Spoiler My Husband Will Regret This

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. imreallyanarwhal

    imreallyanarwhal Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2021
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    My ideal ending 1: She dies, is reborn, and avoids the hell out the psycho she married in her first life. Either helps the second prince save the monarchy or runs off in the sunset with him,

    Ideal Ending 2: She dies, Second Prince kills Psycho Eric before dying himself. Second Prince is reborn, saves his country, becomes king, marries Chloe, has happy ending. Or if he realizes it too late for his kingdom, he just kidnaps her and runs off into the sunset.

    In all my preferred endings? She escapes and/or Psycho Eric dies.

    He won't listen to anyone who says something he doesn't agree with, has worse tantrums than a spoiled two year old, and has a worse MINE complex than one. Because he doesn't view his wife as a living breathing person, but an achievement and trophy. I saw someone mention on the TL's site in the comments, something I utterly agree with: the chances are the only reason he doesn't go along with marrying the fourth princess is because it wasn't something he came up with, otherwise he'd force her to sign divorce papers and sent her on her way. Or as someone here said, keep her a trophy concubine/mistress.
  2. StellaStar1

    StellaStar1 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Haven't read this and it doesn't sound so good (the ML seems like a total idiot), but I love the cover art, so beautiful, anyone know who the artist is?
    imreallyanarwhal likes this.
  3. imreallyanarwhal

    imreallyanarwhal Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2021
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    I wish I knew, because that's what lured me in! @.@

    Looking at it, the artist might use the penname Pegasus? Or maybe that's the publisher?
    Cu1turedweeb and november27 like this.
  4. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Let me know too
    First I thought it’s Delta0.9 but it’s not
    “Undercover infiltration duchess” novel cover is done by the same artist as this I guess
    The artist of that novel is 사 슴 (@yandeer07 on Twitter)
    imreallyanarwhal likes this.
  5. Theo20

    Theo20 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2022
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    Anyone reading this novel up to the 35th chapter for free on Naver?
    I registered to the application, but still could not log in. So I gave up.
  6. Ketek H.Taran

    Ketek H.Taran Member

    Jan 9, 2022
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    I don't like fl and ml. fl suppressed her coughing sound by biting her tongue for fear of waking people at night :notlikeblob:. Fl didn't call the doctor because she knew Eric didn't like it. fl too restrained, cough as hard as you can don't care about others, call the doctor, ignore eric, do it for yourself because in that house no one can help you but yourself. I hate when she pays too much attention to what eric thinks. Just ignore it, you’ll divorce him anyway
  7. _EyeCandy_

    _EyeCandy_ Secretly Into Sadists ヽ(*>∇<)ノ

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Damn, some people here are making this a Discussion thread and not a spoiler thread. Well, it's understandable since the story is so messed up :blobjoy:

    Anyway does anyone have the raws to this novel? Or is there anyone MTLing this? Damn I'm so curious now.

    I want the husband to suffer :blobsob:
  8. Capid

    Capid Active Member

    Apr 25, 2018
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    From what I read so far on TL, ML goes way beyond suffering from a misunderstanding, he's a sociopath with a narcissistic complex.

    I can understand him having an inferiority complex about nobility, his origins, his prosthetics and so on, but at the end of the day he's trash who considers his marriage an achievement. He's not refusing the divorce because he doesn't get why is FL angry, he refuses because marrying her is something he earned, and thus is reluctant from losing it. He tried to restore his relationship with her, only to immediately forget about her if a job opportunity popped up, including leaving her forgotten for several hours on the streets (yes, she was quite dumb to remain waiting in the cold, specially with her illness, but he still failed to recognise her blind loyalty towards him). He considers himself his own highest priority, and FL is severely low priority in contrast.

    FL meanwhile is submissive and remains docile in absurd abuse over years until she learns of her illness, before this point anyone could make a point about her not having a heart to heart with him (not that he would spare her a moment to speak, he never listens to her), but after this, there is little point in restoring the relationship, and she could even be in danger of getting dragged back to the north if she admitted her illness, considering how little he cares about her and how much he cares about his image and businesses. Personally I don't think it's prideful to refuse to give explanations from that point on, he was the worst husband ever for five years, she should spend her remaining time doing what she truly wants, like visiting the sea, like she wanted.
  9. Sorabito

    Sorabito Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    When you are raised since childhood to fear being sick because the people around you give you shit for being sick.... Then you learn to hide the sick.

    This story really hits me hard because I was like this. I would sneak out at night to steal medicine to heal myself before family knew I was sick since.... I would get yelled and blamed for getting sick. It's a habit that's hard to break. When you're a child then actions and thoughts you constantly have build into habits and build the neural pathways in your brain. As an adult your brain chemicals fire up those pathways since it's already there and it's easy - the path of least resistance. This is why breaking habits is -HARD-. I'm married, in my 30s, and I still have to actively work on this. Seeing the FL do so much to hide her symptoms as an adult woman in a patriarchal society actually has me feeling that she is stronger than I am. She hasn't had the support network that modern women enjoy but she seems quite well adjusted for a woman of the time.
  10. imreallyanarwhal

    imreallyanarwhal Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2021
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    Huh. So she does think he's not wealthy.

    Tho I can kinda understand why? Between the shabby mansion in the capital that is overrun with spiderwebs and moss with no housekeeper or staff aside from his assistant, the fact her bank account is apparently always empty, the isolation up north, and sheer lack of communication... Its no wonder she thinks he isn't rich and all his money is probably tied up in the upkeep of his businesses and the household in the north. Because neither of those things would be inexpensive and there's a difference between liquid funds (ready cash on hand/in the bank) and networth assets (such as property owned like houses, businesses, cars, ect) to where you can be well off with assets but after you paid everything to maintain those assets (taxes, up-keep/utilities, salaries for the employees, ect) you might not have much liquid funds on hand.

    Re: lack of communication - Just because a man says he has money and may even dress up nicely while going to functions, doesn't mean he does...something she's probably seen with her father and her brother, they didn't admit to actual debt until they had no choice, if I recall right? Living beyond ones means for appearances sake is common in more than just noble families. Seriously, a very real life thing there. And there's various reasons to lie about how much money one really has - from ego to not wanting to worry someone close to you. Between all of that and the fact he literally keeps large chunks of his life from her and doesn't talk to her (in general or like a human being half the time) I don't blame her for not trusting him when he tells her he has money. I imagine she has a pretty good idea how much a place like where they live in the north costs because of her upbringing, but doesn't know just how much income he is actually generating.

    She has apparently heard rumor about him not paying his factory employees well. and is a mad-dog capitalist who doesn't care about others. But from where? Its not shown and I can't see the staff up North knowing or talking bad about their beloved master. (her yes. Sh-t talk all day everyday. Him? Nope. Even if he's having an affair, that was brought up as a dig against her and proof how little he values her) so that is confusing. Possible foreshadowing or plothole?

    Things I am dying to know from the raws/spoilers:
    1. When exactly he'll actually find out she's dying? Because this is dragging on and getting very repetitive with even more misunderstandings being topped on one another. If its in the next like ten chapters, I'll just let a buffer build up til then and skim over the chapters.
    2. Does she find out about his prosthetic being the reason he refuses intimacy?
    3. From an earlier chapter, was it really her mother who beat him/had him beaten or was it her father's mistress using that identity?
    4. Will they ever actually get a divorce?!
    5. From this chapter, with how much talk there was about guns and gun violence being rampant, as well as the apparently low wages he pays his works, is this foreshadowing for something coming up?
  11. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    I stopped reading this some one tell me once the husband start begging and crying in front of FL I’ll start reading again
    Raein, crsnjnl, Tmicharie and 4 others like this.
  12. GreenLily

    GreenLily Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2018
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    I now pronounce this novel type as mald novel. Because it made me malding every time. Still reading and waiting for spoilers tho...

    Is this sign of being an M?
  13. Capid

    Capid Active Member

    Apr 25, 2018
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    It's like you said, either she thinks of him as a very poor man, since she lived in extreme poverty... Or she realizes that she has received astonishing mistreatment for sport and she only got a big amount of money when she came asking for a divorce.

    While there are misunderstandings, the husband is being shown more and more as an awful person that is making things harder for literally everyone else in the kingdom. He may dislike nobles who look down on commoners, but that didn't stop him from exploiting the commoners under him and enlarging the wealth gap.
  14. imreallyanarwhal

    imreallyanarwhal Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2021
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    I held a smidge of hope that even if his was terrible to his wife, he'd at least do his best to help bring up commoners and others living like he had, since he came from there! Maybe its a smear campaign but I'm not holding my breath. Just another question to ask to those who have spoilers, I guess!
    dumplingslag and Turbostop like this.
  15. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    No, she didn't live in extreme poverty, the FL said so before that her nightgown made of the best silk, everything worn by her made of the best quality and compared with how ML live with no servant and wore ragged clothes (well who would wear suit and ties when you are working in the lab full of smoke and fire), and then she blamed herself thinking that all the money ML making was spend on her and her family that's why she want to pay back all her family debt, not because of her pride or anything, before she know how he live in the capital, she only thought of divorcing him but now that she know he live in 'extreme poverty', it only right for her to pay back all the money so ML could live a decent life, LOL. It seem FL didn't manage the household finance hence why her personal account is zero, either ML didn't allowed her to or because of her weak body the butler took care of everything. And that big amount of money wasn't something ML give because she is asking for divorce, it comes from the nobleman who insult FL then ML hit him, his family give the compensation money so he didn't take the case into the court, the ML told his aide to transfer the money to FL account instead.
    Bastian and imreallyanarwhal like this.
  16. Skite

    Skite Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2020
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    Did you even read the story?

    She WAS abused by her family. They didn't beat her, and she got and education and clothes and stuff sure, it would have embarrassed them to do otherwise, but there was some pretty significant emotional abuse, neglect, gaslighting, guilt tripping, and, after her marriage, financial abuse. Her dad is drunk spendthrift who ruined the family and often had terrifying rages that sent the family into tip toeing around him. Her brother is even worse. Her mother instilled in her that if someone treats her poorly, it's her own fault and she deserves it, and also that her only worth comes from her appearance. Chloe had had a long-standing engagement with a man she liked/ loved, which they ignored and canceled behind her back for their own benefit.

    Chloe wound up nearly textbook. Chloe is desperate to placate and please, with some neurotic, perfectionist tendencies to earn approval (such as her perfect conduct and spending hours on her appearance) She is hyper aware of her husband's every tick, and goes to extremes to ensure he is never put out, and she contorts herself into the most uncomfortable positions to avoid asking him things she thinks will upset him (like about their money situation). She is a walking bag of anxious guilt who attaches herself to people who neglect her like her parents did.

    She allows the Northern servant staff to treat her badly and neglect her, because she has been trained her whole life to accept being treated like that. Same with her husband.

    As for Eric, they have flat out and bluntly stated that he does not feel emotions like normal people do. He has two modes: zero feeling (except maybe surface-level, shallow emotions, like mild annoyance, or light pleasure) or rage. That's it. He does not understand the spectrum in between, and doesn't really experience those emotions. Even his "love" for Chloe is felt as anger to him. Thinking lovely thoughts about Chloe makes him furious.

    It helps if you think of him as having RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) from his life in the orphanage. He does not show positive emotions, avoids touch and affection, cannot form attachments, throws frequent tantrums, and attempts to control his environment and the people in it (i.e. Chloe) to an obsessive degree. He has RAD.

    Interestingly, he also appears to be blind to emotion in others. The passages from Chloe's perspective are riddled with the tiniest nuance on her ever-shifting feelings. She notices the most minute changes in her husband's expressions immediately. There are lots of emotive words, like she "brightens" when she sees him, "begs" him to do something, she appears teary eyed as she grasps his sleeve, she calls him pet names, like "darling" or "love".

    But, when we read passages from Eric's perspective, that is gone. Instead, he repeats and repeats that his wife is so unreadable. Her face is completely devoid of all emotion, she never reveals what she feels. He has no idea what this ice queen of a lady is thinking. Which makes him angry. He does tend to pick up on it when she is angry and actually expressing it, but the rest of the time, it's all about how smooth and unchanging her face is.
  17. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Reading This is pure torture any spoilers?
  18. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I read the story ONGOING, so you should take it with a grain of salt, the time when I posted it in an accordance with the translated chapter, so my opinion is solely based on what's information available at that time, of course it would be flawed, it's not like I posted a summary after I read the whole thing. Man, why do people keep replying to my old post.
  19. evanesco99211

    evanesco99211 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    At the time of that post of yours (Nov 1, 2021), 14 chapters were already translated and most of the abuse info is available very early in the story, as early as chapter 1. In chapter 1, we confirmed her father verbally and mentally abused her and possibly her brother. In chapter 3, her mother mentally abused her. In chapter 5, her brother was possibly abusive and we confirmed she was ignored by both her parents (another mental abuse). In chapter 6, her father physically abused her. By chapter 6, we can already conclude that she was, at least, physically abused by her father, mentally and verbally abused, at least, by both her parents. That is to say, her parents went beyond merely favouring her brother. They were ACTIVELY ignoring/abusing her.

    As for the 'she should be able to actively wield her authority' part, it was stated as early as chapter 1 that the way both parties benefited is this: The husband got the title and in exchange, the family, EXCLUDING her, got the money from SELLING her to pay for her brother's debt. She, herself, literally got nothing except for finally being able to marry her first love. With no family backing and private financial funds to help her out, she needed her husband's backing to wield that authority. Even she knew this and mentioned it in chapter 6 (in her thought). Unfortunately, we get to know as early as chapter 1 that her husband was actively being disrespectful to her in front of the servants (this is mental and verbal abuse, in case you don't know), and actively isolating her from doing any of the normal legal wife's work including managing the household finance in chapter 2. To her and the servants, this means, she has no backing from her husband either. In other words, she could wield her authority without her husband's backing if she got her family's backing. Or, she could wield her authority without her family's backing if she got her husband's backing. Or, if this story has the magical element or reincarnation element in it, she could wield her authority without her family's or husband's backing if she owns any special power or knowledge to build her own financial fund or power. Unfortunately, in her case, we knew very early that she got none of these. Coupled with her guilt due to misunderstanding about her husband's feelings and financial status, she could not have efficiently uses what she have, to somehow wield the authority any other way, IF she doesn't even know what kind of resource she actually has (because the information was withheld from her thanks to the stupidity of her husband).

    I don't know about your other posts but for that particular post, much of the info was stated very early in the story yet many of your conclusions were very different from mine to the point I'm questioning if we're reading the same story. I was too lazy/busy to reply back then but it's not hard to imagine other readers having the same itch of wanting to respond to that post even if it has been a while just to get some clarification.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2022
  20. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Wow you even checked the date, I don't even remember when I read the novel in MM, or when I posted the comment in NU, I reread just in case to see your point

    ch 1. I was under impression the father did that in the heat of the moment, I didn't know he did it in the daily basis, his family is fallen, he got a lot of debt, so it's pretty reasonable to me, my father did that too when he lost his job, when he got angry I got kicked or cursed once or twice, but apart from that he is a loving father who took care of me when I got sick, cook the porridge, feed me medicine, massage my head and etc.
    ch 3. 'It was the woman fault if her husband didn't love her', I assume you based the mental abuse from that. There is a saying in my conservative country that forbid free sex before marriage 'it's depend on the woman, if she says no, then it won't happen' (of course rape was entirely different matter), 'woman should keep her chastity' and much more. So you got what I'm saying.
    ch 5. She got head injury because her older brother played a sick joke on her. Well, my younger cousin throw a rock at me once, got my forehead bleeding, so sick joke mean literally sick jock to me.
    ch 6. I guess I miss this one, you are right, she is beaten by her father and got her ankle fractured.

    Someone said to me before that 'You shouldn't use the word Abuse and Trauma so lightly', 'Where is the abuse, he only has harsh way of speaking', 'If you call it abuse cause he hurts her feeling that's means she is abusing him too, cause her words hurts him too'. 'He only treated her coldly, he is not obligate to love her' and so on. Let just say everyone has different definition and understanding regarding abuse.

    Regarding wielding one authority, I read the novel 'Duchess in the Glass House', she too has no family backing or husband favor, in fact she is in more unfortunate situation cause her family abuse was a known fact, the first thing she did after returning was firing all the maid and servant when they complaining that she can't do it, they would report it to the duke and so on, so she say, 'I'm the Duchess, it's my authority', I read another one 'I Tamed the tyrant and ran away', she is abused and neglected, the father even encouraged the servant to mistreat her, so when she returning she fired them all, and the father could do nothing cause there is no duchess, the lady of the house would be his daughter, and it's her authority. I could mention another novel as well, but that would be too long. Before you argue they both regressed thus have the strong mentality or have some kind of power, well the firing happen before they manifested their power, that's not my point here, my point is it's possible without the backing of the family or husband love. I'm Asian, dunno anything about Western Monarch but since this is K-novels, I used another K-novels as references, if it's not historically correct then those author is wrong too.

    Don't reply to me anymore, just as much I love to have a long debate, I don't want to get another 'take yours discussion somewhere else'
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2022