Recruitment Looking for CN > ENG Translators for Mulan has no Elder Brother

Discussion in 'Translator's Corner' started by FleurDeLys, Apr 18, 2019.

  1. FleurDeLys

    FleurDeLys Active Member

    Feb 22, 2019
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    I'm looking for translators!

    Basically, the title says it all. I'm pretty much a one-man translator managing my website. (I have an editor as well), but I want to put out faster releases and I want to be able to keep up with a weekly schedule of releasing a chapter. (But sometimes I'm too busy and can't afford to release a chapter weekly). I'll be busy with RL stuff pretty soon, but I want to be able to keep up with the releases. :blobcry: It's a pretty interesting story about a forensic scientist transmigrating into Mulan.

    As I'll be translating as well, if you're interested in translating you just have to put up a chapter once every 1.5-2 weeks. However, you might have to do some research when translating as the story uses many historical phrases :sweating_profusely: but I guarantee that you'll learn a lot from it. :aww: You don't have to be a native Chinese speaker, you just have to be able to read and translate most sentences.
    • This is the link to Mulan has no Elder Brother on NU (you can find the link to my website there as well): www(.)novelupdates(.)com/series/mulan-has-no-elder-brother/
    If you're interested, please DM me!
  2. Suijin

    Suijin Blood God [Medic]

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i offer to pure mtl it
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  3. FleurDeLys

    FleurDeLys Active Member

    Feb 22, 2019
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    Hi! I'll DM you to discuss the specifics. :blobokhand:
  4. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    I would do it if it's not those horrible historical that is written by high school students. With the use of phrases all over the place/wrong ussage. Oh and I don't like all the ancient Chinese philosophy. When they are amost impossible to translate and seeing those kids trying to translate it literally just make me laugh.
    Oh I don't work on h-scenes, I'll skip them.
    CAT tools? Wordfast anywhere preferred, or OmegaT. Sent me the tmx and glossary file and I can try 3000 words or so.
    I'm proficient in 文言文 for most phrase. I can do 2000 characters a week or 1 hour a week. That may not be grammatically correct. Might miss simple punctuation if I'm on phone Or name or other things as I have no access to Translation memory and glossary files.
    I actually feel like I'm on a sucide mission when I have tones of other series.
  5. FleurDeLys

    FleurDeLys Active Member

    Feb 22, 2019
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    Well mainly the author does use some slang but from what I've translated so far there seem to be more historical terms. Currently, at chapter 8 we're still at the start of the story. I'm in the midst of translating c9. I'll send you the web link so you can take a look and see if it interests you. If not, it'd be ok too. The raw link is here: jjwxc(.)net / onebook (.) php (?) novelid=2214297 <remove brackets & spaces>
    I can do brief edits for you if you translate. I don't have any preference for any CAT.
    Mainly I translate the raws through my interpretation with occasional use of the Chinese dictionary.
    Sounds like you are quite busy with other series as well, let me know if you can handle the workload :blobsmile:
  6. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    As some one who knows the history, 花木兰isn't name hua, she is from 魏 family, some claim as 朱 and some claim as others. Kinda match the story, as hiding ones name. But 花 is comfirmed not to be mulans name. the name hua mulan is a mistake in one of the books pop culture.3
    Its kinda feel strange consider the first chapter when they say

    "Hua house, pardon me, the although it's a remarry for boy from liu house. But it's not their faults, both of them are still young1, it's not too late to get them together, and about your mulan...... "the match maker2 paused for a while, "if isn't your daughter a warhero, even the Liu family wouldn't accept the conditions."

    1, this line is being sarcastic... During that Era people marry before their 20s so it's a form of 拍马屁,or 迷糊汤

    2。all Chinese family have to hire welknown matchmaker for their marriage... Only hiring a match maker the marriage would be consider proper. As "hua"mulan's house is considered as a nobility in China as western standards. It is required to hire a matchmaker. even in today alot of people hire 媒婆 before their marriage. 明媒正娶
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  7. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    Not using cat can considerably lowered down the speed of translations. Depends on the level, it can lower he quality too. As translators have to write foots notes and indication manually for tlc/edits, checking glossary and matching past translation manually in order to keep the translation consistent.
  8. FleurDeLys

    FleurDeLys Active Member

    Feb 22, 2019
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    From what you've replied, your translation seems quite good and you have a good grasp of Chinese History. :blobwink:
    I do understand where you're coming from. I do use machine translation from time to time but I don't feel that it is applicable to every situation.
    If you'd want to take up this project and join me, I welcome you! :blobsmilehappyeyes: Please let me know if you are ok with taking up this project. I have a couple of chapters uploaded already, you can see them at the link I've put at the 1st post in this thread.
  9. xiazixin

    xiazixin Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2017
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    Sure, you can contact me using discord or email.
    [email protected]
    Discord xiazixin#9208
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  10. Pierrot

    Pierrot Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Maybe I can help. PM'd you.