Meta!!!! Actually, jokes aside, this thread is actually like 70% serious. So NUF's poll system is sort of not ideal because polls are limited to 30 options, and there can only be a single poll per thread. To get around these limitations, I have always floated the idea of making a separate simple poll website. A poll website would make it possible to perform multivariate analysis, allow users to enter continuous numbers (e.g. I would pay $5 for an apple), currency conversion, and capture demographic data in user accounts (e.g. age, gender, country) instead of needing to ask it on every poll. It would also be a more powerful means of conducting a general NUF census. I think it would be cool if the website were interactive, and visitors could click to see poll responses broken down by age, gender, country, etc. Another thing that could be done is dynamically generated images of poll results, which could be linked to the OP on NUF so the results can be viewed on NUF without needing to leave the forum. Those are just ideas though...
Hm...honestly, maybe. It sounds like fun, though, because your polls are nice to check in on every so often.
But wait, is that a site that collects information on (potential) minors? Better look into internet privacy laws before making it so you don't get sued by some government.
not sure... I think the most fun part of the poll threads is the thread itself. If you made a thread and then linked to the poll site then I don't see why I wouldn't, though.
This is how I feel If you feel like NUF is too limited, then overcome your limits just like this guy down here wise words from captain yami
Yes I think that would be the idea! What aspect of straw poll do you like most? It’s too simplistic for my purposes though — at that point it’s about the same to use NUF. Educate me more! I was just going to go with the “we won’t share your data with anybody” privacy policy, but if that’s insufficient to cover that then I think I would need to learn more. I know the EU has a cookie law though.
Going to another site to answer a poll, is too much work. I'm more likely to just go back to reading.
Is there some way to keep the discussion on NUF even if it's a externally hosted poll? What I like about lychee's polls is the chance to read other people's views/answers in the comments! I think we'd lose a lot if they moved off-forum.
Agreed with @Diametric, @Ruyi and @AMissingLinguist For NUF related polls, I don't know if people care all that much about accuracy as compared to ease of accessibility (seeing poll results at a glance in relation to the thread). And it's not like corporate or political polls where the survey results are more significant ... no offense intended Unless I missed a part where you were collecting the polls for some secret sociology experiment, or trying to get a job at FiveThirtyEight ...
So it's true, people agree that is the best poll thinking face! Jokes aside, keeping an existing audience engaged or bringing in new people are important when making a website for polls only. Nuffians are unlikely to leave NUF or NU for an external website. I suggest asking @Tony to sponsor your website, or creating a novel on ScribbleHub that showcases how polls are amazing and/or fun. (Though creating a novel brings up a new set of challenges.)
my suspicions are realised lychee is a skynet like entity that wants to reverse engineer the human brain with analysis of behaviour while gathering demographic information to plot our eventual downfall alas, the smart conspiracists will scew any data lycheenet hopes to collect woth wrong demographics
As some have said, I like how the poll results are easily visible and you can read others' answers to the questions. If you moved the poll part and it was kinda impractical or sth (like a hassle to navigate/results not visible), then I'm unsure if I'd use that function
I think you honestly need to either convince tony to somehow allow embedding of polls or have tony setup a poll-bot brother of justabot