Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Naver lets you create mail for any country, it's just that the code confirmation message takes about 20 minutes
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    like when Daria stole Jane's boyfriend, and she thought Jane was going to take it easy because she was cool:blobrofl::blobrofl::blobrofl::blobrofl:

    what are we going to see next?
    place your bets... the crazier it sounds, maybe it will come true... the hiatus we were celebrating would have been better...
    the "other side" that we were going to see of the characters (according to that interview) was their sexual lifes...
    definitely Sam, as we have said, does not think long about her plot and only adds things to obtain impact,
    this card of patience it's running out
    You saw what I said about this green-haired girl (odelay) and her subplot, it wasn't important....
    it didn't help at all... it was just another random that served as a fanservice with Medea...
    I'm a bit tired, I hate following plots lke this They make a script for 2 chapters no care about what has happened before.
    some still think that they are going to show us Helio's backstory with this episode, I don't think so...
    as a wise man says: if you are tired, rest and think about your ideas and get organized "Have a little self-esteem" so that you don't sabotage yourself ... you say it's the author's work and she can do whatever she wants but this didn't start out as a +18 manhwa where they talked about harems and the sexual lifes of the characters that was added after 100 chapters and in the worst possible way because they left the plot aside they don't see how they give more importance to these scenes than to plot let's say a growth arc for the other characters or show new plot points.
    Here is your goddess Medea in her maximum splendor...
    I didn't think she was like that... at least hypocritical, now I don't know if all this about she care about Psyche was real or if she was faking it or just using her, I don't know...:blob_zipper_mouth::blob_zipper_mouth::blob_zipper_mouth::blob_zipper_mouth: I thought at least her affection for Psyche was genuine
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
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  2. Lady Keko

    Lady Keko Member

    Mar 21, 2022
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    I’m wondering if Medea slept with Eros as revenge because she thought Psyche slept with Helios. Because after their stunt during the birthday banquet rumors started circulating that Medea and Helios were lovers. And one of Psyche’s maids told Psyche (Medea) about it when she was having tea with Eros.
    Nagisa11, hanajoy and aiheli like this.
  3. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Honestly, if that were the case, it would be adding fuel to the fire...
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  4. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    I don't know how to defend Medea anymore if this is true but I can't believe it:cry: I still hope this is just an imagination of Eros cuz It's not really clear about this scene and those conversations... :cry:
    And anyone knows about how Korean readers react? I found some but they are not talking about things like Medea in Psyche body at all.
    I don't think this is fanservice cuz what type of fanservice it is to make us feel so disappointed and disgusted :cry: Please no:cry::cry:
  5. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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  6. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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  7. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    “And anyone knows about how Korean readers react? I found some but they are not talking about things like Medea in Psyche body at all.”

    I try to find out their reaction too but no one seem to post anything yet…. I think it’s partly because the chapter is one of the fast pass chapters that’s why not a lot of people have access to it
  8. Yukinahime21

    Yukinahime21 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I wanted to clear out my thoughts because last night was insane after the release of this chapter.

    This chapter betrays me bec. I ship Psyche with Perion but after learning that she was once slept with Eros. I wanted to faint.

    In my own personal opinion, why the heck is SAM doing with Medea and Psyche’s character in this past recent chapters? Tbh, she needs a two month break because the entire plot, in my opinion, is a mess, I'm lost of each characters’ goals and feelings, the plot, and their character dev. and this whole Psyche is not a virgin anymore and Medea (in Psyche’s body) was sleeping with Eros is just plain shit to me. If it’s true that Medea was sleeping with Eros just to spite Psyche of the rumors that Helio and ‘Medea’ became lovers then, what’s the point of their friendship? Medea should clarify herself of what is her real intention on making friends with Psyche in the first place? Is it genuine or a farce just for the sake of her own goals.

    Then, we focus on Medea and Eros. In chapter 61, she was disgusted on Eros’ kiss but after this ‘chapter’ I was puzzled at her reaction, maybe, when she was in Psyche’s body, she saw some flashback on Eros and Psyche having sex and probably decided that she would slept with him, after all, it’s not her real body anyway. So, maybe Medea didn’t really want to have any physical intimacy with Eros in her actual body that’s why, she vomited on the bathroom.

    I was kind of wondering in this entire chapter 1- 122+, Eros’ main goal I think was actually Medea. Think about it, why is he after Medea’s affection even though he already has Psyche. This is just my opinion, probably, Eros’ goal wanted to become a god so that he can have Medea by his side. He might probably heard her being a genius ever since he was a child and wanted to surpassed her level. So, in order to do that, he must have Psyche’s divinity and became Emperor and marry Medea and manipulate her under his control.

    I like the recent comment about Eros probably want a ‘perfect Psyche’ and what he meant by that is Medea in Psyche’s body.
  9. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Is medea that petty?i mean there's a chance that she only wants heli for herself but??it kind of make sense but medea is that petty? that's too petty if it's true.i dont even think that she love heli as a person for her to do that? But who knows what as a person said in this forum they wont even be shock if they found out medea have slept with perion , I'm prepared for anything that might happened.but yeh your theory is cool
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  10. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    this is a genuine betrayal of us as readers... I am really disappointed, of all this supposed "friendship" between Medea and Psyche with this is on the tightrope, all that construction with this chapter was thrown in the trash, and more if that turns out like this (that Medea slept with Yaros in revenge for those rumors)... with this it is clear to me that we will never get a backstory of Psyche or other characters
    Nagisa11, KeyJay, K12340 and 2 others like this.
  11. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Still i found it disgusting if it's true that she doesn't want her real body to make contact with eros but use psyche's body instead? What's on her mind? "Oh they did it so it's fine i can also do it while on psyche's body " or "i wanna spite psyche and heli about doing it because they already did it so why can't i " I'm sorry to all medea's defender here but week by week i dont even know medea's personality anymore,did psyche know this?.... it's getting crazier,is this even the same your throne i read one year ago....
    Nagisa11, VNikaT, Rheamelody and 5 others like this.
  12. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I don’t think she is that petty tbh. Medea don’t really love Helio and idk she holds that incident against Psyche tbh. Medea’s affection for Psyche is still the same after the soul switch and she never shows any jealous towards Psyche because of that.

    I can think of another reason why this might happen and why Medea allow this to happen. In chapter 3, there was this panel that shows what Medea is thinking. This is after she founds out that they did not switch back after the night has passed.

    “ Everything is going as planned!”

    “When we are officially wed following his birthday, and when the emperor has passed away, I will become a member of the imperial family”

    “ I will become one of the two suns that leads the empire”

    Since she think that she will become Eros’s wife anyway, she have no problem having sex with Eros. At least that’s how I think Medea’s thought process went. And this is to assume that this happens before the birthday banquet. A little bit cruel but remember how Medea is before she found out about Eros’s crimes.

    “with this it is clear to me that we will never get a backstory of Psyche or other characters“

    If that happens, that will be Sam’s biggest failure as an author. Psyche is one of the two FL and yet there is no backstory of her even though it’s one of the most mysterious thing in this whole webtoon. I want to have hope for other characters but it’s just too damn hard lately. Especially after this, even if there is like a million explanation for this event to happen, this will still leave a bad taste in my mouth because wtf is she on to include this in the webtoon?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
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  13. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    now that Medea has become "a good person" why not as a "good person" tell Psyche that she did that without her consent? ... so start a genuine friendship from scratch.
    This reminds me of the case of Tia and the saintess from villainess lives twice, at least Tia as a responsible adult went to clarify everything with the saintess and she felt guilty. And what is this shit?
    Nagisa11, KeyJay, aiheli and 2 others like this.
  14. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I’m waiting for the next chapter to see if Psyche already know about or not. Regardless this is the most unreasonable plot rn in YT
  15. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I can read in the next chapter that they add a flashback also out of the ass where Psyche tells her: it's fine, there's no problem because I already slept with him, if you did it with my body there's no problem since you forgive me for kissing him with your body sorry my goddess medea, I dirty your body with the monster's spittle without your permission...
    Nagisa11, KeyJay, Priyanka14 and 7 others like this.
  16. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Again if that happens, what the f*ucking hell SAM? If that really happens in the next chapter I already prepare an essay to explain why this is so freaking disgusting and a disservice to Medea’s character
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  17. shootthemoon

    shootthemoon New Member

    Mar 21, 2022
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    Longtime lurker on here, I just made an account since the recent spoiler has made me so upset that I need a place to vent my feelings.

    I have not been enjoying the direction Your Throne has been taking recently but I’ve continued to read since Medea and Psyche’s relationship was always the most engaging and interesting aspect of the series to me. It was so refreshing to see a series that pretty much revolves around the dynamic between two fully fleshed out female characters. But with this recent chapter I feel as though their relationship has been ruined for me. I felt that Medea and Psyche’s relationship was a (positive) parallel to Eros and Psyche’s relationship, that Medea and Psyche is what Psyche and Eros’ relationship would be like if he did actually truly care about her. Even if Medea is quite toxic towards Helio I always felt that she treated Psyche very well and seemed to be disturbed by Eros’ abusive treatment towards her. But after learning that Medea slept with Eros using Psyche’s body I don’t even want them to be friends anymore. There’s no situation in which it would be okay that she did that. If she slept with him before the banquet then she slept with the man she knew Psyche was in love with, and if she slept with him after the banquet then she was aware of how abusive Eros was towards Psyche. I doubt Psyche would be okay with Medea sleeping with him in either of these situations. Not to mention that Medea was sexually assaulting Eros as well since he did not consent to sleeping with her.

    I have no clue how this is going to get resolved. It doesn’t seem like the story is going to take the direction of Medea and Psyche being on bad terms again, so what’s going to happen when Psyche finds out? It would be so unsatisfying to me if she ends up being okay with it since I consider what Medea did to be unforgivable. But at the same time if Medea and Psyche stop being friends after all of this development that will also feel unsatisfying. So how is it going to work out, will Psyche just never find out? Does Medea not feel guilty at all for doing that?

    Also now I’m confused as to why Medea is so disgusted by Eros. In earlier chapters I assumed that it was because even if Medea is not a good person she always seemed to be upfront and confrontational about her feelings so I assumed she found Eros’ two-faced behavior and manipulation to be disturbing. But over the past few chapters she has exhibited the same behavior as him, from sleeping with Helio and actively taking advantage of his feelings and now it's revealed she used Psyche’s body to sleep with Eros. Earlier in the series it seemed to me that even Medea had her own set of morals and boundaries that she would not cross and that’s why she disliked Eros but now the more we learn about what she's been doing behind the scenes the more she doesn’t seem all that different from him.

    I’ve been telling myself that I’m sure SAM has a plan and the series just needs a few more chapters to get back on track for quite some time but I truly feel as though this is the final nail in the coffin for me. I was very excited that Eros finally realized they had switched bodies and was looking forward to the next chapter but instead we got….. this. I really hope that I’m wrong and if this situation turns out to be not as bad as it seems I will gladly eat my words but right now I think Your Throne has jumped the shark.
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  18. zoefleyl

    zoefleyl Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2021
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    So true
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  19. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    Sorry, I think you have the wrong idea about Eros’s main goal is Medea. He gave no shit on killing Medea and even he thought he would test Psyche’s expression when the bell rings signal for Medea’s injury. I still think “perfect Psyche”, he means real Psyche.

    It’s clear that he despises Medea’s behavior he realized the girl he kissed is Psyche, “the kindness Medea” was actually Psyche. Why does he still think Medea in Psyche’s body is perfect? Psyche’s divinity follows her soul not her body. Please remember.
    “You reap what you sow, Medea”
    He recalled the moment he threatened Medea in chapter 117
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
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  20. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    Does anyone have any ideas about the title of this chapter? Phantom pain? I don't understand
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