Recommendations Novels for learning mandarim

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by juliairacema, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. juliairacema

    juliairacema Active Member

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Hi, I would like to recommend novels, manhua and good dramas for those who are learning Mandarin.
  2. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Popup dictionaries are your friend, and personally I read on LNMTL since it shows both translation and raw side by side, but I've seen CAT Tools do the same so you could maybe use one of those.

    Though I don't know how you could make use of a popup dictionary alongside a CAT Tool since it's its own program rather than a page in a browser like LNMTL.

    For tv shows, look for stuff with double subs, i.e. both chinese and english subs.

    Unlike reading novels it's pretty tough to follow tv shows though, so if/when you're better you can probably do with just chinese subs (you don't want eng subs cause you don't want some random ass translation that could be anything)

    As for manhua, I think that's probably the worst option, unless you have some character recognition app or something on your phone.

    With film you get the benefit of audio, and with novels you can copy text and use popup dictionaries, but manhua got nothing for them. e.g. What manga will have both translation and raw at the same time? So you'd have to read the translated and raw version side-by-side. But then can you even recognize those stylized characters at all?

    Yeah I don't see manhua being feasible unless you're already pretty good or there's some super good phone apps and I'm just way behind the times...