Spoiler Remarried Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by midnight reader, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. Melinoe

    Melinoe Active Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    What happened after paternity test when it was revealed that the baby isn't his with him and Trashta?
  2. Pakhi

    Pakhi Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    What is stupidshoe's reaction about the paternity test result?:blobowoevil_horns:
  3. orichan

    orichan Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Since the novel is finished, does anyone know if the war that Heinley has been preparing for actually happens? Or is this just going to end with trial of the concubine? I really want the war plot line to go somewhere.

    Also, does Heinley have any other magical power outside of shape-shifting into a bird? Or is that the ONLY thing the royal family can do with magic?
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
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  4. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Well, I couldn't find spoilers about the exact situation right after the test BUT from what I gathered:
    1. Trashta was beheaded for all her schemes but mainly for treason (well, you get it, the baby isn't of royal blood so it's basically treason);
    2. Count Roteschu ...or whatever his name also got executed with his entire family including Alan, the real baby's father. Only Rivetti was able to somehow survive and run to Western Empire to Navier, her idol (tho don't know afterwards what happened to her...);
    3. Shitshoe....oh Shitshoe, well, he's basically a lost case now. Firstly, he regrets everything, about Navier, about the baby even tho it's not his but he loved the baby so it was hard for him. He starts losing his shit, the court is in shambles...the entire Empire starts to crumble. Trashta gave Elgy territory...a strategic one, near the sea, so now it's difficult to defend the Empire if something happens. Also, Trashta dried up the royal/or was it empress funds(?!) for debts to Eldy and Roteschu, so add this to Shitshoe pile of shit. So he regrets, a lot. There was a moment mentioned that Shitshoe lost his memory because of stress and illness. So reverses back mentally to several years. While in this state he starts to get what is happening (again :D) and cannot believe that he (the mature one) divorced Navier. He's in panic and wants to go to Navier but his aide stops him. He reverses back at some point and tho he's stupid but still somehow manages to work with the court at least at this level. Sorry, the spoilers I gathered are from different sources so not everything is coherent. The last for now I know... is that there is a new year celebration in western empire and Shitshoe is invited. There he finally saw Navier with her children and sees how happy she.
    4. About the baby princess, after Rashta's and Roteschu family execution, Shitshoe spiraling into nothingness, I read that both babies (the 1st one that was in the count's house and the baby princess so both Trashta's children BUT I'M NOT 100% SURE HERE THE SPOILER WAS NOT CLEAR ENOUGH IF ONLY THE PRINCESS OR BOTH BABIES) were taken under Elgy's care. He took the babies/baby and sent them together with countess Verdi (Navier's then Trashta's lady-in-waiting) to his country. He felt guilty, and sorry especially for the poor babies.

    That's all I know for now from different sources/spoiler I gathered. :blobsnow:
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  5. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Well, the novel is not officially finished, only the main story line finishes and that is Navier and her divorce and remarriage, now the epilogues are ongoing and from what I gathered...
    it's about Elgy background and his motives, relation with Heinley, more political stuff, maybe war. There is not much spoilers regarding epilogues honestly, only:
    1. Heinley and Elgy planned to conquer eastern empire but the main obstacle was Navier as she was very smart and competent, and her family has the most military power in the empire. But as we know, Heinley fell in love, so plans changed but not entirely. So, Elgy and Heinley are still working on conquering BUT Navier start to get ahead of their plans and kinda stops or at least tries to somehow convince them to do it more peacefully. In a way both her and Heinley have it difficult, Navier understands that she's already the empress of Western Empire but she still worries a little about Eastern Empire, especially her family. And Heinley wants to proceed but he loves Navier and doesn't want to hurt her feelings, he respects her too much. So both are in a difficult position emotionally.
    2. There is a 3rd party, another country/empire(?!) that doesn't want this to happen...well, you get it, to keep the balance on the continent the Eastern Empire should not be conquered. So they kidnaped Henley (in his QUEEN form) and threatened Navier. Navier gets mad and threatens them back with her 'ICE Queen' power.
    3. Well, the epilogues are more political, so there is a war but kinda on hold and kinda on going. There is not a real clash/battles but more on the political level and intrigues...for now from the spoilers.
    4. Shitshoe may be stupid but he still manages to hold now the court at least for now.

    On your 2nd question, well it was mentioned in the novel and even in webtoon past ch/s that Heinley and Elgy were both top graduates of the magic academy, so I think heinley should have some magical power besides transforming into a bird tho nothing was shown/revealed till now. Also when
    Navier started to show her ice magic, Heinley wasn't surprised and kinda expected so for me it looks looks like he's at least accustomed to magic
    so maybe will show it in the future, who knows. But would be nice if he had wind magic :blobupset: well, he's a bird so why not...and for me he's kinda like a 'breath of fresh air' (gosh, WTF im blabling about?!:blobpeek:).:blobamused:

    That's all I know for now. :blobsnow:
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  6. Alessa

    Alessa Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    Evely or Rivetti? I don't want her family's fate dragged Rivetti's too. Maybe Rashta's assassination/slavery attempt saved her from going through the same fate. Though I suppose it will be hard for her to be the only one left :blobsad:
  7. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Sorry, I'm really bad with names...I checked now so Evely is that girl with magic (that Navier supported) and Rivetti is Roteschu daughter. So, yes, is Rivetti that had to run (I will edit). It's sad but at least she's alive. She was basically saved by Shitshoe after the assassination attempt and was a witness on Trashta'a trial. So this helped her to at least keep her life.
    Nom de Plume and syofiaa like this.
  8. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Did the family get killed cause of Alan banging rashta? That makes no sense since this happened before she got with supidsheoe
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  9. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Roteschu schemed with/against Rashta. Alan is the heir and father of both children... so treason. Rivetti was victim and a witness. No nobles will allow non-royal child on the throne especially when the father/family of that child is alive.
  10. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Well, I only read spoilers and nothing much goes into details. Maybe when we'll get the official TL we'll know more why and how, but for now only small spoilers. If analysing and concluding...well, in my opinion count Roteschu was always scheming to get more from Trashta's empress power, also Roteschu knows that Trashta 1st baby it's in his hands and is Alan's. For him Trashta was and will always be his slave. Also, in one chapter from the novel, we can see that Alan came with the baby to Shitshoe and Trashta for an audience for the empress to bless his baby, not many saw the baby but they saw Trashta's reaction (her shock and fear) and only Shitshoe understood that this was transta's 1st baby and the father was Alan. Also, in this chapter Alan was thinking that why is Trashta's other man's wife and is bearing Shitshoe child, it should be him by her side (boi, he's a coward and delusioned). So, I think that there will be more instances like this involving Alan, maybe even schemed by Roteschu to maintain his hold on Trashta and pull more money from her. I'm waiting for more raw novel ch/s.

    From spoilers it was only revealed that it's not Sovieshu child, and I got from comments that it's Alan the father. So not sure, but I think that it may be revealed in the novel because the court will want to know who is behind this. The princess was not of royal blood, imagine if this was not revealed, this changes the bloodline of the ruling family, and in those times this was very VERY important (remember history and all wars regarding royal bloodlines). So, the court would be interested to find who was the culprit for treason. Trashta as the empress and another man's child, not from the ruling bloodline, as the successor for the throne - this is treason, and very severe. So I think it will be investigated and found that Alan is the father. So this already means that the entire Roteschu family is charged for treason. These are the rules for those times. Also, I believe that nobles that were schemed by Trashta, those who were on friendly terms with Navier and her family, and even Shitshoe would have a 'helping' hand in getting to the bottom of this case.

    So what if she was banged BEFORE meeting Shitshoe, the actual problem is that she proclaimed the child she is bearing being Shitshoe's and became Empress because of this, as she is bearing the next in line, the successor to the throne. Well, she didn't know that the child was not Shitshoe but Alan's or that she was ALREADY impregnated/pregnant when meeting Shitshoe (I'm pretty sure neither Alan knew, till the trial maybe, that he is the father). BUT she still made a fool of the ruling family, in name of Shitshoe. It's karma in a way.

    So, personally I don't see any fault in Roteschu's family termination, maybe not directly and planned but indirectly it was treason.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  11. Marinette

    Marinette Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    The Stupidshu's plan was so messed up even Navier deemed it terrible like the idea she would stay with him after all the favouritism he he has been doing and him giving everything Trashta wanted with the pretense "it's only for a year". Many things can happen in a year... especially with a mentally ill girl that is pressured and moved by strings by others. Not to mention he was aware Trashta was threatened and has done terrible deeds ok her volition yet he just waited and waited. Thinking everything will get fix once she admit it. Plus the attempt to hid everything about the debts, Trashta's origins were meant to emerge at one point...

    There were simply too many wrongdoings that accumulated. Once one mistake (like debt) comes out, people are bound to try to dig more. And unfortunately the rest were even worst than the first mistake.

    Thank you very much for all these spoilers I've been waiting and searching.
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  12. Marinette

    Marinette Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    It seems unethical and completely unfair for us but if you think about it doesn't only hurt the noble factions image, the royal bloodline (who knows maybe they got some magic mumbo jumbo going in there like King's Maker, so the preservation of said blood is crucial)but also the people... But magic aside, even if it happened before stupidshoe and Trashta (sorry I seem to have got accustomed to these names ) consume, the people themselves would not approve it and such offspring to call their own crown princess... Alan's could have been accused of planning all that all along too. Even without evidence. If there's a rumor, the person in question already has terrible rep and a person with authority start to question it and gets support of many, people would think the whole ordeal is shameful thus target everyone involve.
    And just like rockdoll wrote, intentionally or not Trashta and Alan made fool of the royal family and nobles in the eyes of the people and nobles.

    At least this is what I think....
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  13. orichan

    orichan Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    I am so confused. Are you sure the novel is not finished? Naver marked it as finished as of 3/31 with 325 chapters? In addition, the novel hasn't been updated since 3/31, and prior a new chapter get released once a day or something like that.
  14. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Oh, it's completed already? :blobunsure: Then I apologise, it must been my misunderstanding. I checked Naver a couple of weeks (?!...with this quarantine my timeline got messed up:sweating_profusely:) ago just to see the titles of ch/s to get an inkling of what to expect and saw that it's ongoing. Also, from spoilers there are still nothing about the ending, only that the novel was put on 'completed' status after ch. 29someting but there are still uploading the epilogues so for me it's still ongoing haha. :blobsweat: My mistake if it's completed then. :blobdizzy: Sorry... blobmelt_thumbs
    syofiaa and bigredqueen like this.
  15. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    The status is completed. Chapters 269-271 are about Elgy, then it’s about Navier returning home from Rwibit, about children, chapters about Glory so I think it’s about Gloriem, Rashta’s second child, and last something about Rashta again with a lot of other arcs in between. Total chapters 325.
  16. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    That's awesome then! Thanks! Now, have to wait for TL....or some spoilers at least.:blobamused:
    djan29 likes this.
  17. zenslover

    zenslover Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2018
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    I hope Trashta got beheaded seriouslyyy, it will be my satisfaction hehehe
  18. orichan

    orichan Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Thought more about this and I feel like there's no point in rushing the war. Eastern empire will naturally become weaker without Navier, and given the emperor can't have children, the succession is going to go to the grand duke's son, who has a weak character. Western empire just need to keep improving relationships with other kingdoms (Heinley is smooth like butter (just look at him winning over Navier's brother) and Navier is really good at political games so that will just happen), make sure things runs smoothly internally, and sooner or later the Eastern empire will break apart.
  19. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    I hope rashta got raped and beheaded cause I love seeing antagonists get overcompensated retribution and stifles my gore boner hehehehehehe /sarcasam

    Seriously some of you sound like psychos
  20. Marinette

    Marinette Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    If you saw the comments on mangago regarding "Lovestruck princes that leaves the villainess-protagonist" stereotype or "any female characters that is a potential love interest or girls that intentionally or not got the fiancé of the villainess" you'll have chills. :eek: (it's even worst there... Ofc not all members)
    They use heavy words and death threats that even I can't comment upon since its just dark and beyond edgy.
    BookerGirl and theilikepie like this.