Spoiler Please be patient, Grand Duke /Finding Camellia/참아주세요, 대공

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by limueee, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. Mimi hot takes

    Mimi hot takes Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    I love that everyone is shitting in the father more than the woman because he caused so much of the problems and top of that he is a coward who only cares about appearance. I don’t even get the logic of that, like him not interfering and letting the problem would show more badly on the family

    I’m really upset that he didn’t get any consequences for his role in all of this , it’s downright annoying. I’m happy I read the spoilers because I was reading the comic and was hoping the guy would get his comeuppance
  2. limueee

    limueee Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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    Additional information...heh..reading the comments..sounds like the manhwa is out...

    --- Regarding the Marquis and Marchioness ---
    • They're both under house arrest by the emperor at the end
    • They're social pariahs. Pretty much forever outcast tainted to be ignored, forgotten, set-aside, etc.
    • They have lost all political power as NO one wants to be associated with them, including servants who like Lia a lot. Many left.
    • Aristocracy is all-around political power and title. Their financial support system and social system are around that. Rights and privileges to business, land, etc. are granted and can be taken away by the Emperor.
    • With the Emperor against you, their house is pretty much destroyed.
    • You can say House Bale is finished.
    • The only reason they're allowed at the end to attend the wedding is by the Emperor for Lia's sake as it's her biological father.
    • At chapter 102 - the Marchioness begs Kieran to come back - Keiran tells his mother how can he make up all the damage the two has done.
    • He will choose the latter and leave his old family name behind and start a new one with his fiance Rosina.
    • It is Kieran, at the end, who has to deal with the shambles of House Bale (the father - I agree, is really pathetic. He can't control his wife and makes sad excuses for it.)
    • The author doesn't go into too much details but I understand Kieran comes to Lia and asks if he can still be her brother and also for her to still be recognized as his sister no matter what.
    • (Chapter 103) - so cute.
    • Camilia is back at the capital to make her debut as Claude's Fiance and future Duchess of Casa Del IHar.
    • It will be her first official meeting to Prince Wade and the Emperor.
    • Kieran comes in a visits her and she goes "Brother...no..not Brother" because she was supposedly removed from House Bale
    • Claude (LMAO) gets really jealous of how close the two are hugging and tells Kieran to give "reasonable distance" between his future wife and time. :blobowoevil:
    • Giving Lia distance, Kieran asks Camila's permission if he can walk her down the aisle as her real brother as he feels he has not done enough for her.
    • Then Kieran asks for her to be part of his family as his sister forever and be recognized as his sister.
    • Lia is worried because at the time, she knows Kieran abandoned his mother and father for her.
    • Kieran reassures Lia it wasn't just for her, he needed to be split away from his family as well to grow-up.
    • Lia cares about Kieran as her brother and agrees as Kieran is the one that defends her and also reveals the truth of his mother's crimes to everyone.
    • So in the end Lia is Camilia still has a brother. Kieran's has a Duke's title and both are recognized as brother and sister, family.
    • FYI - when Lia gives birth to their son, Laura, Lia's Mom is at her side. Claude is crying as he's been watching her in labor and worried about her after giving birth.
    • (Opinion: I'm sure people will agree to disagree with the end punishment ..heh...which is totally fine. Death I think is too easy for these two. A lifetime of humiliation, isolation by others, forever social outcasts, having to beg for the rest of their life, seems a better end for the both of them. Also, I didn't get the impression from the author that Lia would want for her father or Anastasia's death. Just that they are out of her life and don't interfere anymore, which is why Claude, Ian, Wade, Rosina, and Kieran are SUPER protective of her in their own way.)
    Last edited: May 15, 2022
  3. Hx776f62626c65

    Hx776f62626c65 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2020
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    Official Translation Link: https://manta.net/series/1399
    Prologue is free for those who doesn't have the app.
    Chapter 1-7 are free for those who have the app.
    You can view 1 episode weekly, free.

    ~also, the art is gorgeous, I hope it stays consistent 'til the end.
    Duchess888, Ciddos, DOHere and 5 others like this.
  4. Nebula25

    Nebula25 Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I totally agree with all you said.

    Honestly, the REAL villain is the Marquess. It's HIS fault. His selfishness from the beginning until the end caused all this.

    In the manhwa, I felt so bad for Anastasia when it showed her lying in bed knowing her husband was going to his lover. I cannot imagine the pain.
    But her actions later on are obviously unforgivable. She should've made her husband pay not an innocent child. But she's not wrong to have been worried. Having her husband carry on a long term affair with another woman and have her become pregnant directedly puts her and Keiran in a precarious situation. What if the asshole of a husband decides to throw her and her child away? It's clear she would have tolerated, however reluctantly, a situation where he was just having flings. But he was having a long term affair - and that does not bode well for her.

    And Lia's mom is not entirely without fault. She did sleep with a married man. She put herself and any child she had at risk. In such societies, having children, especially male children, is how women guaranteed their safety and protection. By sleeping with the master and becoming pregnant, she directedly threatened Anastasia and Keiran. We as readers only feel sympathy for her because she never seems to have plotted to take Anastasia's position. But how many manhwa's are there where someonw in Lia's mom's position does exactly that and we hate her for it?

    All that is to say, the Marquess should have his balls cut off. This kind of mess is what happens when there is a selfish man coupled with a society that doesn't give women any power and thus no options. In the end, innocents like Lia are who pay.

    Thank you for this! Completely agree. I cant STAND women who continue to be naive and foolish when they have been slapped in the face.

    I didn't take to Lia's mom either. There's something about wrecking your life and your child's life because you ate a naive idiot and doing so because you knowingly tried to better it. I can accept the latter but not the former.

    What you said really made me think if she was really any better than the Marquess or Anastasia? Obviously the Marquess still remains the worst.
  5. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    i actually have more sympathy for Anastasia who has clearly lost her mind - but still deserves punishment for her deeds. Than I do the FL's idiot mother who was stupid but unlucky enough to bang a married man who would betray her the moment it suited him. Keep in mind when he cast her out of the house to be destitute (he knew she was innocent) while she was heavily pregnant. This meant she ended up "working" in a brothel. Which as shitty as it is to bang a married man I don't think she deserves that kind of fate. Considering since this a brothel located in the slums, she would have to be "serving" many customers since this I can imagine the main clientel for such a whorehouse would be peasants and the lowest of the low of society therefore prices wouldn't be expensive.
    Therefore to make ends meet she would need to sleep with as many customers as possible.

    What you say regarding the marchioness fearing the future of herself and son makes sense. Especially, considering the Fl's mother didn't really have any shame to hide that was pregnant with the Marquess child and servants even started to cater to her incase she was carrying a boy i.e potential heir. For any woman to have not only the mistress of your husband live under the same roof must be hard but to have her watch people shower her with attention and see her belly swell with the child that is the product of her banging your husband must be very humiliating.

    However the FL's mother still pining for the man and speaking fondly of him to Lia when he is the reason they are now living not only in the slums but in a brothel does not make sense.

    The reason his wife went batshit was that the Marquess couldn't keep it in his pants and started screwing the maid who lived in the same house and she had to watch as the proof of his infidelity when he got the maid pregnant. He is the root cause of all this mess. He betrayed his wife, his lover, his son, and his daughter.
  6. Nebula25

    Nebula25 Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I agree about having more sympathy for Anastasia than the FL's mom. At least she actively worked in her own interest even if the method she chose is unforgivable. I can respect her for not sitting back and being passive.

    FL'd mom was a complete dummy for living in that house after she got pregnant. And soaking up the attention she was given by the other servants. Like how naive can you be? You can't tell me that she didn't know she would be the one sacrificed in that situation. Ffs the man has already shown himself to be selfish for first cheating on his wife so blatantly and that too with someone IN HIS WIFE'S HOME.

    True she doesn't deserve to end up in a brothel. For the type of situation she put herself in, there was really no recourse besides selling her body unless she got lucky any some generous soul married her. Like what other house would even hire her as a servant? That decision is made by the wife and no wife is going to take in a pregnant maif. All in all, she was living in some sort of fantasy world both during and after the affair.

    Honestly, I can't blame Anastasia for going crazy. It looks like they were newly married too. And it seems the affair started before Keiran was conceived and continued. What woman would be happy with that even if she had no love towards the husband? Most women of her time put up with their husband's infidelity only if he still put his legal wife and children first - at least in Europe or in societies where there are no multiple wives or concubines. And in the end, that's what he did - put his legal wife and son first - not because he necessarily cared for them more but because that's what men in his situation did.

    It's just beyond selfish of these men to take on lovers knowing they could never stand on their lovers side. But they did because society never condemned them and honestly expected it from them. It always falls on the women in the situation to deal with the mess.

    Agree with other comments that death is too good for them. I would rather have seen them stripped of their title and wealth so they become commoners/peasants.
  7. Wapdyne

    Wapdyne Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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  8. Diaryy

    Diaryy Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    Most manhwa have villains like marchioness. Who never will to be cruel, unless someone stole something precious within her grasp. Her father knows that marchioness who is with Kian at night and that accusation is a better way, so Lia mother can be expelled from the mansion and make her own life. How can he let her daughter come back? The father is a real villain. Kind of Butterfly Effect.
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  9. AMNigma

    AMNigma Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    So we're all in agreent that the man in question is to be deemed as a part of the shitty fathers. Good, good
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  10. Ingra

    Ingra Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2020
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    petition for a spin off where Anastasia gets 3 reincarnations, and come back on the last one to before she went crazy in framing FL mother.
    Instead, she makes everything in her power to get a divorce, and make the husband PAY for everything he did in the previous life!
  11. Veille

    Veille Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    She was also a victim and the woman got crazy when her husband cheated on her with a maid. I mean that's really fucked up y'know. She's the wife and they have a child. It's a boy and probably she did her best to be the best wife for her husband and then one day she found out that her husband had an affair with a 'lowly' maid. I know she had done shitty things to her family, camilia and her mother but I think that's enough punishment for her. Her life got ruined because of her doings but it's not really her fault to begin with. She just don't know what to do.. i guess and the feelings of betrayal and anger triggered her to do bad stuffs. It's kinda like 'if you hurt me, I hurt you too'.

    Gawd, I wish there's a psychiatrist in this novel.
    clraei, Nikibunny, Kezi and 9 others like this.
  12. Villainess_lovers

    Villainess_lovers Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Is there anyone here who can tell me where to read the raw of this manhwa? I've searched on Kakaopage, Naver's webtoon, and Newtoki's Illegal, but I still can't find it.. btw thank you very much to the someone who shared spoilers❤️
  13. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    The reason his wife went batshit was that the Marquess couldn't keep it in his pants and started screwing the maid who lived in the house and she had to watch as the proof of his infidelity when he got the maid pregnant every day. He is the root cause of all this mess. He betrayed his wife.
    He should have atleast sent the lover away when she got pregnant to another house so his wife wouldn't have had to endure the humilation of facing his pregnant mistress and watching other servants wait on her hand and foot.

    kakao - i think
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2021
  14. Bobaaaa

    Bobaaaa Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2020
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    I’m pretty sure if the marquis never cheated, they would be at least be a happy family, maybe not a loving couple but they would respect and support each other //:
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  15. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    He is the root cause of all this.
    He should have kept it in his pants or done a better job of sparing his wife the humiliation of living with his pregnant mistress - by sending her away. And protect his children.
    clraei, choco_late, OKDR and 3 others like this.
  16. Hx776f62626c65

    Hx776f62626c65 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2020
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    You almost made it sound that infidelity can causes severe mental illness.

    This is an excerpt from the novel:
    귀족에게 정부란 필요악이나 마찬가지. 정부를 두는 건 파렴치한 행위지만, 재력과 매력을 증명하는 방법이기도 했다
    Rough Translation:
    Affairs are necessary evil to the aristocracy. Having a mistress was a shameless act, but it was also a way to prove an aristocrat's wealth and charm.

    That means, in the story setting, having an affair in aristocratic circle is accepted and is not being looked down upon.

    She(Anastasia) could have other options(i.e. divorce) but she decided to stay as the Marchioness. There's no mention of any form of laws regarding divorce in the story, but women in rank seems to have a say in their aristocratic circle. She could have leave her husband, but she didn't. Instead she schemed to kick out the mistress by endangering her son's life, she instructed her knight to kill loose ends(informant, their servants when she schemed again against MC), and channeling her hatred on the product of the affair rather than the one who caused it. The only time she went bat-shit crazy is when things didn't go her way. The father was only the trigger to show what kind of person Anastasia truly is. MC's mother is naive, sure, but that's how far she is at fault. And I'm pretty sure she did not leave MC behind to die at that alley, it was implied that she's already being chased by Anastasia henchmen before she could get her daughter. IIRC, she became lame with one of her legs at that point.

    The only thing I could agree on is that the father should have suffered more.
  17. Deleted member 282232

    Deleted member 282232 Guest

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    I haven't read much but with what I've grasped, Marquis was at fault, he speaks about 'honour of the family all the time' but he's the root of why the honour pillar had started to crumble.

    The Marchioness, i understand her anger but the way she had released is absolutely wrong, the woman she had become, Marquis is partly the cause of it while the rest of her humanely side was destroyed by her own self. I do believe she's terrible, yes. I pity her son.

    Camelia's mom, well, I don't know if she had the choice of not to refuse the advanced of Marquis though I don't pity her but I pity her daughter instead who had to bear the sins of her parents.

    I feel bad for Camelia and her older half brother. They got born into such family.

    These are just my thoughts on the characters. I'm going to read the novel, it may or may not change. Will dive into the story soon.

    What if....
    Guys a little out of the plot, but if it wasn't focused on Camelia but instead on Marchioness as the main character, probably some soul from real world after reading the manwha Finding Camelia would've travelled into the body of the Marchioness and had taken the reins of the story in her hands. By divorcing the Marquis and finding self worth.

    Wait...I just got an idea for spin off :blobjoy:
    I'm gonna take the Villainess and spurn her story into that of a main character.
  18. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    What I don't get is the FL...

    Does she hold any resentment towards the Marquis for how he treated her mother - casting her out the house while heavily pregnant so she had no choice but to find refuge in a whorehouse in the slums? Or how he let the Marchioness psychologically abuse her for years and force her to live as a "boy"?

    It's almost as if the FL takes after mother in being a naive fool when it comes to the Marquis. I mean even Kieran was shocked the type of person his father is after AGAIN petitioning his father to do something about Lia's treatment by the Marchiones, he told his father Lia's mother was innocent - something the Marquis knew all along.

    Why on earth would she want the people who were central to her abuse and her mother's ruin and suffering at her wedding????
    I can't stomach these good two-shoes dumb as rocks Mary-Sue pushover "heroines" with no backbone. If that is indeed what she is.

    Lia's mother had an affair not only with a married man but one who turned on her the moment it suited him. She was naive to not realize the Marchioness who is also pissed that her husband was openly screwing a maid under the same roof would find her being pregnant a threat to the status of the marchioness and her son.
    She got her karma for her poor choices (although perhaps she didn't deserve the abysmal fate she got) by ending up in a brothel in the slums.

    The one who should have gotten the worse karmic retribution was the Marquis. He is the shittiest person out of all of this. It's annoying that it seems the FL overlooks the responsibility and blame her father has towards her circumstances.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2022
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  19. Deleted member 282232

    Deleted member 282232 Guest

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    Pffft.... he's really shameless...such thick skin.

    Anastasia should've just divorced him instead of creating such havoc. Now she's stuck with a man who's the cause of her pain along with all the humiliation. I wonder why was she so attached to 'House of Bale' when she probably must be from a different family unless she was her husband's cousin (referring to cousin marriage).

    Well said, he's the one who's punished the least. People may say that he got what he deserved and his house fell and whatsoever but that's not punishment, that's his retribution. His punishment would be him being alone and forgotten, per my thought.

    Anyway, I'm keeping myself calm by reminding that it's just a fictional story though I really wanted to slap him.

    But it did cause severe pain.

    I get what you're saying but still it what is shameless will remain shameless. If that's the case I hope Claude would've a mistress too to add up and improve the aristocrat wealth and charm.

    Seeing the story that how people are obsessed with 'honour' and 'reputation' I'm 100% sure divorce would've not been easy. She would've been mocked that 'her husband left her' and she 'fell out of favour' just because a mere maid.

    I'm not defending her but I'm placing the inability. We are modern people and the story is set up at a time where there wasn't such independence for women.

    Anyway, yeah The father should've gotten a punishment that was befitting for him but author's choice sadly.

    Anastasia, all I can say she just lost her mind. I'm pretty sure it all wouldn't have happened if Marquis would've controlled himself a bit. Anastasia and Marquis are two peas in a pod. Both are entirely selfish and vicious. Marquis may haven't caused as much as havoc his wife did, but he became her accomplice by not raising his voice and accepting his mistakes which made him her ally in the horrible acts.
  20. Nicole_342

    Nicole_342 Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2021
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    Is it on kakao page or which orignal website of the manhwa
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