Feature Request Image selector / Slide show / User submitted Gallery

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Bug Reports' started by Okuri Ookami, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. Okuri Ookami

    Okuri Ookami 'Chi Chi Chi' calls the Sparrow

    Dec 16, 2015
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    I'm discontent at not having a choice in the image I see when I look at certain novel pages. Lots of stories have alternative cover arts dealing with story arcs, volumes, or just in general. I'm not a fan of certain novels cover art especially since the ones on NU are either posted by TL's or approved by staff with the reader having no say in the image representing the work they like, not to mention there can only be 1 image per novel.

    For instance:

    When I saw this I thought WTF? When did TTNH become a QianHuan? Or Game element novel? I've never seen anything written about a wizard in a sword/saber/fist-fighting martial arts story... Whats going on? This is a false representation of the novel even if it's approved by the author.

    This image could throw the new readers off to what the story is actually about! The last image showed it way better, it illustrated a scholar-ish man who looked domineering and farsighted and a man at his back cold and aloof. Both where dressed in ancient Chinese attire and an appropriate background setting.
    The above image? It seems more world of wizardry and desolate.

    What's wrong with having a slide show or image selector? Not everyone would go out of their way to look up alternative images and hope when they submit them they'd be shown.

    I'd personally would like to see a gallery for each novel with the ability to choose the you see at all times when viewing the page.
    SoulZer0 likes this.