Kicked out of home at 18 years old

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Ai chan, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. anhrefn

    anhrefn [NTR Sect Leader]       [True Ancestor]

    Oct 20, 2015
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    indeed, families are much connected here
  2. zeroknight

    zeroknight [Death to All Harem Novels] [Dumb MCs' Hater]

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I dont know if its only our country or there are others as well.....but here in the Philippines you're allowed to stay as long as you like. I'm 22 and I still like with my parents and maybe still going to be in the future :blobnom:
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  3. UnknownSaint171

    UnknownSaint171 To Something Sounds Cooler

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I think it happens everywhere. I’ve only seen that thing happen twice at here at Cali. Most of the time it’s jsut crappy parents. I remember seeing a 18 year old girl items everywhere outside once, literally kicked out
  4. Kiki0246

    Kiki0246 Top Notch Fujoshi, Owner of ISO TLs

    Sep 24, 2016
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    This is Quora. They get paid to ask click bait questions so most of them aren't true. Of course, they could be, but I spend a lot of time on there and the mass majority of those kind of questions are made up since they get a lot of $$$ asking these.
  5. HappyHavak

    HappyHavak The Laughing Sage

    May 16, 2017
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    I graduated high school at 17 and was kicked out less than a month later
  6. Ddraig

    Ddraig Frostfire Dragon|Retired lurker|FFF|Loved by RNG

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Eh that sounds kinda crazy
  7. TheZephyrStorm

    TheZephyrStorm Rock God

    Apr 25, 2016
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    My parents would never kick me out but I did move out on my own a month after my 18th birthday
  8. novalance

    novalance Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I would say I think this thing use to be very common during pre-modern and modernization eras. Of course this was when children were pulled into the labor force still and typically they would learn a trade while growing up. That once you did reach your 18th birthday you would be able to leave or told to leave to make room for your siblings. I think this practice started to decline when child labor laws were put in place and along with jobs these days requiring much higher education and training that you can't get from just high school. Along with the rise in the quality of living and families being able to provide better opportunities along with families also having less children, they can put in more into fewer children. The fewer children being a thing with better medicine and healthcare and little boys and girls not outright dying to a cold or flu, or a fricken lion running around the backyard.
  9. lnv

    lnv ✪ Well-Known Hypocrite

    Jan 24, 2017
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    It is fairly common, especially in south/west US. But generally it happens when they are not in good standing with their parents.

    Raise their kids! lol, good joke! Most parents I've seen don't raise their kids, other than forcing their beliefs on them, they are mostly free range.

    Not exactly. There are 3 reasons people home school outside of normal reasons in the US.
    1) They are afraid schools will teach their kids communism or make them the anti-christ, so they don't care about controlling the kid as long as said kid doesn't go against their beliefs.
    2) Because their neighbors do it and they don't want to "stand out"
    3) Some states offer vouchers, tax breaks and other benefits to homeschoolers. Aka, you can opt out of public school and take that voucher to either a charter school or be homeschooled. I'm not sure what programs WI has, but I do know they are one of the states that are big on homeschooling.
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  10. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Since most people would actually move on themselves i think the one getting kicked out were actually quite rare. I've seen girls of younger age (at least 15yo or so) literally moved on themselves by selling their bodies due to lack of opportunities or poverty in hometown. Being kicked out mostly just a bad relationship with the parents. Perhaps the blame lies on the parents perhaps not ? Anyway there's not much one can tell or do anything about their poor luck so they really better uses the best of every opportunity they come across.
  11. J-Mitch

    J-Mitch ⚖ Tipping the Scales of the World

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Yup. They can do so legally.

    Often it happens when a parent (1) doesn't want to care for their child, (2) can't stand the child for their actions or for being gay or getting pregnant..etc. (3) don't want to spend any more money on the child, (4) feel like building a new fam.

    It's sad, but it happens.
  12. HiroBlaze

    HiroBlaze Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    It's not common at all. Cases like this typically happen when the family unit breaks down such as broken households, family feud, domestic abuse, etc. I have seen this type of trend happen more among Caucasian Americans more so than any other group, which kind of explains the rampant substance abuse and rising homelessness in this demographic.

    Southern American Caucasians seem to fare better and avoid this trend due to their strong religious views on child rearing responsibilities and close-nit communities.

    In many Asian American families, you are not considered an adult unless you are married and have a child. Being a parent is a lifetime thing, it does not end when they are 18. For millennial's and afterwards, its fairly common to live with your parents after 18.

    Legally, young Americans are still co-dependent on their parents until the age of 25 if you apply for fafsa (tuition for college).

    In such a situation, it would be practical to join the military or find some kind of live-in job.
    Deleted member 155674 and mir like this.
  13. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Another Asian here. pretty much the same scenario. parents don't want you to move coz 'how are you gonna live by yourself' plus 'it's expensive' and 'whose gonna take care of you' even you're a full-fledged adult. Just contribute to the family budget and buy personal things if you're single. Expect to be tangled when it comes to money and property issues (or other family duties) coz everyone seems to have a stake. Some of my Western friends think it's absurd but hey, it works for me and it also works for my family.
  14. Galooza

    Galooza The One True Walapalooza

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Getting booted out after high school, at least, I'd say is in between uncommon and rare. Not common, but not shocking news. Booting them out with no bank account and not allowing them to get a job until they're homeless, however, is an entirely different story. Hope that's not real or a scare tactic, cause dang.
  15. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Asian here. Just to comment on your Asian statement. Actually, you are considered to be an adult even though you're single. Some parents are n now very accepting of a child who wanted a single life as long as they have other grandchildren from other offspring. Parents aren't so insistent that you have to get married but they still somewhat expect (not all) that you contribute to the family by some means - financial, physical help etc. But it's another issue if you're an only child - which is also rare for Asian families.
  16. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Cradle to grave, as they say. worse, if one parent has a big family i.e. tons of siblings = ton of cousins that you're expected to remember.
  17. KidBuu

    KidBuu Embrace Darkness

    Oct 9, 2017
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    I was using home school with the other examples as a supporting point that the parents were trying to control the child's life. There are a lot more reasons as to why people choose to home school their kids however; with the no job or other necessary skills suggest the parents wanted to be in control of the kids life.

    Your first point on the subjects taught in school is a major reason why some parents home school. Some religious people do not like their children learning different ways of thinking(science, other religions, sex education). I have a co-worker who thinks that way so he home schools and takes his two kids to the ARK museum every year. If you say anything about developing social skills his answer is his kids can learn that at church.
    Some parents see public schools as breeding grounds of bad influences(sex, drugs, violence, etc.) Heck some parents just think they can do a better job then the school system. The other two points I wouldn't really agree too much. I had some friends in the neighborhood who were home schooled and no other parents in the area followed their example. Home schooling isn't like the social pressure of mowing your lawn. The reason why they were home schooled was because their dad was. Tax breaks for homeschooling is a thing but I have never heard vouchers for charter schools. I know a person can claim private school costs on tax returns but most of the time the actual costs of the schools have to be paid up front. On the other hand I didn't study taxes or the regulations of the education system so I can't really say what is right or wrong.
  18. mir

    mir Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    It happened to a friend of someone I know.
    Apparently her parents didn't even give her any warning. They acted completely normal, like a regular loving family even on the day before her birthday.

    Imagine you are excited for your birthday the next day, you go to sleep.
    Suddenly at midnight your parents wake you up, tell you to get dressed and bring you to the front door where they have some suitcases packed for you that had been prepared without you knowing. And they tell you 'goodbye' and that you're being kicked out. For awhile you think this is some sort of trick, they're just doing a cruel prank right? But they don't let you back in the house at all.

    Something like the above is what happened to her. Luckily she could stay at a friends house that night and for awhile after, but needless to say it was a very painful time for her. I heard that story and thought it was completely insane that any parent would do that. Some people adopt mainly for the monetary benefits, and she was adopted, so it might've had something to do with that.
  19. prongsjiisan

    prongsjiisan Apostle of Violence

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I was kicked at age of 14. And need to pay my own middle school tuition. And I still made it.
    Blitz, Ai chan and Bright_Lucky_Star like this.
  20. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    That is... Absolutely insane.

    I mean, I'm sterile, so I view adoption as a way of having a child I'd be unable to otherwise... And like... Earning money from adopting someone? I didn't know this even existed (well, I doubt it exists where I live anyways), and I definitely wouldn't care for this kind of benefit in the slightest.

    It's like... I'm taking a child that probably went through a pretty harsh life in their parents' house to the point they needed to go to an orphanage and bring them into my own house... And then I'll go and give them another traumatic experience by kicking them out when they're 18? What madness is that? What kind of crazy human being would do that?

    I mean, seriously, it's my child, how could I possibly do that to them?

    Kicking someone out when they're 18 should be downright illegal, dear God... I'm glad this doesn't happen over here.
    HiroBlaze, Enny2209, Blitz and 2 others like this.