Is there a tag for actual rebirth? If not, can we make one?

Discussion in 'Novel Updates Site Discussion' started by bleh360, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. bleh360

    bleh360 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    When i say rebirth i dont mean reincarnation because there are too many times where reincarnation is just a person coning back to life in an already full grown body or beast/object. What i am talking about being literally birthed again, could be in a new world could be in the same world other tags cover that part of it just not the first.

    Previously i was using "Child Protagonist" tag to find novels like these, but I noticed a huge flaw today....once they grow up in the story someone will probably remove the child protagonist tag and i am probably missing out on some because the tag was never added as they grew up faster in the novel and it was just never added.

    This is a specific kind of setup i believe there should be a tag to indicate that the type of reincarnation was rebirth, since we have other specifics like reincarnated to another world and reincarnated as an object etc. But no reincarnated into a baby? No rebirth tag? Or is it just called something else and I hadnt found it because it was never used?
  2. mm38910

    mm38910 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    It is transmigration.
  3. MrLLama

    MrLLama Just a Fancy Llama.

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Reincarnation - new birth
    Transmigration - mind in a new body
    No idea about tags, but this is how they should probably be defined.
  4. Robbini

    Robbini Logical? Illogical? Random? Or Just Unique?

    Oct 20, 2015
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    But there's also plenty of cases where they reincarnate into a younger body, either as a baby, child, or teen. In some they remember it all, in some they remember it partially and in some have age-locked memories to keep them sane.
  5. Blitz

    Blitz ⛈️ awakened from the reverie❄️

    Mar 21, 2016
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    • Reincarnation, reincarnarnated into another world,reincarnated into a game world,etc are for being reborn from the beginning
    • Transmigration is when they take over another body
    • Second chance is pretty much getting a redo
    • Transported into another world and transported into a game world excluding the transmigration tag
    If the protagonist spends a significant amount of time as a child even of they grow up the Child protagonist tag won't be removed.
    A def for most tags are also present. Plus if your really looking for a really specific scenario making a thread would be a lot easier
    Give me a minute to link the tags
    hillo315, Femme Fatale, kenar and 2 others like this.
  6. MrLLama

    MrLLama Just a Fancy Llama.

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I believe there is a word similar to possession when they posses the body of someone else in this kind of stories, but i cant remember now
  7. Ol bugga

    Ol bugga Carved of stone

    Aug 1, 2017
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    Even though i get where you're coming from. I think it's fine under the "reincarnation" tag, as that is like, the actual name of the concept of what you are looking for. There is also the tag "transmigration"
  8. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    So what about if they just skip the baby arc? It would still have them reincarnate as a baby, but it would have pretty much the same outcome.
  9. Rogue Will

    Rogue Will [A Passing Devil]

    Jun 23, 2016
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    You will have to dig a bit dude, actually the tag Reincarnation picks newborns to infants. I can remember only Mushoku Tensei where the guy is reincarnated in a newborn baby.
  10. Rumby

    Rumby Rumbly Tumbly

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Yeah I usually use like child protag + reincarnation/transmigration/second chance tag or like age progression tag to try to look for baby - toddler stories,
    But it's hard to find stories where the mc starts as a baby, so I try to add the tags when I come across them
  11. bleh360

    bleh360 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    It truly is, and it's only when I'm not looking for it, that I end up finding it, and low and behold it is not even tagged with anything that I could find them. Look at Joy of Life, that novel is clearly one where the MC "transmigrated" into a baby, but yo wasn't it clearly explained the baby was born not long before he even woke up as MC? If I remember correctly MC was a kid for a good 20 or so chapters maybe (which is nothing in the grand scheme of things) and I was reading it when it first came out and not never nan was there a child protagonist tag. So if I hadn't stumbled on it I might never have noticed it, and that is where my problem lies, if it had a simple rebirth tag that would cover all these ambiguous scenarios, because rebirth would clearly mean came from the womb yet again no matter the world, how long they are children, etc.Just plain and simple born again. Very specific.

    I've seen those tags before however, it is too broad and your list just proves my point since none of those tags are specific to actually being born (fresh out the womb) again. My point is that we have Reincarnated as an Object(and come on! how many books really fall into this tag? like literally 6!!), Reincarnated as Monster, which are very specific tags, and using UnGrave point, they pretty much the same outcome (talking object pretty much received as a monster imo, and the story flow will be very similar) but we don't have a tag specific for Reincarnated as a baby nor rebirth... which should and I repeat SHOULD be just Reincarnated tag standalone, but the tag is not used in that way, it is used for a variety of different kinds of reincarnations where the main character could just gets a brand new body that was never actually born to the world, instead just appeared in the world, some god just made a body for them or some stupid crap like that. MC will end up looking like a person with no common sense cause he's all grown up but don't know shiz about the world(hate that trope for the life of me).

    I am looking for a specific scenario when the MC is born again regardless of memories they hold, regardless if author skips the entire child phase, I am looking for when a person is born all over again. This could be accomplished with a Rebirth tag that can be stacked with Reincarnation to emphasize that it wasn't just a new body, it came from a womb of a lady creature yet again in its lifetime.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  12. runsing

    runsing status : bleeding, health -10/s Novel Updates Staff

    Nov 4, 2015
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    despite having the word birth (in re-birth.), being born again is not a 'Rebirth' IF mc retains his old 'self' (conciousness/memory/soul). That, is reincarnation.

    that is also actually a valid reincarnation. because mc is still himself. however, for such scenario, we would instead use Transported into Another World. example story : Konosuba

    the closest to 'rebirth' that i can think of, is Grasping Evil. in fact, there are even peoples who gets a rebirth in that story.

    we don't have Reincarnated as a Baby, because that's what reincarnation primarily covers and would make it redundant.
    Blitz likes this.
  13. bleh360

    bleh360 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    I don't care what wording you use, I want a tag that is defined as Having coming from the womb once again after a previous death. Like I said it can be stack-able with reincarnation. IMO it's odd that we have a tag for Reincarnated as an Object but not something like what I want which covers multiple novels. Also I am not saying the reincarnation definition is wrong, I am saying it is used too broadly and that is obvious since it was decided that they would have alternate tags like Reincarnated into A Game World and such. So why not have a tag that specifics that they came from the womb again? Because the definition "born after death" is not specific to the type of born meaning came to be or pushed out after a row with the doctor and the midwives.

    Rebirth sometimes happens and then the person only recovers their memories after a shocking event or something. Also I was pretty sure Reincarnation could also happen where they do not remember their past lives and people will speculate in the story like "Ohhh Reincarnation of blah blah blah" or "Reincarnation of Buddha"(this last one I have seen once in anime) so I think Reincarnation is very broad and is not really defined by memories at all.
  14. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Just add "reincarnated as baby" to novels you think it fits.
  15. bleh360

    bleh360 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    That's what I want, but I can't do it right? Someone from admin has to make it right? I can't just change tags can I?

    If I can, can you link me to a guide or tell me how.
  16. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I'm pretty sure there's an edit button above the tags, and you can just type it in.
  17. runsing

    runsing status : bleeding, health -10/s Novel Updates Staff

    Nov 4, 2015
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    reincarnation already covers reborn from the womb. Reincarnated as an Object exist is because it does not came from the womb. totally different.

    you are seeing a lot of reincarnation-tagged novel because IT IS a lot more common. and that's why we use Transported into Another World to split between 'born again' and 'body rebuild' like konosuba.

    then that disqualifies it from using term 'rebirth'.

    you are right in that reincarnation is quite broad, however rebirth is not. and that's what makes it different.

    that'll be redundant with current Reincarnation tag usage, so i would advise againts it. just because anyone can edit it doesn't means any tag will do.

    @bleh360 what you're looking for is Age Progression + Reincarnation. that's why @Blitz already suggested to you to make an I'm Looking For..' thread, as that would better serve your need.

    try these tag with Age Progression combined
    • Reincarnated as a Monster
    • Reincarnated into a Game World
    • Reincarnated into Another World
    • Reincarnation
    • Transported into a Game World
    • Transported into Another World
    • Transmigration
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  18. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    You can, but your tag will just be removed if you don't get the mods to agree with your proposal first and foremost.
  19. bleh360

    bleh360 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    I already said I don't care what you call it. Rebirth, Reincarnated as a baby, THE WHOLE POINT IS ABOUT BEING BORN FROM THE WOMB AGAIN. I have seen Reincarnation being used for a person who was not born again as I said before.

    Example A:
    This novel is clearly not reincarnation....but it is used, and people would debate it is so. My point is the overall idea of Reincarnation is being improperly used to label MANY novels. This makes it entirely hard to find what I am actually looking for, which is why I think there should be specific label for this type of thing, that is very clear and non-ambiguous.

    Also Age progression is not what I am looking for, as I said being born from the womb is the setting that I want, I do not want a coming of age story, or a story about some guy who grows up. I do not care if they grow up or not so age progression would not be a tag i mandate, and really imo should not be necessary to use for what i want. What I am looking for is a very specific to the premise of the novel as i said, the fact that i have to use so many filters to find something that is very common is ridiculous. I am not asking for someone to tell me how to use tags, I know how to use them thank you.

    I am asking how to get a new tag that is specific because we need one and there is none for it.

    How do I do that?
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  20. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Just go to any novel page and go to the tags section and click the edit button.

    Then, you can add/remove any tag you want to the novel. If the tag doesn't exist already, it will be instantly created.

    Again though, keep in mind that the mods do monitor every single tag change in every novel in NU (yes, they do it), so any new tag creation that doesn't get their greenlight will end up just being removed. Adding appropriate existing tags to novels is totally acceptable though.