Discussion Is good right?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lazriser, Jan 4, 2021.

  1. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    An obscured question, I suppose, but what of its answer?

    Is a good person right? Is being good right? Is good everyone or someone? Is good happiness or something horrifying I dare not imagine?

    There is no clarity to these muddled thoughts. Like nature moving in invisible equations, is good natural or supernatural?

    I find it strange we are taught this or these good, but not of our own origin or work. Good, an alien concept yet undeniably familiar to we as a species. The good became the pillar of destruction. The good destroys all opposing it. The good is powerful. The good. Good. But is it right? Are the good just? Are they righteous? Are they true? Is it pure? It is safe? Is it open? Is it us?

    Why are we made good but not born good? Scary, is it not? The good is known. The knowable. Light. Truth.

    They smile. Grin. Foolishness on their grim faces. Delighted dead. The good lie. The good die. The good... are not so good after all.

    Fear. Invading. Violating. Suppressing. Consuming. Terror. Absolute terror. Unknown. Hidden in our hearts. Creeping behind our backs. Peeking from our deepest minds. It. That. Good? Twistedness taken form. Shape. Color. Good inverts It. Good inverts That. Darkness. Into the darkness and beyond it. Five senses. Tissue. Organs. Cry. Murder. Despair. Realization.

    --- is good right?
  2. Amaruna Myu

    Amaruna Myu ugly squid dokja (●´∀`●)

    Aug 28, 2016
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    goodness is subjective,
    goodness gracious.
  3. the_TRASH

    the_TRASH Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I don't think I am able to submerged myself enough to your depth so bare with me.. :blobsweat_2:

    But I believed good is right....
    There is nothing wrong on being good...
    If they lie or hurt others, then they are not good. They just ought to believe so.

    But I don't think the existence of 'good' is enough. I"m actually a believer of the necessary evil.

    The good can preach their goodness while the evil fights evil, doesn't matter if it is for justice or whatever.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
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  4. Immortal_Meow

    Immortal_Meow CEO of novelupdates

    May 23, 2020
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    Are you guys filming a movie about ethics?
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  5. Psosm

    Psosm Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    The definition of "Good" varies depending on each culture because IMO "Good" is something that benefits that certain culture as a whole, like for example in certain culture human sacrifice practice is considered "Good" because to them it benefits them as a whole. As of today no one in their right mind would say that human sacrifice is "Good" because it benefits no one, you get nothing from it.

    I mean just think of it, what if there is a benefit for human sacrifice? Like for example a culture with starvation problem that practiced human sacrifice will be granted tons of food for only like 1% of that culture's total humans per month, so many that starvation is impossible, would that culture consider it "Evil"? I don't think so I believe they would consider it "Good", but I'm definitely sure that other cultures without that problem will consider it "Evil", the same as cannibalism. And of course if someone in that culture found a way better alternative with little to no lost to this starvation problem, this practice will be considered "Evil" at that culture, it might takes time but it will certainly be, because well it no longer benefits their culture as a whole.

    This is the same as how helping others, donating money to the poor, and so on is considered "Good", because it hugely benefits the culture as a whole with little lost.

    That's all there is to it really.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
    asriu, Cream and nyamachi like this.
  6. Sleep-deprived-enthusiast

    Sleep-deprived-enthusiast |Daydreaming Literate Mon~key|

    Sep 14, 2020
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    Lawful, kind, considerate, compassionate, charitable, generous, open-minded, humanitarian and doing the tough but necessary and beneficial things (like advocating for needed change or saying the truth to someone who does not know their behavior) is my definition of good. There are other things too, but for now my feelings regarding it is subconscious is instinctive. It's pretty subjective too.

    But in the end it's only some human concepts. It only holds value to those who benefit from it which majority of society and people do. And I think of the very value and concept of it spreading as an absolute win, with some drawbacks that can be solved with intelligent thinking.
    ludagad and Cream like this.
  7. Killgore

    Killgore Barely existing

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Being good or Evil is just a perspective. it depends on each person's scale. What I consider good may not be what you consider as good and vice versa. Some people are just obsessed with being good without truly knowing what it is. the line between good and evil are blurred. Some people may act like vultures for their self benefit in places such as Career or Academics. When doing this, they may think its good as its for their benefit but those directly affected may think of it as evil.

    For me as someone said I believe in Necessary Evil. Being Good can get you nowhere and neither dies Being evil. For me being evil is doing completely immoral acts that goes against the views of most people. Anything other than can be considered as "chaotic good", "neutral good" and just "Plain good" depending on how close the acts committed are to my bottom line.
    Kuroyuki92 and Cream like this.
  8. Sleep-deprived-enthusiast

    Sleep-deprived-enthusiast |Daydreaming Literate Mon~key|

    Sep 14, 2020
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    Really spoke to me this one from Discworld, even if I haven't even read/seen it.

    Our beliefs are our truth and who we are.

    This too that was written for Geralt of Rivia of the witcher:

    "Evil is evil," the Witcher says. "Lesser, greater, middling... makes no difference. ... If I'm to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all."

    He ends up doing the necessary evil anyway.

    It's all about being human and doing things not just for yourself but for all that you care for and the people you care for.

    One thing I also heard is holding yourself accountable and responsible for things and relationships - like children, significant other, parents - so you can feel what it really means to be a human and have real, meaningful relationships. It will also skew you towards the ideals of good and why it is important in our society and daily lives - and fixed as it may seem it is whatever it means for any of us.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
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  9. Naraina

    Naraina Step Red Sibling ⭐ | † Trickster

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Well being good to receive good , to become good and to be remembered as good is the greatest possible greed ( someone once said ...)
    And also I don't think or can believe that someone is purely good as gold
    So being a little evil isn't harm but is a tool necessary to survive atleast in this world ...well somehow I now feel like I'm 60+ after conveying this and also if you are more curious how good or bad you are there are abundance of quizzes on internet for time pass
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
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  10. Dru

    Dru Member

    Aug 13, 2019
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    You need sleep
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  11. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    It's not actually that complicated. Good is either helping other people, or working in a way to not cause problems for everyone, while evil is harming other people, or working in a way to cause problems for other people. That's why you hear people in earlier forms of English say things like "why have you committed this evil against me" when they've been wronged in some way.
    Cream likes this.
  12. ludagad

    ludagad Addicted to escapist novels

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Yes, good is right. Good leads to harmony. Can't say much about happiness or satisfaction. Good needs sacrifice sometimes. Being self-serving ultimately leads to causing harm to someone else, which is evil (is it? depends how you define it, but it ain't good in any case). I suggest looking for answers in philosophy books. Personally, I subscribe to Epicureanism (used to be Hedonism + Cynicism, but it wasn't quite right, and Epicureanism is the right kind of mix for me).
  13. Immortal_Meow

    Immortal_Meow CEO of novelupdates

    May 23, 2020
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    I think whether a human is born good or bad depends on the perspective, if it’s a cute smiling baby, they’re good. But when it’s a screaming baby and you just want to sleep they’re bad.
    My teacher had an example for ethics things, imagine your teacher is hurrying down the hallway and drops a piece of paper without noticing, and you pick it up and it turns out to be the test!!! So there’s multiple things you can do and they all had names and all but I forgot those:
    -you could be obedient and don’t read or look at it and give it to the teacher
    -you could take a pic and send it in the groups chat to make the majority happy (if you’re fast you could give the rest back to the teacher and pretend to be obedient and now the unknowing teacher likes you even better!)
    -take a pic and send to everyone and then go to the teacher to tell him to change the test and now everyone will fail ಥ_ಥ

    Thing is, he didn’t call it good or bad but it all had names so I think that you just have to stop thinking in good or bad.... and just think in priorities; do you want people to like you or do you want more money? Those kinds of things. Moral dilemmas are fun
  14. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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  15. MMWO

    MMWO *pout*

    Nov 25, 2018
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    It's bad if it hurts someone. Killing is bad because it hurts someone. Good is... Idk. I guess good is just something not bad.
  16. ExcitableFoci

    ExcitableFoci Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    Good is right cuz they want you sheep to be docile cattle. No one likes to keep unobliging cows, right? So the obvious answer is to feed these sheepies propaganda from the moment they are born to their last breaths. That letting some of your milk be taken is the good thing to do. Its only like one-fifth of your milk right? It doesn´t matter at all. That you need to feed other people, like why wouldn´t you? You still have four-fifths left! That you need to listen to your owners. They always have your best interests in mind! That laws cannot ever be wrong. It is called JUSTICE for a reason! That the reason behind your suffering is because of a random another animal, and not your tormentor.

    Only when you become rich and powerful, that subjective tags like good or evil stop affecting you. Cuz you earned your right of being the oppressor instead.

    TLDR: Life is meaningless, so grab a sharp stone and off urself. oooooooooorrr you can join the french and start robespiering the shit off your politicians.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  17. pass1478

    pass1478 I'm in Despair!

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Good or bad, right or wrong, they are but constructs in our mind. There is no right, bad, right, or wrong, for everything just is. But if you were to ask me if being good is right, that would depend on what good to you is, not to mention what you consider right. Though, personally speaking, I'd say it's right to be good, but it's not always good to be right.
  18. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    i beleive in the law of exchange
    at least in real life where i have to give a shit about what i say. if ur an asshole im an asshole, if ur nice then im nice kinda thing. also karma , also quid pro quo takes into factor of things i do that would be considered nice
  19. Kadmos1

    Kadmos1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    What you are saying is true, from a certain point of view.