Need Hobby/Skill Learn Recommendations

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Little Potato, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Innieminnie

    Innieminnie Secret Parrot, Hidden Dodo

    Oct 3, 2018
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    (Tater Tots, chips)
  2. Amarulence

    Amarulence Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    I'll just mention a few of my hobbies that are pretty accessible. I'm a relatively seasoned hobby-collector (my hobby is collecting hobbies), so hopefully one will interest you!

    1. Firstly, I'll skip over programming since it's already been mentioned a lot before I got here (with resources to boot!), so instead I'll start with crochet.

    It might seem to be a pretty annoying hobby at the beginning (I sure thought so!), but it becomes easier with practice, and being able to make something without an engineering degree or knowledge in one of the crafts is pretty good. Do note: it may have an easy buy-in, but if you start to get into it heavily, you'll be spending a looooot of money on yarn :blobsleepless:

    2. The second thing I'd like to mention would be chess or shogi. Both are easy to get into if you have the drive, the buy-in isn't outrageous. There's a thriving community who loves to teach newcomers. In the States, there are many chess clubs filled with welcoming people who don't mind to play a game with a newbie. It also has a high skill ceiling, which means you could technically play forever and still improve.

    3. Finally, something you can do online: graphic design. Being a traditional artist is optional. As long as you have an eye for what looks good (which if you plan to get into CSS & HTML you eventually will), there's something magical about completing a segment of UI, a graphical interface, or a website that leaves me starring at it for hours in amazement.

    It's a rather time consuming process (which is why I haven't done much customization to my own website :blobdizzy:), but I always feel relaxed when I zone out in Photoshop and make something pleasant that I can show others. Extra bonus if I also receive Internet points for my work :blob_grin:

    EDIT: Changed "with an engineering degree" to "without", whoops
    Little Potato likes this.
  3. pandaqueen

    pandaqueen Immature Dork

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I think those courses usually have a free first lesson, so try that first before subscribing..

    those courses will only teach u the basics though of how to use the tools, the rest is up to u!

    there are also artists who post timelapse videos/tutorials on instagram/youtube/deviantart on how they draw/paint. find artists whose style u like and with luck they may have those available for u to peruse
    Little Potato likes this.
  4. kenar

    kenar ヽ(`・ω・´)ゝ

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Japanese, chinese or koreans. A translator on NU is always a welcome :blobowoevil:
  5. Little Potato

    Little Potato Sexiest Potato Alive [SpaceBar's Master]

    Sep 10, 2017
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    Great diverse list of recommendations!!

    1.I actually remember getting into knitting (pretty similar to crocheting) in high school and can attest to the addiction that comes with it. Hahaha I would knit in between lessons and my free time cuz it was such a good non-brain utilizing activity yet the end results give you that proud sense of achievement (which is then followed by regret as you carefully inspect the mistakes you've done in your work)

    2. I tried playing chess and go online (after being inspired by animes based on it) and sometimes wondered how players' thought processes work to be able to figure out so many different strategies and playthroughs. They always amaze me because I've never bothered to think that deeply (I like to preserve my mental strength at all times)

    3. I'm quite interested in graphic design actually! If it wasn't for the fact that Asian stereotypes frown upon taking up art as a field of work, I would have spent a lot of time dabbling in it. Even as a hobby, art takes a lot of time (especially if you're always seeking to improve) which is the only off-putting factor in my opinion but I guess you always gotta start somewhere.