Discussion I feel depressed

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Domn, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Domn

    Domn Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Do you know the feeling of not deciding your future? The feeling that even if you scored the highest possible score and you were the best one among others, you still not guaranteed to reach your goals? The feeling that you are being discriminated due to your nationality? And others has a plus besides their name just because they have a certain nationality?

    This is what i am facing now, my future is not in my hands and no matter how hard i work, i can't guarantee my success. So i feel depressed and the anxiety is killing me.

    I don't know what i should expect from this post, i just want a relief from my stress.
  2. Despapa69

    Despapa69 Revered 17 Syllable Sage

    Oct 12, 2020
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    The only sound advice I can give you:
    "Get good, Son."
    Mnotia, FIEND, AieZee and 3 others like this.
  3. b1w2c3

    b1w2c3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2017
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    Take a break, eat some food and spend some time with good friends and family. Find some funny stuff to read/watch
  4. OldManGu

    OldManGu Legendary Member

    Jun 14, 2017
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    That’s an extremely weak and disgusting mindset. You need to do everything in your power to get rid of it. The world is not fair and it will always try to keep you down in one way or another. It doesn’t matter what race or country your in. You can’t just give up and go home because you think the refs are against you. You still need to play your hardest until the end even if they are against you. If you have an Internet connection than I know your way better off than the people in Haiti eating mud cookies. Stop looking at the glass half empty. You have a lot more going for you than a lot of people. The people that fail in this world are the ones that give up. You haven’t truly lost until you admit it.
  5. Deleted member 369806

    Deleted member 369806 Guest

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    We all get those moments from time to time, some might even experience them more so often than usual XD
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  6. Domn

    Domn Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2019
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    I won't give up, even if i was not able to achieve my goals here, i will try and find it in other places.

    But what makes me sad is the time i am wasting, i have already wasted one year so i am kinda depressed
    AieZee likes this.
  7. AieZee

    AieZee Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Honestly, I'm not the best at talking to others on this, but I'm the kind of pushover who just wants to help others despite all the horrible things going on for me lol. I know this can be quite stupid as someone who doesn't even know you, but well, I'm here for anyone I find going through depression, and I think many would be thinking the same. You see, the thing is, when there are more people, that means there are also more people who relate to each other in many ways. And many are probably going through depression just like you, so first of all, you're never alone. It might sound a bit creepy, but it's true lol Even I just went through depression recently for the millionth time, and I know comparing might not help, but I'm tryna say once again, you can never be alone. Even if all the humans in the world dies, one way or another there's gonna be something out there feeling the same as you. Even animals can feel depressed you know? Second of all, keep a balance. Sometimes, being too anxious can be a bad thing, but it can also be a good thing. Sometimes, being too optimistic might make you appear stupid, but it's also good for your health, being more positive, so try to keep a balance with those two. Don't worry too much, but don't be too optimistic either. Worrying is alright, but too much can of course kill you. Actually, too much of anything can kill you. Getting depressed for at least around a week is normal, but more than three months means that you might need to see a therapist, and before my last depression, I had depression for almost 12 months, but then when I had to do vaccine, and my family were wondering about why my physical health was getting worse, it turned out I was depressed, that's what the doctor said, and even i didn't realize I was depressed. I knew I probably was many times, but at that time it confirmed a lot of things for me. I don't know about other people going through depression, but I realized when I'm depressed, I tend to think more about myself than for other people. I think about why other people don't think about me, when in fact I never considered other people's feelings that much. Like how much certain peopleI never expected to care for me, would actually care so much, they would give everything they had. Literally. Maybe I knew, or maybe not, but in the end it showed how ungrateful I teally was, and this started to become a thing I would get conscious about everytime. Third thing, relieve your stress and do something about it. Watch funny dumb videos on the internet, take your mind off of negative things, take a day off and just relax maybe? The internet has always been a dark place, but stay on its brighter side, that's where you need to be right now. Ignore the dark aspect of it, don't let it affect you. Have a more positive mindset, and rest a bit. Just keep things peaceful. Everything has a negative and positive side to it. And like I said before, being depressed a bit can actually make one appreciate happiness more, and since I Don't know your situation, this is as much as I can interfere in your life. All I can say is stay physically and mentally healthy, do anything to stay positive, stay relaxed. You just need to speak up like what you did, but do it for anyone around you that's familiar, your family, friends, some 4 year old you met two months ago , anything, I'm not much of a friend since I'm a stranger, but I can be a friend if you want :> so keep pursuing happiness stranger! I'll be cheering for you! xD
    Hope I did a decent job in relieving some of your stress, but do hope I'm not wasting any of your time >.<
    Talk to u next time, if I got any
  8. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    What I would do in your situation is to first focus and hype yourself up, then calmly asses the situation.
    Perhaps with questions like: what happened? What could I have done better? What was out of control? What have I learned from this experience? What have I gained? How have I, and others like family and friends, changed? And what can I do next? What exactly is my goal, and how can I work towards it? Etc…

    I sometimes also get emotional, and objectively pondering and dissecting what’s making me upset helps resolve the lump in chest and gives me key directions
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    AieZee and Deleted member 348269 like this.
  9. NoLongerTheSame

    NoLongerTheSame Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2017
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    Feeling depressed isn't necessarily bad. Anyone saying that it is probably often got their heads on the clouds. Unless it's chronic, depression can help you assess what you can or can't do. This silly mindset that a person can only prove their worth if they have a goal in life is, honestly, pathetic. Focus on what you can do right now. The future is so far ahead, and you simply don't have control of what the world will throw at you next.

    Have you ever felt satisfied? Yes or no? Huge or small satisfaction?

    Find something that makes you feel satisfied no matter how small it is. It can be anything. Buildup on that feeling. Satisfaction doesn't mean stagnation though. It's hard, but if you can lessen that feeling of loss or emptiness over something intangible yet, I think you'll make it through what you're burdened with right now.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    AieZee and Baldingere like this.
  10. SerialBeggar

    SerialBeggar Hate your family? Got no friends? Gimme your stuff

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Have you learned nothing from reading Asian novels?
    If you're not good enough, then you should dedicate your life to ensuring that nobody else is good enough either! Remember, the group is only as good as the worst member. So, if that's you. Make it count.
  11. Domn

    Domn Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Thanks, you made me laugh
  12. Baldingere

    Baldingere Roseau pensant

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Are there other thing that matter to you in life that you can lean back on when you aren't succeeding at your general goal?
    Like a hobby or a smaller dream to achieve.
  13. Deleted member 41274

    Deleted member 41274 Guest

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    :( I wonder how you will feel in the future about that, probably you will think feeling depressed was pointless
  14. naviet

    naviet Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    me too. I got stressed today because was told failed on 1 requirement for Medical study. I feel down because if this true then this will be my 4th fail exam. Very sad thing i also fail because discrimination. I understand what u felt because i feel same ( maybe worse because i had a lot pressures). It feel like my life stand still and full of uncertainties that make me worry.
  15. skyfall3250

    skyfall3250 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Just think what a CN protagonist who transmigrates into you body would do in this situation? Just do that. You will do some face slapping of biased teachers, impress the girls, get noticed by the veteran in the industry and get internship etc etc..
    Domn likes this.
  16. Deleted member 348269

    Deleted member 348269 Guest

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    You need to seek professional help if you can. And ask any friends irl who you can talk too who are willing to lend an ear. Sometimes it's good to let others hear how we feel and it helps unblock bottled emotions and thoughts that would otherwise keep tearing us apart.

    Not about the nationality, but the last few years...can't help but fear might face racism bc ethnicity... especially with way things are generalized and so much negativity everywhere. Part of reason got tired hearing news, was hearing people constantly being attacked simply bc their looks/race; it's just sad and you can't do much about it bc you are your own individual, and feel judged for something completely out of your control and something you don't do. Taking time off news helped quite a bit. Not saying not to listen to any news; news are still good for updates. But if it's taking over your thoughts way too much, time to leave it for awhile. Focus on what you want to do in life, and what activities help you relax a bit or feel happier after doing them. Sometimes it's good to focus what you can do for yourself instead bc somethings are a lot bigger than any single person can change. And you'll feel happier doing things for yourself.

    By way, don't let grades just be the sole deciding factor whether you're good enough. Ik it's lot easier said then done, but at end of day bad grade or not, there's still life the next day, and the next, and the next. There's more to life than just academics. If fail, there are still other ways to get around the mountain. And don't push yourself too hard and hold high expectations, the higher your expectations are, the harder the fall.

    There are things we can't control in life and things we can. Focus on the things that we can do to make ourselves feel more at ease and happier in the world.
    Domn likes this.
  17. Aniv2008

    Aniv2008 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2021
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    I'm sorry you're feeling so down. But think of it this way... nothing is guarantee in life. Accidents or anything could happen anytime anywhere. It's more important to do the best you can, take pride in your work and live everyday doing things that you enjoy doing, meeting people you love and just go out and do the things you want to do. Sometimes it's not about the results, it's the journey. *hug
    Domn and Deleted member 348269 like this.
  18. Bad Storm

    Bad Storm coz with you right here, I'm a rocketeer

    Jun 8, 2017
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    I just want to say that world is innately unfair. There would always be ordeals not just for you but for others as well. If you think you have the capability to reach the highest score possible, that meant you have what it takes to be successful. Even without that, efforts are rewarded if placed appropriately. All I can wish for you is to keep your heart strong. Get it into your head that you can do things if you have the will.

    It's okay to be down sometimes, as long you could stand up whenever you fall. I know I'm just an internet stranger but if you ever need someone to talk, I'm willing to lend an ear.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
    AieZee, Domn, Aniv2008 and 1 other person like this.
  19. gyan7

    gyan7 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2021
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    Sounds like you need some chicken soup for the soul.
  20. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Well if you feel you've hit rock bottom then know there's nothing for you to lose and take risks...

    It's the best time to take any...huge returns with little to no loss?! Heck ya