LCD I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Yggdrasil, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Fragments of Shadows

    Fragments of Shadows [The Broken One] [Chaser of Tales] [Hungry Ghost]

    Dec 13, 2015
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    I have this feeling that no matter what the explanation is for why Black Cats can't evolve I'm not going to be satisfied with it... Here's hoping Fran gets to the point of being able to kill gods since that seems to be the only way to guarantee a better future for her race.
  2. Temperans

    Temperans Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    Personally, I can see 1 reason why black catkins are prevented from evolving, this is speculation I have not read the raws.

    One of them went and killed (or got close) to killing a god. Which if that one spoiler is correct explains the condition, although to a small degree.
  3. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Or it was the black catkin who first started enslaving blue catkin...

    Turnabout is fair play...
  4. reader30891

    reader30891 Active Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Looking at the other example of getting personally cursed by the gods, it is most likely that the old black cats did something really bad. So for a better future, Fran
    will probably have to go on a big quest to correct her race past mistakes or something.

    Also why would Fran need the power to kill gods? The gods of this world are not assholes (so far) and seem to be working all the time according to their own rules. Their religion is also harmless, powerless and quite peaceful.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
  5. Fragments of Shadows

    Fragments of Shadows [The Broken One] [Chaser of Tales] [Hungry Ghost]

    Dec 13, 2015
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    Summoning a demon or making a pact with evil gods is pretty much an attempt at mass genocide right (cause that's the previous example I can think of)? Even that would only get the singular perpetrator cursed not his whole race and is that worse than ordering the enslavement and abuse of an entire race of people? cause the previous beast lord did that and he didn't get himself let alone his entire race punished... did they rebel against the gods? even then punishing the whole race of people including future generations seems petty since the future generations are innocent in the whole thing... I just can't think of a reason that makes sense given what we know currently that doesn't have the god/gods that cursed the Black Cats as either short-sighted, stupid, or an asshole (I can see a couple of ways that the originals could have screwed their own race like changing their genetics/racial characteristics to directly blaspheme against the gods or making some sort of racial contract with evil gods that would guarantee Black Cats were the enemy of the other gods but at the very least none of that is the case with Fran or with what we know about the other black cats in general).
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
    Enutas maph likes this.
  6. reader30891

    reader30891 Active Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Yes Dragonfolks are not cursed but they spend their days and lives fighting the Abyss Eater. It might be the reason they don't get cursed.

    As for the old beast Lords, I don't think Gods would get involved in this kind of case. They only seem to get involved in cases where mortal powers are not enough.

    My guess on black cats' sin is the majority (at least a large number) of them taking the offer of forced evolution from someone with evil god power and causing a lot of destruction. I can definitely see them getting something like a harder evolution as punishment and then getting hated, lynched and abused by other races after the mess.
    Enutas maph likes this.
  7. Fragments of Shadows

    Fragments of Shadows [The Broken One] [Chaser of Tales] [Hungry Ghost]

    Dec 13, 2015
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    I could understand harder evolution requirements but not telling them what the requirements are (or even what they're related to... and preventing the few people who might know from saying anything about them or helping) pretty much guarantees that the Black Cats will never really be able to evolve without cheating (i.e. through the use of Master). Doing that is going to lead to problems further down the road where the later generations develop hatred for the gods who punished them for something they had nothing to do with... which is just going to lead to a situation where one or more of them turns to evil gods or other evil solutions. It's short sighted if they're punishing them for cooperating with evil gods because such a punishment is just going to lead to more of the behavior they're trying to discourage.

    They aren't being hated, lynched, and abused because of whatever they did... no one remembers what the black catkins did to get punished in the first place (except people like Rumina who are forbidden from openly discussing it by the gods). They're just being hated and abused because they're weak and got cursed by the gods which just further builds the above case of them eventually turning to evil solutions since even the other beastkin abuse them (or at least seem to ignore the abuse they're receiving).

    What chapter are the dragonkin mentioned? I'm having trouble remembering that case so I don't want to specifically say anything about their case till I reread it.

    edit: on the topic of the old beast lords it just seems weird to me that the gods would allow someone to commit atrocities on the level of demons and demon gods for so long without intervening...I understand that there is the possibility of it being resolved without their direct intervention but they clearly have a standard/ideal/morality that they want the world to move towards and they don't seem to have tried to intervene indirectly either (for example giving their priests a message or blessing someone who is in opposition to the beast lord). if they don't actually care about evil being committed then why are they against the evil gods in the first place?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
  8. Anonymousbb

    Anonymousbb Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2016
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    I'm pretty certain it's been implied (though perhaps not outright stated) that there was information about it, but the previous Beast Lords eradicated.
  9. reader30891

    reader30891 Active Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    ^^The Gods clearly want them to find the new condition on their own without outside help. While it was implied that they left hints, they didn't seem to care about those hints being destroyed either.

    You are looking at the Gods in the wrong way. Or did you forget about Goddess of chaos whose job is to unleash monsters/demons on humans? That is one of the good gods btw.

    They seem to have certain rules for their involvement though. From what I understand they didn't get involved with things like their temple getting destroyed or mortals killing and performing cruelties on each others. But they clearly didn't like it when a continent was being eaten.

    No blessing? The current beast Lord is directly blessed by the god of beasts so you can't say for sure there are no indirect involvement. It is quite possible that this guy isn't the first. Also there is only one evil god. He used to be the god of war but he went power crazy and died while cursing the world.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  10. Fragments of Shadows

    Fragments of Shadows [The Broken One] [Chaser of Tales] [Hungry Ghost]

    Dec 13, 2015
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    I thought it was implied that the gods destroyed it? Maybe that was just what I assumed because Rumina was forbidden to discuss it by the goddess?
  11. Temperans

    Temperans Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    I though the evil god was imprisoned since he could still be contacted.
  12. Fragments of Shadows

    Fragments of Shadows [The Broken One] [Chaser of Tales] [Hungry Ghost]

    Dec 13, 2015
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    Double checking yeah I do see the current beast lord is blessed by the god of beasts and insects so that works as indirect help I guess.

    On the other hand... your argument just makes the gods sound like assholes. I mean why put the Black Catkin into a situation that seems designed to make them angry at the gods (even if they left "hints", which it isn't clear that they intentionally did, it was still to the point that no one had managed to evolve since the punishment so those hints obviously weren't enough and that should have been clear to them fairly early on)? If the gods don't actually care about the Black Catkin or are actively hostile towards them then it just strengthens the argument that Fran needs to get to the point where she can kill them in order to guarantee the future of the Black Catkin tribe.
  13. Temperans

    Temperans Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    however, if she gets to that point, she may become a threat and become the enemy of the gods (at least that of the chaos god).
  14. Beer_Kitty

    Beer_Kitty Just a very very drunk kitty that likes beer

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Dont get ahead of your conclusions though.
    By looking at things. The curse looks like a trial. Similar to the dragon-kin.
  15. rusty32539

    rusty32539 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
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    Maybe It was a BlackCat kin that caused the Wolfgods Death? Complete out my *** guess here Maybe there was a Romeo/Juliet type thing going on with a love triangle? Wolfgod/Blackcat loved each other but Chaos Goddess loved one of them? Big fight somehow at least either the Wolfgod/Blackcat died then the other killed themselves. ( I really need to stop eating spicy food so late my brain goes on wild tangents)
  16. reader30891

    reader30891 Active Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    ^That looks too personal for these gods.

    If I remembered it right, he got torn apart by the other 87 gods and his remains were sealed. Of course he still isn't fully dead.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  17. gangbuntu

    gangbuntu Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2016
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    well, i might be wrong but
    - the current beast lord was told about the reason why black cat can't evolve (in the hope that he would hate them) but it backfired.
    this lead me to think that the circumstance leading to the curse was not black & white.
    - considering a book (indirectly) hinting to black cat kin evolution survives, information purging related to black cat evolution were done by mortals
  18. Tea leaves

    Tea leaves Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2018
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    Maybe the black catkin manage to create a certain method that all black catkin will evolved in their variants form by bypassing the evolution criteria. After all evolution itself is a trial from the gods. If you asked me the dragonkin has a lot harsher punishment than the black catkin. After all you have to kill a god-tier monster to kill to lift their punishment.
  19. Beer_Kitty

    Beer_Kitty Just a very very drunk kitty that likes beer

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Or wait for the next chapter.
    well its almost the same with the dragon kin.
    They needed to either kill 1000 A rank Evil Beings or 1 S rank Evil Being.
  20. maniifestantes

    maniifestantes Active Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    So Fran kept killing mobs that rumina created in the dungeon until that was achieved