Discussion I am tired of people complaining about sexism in harem novels

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by RarestProGamer, May 8, 2020.

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  1. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Damn atlast my brothers have awoken !!

    Let man-esim begin!!


    jokes aside, theres mistake on both sides, and socially women are discriminated for weakness and incapability, and the rape cases are more "valid" that side, cause if a man is seduced then it's just his luck and not misfortune.

    But, even in CN novels, even though they objectify women by describing sexually, they are treated like dolls that need special care, this is wrong but at the same time it isn't torturing them.

    I've read few female orientated novels, where it seems to me the author taking out all his/her frustrations on men, and women in these are shown to be cunning scheming and control freaks.

    the mistake here is that, females are mistaken that feminism should be females ruling.but It should be about equal treatment.

    If you want to be treated same, then you should start learning not to expect things for men that has been taught to you by the sexist era.

    But no, some of them feel they need their special status and the equal status?, Where will we stand?.

    Well if someone thinks this is ridiculous, then let me correct that, I've seen many of my friends getting slapped and used by their gfs, and they never hit back (which I personally feel where the mistake lies, no one should get physical on each other, if they do, the opp has every right to retaliate.If they had, the matter would finish there itself) . Once the same guy who got slapped found her kissing some other guy, this guy went nuts and slapped the girl. Well a whole beehive came out, since it was a public place, everyone stood up for the poor victimized girl, they didn't even listen to the guys story, both men and women pushed him around and called the police.( The rest, the police didn't take any action just scolded him " why will raise your hands against a girl? Hu?, Even if she cheated you, just take it your loss and leave, she isn't worth it anyway).

    So the police played a double card, but f9 he should calm things down. But the public fulled by women discrimination just went bollocks.

    And the girls even support this, I spoke with my cousin about it, even said how she slapped the boy before and that too cause that fellow missed her birthday, and only thing she said was " so what?, If she makes a mistake does that mean he should to?, It's her choice if she wants to fool around, it isn't like you boys don't". Then I understood, this whole boys and girls has gone to a point where you simply can't point there and here, every isolated cased should seen differently but no, these people (men&women) bring the whole eons of fights.
  2. RarestProGamer

    RarestProGamer Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Wait, so the person did ask nicely and you eventually did end up explaining the term which you could have just done it in the first place like i originally said. Now all of that stuff you said and assumed @Nightow1 makes you feel really wrong now...huh.

    @drewjn "Self reflection may not necessarily be easy for anyone, but clearly being hypocritical to your own points is quite noteworthy." Its not too late for applying that now on yourself.
  3. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    Come to think of it, we haven't done this in a long time. The only proper response to a thread like this:

    I'm tired of people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about sexism in harem novels.

    Keep it going guys. :LOL:
  4. adrielpirate

    adrielpirate Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2016
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    Anra7777 and Moonpearl like this.
  5. RarestProGamer

    RarestProGamer Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Was it me or NUF was down for 15 minutes just now?
  6. Emmyy

    Emmyy Kadupul flower* blooms at midnight*dies at dawn

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Yeah I seldom wander into the quagmire of gen chat I check latest updates (severely lacking) spoilers, blogs, and of course it is a well known fact I am addicted to blackjack:p now on to writing discovered talk to text is viable sooo excited!
    drewjn likes this.
  7. darkchocolatesan

    darkchocolatesan Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2017
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    ... isn't that exactly what you've done by creating that post? Not saying that you're right or wrong, people definitely do post to seek online approval, just saying that it's a little hypocritical to ask people to not "go online to seek approval from random strangers" when that's kinda the same effect that you're getting by posting your opinion here. If you really think people shouldn't go online to seek approval from random strangers then you shouldn't be posting about your own opinions about harems either. Personally, I don't think anything is wrong with posting your opinions online, because that's half the purpose of forums and social media. Free speech is something that people can have whether they agree with you or not, and whether they're posting for "approval" or not
    drewjn likes this.
  8. RarestProGamer

    RarestProGamer Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    My post is anything but seeking approval even before posting i knew what i was getting into because opinion is gonna go against the general consensus. How is it seeking approval from people when i am actually arguing against them? I am not boasting my taste or popular opinion!
  9. Gin_Hindew

    Gin_Hindew Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    sexism is only ok when its symmetrical and one gender can demand the other to fulfill their duties, e.g. cowardly dudes who let their harem be abused by others or slutty girls who are unfaithful to their harem but still expect benefits from them are trashy MCs

    you see, a story should not be judged by the standards of a real society but by internal consistency and sexism in a setting its reasonable if it has proper cause and effect

    a more proper example, in the movie Rashomon (set in medieval japan) a traveling couple is ambushed by a famous bandit and one of the accounts describes the husband being tied up by the bandit, the wife is raped and the bandit asks her to marry him but she instead releases her husband, the husband is not willing to protect her or take her back claiming she has been sullied, but the wife demands them to fight for her implying she will go back to society and tell people they were cowards, they are forced to fight until the husband dies

    in this case the husband by sexism wont take back a raped woman and the wife by sexism can ruin his reputation by claiming he failed to protect her, then both bandit and husband are incapable of killing her because she is a woman and are forced to kill each other to protect their reputations, thats an excellent use of sexism
  10. darkchocolatesan

    darkchocolatesan Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2017
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    I second this!
    Absolutely, I am always concerned about phrases like "women empowerment." I totally get that the idea is to empower women so that they can be seen as equals to men, but often times I feel like what really happens is it amplifies the differences between women and men. By treating one gender differently than the other we are still contributing to the underlying problem. Not saying that there isn't female discrimination still around; I think it's still important to eliminate gender discrimination, but I'd rather do it so that everyone is really treated equally. Like, it's ok for guys to be vulgar and stuff, but what about women? Maybe everyone should just be intersex...though we'd have to genetically modify everyone for that to happen so maybe not.
    Zeusomega likes this.
  11. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    eh that hard piece to write so common writer have no time to for proper research more it require quite wrecking brain to create in deep hmmm moral or society problem as core of story~
  12. darkchocolatesan

    darkchocolatesan Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2017
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    But the other person wasn't boasting their taste or popular opinion either?? What I saw in your message was that you said they were "seeking approval" and since I didn't see any behavior like that I assumed what you were really referring to was posting your opinion. I thought you just wanted to share your opinion. I did not realize that the main purpose of your post was to argue with others, I apologize. By all means, go ahead.
    drewjn likes this.
  13. Emmyy

    Emmyy Kadupul flower* blooms at midnight*dies at dawn

    Feb 27, 2018
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    I'm a girl and you have a point my managerial style is twirl my hair look up doe eyed while biting my lower lip seductively while saying "could you reach that for me?" Haha
    anon likes this.
  14. drewjn

    drewjn Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Not sure, the op's first post and the posts thereafter make it impossible to distinguish.

    Apparently it became 'shut up, unless you accept my view.'

    The egalitarian, live your own life shtick clearly died early on in the thread. It didnt take long before it went hardline headbutting and defensive postering.
  15. RarestProGamer

    RarestProGamer Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Oh wow, how did you came to that conclusion? I would love to hear that, not a single reply on this thread seems to imply that. Because everything so far you have said is either wrongfully assumed or something you pulled out of thin air.

    Kinda like you refused to explain the meaning of that term even though i did originally said that the other person asked it politely but you assumed that the other person might asking sarcastically or rudely based on an emote, please you are not even making any sense anymore
    anon likes this.
  16. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Hate to break it to ya, but I’m a woman who reads shoujo novels and BL novels and complain a great deal about the abusive men in them. I don’t read harem novels since I know that I’m going to hate the way women are portrayed in them. So, I’m an equal opportunity complainer.
    AliceShiki, drewjn and Nightow1 like this.
  17. RarestProGamer

    RarestProGamer Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Can i find those " great deal of complains"? please.
  18. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Inter-sex? Or trans ?, Or genderless?.

    Yikes that will be a huge change, and the whole who gets to be pregnant might start another problem XD, though it might just turn out like krypton and we could get babies from factories delivered by storks.

    The underlying problem is that there is huge change going on, and to change from one order to another we need to brave the turbulent chaos with unity and peace.

    this harem, reverse harem is lust fulfilling for both sexes, to bring it to decide whether it's wrong is nonsensical cause it's just a reflection of the public, we are just scolding ourselves by pointing there.
    darkchocolatesan likes this.
  19. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    That isn't an argument, it's just contradiction!
    drewjn likes this.
  20. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I’m not going to try to look them up for your personal enjoyment. That’s way too much trouble for someone who clearly doesn’t believe me. Besides, a lot of my complaints were made personally to my friend and to my husband.
    AliceShiki likes this.
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