Recommendations RAW YAOI NOVELS

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by MofuMofu, Jun 9, 2022.

  1. MofuMofu

    MofuMofu Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Good morning guys!! :blobupset:

    Here i am, needing your list of raw chinese novels tittle. Be sure you drop your own raw chinese novels tittle here, alright? I am desperately needing something to move on my life, of course with reading yaoi novels!! Help me please!! :blob_teary:

    And here, i Will drop my own list of all raw chinese novels tittle i have been read okay. So be sure to help me too!! :blobcatblush2:

    Here is my list! ::blobpeaking::
    Note :
    S Means good novel :blobtaco:
    SS Means very good novel blobmelt_thumbs
    SSS Means my FAVORITE novel :bloblove:
    SSSS Means my top list novel!! ::bloblove::

    * Means bad ending :bloborz:
    ** Means good ending :blobhug:
    *** Means perfect ending :blobdrool:
    **** Means impossibly perfect end that i can think!! :blobnosebleed:

    1.SSS* 我可能是个假炮灰[快穿] (I may be a fake cannon fodder Fast wear)
    2.SS* [快穿]放开那个男主 ((fast wear) let go of the man)
    3.SSS** 我儿子有九个爸爸 (My son has nine fathers)
    4.SSS** 总是被男主攻略的穿越日常 (Always being used by the male lead to pass through everyday [Quick Wear])
    5.SSS** 我为主角播撒智商[快穿] (I broadcast IQ on the main character [Quick Wear])
    6.SSS** 撩了就跑好刺激[快穿] (I ran and spurred [fast wear])
    7.SSS** 为幸福而鼓掌[快穿] (Applaud for happiness [quickly wear])
    8.SSS** 我的病人都爱上我[快穿] (My patients all fall in love with me Fast wear)
    9.SSS** 快穿之奇怪的任务完本 (Quick-wearing strange mission)
    10.SSS** 反派打脸逆袭[快穿] (The villain hits the counterattack (fast wear))
    11.SSS** 快穿之总有魔王跟着我 (There is always a devil following me)
    12.SSS** 我有病[快穿] (I am sick [fast wear])
    13.SSS** 《绝不嫁有两个丁丁的男人》(Never marry two men with Tintin)
    14.SSS** 快穿之主神归来 The Return of the Lord God
    15.SSS** 主播今天拯救u世界了吗 did the anchor save the world today
    16.SSS** 我五行缺你 My Five Elements Lack You (horror story')
    17.S* 快穿之攻略反派 the villain
    18.SS** 炮灰作弊系统[快穿] Cannon fodder cheating system fast wear
    19.SSS** [快穿]谁动了我的尾巴![Quickly through] Who moved my tail!
    20. SSS** 从前有个小可怜[快穿] (Once upon a time there was a little pity [fast wear])
    21.SSS** [聊斋]有姝
    22.SSS** 最强逆袭大神[快穿] (The strongest against the great god [fast wear])
    23.SSS** 炮灰逆袭系统[快穿] (Cannonash counterattack system [fast wear] )
    24.SSS** 倒霉萝卜又上位了[快穿] (Unlucky radish is in the upper position fast wear)
    25.SS** 快穿之男主行动
    26.SSS** 老子演技天下第一[快穿]
    27.SSS** 《第一尸妻》
    28.SSS** 快穿当男神穿成炮灰Laozi's acting skills are the best in the world [Quick Wear]
    29.SSS** 如何死得重于泰山[快穿]How to die more than Tarzan [Quick Pass]
    30. SSS** 快穿之炮灰的打脸逆袭之路 The road to the face-slapped counterattack of the fast-piercing cannon fodder
    31. SS+** 直播填坑[快穿]
    32. SS** 快穿之拯救治愈
    33. SSS**我可能是个假炮灰[快穿] (I MAY BE A FAKE CANNON FOLDER (FAST wear)
    34. SSS** 快穿之作者高贵冷艳 (Rapid wear of the noble glamorous)
    35. SSS** 总有男主爱上我[快穿] (There is always the male love me [fast wear])
    36. SSS** 快穿之吞噬规则 (Fast rules through phagocytosis)
    37. SSS** 宝贝,今天精分了吗?(Baby, is it fine today?)
    38. SS** 所有敌人都对我俯首称臣 (All the enemies bowed to me and)
    39. SSS** 兽世第一懒商 (Beast world first lazy)
    40. SSS** 重生之朗朗星空 (Rebirth of a movie star {NU})
    41. S* 在末世BOSS面前刷脸卡363天之后 (After Brushing Face At The Apocalypse’s Boss For 363 Days {NU})
    42. SS** 全宇宙最后一只猫 (The Last Cat in the Universe {NU})
    43. SSS** 快穿之老攻在手[快穿] (Always with the Old Attack {NU})
    44. SSS (TBC) 学霸打脸攻略[快穿] (Learn to beat the face raiders fast wear) ch. 78.5
    45. SS**? 快穿之扳弯男主 (The curved wear quickly pull the male)
    46. SSS** 男神制霸全世界[快穿] (The gods dominate the world [fast wear])
    47. SSS** (BE or not satisfing on end For the child ml and mc) 毕竟我不是妖艳贱货[快穿] (After all, i am not glamorous smasher [fast wear])
    48. SSS** 快穿之主神攻略 (Raiders fast wear of the Lord God)
    49. SSS** 主播今天拯救世界了吗 (Did anchor saving the world today?)
    50. SSS** 快穿之又见老攻我好方 (See also the fast wear of the old good way to attack me)
    51. SSS** 快穿之白莲花逆袭 (fast wear white lotus counterattack)
    52. SSS** 最强踩脸金手指[快穿] (The strongest step on the face of the golden finger [fast wear])
    53. SSS** 快穿之主神回收计划 (Fast Wear of the Lord God recycling program)
    54. SSS** 全世界我最红[快穿] (The world's most red [fast wear])
    55. SSS** 快穿!呆萌逆袭生涯!(Fast wear! Staying in the opposite direction! )
    56. SSS** 走进人格分裂 (Into the personality splitting)
    57. SSS** 快穿之幸福行动 (Rapid wear of the happy action)
    58. SSS** 快穿之我最擅长打脸了 (I am the best at hitting the face)
    59. SSS** 快穿之拯救治愈 (Quick wear to save the cure)
    60. SSS** 快穿之我又有了 (I have to wear it again)
    61. SS** 我就是这么苏 (I am such su)
    62. SSS*** 覆水能收系统 (water recovery system)
    63. SSS** 开挂恋爱系统(快穿)(Turn on the Love System {NU})
    64. SS+ (Chpter 77, arch 41) 我捡的Boss都爱上我[快穿] My awkward Boss are falling in love with me (fast wear)
    65. SS** 豪门老男人的二婚男妻[重生] (The second married of an Old Man)
    66. SSS** 快穿之撩男大法 (The fast wear stitch M Gong)
    67. SSS** 快穿之拯救治愈 (Fast Wearable Salvation and Healing)
    68. SSS** 总裁崩了对谁都不好[快穿] (President collapsed is not good for anyone [quickly wear])
    69. SSS** [快穿]每个世界老攻都在等我 ([Quick Wear] Every World Old Offensive Is Waiting for Me)
    70. SSS** 快穿之我最擅长打脸了(I'm the best at shaving my face in fast-wearing)
    71. SSS*** 目标总以为我喜欢他[快穿] (The Goal Always Thinks I Like Him [Quick Wear])
    72. SSS** 错位游戏[快穿] (Misplacement Game [Quick Wear])
    73. SSS** 男友总会变成恐怖片BOSS[快穿] (Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss)
    74. SS* 撩汉成神[快穿] (The Han Chinese God [Quick Wear] ) {Sebenernya HE, tapi end nya agak gaje dan kayak gantung}
    75. SS** 快穿之替代计划 (Quick Wear Alternative Plan)
    76. SSS** 快穿之成精记 (Quick wear into the good end)
    77. SS** 奋斗吧,白莲花[快穿] (Struggle, White Lotus [Quick Wear])
    78. SS** 为主角送光环的男人[快穿] (The man who gave the aura to the protagonist [Quick Wear])
    79. SSS** 总有男主爱上我[快穿]
    80. SSS** 总有男主爱上我[快穿] (There is always a man who loves me [Quick Wear])
    81. SSS** 快穿之主神归来 (The Return of the Lord God of Quick Wear)
    82. SSS*** 改造的正确姿势[快穿] (Correct the correct posture [Quick Wear)
    83. SSS** 万人迷反派逆袭计划[快穿] (Geeky villain counterattack plan [Quick Wear]) MC KANIBAL
    84. SSS** 那些年我们弄死的白莲花[快穿] (Those years we kill white lotus [Fast Wear] NU)
    85. SSS** 老板,何弃撩?![快穿] ( Boss, Why abandon?! (Quick Wear))
    86. SSS** 学霸打脸攻略[快穿] (Xueba face-breaking Raiders [quick wear])
    87. SSS** 男主都是我徒弟[快穿] (The male lead is my apprentice [Quick Wear])
    88. SS** 逆袭穿越人生[快穿] (Reverse Attack through Life [Quick Wear]) [endingnya HE tapi kurang puas. Tapi HE
    :( ]
    89. SS** 总有主角妄想开后宫[快穿] (Enakan, tapi storynya panjang banget, jadi bosen) (The male god is not easy to brush [fast wear])
    90. SSS*** 快穿之老攻在手[快穿] (Fast wear the old attack in hand [fast wear])
    91. SS** 快穿之永世相随 (Fast Wearable Eternal Follow)
    92. SS** 万人迷攻略计划[快穿] (Thousands of Love Raiders [Quick Wear])
    93. SS+** 快穿之华丽妖孽 ("[Quick Wear] Magnificent Demon)
    94. SS+** 快穿]战神虐渣手册 ([Quick Wear] God of War Abusive Slag Handbook)
    95. SS+** 《快穿之小透明逆袭记》( "Quick Wear Little Transparent Counterattack" )
    96. SSS*** 快意重来[快穿] Quickly Come Again [Quick Wear]
    97. SS 逆袭的一百种路线
    98. SSS** 快穿之全能挂逼 Fast-wearing Almighty Hanging Force
    99. SSS** 从前有个小可怜[快穿] there was a little pitiful [fast wear]"
    100. SS** 《主角光环开大了[快穿]》The Protagonist's Aura Has Been Expanded [Quick Wear]
    101. SSS**《万人迷反派逆袭计划[快穿]》The Thousands of Opposition Counterattack Plan [Quick Wear]
    102. SSS** 如何死得重于泰山[快穿]》"How to Die Heavier than Mount Tai [Quick Wear]"
    103. SS** 《快穿之炮灰的打脸逆袭之路》"The Way to Face Slash and Counterattack by Fast-Pulling Cannon Fog"
    Doe 109
    104. SSS** 《快穿之撩男大法》Quick-wearing Dafa Dafa
    105. SS++** 《快穿之台词有毒》 "Quick Wearable Line Poisonous"
    106. SS++** 《总有渣攻妄想复合[快穿]》 "There is always a scum attack delusion compound [Quick Pass]"
    107. SS++** 报恩最后终要以身相许[快穿]Repaying the Grace in the Last End with the Body [Quick Wear]"
    108. SSS** 最强萌宠万人迷[快穿]The strongest cute pet heartthrob [Quick Wear]
    109. SSS** BOSS穿成小可爱[快穿] BOSS Dresses as a Cutie
    110. SSS** 老攻身患绝症[穿书] My Husband is Suffering from a Terminal Illness
    111. SSS** 快穿之作者高贵冷艳 Quick Crossing Author Noble and Glamorous
    112. SSS***《男主请自重[快穿]》The hero, please take care of yourself [Quick Wear]
    113. SSS*** 我什么都没干[快穿] I didn't do anything [Quickly wear]
    114. SS** 得天独宠[快穿] Frantically Beloved (fast wear)
    115. SSS*** 《快穿之仙男》 "Quickly Crossing Fairy Man"
    116. SSS**+《快穿之打脸的正确方式》 "The Correct Way to Slap the Face"
    117. SSS** 世界级宠爱[快穿] World-class pampering [fast wear]
    118. SSS** (NU) 我靠贫穷横扫逃生游戏 I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games
    119. SSS*** (NU) 灵异片演员app[无限] Supernatural Movie Actor App
    120. SSS** (NU) 奉崽成婚 Offered Into Marriage
    121. SSS** (NU) 天资愚钝Slow-Witted [anjir sesek bacanya novel ini ]
    122. SS** (NU) 我真的是渣受 I Really Am a Slag Shou!
    123. SS++*** (NU) 末世重生之少主横行 Lord of End of World
    124. SS** 《大佬你好[快穿]》Hello, boss [Quickly go through] (Novelnya ga berlogika, agak bosen untung chaptersnya dikit, CMN 69)
    125. SS+*** 我家艺人满级重生[娱乐圈] (NU) My Artist Is Reborn
    126. SSS*** 职业萌宠晋升指南[快穿] Promotion Guide for Cute Pets [Quick Pass]
    127. S+** 死神大人他C位出道啦 Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center Position (NU)
    128. S+** 反叛打脸主角光环 【快穿】The Villain Slaps The Protagonist’s Halo (NU)
    129. SS** 穿书后大佬们倒戈了 The Big Bosses Are Not What I Expected After I Transmigrated Into A Book (NU)
    130. SS++** 我真的是龙呀 I’m Really A Dragon (NU)
    131. SSS*** 养你这件小事 Raising You This Small Stuff (NU)
    132. SSS** 诱捕金主计划 Plan to Trap the Golden Thigh (NU) past tragedy, but good ending.
    133. S** 喵!奶猫闯入总裁文 Meow! A Kitten Stumbles into a CEO!Novel!
    134. SS** 穿成反派总裁小情人[娱乐圈]Reborn As The Villain President’s Lover
    135. SS+** 全世界都知道我是好人[快穿]Everyone Knows I’m a Good Person (NU)
    136. SS++***BE狂魔求生系统【快穿】BE Crazy Demon Survival System (NU)
    137. SS+*** 爱豆和残疾总裁官宣了The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement (NU)
    138. SS++*** 末世之我的樱桃会爆炸 My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse (NU)
    139. SS+*** 星际宠婚巨星Interstellar Favorite Superstar (NU)
    140. SS+** 美食直播间[星际]Gourmet Live Room (NU)
    141. SSS*** 蟲族之歸家 Home of the Zerg (NU)
    142. SSS*** 职业萌宠晋升指南[快穿] Promotional Guide for Cute Pets [Quick Passing]
    143. SSS*** 学霸打脸攻略[快穿] (xueba slap reader fast wear) cerita yang tentang MC nya itu mau ikutan ke dunia sistem buat belajar lebih banyak.
    144. SSS (down) ch Admiral 26 我成了反派脑残粉[快穿] I Became a Fanboy of the Villain (note : situs China nya ga ketemu. Jadi bisa ikutan baca dari translator di NU)
    145. SSS*** 生存进度条[穿书] Death Progress Bar (NU)
    146. SS+++*** 秀恩爱系统[末世]Show Love System (NU)
    147. SS++*** 被爱妄想症Love delusion (NU)
    148. SS+ ** 拜我,我让你发财 Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich (NU)
    149. SSS** 快穿之永世相随 Go through the world forever
    150. SSS*** 不种田就会被啊呜掉[末世] If you don’t farm, you’ll be punished (MC nya itu transmigrasi dari dunia modern ke dunia kuno. mLnya itu rebirth dari zombie emperor ke masa lalunya.)
    151. SS++** 超会演戏的我现在重生了 Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn (NU)
    152. SSS** 淡彩 Pastel Colours (NU)
    153. SSS*** 学神在手,天下我有 Learning God is in hand, I have the world (QT) NOTE: anjim asik banget arch satu nya. World building ya juga paling komplit drpd QT lainnya!! Tapi arch kesana sana nya banyak yg hampir sama kek routine QT pada umumnya.
    154. SS++** 小人鱼 Little mermaid (NU)
    155. SSS** 重生之豁然 Epiphanies of Rebirth (NU)
    156. SSS** 上将的omega吸血鬼 (Nu)The General’s Vampire Omega
    157. SS+** 鮮滿宮堂 Palace Full of Delicacies (NU)
    158. SSS*** 瘸子都被我忽悠的站起来了 The cripple stood up by me fooling
    159. SS+** 周先生不想努力了 Mr. Zhou doesn't want to work hard anymore
    160. SSS** 穿成反派的病弱竹馬 Transmigrating into the Villain’s Sickly Childhood Friend
    161. SS++*** 看我吃鱼都觉得好刺激 It's so exciting to watch me eat fis
    162. SSS** 被迫在校园穿女装的那三年 The Three Years When I Was Forced To Wear Women’s Clothing On Campus
    163. SS+*** 重生八十年代养崽崽
    Reborn In The 80’s (NU)
    164. SSS*** 有位佳人[古穿今] There is a beautiful woman
    165. SS** 星际之永生为伴 Eternal Life in the interstellar
    166. SS**** 自闭少年闯末世 Autistic teenager rushes to the end of
    167. SS*** 末世之骷髅当道 Skeleton in the last days
    168. SSS**** 美滋滋 (Very Happy {NU})
    169. SS** 将军爱集小红花 The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers (NU)
    170. SS** 不要物种歧视Don’t Discriminate Against Species
    171. SSS**** 天生反骨[快穿] Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration] (NU)
    172. SS+*** 小哭包进入噩梦循环以后 After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle (NU)
    173. SS++*** 穿成炮灰明星后我爆红了 I Became Hugely Popular After Becoming a Cannon Fodder Star (NU)
    174. SS** 论以貌取人的下场 The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance (NU)
    175. SS** 穿进校草的天猫精灵后 After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis (NU)
    176. SSS**嫁給豪門老男人 Marry a Rich Old Man(NU)
    177. SS*** 残疾战神嫁我为妾后 After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine (NU)
    178. SS+*** 缝纫机之恋 Sewing Machine Love Story
    179. SS+**网游之我是招财猫I am the Lucky Cat of an MMORPG
    180. SSS** 我不做人了I’m Not Human (NU)
    181. SSS*** 桃花汛Blooming Romance (NU)
    182. SS++** 他怀了少将的小鱼崽[星际]He’s Pregnant with the Major General’s Fish Cub (NU)
    183. SSS*** 一不小心和醋精结婚了Accidentally Married a Man Full of Vinegar (NU)
    Actually, I Was the Real One chp 32
    184. SSS* 带着游戏面板穿越原始Crossing to the Primitive (NU) The end is finished so abdurtly.
    185. SS** 和残疾巨佬闪婚后After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant
    186. SS++***A Contractual Marriage with the Best Leading Actor
    187. SS++*** 单身狗终结系统[快穿]Single Dog Ending System
    188. SSSS**** [系统]末世巨贾 End of World’s Businessman
    189. SS++*** 扛起锄头去修仙[穿书]Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate
    190. SS+++*** 星际植物驯养师 Interstellar Plant Trainer
    191. SS++++*** 我是穿书文里的恶毒炮灰 I’m The Vicious Cannon Fodder In The Book
    192. SS*** 成为备胎之后我被反派和男主同时盯上了After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time
    193. SS** 我靠美食火遍银河系Delicious Food Got Me Famous Across the Galaxy (NU)
    194. SSSS**** 我给反派当爸爸[娱乐圈] I'll be the Father of the Villain
    Genre : modern, entartainment, family conflict, brother complex,
    Story' : MC reincarnated to book he read as canon fodder character. MC decided to marry ML and raised the two villain characters who now are still cute lovely kids.
    195. SS++** 穿成极品受他爸 Dressed up to be loved by his dad
    196. SS-** 末世之带球跑 Doomsday running with the ball
    197. SS** I don't know what to say
    198. SSS-*** BOSS,幸运来袭_雪原幽灵【完结】BOSS, Luck Strikes_Snowfield Ghost (end)
    199. SSS** 豪门老男人的二婚男妻 second marriage of an old man
    200. SS*** 种田之美食大亨 Farming Food Tycoon
    201. SSS-*** 男配只想做工具人[娱乐圈] The Supporting Male Character Just Wants to Be a Tool Man
    202. SS*** 未来之全身是宝 In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure

  2. Marvin

    Marvin The Man who realize love

    Feb 25, 2016
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    So many things i want to say, So many things that could go wrong...

    YAOI, and its RAAAWWW!!!! how much *** you could get!!! waaaahhhhhh
    ReaderReader and MofuMofu like this.
  3. MofuMofu

    MofuMofu Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Hahaha :blobcheeky: Now help me with DROPPING your list! :blobpoliceangry:
  4. Yonaz

    Yonaz Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2022
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  5. Melange

    Melange Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2020
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  6. ShadowAscetic

    ShadowAscetic Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2021
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    Let me drop some novels from my finished reading list ...

    SSS+++) Little Madman's Guide to Pretend to be Good [Rebirth] - 小疯子装乖指南[重生]

    SSS+) Genius Raider [holographic] - 天才攻略论[全息]

    SS+) After Marriage Agreement With The Movie King - 和影帝协议结婚之后

    SS+) It's Said That I've Conquered the Demon King [holographic] - 据说我攻略了大魔王[全息]

    SS+) The Heartthrob NPC in Holographic Game - 全息游戏里的万人迷npc

    SS+) I Can't, I Can't - 朕不行,朕不可

    SS+) Earthling Transmigrated Into ABO World - 当地球人穿到信息素世界

    SS+) Is The Lord's Occupation Map Full Today? - 领主的职业图鉴今天点满了吗

    SS+) The Little Priest' Cat (Lion) Diary - 小祭司的养猫(狮)日记

    SS+) A Shark-man Who Pretend to be a Merman Has Become a Heartthrob - 装人鱼的鲛人成了万人迷
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
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  7. MofuMofu

    MofuMofu Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Melange likes this.
  8. Kaylee

    Kaylee Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    So, you've read all 202 novel in your list above?
  9. MofuMofu

    MofuMofu Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Yes. I am listing when i am done reading. So the rating is based from my own opinion after read it~
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
  10. msbwhy

    msbwhy Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Omg fellow indonesian?? XD i saw some of your comments haha
    MofuMofu likes this.
  11. MofuMofu

    MofuMofu Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Tht right hahahah :blobcheeky: yeah, i am to lazy to remove the comment on the tittle list, so be it hahahah
  12. Bunga Kantan

    Bunga Kantan Active Member

    Nov 25, 2021
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    Well, I'll leave a few of my favorites here...

    你好,这种情况持续多久了? Hello, how long has this situation lasted?
    It's a transmigrated into a book story in modern settings. To be honest, this story has a special place in my heart for how it affected me emotionally. There were warm and funny moments but the standout is in the depiction of MC's feeling of lost and loneliness in a different world. Don't worry as the loose ends were neatly tied up. I highly recommend this for those who's looking for a nice and comfortable read.​

    张总叕去拍戏了 President Zhang went to film
    This one has an interesting pair. The MC is the older one, the President and he has the face of a villain. The ML is a young wolf dog type. President Zhang's hobby is to cultivate a star, he will invest and give opportunities to people with potential and gets his satisfaction in seeing the star shine. ML is the roommate of the star President Zhang has picked and he's protective of his roommate and wary of our president. All in all, it's a pretty fun read. Recommend!​

    穿书后我拒绝自己的人设 I Reject My Character Settings After Wearing a Book
    This is also a transmigrated into a book story in modern settings. The unique thing about this is that there's 3 protagonists transmigrating into this book. They gradually learn that they weren't from the same original world. Rest assured, it's 1v1. It's pretty interesting, a unique take on all these transmigrating into a book story.
    我家经纪人会读心[娱乐圈] My agent can read minds [Entertainment industry]
    The MC, an agent, can read minds while ML is a comeback actor. I like this a lot, especially because of their pasts and present; they saved each other. It's a full circle. Do give this a try, it's quite nice.
    当读者和作者同时穿书 When the reader and the author transmigrated into the book at the same time
    Another transmigrated into a book trope (well, my preference is as clear as day). So yeah, both the reader (MC) and author (ML) transmigrated into ML's book. In truth, the book is based on their past. It's pretty interesting.
    哎我刀呢? Eh, where's my knife?
    I first came across this as an audio drama. The MC is a macho man while the ML is a CEO but with weak stomach. The running gag is that the ML thinks MC is a construction worker while actually MC is a law professor. BUT, it's not just a comedy-filled story; there's drama. MC has an ex-husband while ML has a green tea boyfriend. No surprise, ex-husband's white moonlight is green tea boyfriend. Hahaha.
    So yeah, above ⬆️ are the few that I would actually hope to see it get translated/officially published in English.

    Below ⬇️ is one I found interesting in a way that I can't believe I saw something like this in's, just sharing...

    涂鸦王子 The Prince of Graffiti
    Well, first of all, it's from Gong's pov. Next, it wasn't very long. Then, the story is trippy, in a Murakami-esque yeah...
    Gong is a mangaka, shou is a character he created. It has a western fantasy kind of settings. Main point is that it's really trippy in a good way. I can't predict it at all.
    So, that's all from me. Thanks for reading! Hope you guys will enjoy what I've recommended!
  13. Kaylee

    Kaylee Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    be careful tho, since nu is only in english :whistle:
  14. LyreSecondString

    LyreSecondString Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2018
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    Reading List:
    • 不打职业,让我独美[电竞] (Don't play a career, let me be beautiful [E-sports])
    • 元帅,你家副官会读心[穿书]
    (Marshal, your lieutenant can read minds [through books])
    • 星际之陛下你好美 (Your Majesty, you are so beautiful)
    • 荒野求生直播间 (Wilderness Survival Live Room)
    • 全息游戏里的万人迷npc (The heartthrob npc in the holographic game)
    • 穿成咸鱼的我每天都想唱歌 (Dressed as a salted fish, I want to sing every day)
    • 当凶宅成为万人嫌以后 (When a haunted house becomes a suspicion)
    • 小甜A谁不喜欢呢 (Little sweet A who doesn't like it?)
    • 穿成渣攻的哥哥 (Brother dressed as a scumbag)
    • 二分之一教主 (One-half Bishop)
    • 出关后我被迫飞升宇宙 (After leaving the customs, I was forced to fly into the universe)
    • 暗卫首领C位出道[古穿今] (Dark Guard leader C debut)
    • 被电竞耽误的修仙界大佬 (The immortal world boss who was delayed by e-sports)
  15. MofuMofu

    MofuMofu Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Wowww thank you for the list :blobnosebleed:

    Yesss another tittle to add on my list. Thank youuuuu :aww:
  16. MissZer0q

    MissZer0q Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    你再躲试试 - 3.5 star i prolly just liked it cuz its unrequited love lol

    林助理有话要说 - 4 star ofc another unrequited love but this one is fucking sweet, sweeter than the chocolates that make my teeth hurt asf ughhhh I love Assistant Lin and Mr. He's relationship.

    送神 - 4 star actually good like an immortal wanting to die x an immensely talented but dying mortal (luv thissssss)

    咸鱼结婚 - 3.8 star literally so fucking kyuuuuutttttttt I want to have a salted married life too!!!

    魔王摘下了他的小犄角 - 5 Star!!! OMGOMGOMOGOMGKG THIS IS LITERALLLY THE BESTSFSHAJJQJSHDJDKD angel pretending to be demon lord x demon lord (who's so fucking funny his brain hole is just a comedic madterpiece) [If i could I’d translate this book for everyone to read!!]

    全世界都觉得我们不合适 - 4 star singer x self-employed investor MC and ML be bestfriends for like 30 years then a 1night stand happened cuz they got drugged and they got together!! I highly doubt that they didn't like each other before lol who was they kidding (btw i do think the ending is not enough)

    小作精身患绝症后佛系了[重生] - 4.3 star i fucking looooove the early chapters...the abuse is the best thing ive read [i dont like the later chapters much]

    绝命法医 - 4.5 stars forensics x police captain its very good i luuuuuv it TT

    热搜上线 - 3.5 star was veryyy good i like the dynamic but could be better flirty singer MC x stoic actor Ml

    职业黑粉装不下去了 - 4 star "professional black fan" lol HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    你好,这种情况持续多久了?- 5 star!!! I luuuuuuv how realistic the portrayal of transmigration of this book is like TT.
  17. WordEater

    WordEater Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Oh my gosh, this is a feast!!! You guys found so manyyyy. Adding. ::bloblove::::bloblove::::bloblove::
  18. Esha07

    Esha07 ☄your favorite meanie࿐ྂ

    May 3, 2022
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    *silently gulps and adds all of them*
    *Starred thread*
  19. MofuMofu

    MofuMofu Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Thank you yeyyy another listtt :blobnosebleed:
  20. Passerby7

    Passerby7 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    Wow, thank you for a very exhaustive list.

    Some recommended raws
    反派老总的炮灰男妻[穿书] - Modern world setting, transmigration
    星际帝国之鹰[重生] - Interstellar, rebirth
    穿成守寡的恶毒男配 - Supernatural, transmigration
    穿成守寡的恶毒男配 - Omegaverse
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