LCD Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by TUSF, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Tarrian

    Tarrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2018
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    The problem with Shun is that he tends to go with the flow rather than thinking for himself, and is more likely to take someone's word for it and do what they say if it's the easier path. Or the path that requires the least sacrifice or suffering even if the alternative is actually the better way. He's your typical milquetoast isekai protagonist who can't make the hard choices even if it means that everyone dies.

    And that's the thing about their situation, while Shiro and Ariel's approach may seem draconian it is the most likely one to see any of the people in that world surviving in the long term. Sure, sacrificing Sariel may let them sustain things for a while longer, but it doesn't change the amount of energy left in the system after all the years of it being siphoned off by one thing or another. Souls are degrading, the world's energy is being bled dry because people don't want change, and that damned Gyurie is a rockhead determined to stay the same path cuz that's what he thinks Sariel would want. It's an infuriating situation that makes one (specifically me) want to shake some people by the shoulders and ask them if they really want EVERYONE to die... maybe not now. Maybe not next generation. Maybe not ten generations. But they WILL die if Shun and his idiot pals continue on and actually win. The system isn't sustainable and the current faction that wants to maintain the status quo have yet to show any kind of plan for changing that fate. Just... ARGH.

    Maybe, MAYBE if D hopped in and managed to dig up some more energy they could change that pretty much preordained outcome, but c'mon, that's really not her thing. She's much more likely to kick back with a tub of popcorn and watch the world burn.
  2. Arha

    Arha Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    He does try to think for himself but then someone or something usually forces him in a different direction. Like maybe sparing Hugo wasn't the best idea, but it was one he meant to go through with until someone politely overruled him with a sword.

    Yeah, that's the thing. Shun assumes Dustin has a plan for what to do after Sariel goes down, but I think one either doesn't exist or is absolutely abhorrent. At the very least we know it involves killing off all the demons. So if Dustin actually wins the upcoming battle, we're left in a tricky situation where Shiro can't go through with her plan and a really nasty future is in store for the world, requiring some quick and drastic problem solving.

    Hey, give D some credit. She wouldn't be sitting back and watching the world burn. She would be pouring gasoline on the parts that aren't on fire yet.

    Incidentally she is my second favorite character. She is just so incredibly awful on every level that I can't help but love her. She managed to make eating ice cream in front of someone actually incredibly cruel when you look back on it.

    Oh, and when I say I think we're supposed to notice Shiro goes a little overboard I'm mostly thinking of two things. One, she's so emotionally stunted she didn't realize murdering someone's brother would hurt their feelings, so she's really hurting a lot of people without even realizing it. Two, she doesn't actually care if the entire world is destroyed because of her and doesn't intend to stick around to try and make sure any actual people survive. She straight up doesn't care. The actual plan itself is basically fine given the information she possesses, but the way she approaches it is not exactly admirable.
    Tarrian likes this.
  3. Tarrian

    Tarrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Well yeah, cuz we're shown clearly that demons are all just monsters! Even though some of them have broken away from Ariel and decided to help the humans. I swear, Dustin is just as bad as Potimas, just racist for a different species.

    She is indeed the absolute worst, that's what makes it fun to watch and listen to her. She's been toying with Shiro from the beginning, and it's been hilarious every time she's shown up.

    The thing about Shiro is that her motivation is primarily tied to Ariel, and through Ariel, Sariel. She would do anything to make Ariel happy, it's actually quite sweet. It's too bad that we've gotten toward the endgame of the story so we're stuck with seeing more and more of the idiots on Gyurie's side pushing Ariel's crew back to build tension. Which includes Shun. Have I mentioned I can't stand him? I was sincerely hoping that he'd burn through his soul while using his resurrection ability, but no such luck. Maybe next time.

    No, I doubt it. As much of a waste of air Shun may be, he's going to end up one of, if not THE, most important piece that decides it all. Everything has been building up Hero-kun to face off against the Demon Lord, and I think that even if Shiro manages to shut down Gyurie soon enough it's still going to come down to Shun having to make a choice for good or ill. Ugh ugh ugh. I'd rather rely on our adorable lil murder spooder.
    Hanada likes this.
  4. Arha

    Arha Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    I think Shiro will either lose to Gyurie or win without being able to finish him off. Either way she exits the battle in really bad shape and giving Shun that one in a million shot that she herself wouldn't bet on, then losing to him. I think the analogy was ant vs elephant, right? And then he gets to find out that Dustin is a meanie and woops he made things worse and now he has to go help Shiro come up with another solution.

    Or maybe that's just what I want to happen. I'm actually worried that Shiro is going to just get some kind of bad ending and the above situation seems like it gives her the most freedom after everything is wrapped up.

    The thing that I find really stands out to me about D is how her sheer pettiness mixes in with her incredible cruelty so naturally. It just makes her that much worse when you know that not only did she consign billions to purgatory, she also goes out of her way to make her throwaway toy spider mentally ill. It serves no purpose to make her a possibly autistic hikikomori with some kind of anxiety disorder and fake memories of being an ugly girl with bad relationships and yet she did it anyway.

    NZPIEFACE Leecher

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Nah, it's fine. I'm pretty sure most of us here hold similar opinions.

    Personally, I think Shun was a character that was written very well by the author. It's just he's supposed to be an annoying and generic isekai protagonist fuck-head who won't shut up. At least he's chosen a side now, sheesh.
    Tarrian likes this.
  6. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    I would say that one of the themes of the series is "there is no such thing as a free lunch" or "you can't have your cake and eat it" - ie if seems too good to be true it probably is.

    The situation with the world is that there are no "good" solutions remaining. Dustin sells his solution as being the best one and his side as being good/just etc but underneath he clearly knows that this is not the case. He knows what he is doing is immoral - biting the hand that feeds you, basically. I would say that the main thing you could fault Shun for is that he just assumes that the side that feels right to him is in fact "good". He doesn't try to dig deeper or confirm things, just goes along with what he feels is right, or what he feels Julius would do. For Shun as a character, possibly the worst scenario for him is if his side wins - as he'd then be forced to face the consequences of his actions, meaning he'd be forced to realise that he didn't have the moral high ground.

    And of course, what Ariel/Shiro are up to isn't moral either as they're basically forcing their preference upon the world like dictators. They're well aware that turkeys don't vote for Christmas so they don't have a way to "spin" their solution as being the best - Shiro hid the fine print (that half the world could die) for as long as possible instead. Putting it another way, they know that they're going to be perceived as the bad guys no matter what so decided to be up front about it. It's worth noting that Shiro would have every reason to seek a less risky alternative if there was one, since she always expected to have to fight a much stronger and experienced god (Gyurie) in the end with her plan. So while we can speculate about possible better alternatives, we either have to assume that Shiro considered them and rejected them for some reason or that she carelessly missed the possibility.

    It's worth noting that we don't have the full details of Dustin's plan but he seems convinced that he'll go down in history as one of the worst people ever. So since we can't properly compare his plans with Shiro's I don't think we can say that one is more moral than the other. For example, there's been speculation that Dustin's true plan would involve things like summoning people from other worlds, since they would have fresh souls, and effectively sacrificing innocent people to "save the world". I'm not sure if that could work in practice but it's an example of where his approach might take things - as long as "his people" survive then everyone else can go burn.

    For me, the main question remaining is not whether Shiro will win or not but whether she'll take any sort of responsibility or not. Currently, she wants nothing to do with D long term and wants to "run away" essentially and be completely free. But is that really living with pride? I don't think so. I think it would be better for her to treat the world as her "home" and care for it longer term, even if that means more meddling from D or having to risk herself for the world.
  7. Arha

    Arha Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    Shun is more really boring than actively dislikable for me. I don't think he's actually dumb, he just showed up so late to the problem that there's basically no way he can get caught up so he had to make a snap decision on who to support if anyone and the two people feeding him information the most are Dustin and Sariel. You can see how he could come to unhelpful conclusions with supporters like that. Right now all he knows is that a bunch of people WILL die if Shiro gets her way and that people won't die immediately if Dustin's plan goes through. He doesn't see how this is possible and maybe has some really faint suspicions regarding this, but based on what he knows supporting Dustin is the reasonable option right now.

    I'm hoping she gets that ending too, yeah. I want this world to stay under her own influence and she just goes back to Japan whenever she gets bored and stuff. The other 'good' ending for her I can see is that D dies/is pushed out somehow and she becomes the new Wakaba Hiiro, the reincarnators return to Japan somehow and she just lives and dies as an ordinary person. Which is super boring, let our spider lady stay a monster goddess please. High school is boring.
    Hanada likes this.

    NZPIEFACE Leecher

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I honestly don't feel that there's any plan that could work. Like you said, "there is no such thing as a free lunch".
    The biggest issue is simply the lack of global resources. The two solutions given by Shiro and Dustin respectively were to cut down on spending immediately or to simply ignore the problem until the problem deals with them. The idea that there's an energy-positive solution without expending existing resources sounds impossible to me.

    Dustin probably has some ideas on how to extend the amount of time there is, for example, spreading the sacrifice of one's soul as a religious thing when they die. Maybe he doesn't have any ideas, and he's just being a stubborn protector of humanity, since that's literally all he is.
    Hanada likes this.
  9. Arha

    Arha Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    "Hey you guys dropped all this energy meant to save the planet, here, you can have it back again WOOPS I dropped it and turned it into a constant mental torture skill instead. My bad! Alright, later kids, have fun."

    Best guess is he plans to cut down on the population of people he doesn't consider human or are at least expendable (demons, Sariel worshipers etc) to cut down expenditures and then do something horrible to the reincarnators to make up the slack. Whether this is even meant to be a solution is a coin toss. He really might just be stalling to keep as many 'humans' alive for as long as possible.

    NZPIEFACE Leecher

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Oh right, that's a "solution". Not much of one, but it exists. :\
  11. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Dustin reminds me somewhat of Kiritsugu Emiya from Fate/Zero in that he readily makes short term sacrifices for what he sees as the greater good but what you're actually doing is rapidly shrinking the population if applied at a global level, which is why Kiritsugu gave up on his methods in the end. Dustin is definitely planning to sacrifice the demons and anyone not on his "side". But I doubt that'd be enough. And wouldn't you want a safety margin?

    This is just a feeling but I wouldn't be surprised if Dustin has made some kind of agreement with D over this. Maybe she'll make it easy to "summon" people from Earth for example? She could go with that so long as it's interesting for her.

    But yeah... without something really extreme, I think Dustin's solution is likely to fail entirely. Even if he succeeds I think there'll be long term pain - eventually other gods will come from other planets to take over the place and having sacrificed all their gods, there'll have nobody to protect them. In other words, Dustin's solution almost certainly dooms the planet one way or another.
    Hanada likes this.
  12. Kphone89

    Kphone89 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2018
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    I think it's fine. It's nice to see an anime-only's response after picking up the novel.
    Now you know the suffering of us who are forced to watch Shun and the human's side getting so much screen time when.., right?
    Did you like Kumoko's secret? I bet you could re-watch/re-read the story from the beginning now with a new frame of mind and enjoy it all over again!
  13. Arha

    Arha Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    Dustin has never spoken to D or even heard her voice before like twenty minutes ago. If they made a deal, it's very recent.
    Hanada likes this.
  14. MeriLEN

    MeriLEN New Member

    May 13, 2021
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    Yes, I found that really fun actually. Never expected her to be a literal spider.

    I understand the pain of watching how a character steal screen time from actually good characters and the pain of how the story and characters were treated. Especially Katia, the way they butchered her. She was my fav reincarnated human by far. cries in the corner
    Someguy666, Kphone89 and Lonelycity like this.
  15. Lonelycity

    Lonelycity Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2016
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    Welcome to the show~~
    Honestly the rate of new releases are very slow these days. The author barely gives any love to the win and only focuses on the ln XD
    Lydianne_Pyria likes this.
  16. Kphone89

    Kphone89 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2018
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    I feel like all the quotes I grabbed make this like writing an essay.
    I typed out a lot that seems like review and I don't know why I did it anymore-but it was probably related to responding to someones post.. :blobdizzy:I spent more than an hour writing this post and I don't want to go through trying to figure out what to remove!
    Please tell me if I remembered something wrong from the WN. I'm thinking of reading it from the beginning soon.
    The other world is reaching its limit.
    • The amount of MA energy is far from maintaining the stability of the planet.
    • The souls which were being used to harvest MA energy have or are approaching their limit.
    This all stems back to Potimas. He discovered and was aware of what MA energy was. He used it in his human experiments in an attempt to gain immortality-experimenting on kidnapped adults, children, and babies alike. Even before he discovered MA energy, Goddess Sariel should have stopped him.
    Potimas further publicized MA energy's existence without revealing what it was. To acquire more HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION RESEARCH FUNDS (something that the purchasers were ALL aware of), Potimas sold the weaponization of MA energy. All but ONE nation purchased this DESPITE knowing he would use the money on human experiments.
    Potimas may be the primary instigator and source of problems but humanity happily jumped on the bandwagon of killing itself off. There are no excuses and Sariel failed to not only complete her duty but also uphold her desire to protect humanity.

    Later, Potimas continued to be a source of problems when he used MA energy to create the machines and barrier to oppose the gods. He even found himself convincing the demon lord before Ariel and the hero before Julius into killing Gyurie. Gyurie was trying to help them prevent the war for hundreds of years (or altogether) so Potimas needed to practically turn loyal saints into disloyal heretics-there's no way skills should've worked.
    Once again, the the fault lay solely to humanity.
    To make matters worse, Sariel wanted to save Gyuri so much that she redirected the attack that should've killed him to enact revenge against D. What's ironic is that D was bored of the other world and had no reason to think of it ever again. -There's nothing like inviting a malicious goddess who has completely forgotten you that she should come play again.
    Let's not forget that Sariel was in the position she was in because she willingly sacrificed herself (abandoned Gyurie) so she should have no right to save him-or the fact that the dumbass plans to kill himself after Sariel dies so her action is a joke.
    Many of you have overlooked some important things when looking at the actions of humanity from the other world.
    1. Gods are incentivized to protect and prevent the collapse of planets. Based on the wording, they receive benefits from the planet that were not expanded on.
    2. Gods are in charge of reincarnation. For specifics, we've seen D reincarnate the classmates-and she is the Goddess of the Underworld.
    What does this mean?
    Since gods are in charge of reincarnation, they can observe souls before reincarnating them. If a soul has led to the death a god or led to the destruction of a planet, it wouldn't be unreasonable for the gods in charge to snuff the souls out of existence.
    Gods don't want to die and they don't want the planets they're sitting comfortably on to be destroyed.

    Although the reason D trapped the souls to the other world was to be used to recover the damage they did to the planet, it's also possible that she's preventing them from being snuffed out. This also makes Taboo Lv.10 have more meaning, "Atone". Atone refers to atoning for sins and you can only atone as long as your soul continues to exist.
    If you consider Sariel's wish to be allowing said humans (of her planet) to continue to exist, this could be D's way of granting her wish.
    Believe it or not, had Sariel not interfered with Shiro's attempt to fix the problems, the 50% of humanity will live might be as high as ~80% of humanity will live. Shiro wanted to remove the Hero title from the system and repurpose the MA energy associated with it for restoring the world.
    Had Sariel not interfered, Julius would be the last (titled) hero and reason why the world became a better place. Based on the fact that he handed the revival feather to Hyrince, Julius had likely predicted the future and willingly offered himself for the betterment of the world-a true hero who made the ultimate sacrifice.

    Going a step further;
    Sariel went to sacrifice herself without ensuring Potimas and all his clones were killed off. She didn't try and erase every last piece of information and technology related to MA energy. She also didn't try to kill anyone who had knowledge in regards to the acquisition/usage of MA energy. With how long she watched over humanity, she should've known they would repeat their mistakes and utilize MA energy unless every trace of it was destroyed.
    Julius sacrificed himself to someone exponentially stronger that he knew he would lose to. Assuming he had future sight, he would've seen a better future born from his death-one which did not include Sariel's interference with Shiro's plan.

    Dustin was a good man until the rest of humanity (not counting the dragon worshipers) decided to use the world's MA energy for their own personal gain and engaged in a the mass-development of MA energy-based soldiers and weapons.
    After the Dragons left, the world was in shambles and all nations turned towards President Dustin. In his infinite wisdom-which is clearly mental retardation-he decided to accept the idea of sacrificing the goddess.
    Mental retardation-case and point. The Goddess and Dragons could clearly fly through space. Potimas had also created a spaceship that could fly through space. Human technology was already at the level in which spaceships could be partially constructed. Anyone with a brain should be able to infer that asking Sariel to find a planet where humanity could live on would be a far better option. Even if the spaceship only had life support, Sariel could carry it through space until they reach a planet.​
    With that said, the system came into place and he gained a skill to retain his memory throughout his lives. It's quite sad that he believes Taboo Lv.10 is a just punishment for the crimes he and his people have committed. Though painful, Taboo Lv.10 is a blessing-the wish of Potimas-immortality.

    Because Dustin retained his memories, he should be aware demons are the descendants of human experimentation. Given his wealth of knowledge in regards to the system and history, he should be 100% aware that humans and demons use the same pool of souls for reincarnation-that demons are literally humans.
    After D gives everyone Taboo Lv.10, many demons are seen reminiscing about their lives as humans-humans that weren't experimented on.

    Shiro was a spider in her past life. In her second life, she was a spider monster with memories of a goddess-and she became a goddess herself.
    Spiders have hundreds of children in each sling (spider litter). As with most creatures (ie: Cats/Dogs/etc.) that give birth to multiple offspring, they care little for their children because its expected that many won't survive.
    Gods and goddesses are all like selfish children. They do what they want without worrying about consequences.
    With that said, how can you expect a spider or goddess to act or care about others like a human. Even cats care little about their children so humans are the weird ones.

    You both seem to be under the impression that D is an evil malicious goddess with tons of free time who is not being watched by the Strongest Known Goddess Meido.
    • D went out of her way to save the planet when she created the system.
    • D went out of her way to create monsters. The monsters allowed humanity (demons=humans) to get stronger without killing themselves.
    • D went out of her way to create the Wisdom skill for Shiro.
    • D returned some of the MA energy from the attack Sariel used to try and kill her.
    • D has never stopped Shiro from doing what she wanted to do. She did however make the current confrontation more entertaining.
    • D has granted countless wishes from the humans and gods from the other world. If people didn't have such corrupt wishes, the planet would have long-been saved ages ago.
    If D really wanted to destroy the world, the very fact that Gyurie appeared before her is enough excuse to do it. Sariel's act of redirecting an attack to D is also a valid justification for destroying the other world.

    When I hear Worst Evil Goddess, the first thing I think of is the absolute worst, hate-inducing person. When I look at everything D has done, I think of someone who is bad at being evil, the Worst (at being Evil) Evil Goddess-the Worst Evil Goddess.
    A god is not evil just because they give you free will-the choice to do good or evil. D is such a goddess.

    I find it ironic that people seem to think D is responsible for what's happening in the other world. D gave people the system-preventing the world's collapse and automating its restoration. The doom she introduced was in the form of skills, and they aren't actually the cause for the worlds imminent destruction. Even if they were the source of the problem, people would still have to acquire the skills and actively use those skills to end the world.
    The world is on the verge of destruction because Potimas (the primary instigator) kept draining MA energy from the world for machines, human experiments, his barrier, etc., and was able to fool the former demon king and hero before Julius into attacking the administrators.
    The fault lies with the humans themselves.

    D didn't go out of her way to harm or mislead Shiro. She even gave her a skill after a valid complaint. In the anime (and LN I guess?), D adds some big lies. It could be that D didn't care enough to remember the events and just spit out important bits. People seem to have forgotten or overlooked that a large portion of Shiro's personality comes from the fragment of D's soul being imbued with D's memories as Wakaba Hiiro. Spider's don't talk at all so Shiro's upbeat yet socially-disabled thoughts and speech stem from D as well.
    D hasn't actively thrown monsters and dragons from their resting grounds into the middle of Shiro's nests nor incited them to head to her. D didn't incentivize humans to head to Shiro the moment she hatched or afterwards for that matter. D didn't reduce Shiro's speed by 1-pt too many to prevent her from escaping certain death anywhere either.
    D has literally seen Shiro as a TV show up until the recent arc where the final act seems to be taking place.

    Shun's issue is 1 simple thing-He doesn't care to act. When he reincarnated, he had a wealth of knowledge from his past life. Enacting any form of change based on his memories whether it be for personal profit or bettering his life and the lives of those around him is something you'd expect from a reincarnated person.
    Seeing as he wanted to be like Julius, a hero, not using his knowledge for the betterment of those around him proves doesn't want to help people (translation: doesn't want to be a hero)-a contradiction. Only when things go too far does he start acting.
    The day Julius was recognized as a hero was pretty much the day his life ended. He was taken from his mother and his father abandoned him to the church. It can also be said that If not for the fact that he became the hero, his mother and her children (Julius included) might've died to Cylis's desire to maintain his position as the crown prince. This very fact pressured Julius to put even more effort in to be the hero to protect his mother and siblings, and his half siblings who were kind (like Shun and Sue).
    Unlike Julius, when Shun became the hero, his father tried his best to keep him being onefrom the front line. Shun didn't put in any more effort than the casual effort he put in to the get attribute improvement skills. Even after becoming the hero, something he wished to be become, he still refused to act.

    The scenes from Earth also show that he doesn't try to act.
    • When Wakaba Hiiro was being bullied in the classroom, he did NOTHING.
    • When Hugo (note: Hugo reminds me of Hairo from the Saiki Kusuo series) was smashing balls around and asking Shun (class face) to interact, Shun sat there and ignored him.
    • When he saw Negishi Shouko at the vending machine, he showed a disgusted(?) face (note: I believe the anime confirmed it was disgust.).
    • When Shun saw Wakaba Hiiro being bullied after the vending machine, he sat there doing nothing until a can blew up on him. Even after attention was drawn to him, he showed no interest in demoralizing Shinohara.
    Nothing about Shun's actions insists he's a good person or willing to do what's right. He can't even respect Shouko who was dealt a poor fate by the heavens/gods.
    When Kyouya stopped Shinohara from bullying Wakaba for no personal gain and at the risk of ire from Shinohara and her cronies, he saved both of them. He saved Wakaba from bullying (annoyance) and we know he saved Shinohara from unimaginable hardships that Wakaba might've caused.

    edit:Spelling, formatting, 1 sentence correction
    Last edited: May 14, 2021

    NZPIEFACE Leecher

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I don't know if the coloured text makes it easier to read or not, but holy shit you put more effort into this than I do for my assignments. Absolute respect.
  18. MeriLEN

    MeriLEN New Member

    May 13, 2021
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    Wow, the amount of information that's in this, most of it I just glossed over when speed reading the web novel. Thanks for this, a lot of questions I had was cleared up. Whelp, going to reread the web novel again with actual pasting.
    kurohamukami and Lydianne_Pyria like this.
  19. KhayDesu

    KhayDesu ❀Rᴇᴀᴅιɴԍ Eɴтнusιᴀsт❀ | ★ᴅᴇsu~★ | ✿Loquᴀcιous✿『☕』

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Him existing as a Hero is a plague, its speeds up tjr ruination of the world they are in

    in the latest chapters eventhough the world us ending he still tries to pursue his ideals and still doesn't get the big picture, on top of being a goody two shoes he's weak as hell all he can do is revive people from the dead while his companions beat up Oni-kun like they literally die dozens of times each before they take him down

    when Shiro was killing everyone and everything it was out of goodwill, the souls in the world are getting flimsy and worn down, so she kills them and puts the souls in a special place where they can recover. Shiro does what she does because there is no other choice and is the best compromise she can do.
  20. Arha

    Arha Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    The world's stability isn't exactly the greatest right now but it IS at the point where the world can recover on its own if left alone. The System probably should have been slowly shut down a long time ago given that 100% recovery is actually not necessary, but why would D make the thing so conveniently designed? It'd be boring if it actually cared about the people it was trying to help!

    I don't think gods in general are in charge of reincarnation. This seems to be a D/death god thing. Other pantheons don't appear to have any responsibilities worth noting beyond actions that ensure their own survival, such as not draining a planet so hard it dies like this one nearly did. If nothing else, it doesn't seem to be an inherent ability of gods to mess with souls given that heresy magic is extremely difficult and Shiro and Gyurie aren't really capable of using stuff like Soul Break yet. Since the dragons that were in charge of the world before this weren't anything special I rather doubt they were capable of it either. D's ability to mess with reincarnation is also indicated to be a fairly unusual thing to be able to do.

    If the people had died, humanity of that world have gone extinct, but their souls should have been fine. I mean, you can speculate that they might receive some sort of afterlife punishment for messing with the planet, but would D actually care enough to do so? So this would be purely speculation, though you do indicate it's just a guess on your part.

    I really don't think Julius thought he was going to die. Whenever it came to something to do with Shiro he freaked out and stabbed the lil spider clones that would hang out around him. That doesn't give the impression of someone who is choosing to die to remove the hero title from existence. Also, information on the Hero title is super classified. I don't know if even Taboo would tell you that much about it and I can't imagine Julius had Taboo 10.

    Yes, if Sariel is capable of Soul Break, she really should have tracked down Potimas. I don't know if that means she can't or if she's just that dumb. Probably the latter.

    Moving to another planet is really not a feasible solution. Potimas had the tech to move himself, but does the planet have the resources to make stuff to evacuate the entire population? Our planet sure doesn't. Also, other worlds are owned by other gods. Is there anywhere for them to go?

    Up to this point it's just minor quibbling on details, but I don't think you really understand D. D is knowingly torturing this world and everyone in it. Yes, she did things that helped save the world up to this point, but only out of pure self interest and at basically no cost to herself. She has repeatedly interfered with the ability of the System to actually repair the world, most notably by banning Gyurie from killing Potimas thousands of years ago. Also, giving everyone Taboo is absolutely not a kind thing to do. Taboo is a skill designed to inflict slow, mind breaking torture on everyone who gets it. She didn't use her own energy to hand it out either, she just swiped all that energy that someone tried to blow her up with and used it to curse every human and demon on the planet. That energy can't be recovered until all those people die either. And should the System be shut down? It puts more stress on all their souls, causing more of them to collapse.

    D did go out of her way to cause Shiro suffering and mislead her. Remember, D shared a few fragments of her memories with Shiro by giving a tiny sliver of her soul, but D doesn't have memories of being ugly and hated. These are lies D told her to make her more emotionally damaged. She also has outright fake memories like having had parents, even if she didn't see them much. There are also numerous points in the story where D takes action to cause suffering for little benefit. Like yeah it's kind of funny and super petty to eat ice cream in front of the spider, but when I think back on it you have to remember that Shiro is legitimately traumatized by her upbringing in Elro, including having to eat poison and live in a lava hellscape where she could barely rest thanks to the constant pain and risk of both monster attack and catching on fire.

    Everything D does so far is based on her desire to be entertained with no thought given to the pain and suffering she is causing. That is evil. Now billions of souls are at stake because she stopped Potimas from being dealt with and then returned the accidentally stolen MA energy in the least helpful way possible.

    I'm not sure why you say Shun is refusing to act? He wasn't aware that the world was in such bad shape until like two days ago even if he found this world subtly creepy. Every time he tries to do something, someone else interferes as well. I'd feel sorry for him if I cared about him at all.

    Those things about Shun not stepping in to help seem to to be anime/LN flaws added in. I'll refrain from commenting on those because I frankly do not like that version of events at all compared to the WN.

    No, him having gotten the title of hero is a problem. Him continuing to be the hero doesn't really do anything. Also, physical weakness is not a sin. He also doesn't get the big picture because no one will tell him anything so he has to make decisions based on what he knows. At the moment all he knows is that millions will die if Shiro succeeds and two innocent gods will die if Dustin succeeds. Most of us have inferred that Dustin's plan is worse but right now all he knows is that Dustin surely must have a plan because just maintaining the status quo is not good enough.

    It's actually Wrath that is choosing to kill as many people as possible right now so as to keep them from bearing the strain of so much sudden damage to their souls. And it's not Shiro putting souls in a repository, I think? It's that they don't really have time to reincarnate before the System goes down. She does extend her personal protection to a few individuals, though, but there are way too many people for to help everyone like that.

    I mean, you can argue that there isn't much she really can do for them. That's fine and I believe it as well. The point that sticks out to me though is that she explicitly doesn't even care what happens to them all. She won't even stick around for a minute afterward to help humanity from wiping itself out when society inevitably collapses.