Imagine the SHIT that one guy that works for E.A is going through

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by Twilight Fox, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Oh you have the right to complain, that's free speech. That said I won't sympathize with you for working for the devil and "oh think of the poor guy who has to deal with all that" while your employer is screwing everyone over.

    It doesn't make much sense to get a job that's explicitly about doing PR, taking the heat and doing whatever you can to calm the masses and then complain. If that's literally your only option, then you do what you have to do, I don't think anyone will blame you for doing it, but that's not what I was saying or meant.
  2. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Hmmmm... I guess so, not much of a reason to have sympathy over someone doing the job they chose... I can sympathize with someone that took whatever job they could find for sure, but not one that was well enough in life to choose their own job.

    On the other hand, the OP was more talking about how someone must have made one bad decision and probably gotten fired because of it... Which is enough reason for sympathy IMO, everyone makes mistakes after all... Some are worse than other though.

    However, considering this is a talk about game industry, the person in question would probably get fired regardless of the game doing well or poorly anyway, so the whole point is moot~
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