Question No racism or nepotism but are most people here "JP novel haters"?

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by Yuki_Makoto13, Mar 9, 2018.

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  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Lol, of course they do, you just need to read enough of them. Ever heard of TV tropes? Give it a shot, a lot of those things appear on western novels.

    Tropes exist everywhere, and they're okay, they are expected.

    The important part is to not define your character by a trope, but make it just one of many aspects of your character.

    A character that can be resumed by a single trope is just a poorly written character, and those exist everywhere, not only on eastern novels.

    You are just more used to the tropes of the Eastern ones, so you identify them more easily.
    Seraphic likes this.
  2. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Translate more stuff like Tales of the Reincarnated Lord, raise the standards and stop overrating Release that Witch, stop translating trash like CN fanfictions, Emperor's Domination and the rest of generic xianxia, litrpg harems and I won't be. You guys are biased about a lot of stuff too, like music. Every time there's a music thread here, there's a ton of asian stuff and almost none of western. However as someone who listens to both, I can tell you that the west has a lot more of great bands/musicians. I mean, where have you seen JP/CN/KR making great concerts in America and Europe(being globally famous)? Same for the movies, however when a Finish band goes to Japan it's mayhem.
  3. Retrospect

    Retrospect Active Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    Erm.... not that I'm biased or anything.... I enjoy diversity ;)
  4. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    I know of otherwise haven't heard of them. I know there are a ton of garbage tv shows but that's to be expected, but even in the worst of them, do they have specific names like tsundere, yandere, x/y/z dere? If some characters are generic, at least they're not unatural, but who the hell watches those garbage tv shows. No tropes in House, Sherlock, Shameless, The Office, Stargate, Star Trek.

    Okay, a couple thousand weeaboo girls in a multimillion city. Wouldn't call that globally famous. It's sort of a prequisite for asian music in the west that you watch anime, otherwise how would even hear about it. Not that many anime fans here, and most are male. Some famous JP singer came close to my city a few years back, she had a concert for ... 30 people?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2018
  5. Retrospect

    Retrospect Active Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    This guy? I'm sure he's not from anime... though he looks comical :D
  6. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Tropes exist in absolutely everything.

    There isn't a single novel in the world that doesn't use tropes, they always do.

    The difference is between defining the characters by the tropes or using the tropes to enrich your character. The former is bad writing, the later is what you should be doing.

    The rest of your posts I won't bother replying to, you're just biased againat eastern stuff and became unable to see the mount tai. *shrugs*
  7. GDLiZy

    GDLiZy Wise Deepsea Mermaid

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Yeah, you are comparing ones of the most popular western writes ( Sherlock etc. ) with the not-so-good eastern writers, not bias at all.
    TotRL is not that good, the beginning is really slow and such.
    No comment on fanfictions and litrpg, I don't read them.
    ED is a pretty interesting novel, in my opinion, it is one of the xianxia that done the OP right, except for the filters, the world building is pretty solid and it has ( truly ) complex cultivation stage.
    Are you saying that we post too many Asian music on the website that was for Asian's novels?
  8. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    He has one song(and it's not much of a song as is a funny video)? Sure he has others but no one listens to that shit, and we are all sick of the Gangnam style.

    ED really good? Reaaaally? MC as mortal kills advanced cultivators like killing chicken, is arrogant beyond belief, keeps saying blabla you can't reach the apex and there is so much more that's wrong with that novel.

    Yes for Asian novels, not asian music. If you're Japanese what the hell would you be doing here reading JP translations into English? Sure you could read CN/KR novels but how many people like that are here really?

    Let me explain as I shoudl've from the get go. If you wanna be internationally famous in music, gotta do it in English. Why? It sounds good and most people understand it, this is important. Some songs may sound great in other languages but won't be catchy to those who don't speak that language or will sound like gibberish. Also finding music on youtube, how the hell are we from the west gonna find anything in kanji or hiragana? Most people just randomly search trough translated titles anime openings or from tv shows/movies...
    Some languages may sound better than English in music, like Italian right? Really melodic language, but who the hell listens to their music but themselves?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2018
  9. Wujigege

    Wujigege *Christian*SIMP*Comedian

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Gangnam Style disagrees with you
    Psy's 'Gangnam Style' Has Officially Lost the Title of Most-Watched YouTube Video
  10. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Most people that start reading asian novels started with anime, subtitled anime.

    Everyone here is already used to Japanese speech and so, hearing a song you don't understand the meaning of is not a problem, because people here are already used to it.

    This community is a niche community, most people here enjoy asian culture, including music.

    Personally speaking, I'd take most touhou songs over any classic you throw at me, touhou catters to my taste more, and so do their remixes. *shrugs*
  11. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    What classics are you talking about...?
  12. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Dunno, Bach, Bethoven, whatever, choose the one you want, I prefer touhou songs over any of those, even if I do like them.

    I also prefer touhou over Pink Floyd, Beetles and what not... *shrugs*

    It's my taste that probably would be looked down upon my many people that enjoy music, but it's what I like anyway.
  13. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Gotta be blunt here [​IMG]
    You're comparing a guy who makes game soundtracks by playing piano, guitar and adding other instruments perhaps with pc with classical genre and classical rock, they're not even the same genre!
    Just because a dude plays piano and other acoustics, doesn't make it classical music. I don't listen to Bach and the gang or Pink Floyd either.
    I like JRPG soundtracks and some epic music myself, but I'm not a hardcore fan. There is a lot of musicians here, but I only know 2 most famous ones : Two Steps from Hell and Hans Zimmer (if a movie has good music, it's probably him who made it, the whole orchestra on PC)
    If the orchestra is too much for you and want something lighter, then search the YouTube ffs something like piano game soundtracks or whatever you like, but that's not what I'm talking about here. Japan doesn't have Linkin Park, Nightwish, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Evanescence, Skrillex, Nickelback, Children of Bodom, Red Hot Chilli name a few.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  14. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    And I'm saying I like touhou soundtracks more than any of the ones you mentioned, and aside from Skrillex, Nickelback and Children of Bodom, I like all of those.

    I don't care if they are different genres, I said I like them more, it's my taste. It's a taste of someone from a niche community that has a niche taste.

    And while Japan doesn't have these bands they also have their own share of famous bands... On Japan, their target audience. *shrugs*
  15. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    What soundtracks I mentioned? All I said was that I know of Two Steps from Hell and Hans Zimmer, and that you search for yourself, as it's not my favourite genre and I don't know any piano game soundtracks from the west, but I'm sure there are there if you look for them.
    What do you mean you don't care if they are different genres lol? You can't compare rap and metal, country and techno.... Find the equivalent of Touhou and stop comparing it to music from 40-150 years ago.
    As for musicians targeting only their own nation, nothing wrong with that, in my country with mere 5mil people there are a few bands/musicians that are just as good as world famous bands...but they didn't bother making songs in English so they never will be that famous...or rich, I'm sure Japans has much more such artists. IMO though, truly great musicans will forgo their native language and go on the world stage, doesn't mean they can't continue in their own language too. However most of local musicans, stay local just because they're not good enough! I think of it as Hajime no Ippo, great anime, watch it. He became the boxing champ in Japan, and he was great, but he had to work really hard to become someone on the world stage.
    See this, Sweedish band singing in English, most of them do even though it's probably not easy for them to learn English. Just one of many such bands that tour the world and Japan.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  16. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Meh, if they want to tour the world, they're free to.

    It is no demerit to stay true to their roots and sing only on their home language, why should they bother with trying to catter to a different audience that doesn't understand most of what they sing about, when they are already rich enough as is?
  17. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Recognition, being even richer. Why do proffesional athletes wanna be the best in the world, not just their own country? It isn't much different for musicians.
  18. lafiel11

    lafiel11 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    I have read lots of western fantasy and sci-fi books from when I was little. As I started working and life ,checking webnovels was not so much time consuming as reading books (terry pratchet ftw and branden sanderson).
    Before CN novels came , I read JP novels. After CN novels came ,never again will I read a JP novel.

    Why ?Because JP lightnovels (atleast those I have bothered checking and reading) turned out to be filled with repetitve tropes with wish-fullfillment and stupid cliches and settings. Spineless MC with harems, overpowering all tunel-vision villains and so on.
    There is a huge reason why people began to avoid like the plague JP novels - why bother reading the same thing over and over again just to get frustrated ?!?
    Right now, I can read 10-20 chapters and already know how the novel will end .All because it's same cliches over and over again.
    There was this one Mushoku Tensei that I thought it'd be a great novel and in the end it turned to " My virgin wish of having multiple race/size waifus is complete" ! That's when I droppes this trash JP novels for good.
    sonhot likes this.
  19. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Competing against the world just means being better than people all around the world, you're still doing the same thing.

    Appealing to different cultures on art is completely different, as you need to change what you are doing.

    Not comparable.
    That's a problem with you always reading the same genres and tags, not of the country of origin.

    Improve your inner filter and discovere if a novel is good just by reading the synopsis, suddenly you won't ever have this problem again.

    Or just start reading new genres, that's generally enough.
  20. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    I always wondered what's with the Mushoku Tensei fascination, I always thought it garbage even when I was reading JP novels.
    Sharudeis likes this.
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