LCD Phoenix Destiny

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by jkmessah, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    ... Have you seen how retarded ZYR is? Even her "dad" had to admit it! I bet she wouldn't care and would say something along the lines of... "I am the second miss of the Zhou family, don't get in my way!"

    Have eyes, but can't see Mount Tai! Or just really lacking in the intelligence department.
    HavenCustos likes this.
  2. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Perhaps I'm misremembering since there was that major gap in the translations, but didn't she already back down to a limited extent due to the MC's friend? During that training mission in the woods I think? I'm not saying she wouldn't attack. I'm just saying that she'd aim to disable rather than kill, unless she saw a good opportunity to "accidentally" kill or cripple her.
  3. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    I can agree with that, she will definitely do that given the opportunity to "cripple" her. I guess part of the protagonist plot armor is that ZYR is stuck at the same realm for so long because she prefers chasing guys over training.

    At least her character is consistent and coherent enough! I like how every character, good or bad at least has a personality they stick to.
    HavenCustos likes this.
  4. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I thought the reason she was stuck was that she was a talentless, lazy idiot? I got the impression that she only ever really chased one guy, and he shut her down hard.

    Yeah, consistency in characters is always very nice to have. It can dramatically improve almost any series.
    HavenCustos likes this.
  5. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    I honestly, could have been wrong on why she is so useless, but if even her sister looks down on her then... Fu Mingxi is also becoming more like ZYR (her own mother commented on that) that she has become lazy in training and would rather admire her own brother and hate on Mingshu.

    The females of that family needs some help >.< but really any other female character that is not the protagonist needs to up their game. Which is why I was rather pleased that someone would openly oppose ZYR (even while being from the same group) like Jie Wenhan.
    HavenCustos likes this.
  6. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I think it's just the women in that family that are worthless scum really. Her mother was decent (though far too fragile), and there was that woman who was teamed with her during the forest arc (though she has no political power), and from the author's attitude on the subject up to now, I expect we'll see quite a few strong females going forward, though I doubt any of them will be as good as the MC, since they won't be the MC.

    But I do agree that we need more female characters in general. I think it's still something like a ten to one ratio of male to female at the moment, with none of the non-antagonist women having any sort of real power, and as the author as stated, there's no good reason for that. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this sect founded by a woman? Or at least, on the teachings of a woman? Why is it so patriarchal?
  7. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    I must have missed that information entirely! Was it really founded by a woman? I won't lie, Grandmaster Strategist had such a profound effect on me that I keep recalling the Fengyi Sect (if you read it, I think you do?) that was started by a powerful woman, but went astray. That might have likely occurred in this sect as well. Unless the cultivation is precisely designed for a woman, men will most likely be in charge.

    I don't have a problem with how patriarchal it is, but more like... the patriach is stupid >.< One can truly hope that we get stronger, smarter and kind female deuteragonist either to be a good friend, or a female role model/mentor/shijie. I can't have my expectations too high though, or I would be disappointed...
    kurohamukami likes this.
  8. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I could be misremembering, but wasn't it a woman that last owned her puzzle box? Didn't that guy die of old age while trying to figure out how she was able to use it? I'm pretty sure it said in that chapter that she was either the founder, or the founder's teacher. I don't remember which chapter it was though, so hard to check.

    No, I've not read that series. Or at least, it's not recorded as one I've read on any of my lists, which should be the same thing if I didn't drop it half way through the first chapter.

    My problem with it being patriarchal is that it simply doesn't make sense. As has already been pointed out, the Head's wife would probably make a better Head than him. She may be weaker in terms of cultivation, but her connections, lineage and political acumen are all much greater than his and she's far from weak. Combine that with the fact that none of the other lines' heads seem to be women, and it just feels very off to me in a world where it's been specifically stated that the men have no real advantage after the earliest stages of cultivation.
  9. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It seems unlikely for either of them to kill the other, but I wonder if the MC will be able to force the talentless idiot to drop out.
  10. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    Ooooo!! She's so badass! But I'm concerned with how much injuries she's getting from this useless fight...

    Still a 10/10 for face slapping and action for me though! You just can't help but root for Mingshu :)
    HavenCustos likes this.
  11. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I wonder how she plans to get away with having killed the two attendants. I assume that she's not planning to kill the idiot, since I doubt she could survive the backlash from that no matter what she said, nor would crippling her have mattered if we want to get a bit more meta about it.

    Well, with the idiot trio out of the way, she's not likely to face much opposition going forward, especially if people aren't aware that the idiot trio has already been taken out. Besides, she probably has a variety of high quality healing medicines on her. This isn't her first solo foray into dangerous territory after all.
  12. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    That is true, I hope she does very well in this competition since people don't like her anyways, might as well be exceptional !

    Gah. I can't wait to read more as I want to see more of her skills and items. She's quite the fascinating protagonist for me!
  13. Arkeus

    Arkeus Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    This sect is not particularly patriarchal at all, it's just that family in particular that is so, iirc. and yeah, it's founded from someone who saw the last fight of a high-end woman.
  14. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Perhaps I missed the faction that was led by a female then? I know her step-mum's faction is the most patriarchal by far, but I can't remember any evidence that the others weren't also discriminating to a lesser, but still significant extent.
  15. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    Literal face-slapping. How satisfying!

    This Liang kid... I'm so suspicious of him... He must be up to no good, trying to give Mingshu some "medicine"... I feel like whether he wishes harm or good for Mingshu, he is most definitely a spy. Ah! Maybe the reason why he could find her so easily is that weird thing he was given by the person from the other sect. Maybe I'm overthinking things.
  16. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Why is she competing in this death tournament again? If it's just because she can, then I really don't see the point. It's basically rigged to kill off any promising young talents with insufficient backing. It's like the people running the sect want to make absolutely certain that it doesn't prosper and dies off as quickly as possible. It's continued existence must be a monument to their enduring incompetence in all things :/

    Honestly, I'm not even clear on why she's still at that sect. There's nothing there that she couldn't find elsewhere without having to put up with all the figurative and literal backstabbing. Heck, she could go to any random place in the world that's too poor to interest cultivators (like her home town) and reign as queen (if she felt like it) while she practiced cultivation using the resources from the wheel. I'm sure her teacher would be happy to come with her. There's nothing there for him either after all, and he should be smart enough to realize that the only thing she'll get from staying in the sect is an early death (if we ignore plot armor) and/or a one way ticket to the dark side. If revenge is really all that important to her, then she can just come back in a decade or so and flatten the sect into a pancake.
  17. jkmessah

    jkmessah WoC, GoR and TGS enthusiast!

    Aug 11, 2016
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    Hmm... I can see what you mean. I do agree with you on all those points but at the same time, I think I get why Mingshu is staying in the sect. While she could leave with her master, to the world outside the sect, no one would look at her master or respect him one bit. As he is a cripple with no power at all. Whereas in the current sect, people still remember (know) who/how he was when he was powerful and they give him concessions. Even if he barely gets any respect and has a nice job title with no power, I think that is more than what other sects can offer.

    Also, she can stay in that sect because it's quiet and people dont care about her. Meaning, she can keep going on her own expeditions without anyone really noticing or caring. With her talents and skills, she would be a treasured disciple elsewhere, yes, but she would also be under greater scrutiny. She also would probably not be able to keep her current master as her master as the other sect will think he is useless. Her staying could also be part of her revenge too! imagine all the face slapping opportunities.

    For the competition, I honestly can't remember why she joined, but I think she went to test her skills and compare herself with other disciples of similar age in the harmonization realm. Also, Gao Xiang and his master are good friends with the master and Mingshu so they could also in a way protect (subtly and behind the scenes really) them. Either way, the sect has much in the way of resources to offer (just the forest that she found her pet in was already pretty good) and that is more than what a backwater village could offer.

    Just my thoughts tho :)
    kurohamukami likes this.
  18. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    He's only powerless by the standards of a sect. By the standards of ordinary people, he's a martial arts master. If he really wants more respect that he'd get from being a cultivator's master, then he can just open a martial arts school. Frankly, I think he'll get far more respect based on being her teacher than he gets in the sect, regardless of where they go in the world, but the school might give him something to do with his free time. And who knows, maybe they could turn it into a sect after she crushes her father's. It's a prime sect location after all. No reason to let it go to waste.

    I'm not saying that she should go to another sect. All sects will have this kind of nonsense to one degree or another after all. I'm saying that she should go to any random place without cultivators. Also, people definitely do care about her in her current sect. If that weren't the case, then she wouldn't have just gotten stabbed.

    If she didn't have the ability to travel to other worlds, I'd agree with you. But she does have that ability, and in at least one of them, she has access to a spirit stone mine. That's far more resources than most people in her sect, and that's only one place. I'm sure she's found even better places since then. Plus, she can probably use information from the Wheel to develop her land into a decent place for growing spirit herbs. It won't be as good as a naturally occurring environment, but it should still provide her with resources to trade and help her out if she actually does decide to create her own sect.
  19. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I can't help but think that that was a very bad decision. As far as I can remember, she's yet to find a good way to earn points. At this rate, she'll have to do something crazy (possibly multiple somethings) if she wants to pay down her debt fast enough to not get banned.

    She should have just gone for the cheapest one. With the medicines she already had, that would likely have been enough. Sure, she would have lost the competition, but honestly, why does it even matter? How is being a genuine disciple worth the cost of a 1k point debt that she likely won't be able to repay without risking her life repeatedly for months if not years.
  20. MarxDarkBear

    MarxDarkBear The Great Man

    May 29, 2017
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    Oh boy,.... I am just hoping that this heaven wheel doesn't become so ridiculous op, that you start questioning it. Cause it is heading that way.

    I know it is standard for the mc in these novels to have a cheat, but I don't like them being over reliant on their cheats. I want the Mc to atleast give a feeling that if it was anyone else with the same cheat they still wouldn't have reached the mc's heigth.