Spoiler Noble wife wants no love

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aquaa, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. simsim

    simsim Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2021
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    The problem with this novel wasn't that ML wasn't good.

    He was okay. But the main thing was it took him a lot of time to realize that the FL was right. Too many incidents. He has a very male personality like he cares of his family and friends and trusts them. Compared to the FL who was pretending to be bad and there was no connection initially.

    Well when you give a guy shit over years I think 2+ years and

    expect him to understand you and take your side.

    In a marriage not based on love.

    I don't think that's happening honey!

    I think we have FL as a problem as well but we don't emphasize it coz we get the story from her perspective.

    The reason it came out a little bad was because in any relationship there is no magic like mind-reading. So if there was no such thing, their relationship wouldn't have lasted and Ml might have not continued to be with FL. He trusts his people but not the FL and even after knowing her it takes him quite a while to find that FL was right.

    We don't expect Ml to get over the delusion of his friends and mom instantly but the way he criticises her to proof that she is wrong internally only to find out that everyone in his life knows how to handle the worldly situation meaning they know to fake it. Ml is kinda like in Gilded cage where he thinks everyone is nice if they say nice things.

    He is not a good judge of character.

    Most of the reviews I read they had a lot of opinion on the Ml but I can understand his character design. And FL really didn't leave any other opinion of herself on Ml apart from being bad and from beginning she wasn't interested in making it work because of the story and all.

    So I get it. Both their choices led to the plot of the story.

    And I liked how slowly the Ml gets better and his actions are louder than his words.

    But yeah! If there wasn't any mind-reading this couple wouldn't have existed. They are just not interested to be invested in the relationship.

    Just wanted to get it out there!!
    Kaylee likes this.
  2. meliil

    meliil Active Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I really liked this novel
  3. Kaylee

    Kaylee Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    The failure of this marriage is the fault of both husband and wife.
    Both of them are too ignorant and dont care for their spouse. They just follow and hear from hear say, though the wife did those hear say rumor by her own will just because she wants to have some real drama in her boring life.
    Both are so egoist, childish and needed to get some fact check.
    It's lucky that the husband gets the ability to hear her wife's thought since neither want to continue the marriage.