News [Rant]People like this, should F* off this community.

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by GuldTasken, Jun 28, 2019.

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  1. TamaSaga

    TamaSaga Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    I still think it's weird that people can say with a straight face, "because you don't own it you can't charge for it." They, as the reader don't own it either so they shouldn't be able to read it, no?

    It's a library system taken to the extreme...
    Westeller likes this.
  2. Traveling Chef

    Traveling Chef ⁽ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ╯.+:。Professional Unichef~

    Nov 4, 2016
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    just because an asshole is an asshole you compare him to a rapist?


    is he an idiot, yes. is he ignorant about the full goings on? also yes.
    is he comparable to a person who violates you of any semblance of a normal life, takes away from you the power to even get up in the morning, makes some victims think taking their own lives is a much easier choice than living with what has been done to them? FUCK NO.

    I don't agree with the jackass in the post but I absolutely would never equate him to a rapist, that belittles any victim of rape.

    "oh, you been raped? well, that's no worse than a leeching fuckwad wanting your work for free, so what are you complaining about?"

    that's what this post sounds like to me.
  3. GuldTasken

    GuldTasken Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2016
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    A shame I didn't call him a leech, but a piece of dirt in space. AKA, I didn't even recognize him on the same level as a Leech or a Parasite.

    You aren't entitled to dictate what TL do with their translations. Because you/I aren't taking the effort to read it in the native language nor supporting the author most likely due various reasons. In the end, we are all technically thieves.
  4. Westeller

    Westeller Smokin' Sexy Style!! Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I'd like to give a general reminder that harassment of anyone on the forums will not be tolerated, and that you should not incite or encourage the harassment of anyone either. You can rant about opinions you dislike, of course, and you're free to argue with people who have them. We're not babysitters. But no witch hunts or public lynchings. We obviously cannot control what you do off of the forums, but I sincerely hope everyone refrains from such behavior, everywhere.
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