Spoiler Please Don't Eat Me (Saha)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by ryokucha, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. ryokucha

    ryokucha Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2019
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    Does anyone have any spoilers for the Korean novel Please Don't Eat Me? I heard the group translating it shut down, which makes me sad because I really enjoyed this novel (although I only read 8 chapters and apparently there's 124+ chapters?). I'm a sucker for stories that have the heroine taking care of younger siblings.

    NU Link: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/please-dont-eat-me-saha/

    Here is the description of the novel:
    She was reincarnated in a 19th-century male-directed fantasy novel.

    There’s no heroine in this nasty and brutal B-rated drama film novel.

    That’s because he’d killed everyone.

    In this novel, which has no dream or hope, She was destined to be eaten alive by the protagonist.

    But before she met the main character, the house was ruined.

    Being eaten by the main character or starved to death?

    After agonizing, she decided to sell her body.

    The main character sealed the deal.

    The price is 5 billion marcas.

    It’s a not such a bad deal for both the hero and her.


    “How come a woman who sells herself in the slums is more important than the Emperor’s name!”

    The owner of the voice was a young knight. The knights hurried to restrain him, but the beans were already spilled. The captain of the Knights apologized with a cold sweat.

    “I apologize, Your Excellency. I have nothing to say. All because I’m not good enough…”

    “No, it’s done.”

    Zahid, who spoke gracefully, drew the sword.

    While the knights were at their wits’ end, I approached Zahid. Zahid looked back at me, and then looking at the sword’s blade that shone throught the moonlight. I reached out to him.

    “Give me the sword.”

    “I don’t want to give it to you. He insulted you.”

    “No, that’s not it.”

    I looked straight up at the knights that spoke insulting words.

    “I’m going to stab you.”
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Spoiler Table of Contents Placeholder

    Table of Contents
    • Chapter 100 spoiler
    • Chapter 250 spoiler
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    For more information, please visit: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/new-spoiler-plugin-for-the-forums.114103/
  3. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    From what I remembered before many of the chapters were taken down

    - The MC was apparently gorgeous, and many of the local men lusted after her
    - She deeply loved and treasured her sibling; the feelings were mutual
    - When she realized what might happen - she immediately searched for the ML and demanded the number above as payment; which she owes from the church; in return, she would be his shield from political marriages, and secretly she will give a "potion" that will increase his magical power? <-- can't remember this one clearly some assistance would be nice
    - The Pope I believe is the true antagonist since he seemed shady as hell
    - MC's deal was accepted, she paid off debts, and treated her family to a great meal full of meat for once.
    - Her younger sister freaked out knowing her sister did something extreme to feed them.
    - MC's heart is hurting and at first lies to her 2 younger siblings - stating she fell in love and is getting married, so her husband is giving her some time to settle affairs before coming.
    - The butler comes and keeps stating over and over she "CAN'T RUN AWAY." MC cool as cucumber knows what she's signing up for.
    - As she is packing to leave one the men that lusted over her brought his boys over to harass her and most likely violate her. The ML shows up and brutally dispatches them. While MC despondently looks on her few worldly possessions destroyed and scattered in the street and her battered siblings in her arms as the brutality is going on.
    - ML simply tells her to bring herself and her siblings in the carriage. She does so leaving behind the mess.
    - There in the carriage, she tells her siblings that they will have a new and better life since she is marrying a noble.
    - Her siblings are not buying it and beg her to run away with them.
    - She then tells them to try this lifestyle out first before making any judgment.
    - The first thing she does once she gets to the mansion is that she gets her siblings settled in.
    - After much "persuasion" from the maids, she is forced to her room where she is bathed and clothed until her already good looks glow; MC is non-plussed and continues to scheme.
    - She then meets her siblings again and tells them the benefits of living here; a safe place to sleep, 3 meals a day, lessons, and the possibility of sending to a great magician's school
    - Her younger sister smartly says stop stalling and what is this really about. MC caves and says that she did marry him for reasons stated before, but knows her usefulness will run out. Thus, she is capitalizing on what she can, and she wants them to study as hard as the can, so when they run away they will all have futures. She is even planning on pawning whatever she can on the side to convert into money under her sibling's names, so when they make a run for it they would have funds.
    - The ML goes forth to summon them for a very tense meal; the younger sister with a temper lashes out and says she their sister in the end no matter if they're married. I forgot how the ML lead reacted.
    - Mc finds out that the sibling's tutors verbally abuse them, and she tells them to learn what they can from the tutors because their lessons will be vital to their futures, but double checks if the tutors go too far.
  4. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I read only the 8 chapters as well. At this rate I just hope word excerpt picks it up. It seems to be right up their alley.
  5. Katra1212

    Katra1212 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2016
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    More spoilers please.
    Manimanga likes this.
  6. ryokucha

    ryokucha Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2019
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    It turns out a group called "perpetuallyperennial" picked it up! Chapter 9 is out now.
  7. Yukari_me

    Yukari_me I Gotta Put Me First

    Aug 15, 2017
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    Iirc, it was related to her ability to calm down people like ML and purify their abilities so they don’t lose control over it.

    Ohhh this part was hilarious cuz it left the siblings speechless :blobjoy::blobjoy:

    MC’s sis: *points at ML with a haughty attitude, visible dislike on her face* Just so you know, our sister will love us more than you. We will always be first before you. And lastly, don’t even think about getting her love in this fake marriage

    ML: *smiles as he looks at her amused as he nods with understanding* it’s alright. I already know you guys hold the number one spot in my wife’s heart

    Mc’s sis: Hmph, its good you know

    ML: But that doesnt mean I cant take up the second spot in her heart with my love:blobsmilehappy:

    Everyone: ....
  8. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    When they were being translated I read it from there. Then the original author asked for it to be taken down because it’s still technically theft of intellectual property since the author is not monetarily benefiting from or has given permission. Thus, that group had to take it down. I think it’s sad though. Because of these translators these stories are now known amongst and English population.
  9. Azzriel

    Azzriel Member

    May 20, 2020
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    How many chapters were you able to read?
    icay1x likes this.
  10. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    i wanna read moarrrrrr. it's just updated up to 9 chapters. i think the translation group is soo busyyy. pity them. tbh, i've got the last chapter (raw) already but you know my translation iss sooooo freaking bad that even i'm afraid to read it and i didn't understand a speck of dust from it. heungg TT _ TT
    Marane101 likes this.
  11. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Does Eartha finally run away?
  12. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    From the last chapter of main story, I'm not quite sure because it seems she's shopping for shoes with the butler. And on her way (?) to meet her husband aka male lead

    I'm not sure. Because yandex translation may be quite accurate but it didn't sound normal (?) to be accepted. Everything just jumbled up. I hope that'll do. And again I'm sorry if it's wrong cuz that's my assumption through what have been translated. :blobjoy: well I have Kakao account so I can access for the raws every 12 hours but unfortunately this stupid me can't read Korean. So whoever wants to translate them and in need for sources can tell me :')
    Melita_H, cutynight, Lumaera and 26 others like this.
  13. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Anyone completely thrilled at chapter 10? I know I was.
    Maeve Arte likes this.
  14. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. The updated chapter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob:
    I've decided. I'm gonna MTL the novels.
  15. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    i mtl random chapter. please don't take it seriously. because mtl-ing is so hard. and this is barely my presumption from the text.
    somehow ertha talks about love with zahid.in his office with dimon in presence and ertha said something along the line like this,
    " you love me, do you?
    and zahid laughed with the remarks.
    then zahid smoothly said something like they should be going to honeymoon.
    (i believe that was one of his 'effort' to seduce ertha.)
    and the talk continue with going somewhere like battlefield. and some crazy-ass popes (i think it's vatican)
    i'm glad i found some ertha-zahid moment and it's like sugar to me. :blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes:
    somehow i'm sorry because this like just a little spoiler. but there it is. i'm trying to go on and translate a little bit but i can't do this frequently cuz i'm preoccupied with so many assignments:blobconfounded:
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
    cutynight, Lumaera, Ceilo27 and 37 others like this.
  16. oxxxa

    oxxxa Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
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    just finished chapter 11, I used yandex so it might be inaccurate.


    so, zahid unseal his magic and crushed the door. confronting the pope, I didn't understand the dialogues. I'm not sure whether they were fighting or not but in the description seems like the building was destroyed. there was smoke came from it when zahid and ertha left. after left vatican, zahid rented the whole inn nearby. he collapsed (probably the effect of unseal the magic) and asked ertha to save him. but ertha didn't know how to do purification. zahid told her to kiss him. and they kissed, several times. zahid said that the purification could be done with 'contact' I'm not really sure. It doesn't have to be kiss. the deeper the contact, the greater the purification. I'm sure he said about blood too. They came back to the mansion and there were imperial knights waiting for them. And one knight mocked ertha, calling him slum girl. Not sure about the rest, the chapter end.
    LayZhang, cutynight, Ceilo27 and 43 others like this.
  17. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Uwowwwwwwww:blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed: thank youuu soooo muchhh
  18. BlackTeaAndMallows

    BlackTeaAndMallows Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    Uwu Imma gonna camp here... Waiting for more spoilers.

    \(^o^)/ to you who shares a piece of spoiler
    IceQueenRinne1234 likes this.
  19. Spoilme

    Spoilme Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    I read the comments and apparently the author is sick but tbh, It really doesn't affect us because we are legit craving for spoilers:( I even read a review and I really can't call this spoiler but at the same time, It has a tiny hint of spoiler.
    [namju: ML, Yeoju: FL]
    peacock = Duke
    {This is 100% MTLed so It has TONS of grammatical errors and is a bit confusing}
    The setting of Don't Eat Me is a common ropan if common.

    It is a setting that seems to be done by Nadena while regretting Namju's regret when he is admitted to the world through the book and puts a lot of hunsu.

    In the book titled "Roan of Books"[OG book], the Pleasants of the Wastes know that I know it's been a little trendy. However, most of them are faithful to the fact that Isosul is a waste of waste, unlike that of Utopia, where only words are abolished.

    It's very ruined from the lady's intentions.
    Yeoju's family, who had been a venerable Seonggisamun, owes so much to the church that life becomes so much that it cannot be regenerated.

    As a result, parents attempt suicide, which is strictly forbidden in the church.
    To the tired young women and twin sisters
    The scene of tying a rope around the neck of a hand gives a sense of immersion like a dagger in the viewer's chest.

    But was it even mass suicide?
    The roof of the house fell down before the ropes were strangled and cut.
    Yeoju and her brothers were able to live

    Here is the first bifurcation of Yeoju.

    In a novel in a novel (in the middle of a film), Yeoju goes to a singing house to feed her younger brothers.

    But Yeoju didn’t want to do that,
    Yeoju, who had neither specs nor knowledge, always suffers from poverty.

    Here, it is a rainy day with parents and a neck, so there is a trauma for rain.
    On a rainy day, I bathe in the rain with my sisters naked.

    But looking at the twin sisters that adolescence might come
    Compared to the heroine of the movie,'If I sell chastity,
    My brothers would not have suffered...'
    I know the feelings of the woman, but I feel
    The younger brother's remarks that were difficult to control
    Makes darker look more unique

    Here, the differences from other Rofans are revealed.
    Unlike ordinary ropans that Namju feeds
    Using a fictional setting to meet Namju and'trade'
    It makes the moving streak of Yeoju more prominent.

    Here, wizards, including Nam Joo, the trading column, have the side effect that the more they use their magic, the more their mind is decapitated.
    But Yeoju can heal this spirit with the ability of'purifying agent' and Yeoju sells her body as a purifying agent.

    With this transaction, Yeoju becomes the wife of Namjoo, the duke.
    So while he and his brother went to the peacock house, the peacock who bought them as a shop for his brothers who wanted to eat candy, threw away the early ruin, and brought together catharsis with cider.

    But if there is light, there is darkness.
    Life was not smooth at all

    Checks in social relations? User talks? Not like that

    I was almost kidnapped by bandits and faced with rape.

    From the point of view of Yeoju expressed in first person, you can feel the horror of Yeoju.
    The appearance of the hostess being blocked was flexible even though it was difficult
    Compared with Yeoju's figure, it emphasizes the more desperate.

    As a result, he was “saved” by Nam-ju to overcome the crisis,
    Becoming another trauma and limiting the hostess' behavior
    All readers are so sad

    But Yeoju's crisis is not limited to outside.
    The way Yeoju purifies the wizard as a purifier
    There are many things like skin contact, saliva exchange, etc.
    It's ruined, but it's lopan.

    Anyway, Yeoju, the wife of Namju, sleeps with Namju.
    By stopping menstruation due to desperate nutritional factors, lack of sleep, etc.
    The past situation of Yeoju emphasizes misery again.

    However, the physiological blood becomes a big problem.
    The blood contained in saliva feels like a drug to the spirit of a man-in-law who is being ravaged by magic, but the man-ju endures with a spirit of steel
    Yeoju howls and apologizes and fears

    Why? The'body' of the purifying agent purifies the wizard. Yes, the body purifies. If you eat and eat the female body of Yeoju, you can completely escape the side effects of the magic. Don't worry

    Anyway, this scene where different emotions intersect in Nam-joo and the bedroom becomes an important key later (spony will be omitted)

    It seems like the story spoil is going to be too big anymore.
    I'm a woman writer, so I'm not good at using battle scenes.
    It is also a way to demonstrate the combative superiority of the South.

    You'll also love the fact that there's a fluid drink.

    And the worldview story is attractive. The doubles are well recovered (the reason why the lady is a purification agent, the secret of the sorcerer, the secret of the church, etc.)
    The story seems to go to the mountain, but it also shows the inefficiency of the hostess, making it an essential element.

    However, even after following the royal road, Nam-ju regrets, seeks for Yeo-ju, and it is just Nam-joo who runs away from her.
    There is a point that regret is different from other ropans who eat extreme Nadenade.

    And I can't help but talk about the raunchy parts you might like. As explained at the beginning, the blood and body fluids of the hostess have more effects than the drugs on the main character, the wizard.
    (When Yeoju runs away, Namju becomes a drug addict and regrets dying day after day.) Anyway, blood and body fluids? Yeoju tried not to sell her body at the brothel.
    On the first night, she was a virgin, and after that, she was close to completion due to various events.
    I'm a long shelf full of motherfuckers, but I believe this is what I understand

    Also, after the first night, it is good to describe the situation, but I do not doubt that the introductory process of the first night, which is described indirectly (not 19 gold), will be liked by both men and women.

    Nowadays, after the completion, it is closed after abduction, but the abduction invites catharsis because the plum blossoms seem to be compensated by the sweet and sour sweet girl.

    It is a masterpiece that can give more than 9.5 out of 10 points if you want to abbreviate this and put the average of Lee So-seol.
    The remaining 0.5 is due to the fact that the sensitization may not fit well and the sweet potato may be long for ciders.

    Lastly, the cover length and the dark red band are important hints in the novel, so look carefully.

    A gray haired girl in a similar novel, Maid Costume, shrugs at this Ropan and shrugs! I read Ropan on the cover
    In the novel of the same sorcerer and therapist, I got off the door because I couldn't think of this difference.

    I thought that this will have a adult scene but surprisingly, It doesn't :blobneutral: But yeah they sleep together at least that's what we got to know:blobok:
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
    Ariary, Ceilo27, Selin and 21 others like this.
  20. BlackTeaAndMallows

    BlackTeaAndMallows Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    Whoops I read it no matter how hard it is.
    :aww:Thank you!

    From what I understood... (not 100% accurate 'cause I inserted some assumptions too). Imma summarize it.

    * FL got abducted by bandits and was almost raped. She was saved by ML. This triggered a trauma tho.

    * Blood and saliva (body fluids...) of a purifier acts like a drug for magicians. So when they sleep together and the FL has her period, the ML is trying hard to resist.

    * Due to the FL not working at a brothel and still had her v-card when he slept with ML, this helped him as a magician. Maybe avoiding the side effects. (...:blobpats:it is not helping that it said that "eating" the purifier helps avoid the side effects)

    * The plot will become bigger, as huge secrets about the magicians, purifiers and stuffs will be unveiled.

    * And yeah, the FL was able to ran away (so I think, after 5 years?). The ML is regretting it tho and he is also addicted to FL (yeah, in many ways).

    :blobsalute:Please correct if there's something wrong.
    :blobpopcorn:Imma wait for more spoilers too.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
    Shion Lee, icay1x, Ceilo27 and 63 others like this.