʀ's Sᴏɴɢ❄️ ||| [Schrödinger Pantsu]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    We all are.
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  8. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    You didn't add

    Every f*** moment

    But I'd choose 1 or 2 times a month
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  9. Seigin

    Seigin [Lolicon][GenderBender Banzai!]

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Multiple times when playing Mmo's

    When I'm far superior interms of power and see players weaker than me gathering resources above them

    I was like "mortal dare to covet treasure that is not meant for them thus i shall punish you buy murder" but held it in multiple times and just let them gather it.
    Baldingere and Cutter Masterson like this.
  10. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I usually prefer to be as much of a goody-two-shoes as possible actually! xD
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  11. Deleted member 202210

    Deleted member 202210 Guest

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    Basically whenever I meet one, I want to be one. But well i just usually think it's a waste of time and energy so... Ignore.
  12. seemanta

    seemanta ţɦɛ ʏօʊռɢɛsţ ɮʀѧţ ɨռ ţɦɛ ɦօʊsɛ

    Jul 9, 2020
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    It depends on how much social interaction I did that day. I really really really want to be an a$$hole when I get into a disagreement with someone or just have a bad day. But it's not like doing that will definitely make me happier so I try to repress that urge and just ignore everything. But not venting isn't very healthy either so once or twice a month, when I see my sister is also in irritated, I act like an a$$hole to her. Then we both curse, argue or fight which lets both of us vent. My sister does the same to me and it's almost like an unspoken agreement. We also apologize to each other after a while and don't bring up these fights later.
    Baldingere and Cutter Masterson like this.
  13. Baldingere

    Baldingere Roseau pensant

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Generally, I don't. The exception is my youngest sibling. He drives me crazy. His hypocrisy of doing something then turning around, (sometimes only assuming I did that too) and nailing me to the cross for it just makes my blood boil. I do get snappy then. But I still don't act as an a$$hole cuz it would bother me to let my behavior be driven by his actions. You know, when people are d**ks to you, and it makes you wanna be a dic* back? I find that impulse so hard to control and it's highly annoying. I wanna live life abiding to my morals, and "if they did it first, it's fine for me to be mean" just contradicts that. It's like these a$$holes manage to turn me into an a$$hole with them. And even when I know the best way to win is to be kind to them (because what better way to prove that you are kind than to be kind to people you don't like?) revenge seems so sweet sometimes.
  14. applebeans

    applebeans Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Sometimes I just want to throw things around and destroy stuff, like maybe twice a year?

    unfortunately those were bought with money not to mention they are usually way more useful and pretty intact than smashed

    sometimes i meet people I want to slap or makes me want the ability to curse them to silence — x —

    Since the pandemic I have met less and less annoying stuff

    It’s be so freeing to be able to not care about anything and just be super selfish ~ , ~
    seemanta and Cutter Masterson like this.
  15. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    I try not to, in any situation, because that'd be me lowering myself down to their 'level'.

    Man. And you see, my problem is I'm just tired have having to be the mature one in situations, especially at home. I'm usually not an a$$, when I am, someone must've done something to tick me off.
    I already learned the lessons of minding my own business, walking away, keeping my composure, and biting my tongue. But these people make me want to just let go of my cool and be an a$$ when they don't do the same. :blobsalt::blobsalt::blobsalt::blobsalt:
    It happens these days still, but not as often like the past; when I'd get upset/whine about something, respond to something with sarcasm and spite, or do something petty I then got scolded heavily for it. Even though I'd rarely get to act this way since I was (and still am) having to be the 'mature' and older brother. And it's tiring having to be a decent human being in a situation where you're not being treated like one. (this really is annoying when you're dealing with people your same age, older, and/or should know better already).

    So yeah. My mindset these past few months have been "F%*k it". I know there will be consequences, but that's the thing: I KNOW there will be consequences, but I'm willing to take responsibility for my actions and not blame it on someone else. When I don't hold the door open for you, 'accidentally' step on your toes, drop what I'm handing to you, or say something snide, just know you've seriously done something wrong and childish to receive such childish actions back.
    If you want to play the game of sassy elementary kids, I'm willing to go all in.

    I believe as the saying goes: "If you can't receive it, don't dish it out."
    The biggest thing that makes me want to be an a$$ is when peOPLE DON'T DRIVE CORRECTLY. People here in Michigan can LITERALLY not drive for hell's sake. Their biggest issue is not using their mOThERTRUCKING BLINKERS. It gets on my nerves so bad. The Holy ghost can move in mysterious ways, BUT GUESS WHAT?? You don't have to!! Turn on your damn blinker so I don't have to question which way you're going to turn, or have to stand at the sidewalk awkwardly wondering if I can cross the street or not, fearing you'll run me over and then curse ME for not looking in the right direction.
    ;-; Also, the people who usher you to drive even though you're in the left lane....*sigh* it's like all these people spawned into a car and started driving around. Maybe people in Michigan are getting their driver licenses from homeless people, I dunno. They can. Not. DRIVE.

    Yeah. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk I guess :blobpopcorn_two: Didn't mean to write so much...
    Baldingere and Cutter Masterson like this.
  16. Kadmos1

    Kadmos1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I have been an a-hole daily for I don't know how many years.
  17. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Your two post ring so well with me. I’m going to have to say it…
    Bro’s if your ever in or around Portland, Oregon. The first round of drinks is on me (just don’t go crazy and order a $1,000 bottle of wine or something. Lol). Still it’s so good to know I’m not weird. In wanting to be A$$hole. Lol
    Lurking, Baldingere and Mr. Tired like this.
  18. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    this cat being indifferent already enuf to call as jerk~
    this cat Clan ( big family) trait is kinda short fuse and stubborn so..... there plenty who can become jerk, we kinda exercise being patience and soft spoke this cat tell ya~ male or female is same~ nyahahaha!
    Cutter Masterson and Baldingere like this.
  19. Lurking

    Lurking Do the dead suffer, or is it a sweet release?

    May 5, 2018
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    I dont keep track

    Sometimes i do.

    im way more willing to commit crime thqn i wqs in the past. in the past id hop fences whatever, dont care about property laws. now i'll also take a 5 finger discount with corps, but not with small shops. i try to weigh the actual moral value of a thing, as opposed to strict law interpretation.

    Yelling at other cyclists is sometimes good, those idiots dont know they need to signal if they want to pass safely, if they cant be bothered to yell a signal they should get a damn bell.

    i have thoughts but dont act on putting up insulting signs to idiot drivers. im particularly done with those who use the crosswalk to turn, your car is not meant to sit in perpindicular traffic, the crosswalk is also perpendicular traffic. yeehaws for brains, they are a hazard.

    after stealing from corps, the option to steal anywhere appears as a course, so i often resist that.
    Cutter Masterson likes this.