LCD Return of the Swallow

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by etvolare, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    so, is there a large contrast in the way the emperor seems to the people in the capital vs the outside?
    cause yining knew from the start the emperor is a loser
    and there are plenty of supporters for the guy who tried to kill the empress
    so they clearly know something is off, but are they deluding themselves into thinking it's not the emperor's fault but rather cause of the temptress?

    idk, just seems weird that supposedly smart people wouldn't think that the emperor is out to get them
    cause y'know, wasn't sun yu a rising star?
    this is clearly an attack on their future generation
    crippling them from growing

    motivation to hate the monarchy

    also, yeh the temptress is pushing for support of the cao's. but even then, the emperor has to possess the ruthlessness to cut off the roots of a loyal family.

    rather, the crown prince is seeming to be less and less of a ideal replacement. moron fell in love at first sight and painted a target on her back immediately. I'ma back revolutionary Pang Xiao here.

    also her father is ok'ing a possible marriage between her and crown prince cause he doesn't have to be concerned about a harem issue, but how is forgetting the current queen bitch is probably pissed that the daughter of the guy who tried to kill her was saved by yining? or that he now has her father's old job?

  2. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    ....Have you read the latest chapter....

    It's so ridiculous that I'm seriously considering dropping the novel. I just went "What......" and then decided to go read something else. One of the weirdest things I've seen. it was so weird that I didn't feel sad, just disgusted and in disbelief because it's so stupid.
  3. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    Link Despite what etvo said, I don't really feel anything for Yining. The truth is, is that the Dowager is really really stupid. Basically an older version of Nee-sun except even more self-righteous and stubborn about her idiocy. I wouldn't mind the old Dowager getting slapped a few times. Or slowly poison her and weaken her so that she shuts up in her rooms and dies. I dislike her passionately. Especially her blaming Huining. Sure Huining is an idiot and has some small blame, but you were gonna blow up anyway because you are a selfish bitch.

    This novel has become so frustrating.
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
  4. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    had it with that selfish, prideful, conceited bitch. sure she's trying to keep her family from being associated with the ding house so the emperor doesn't get mad at them, but she has no decorum. the worst type of hypocrite who lectures others for disgracing the family.

    I decided to rant some more:

    I know yining can't do anything about the dowager, so I don't not like her.
    ofc if she smothered the dowager to death, I would applaud it

    honestly, take out those two women (nee sun and the dowager), then there really isn't anything to complain about the novel. they both selfish, egotistical, shortsighted women who blame others for their actions. sure huining angered her into saying that stuff, but the dowager is the type of person to say that stuff. it's not like huining was coaching her on what words to say. she's just that poisonous on the inside

    I get that this novel emphasizes family, and I'm fine with that, but my personal philosophy is that if family wrongs you, you cut them off. basically someone needs to slap the dowager upside the head

    clearly age =/= wisdom in this novel

    she's hypocritical and honestly, just baggage. has she done anything to secure the family? she just relies on her son's position to lord over the rest of the family

    honestly, if she died, I don't think a single person in that household (except for her son) will be sad

    she is nothing compared to Ding grandmother, and we're probably lose ding duchess cause of this dumbass emperor and the bitch of dowager of zhou. if that zhou empress dowager doesn't die painfully, I'll be mad. >_> then again, I'm hoping the ML low-key is planning on taking over both zhou and mc's kingdom, so hopefully that happens.

    Isn't the main reason she's being nice to yining, because her son is "treating" yining like a son? opportunist screw

    idk, maybe cause it frustrates me that yining isn't more of a rebel?
    she has all the justification to be. these people were total dicks to her when she returned. I don't like it when old people lord over younger generations (my grandparents are shitholes).

    She (the dowager) has literally shown no quality or capability to indicate that she's worthy of any form of respect. rather, all we've seen is that she's abusive, gets angry quickly, is opportunist, and very biased.

    I want blood. a lot of blood.

    P.S @Arcturus don't report this...I'll merge it in a bit
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
    Fuyuneko and Arcturus like this.
  5. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    The whole Yining Huining relationship has gotten extremely old and annoying very quickly, so I'd rather that continuation be removed from the novel too. And the whole emperor/trampress plot is rather dumb too. But yeah besides those parts I don't mind it.
  6. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    honestly yeh. the whole "trampress" thing just seems like an excuse to justify the emperor being piece of shit. when everyone can tell great yan is doomed, there is clearly something worse going on. and his son is a dumbass, so it ain't looking great for the gene pool.

    Huining is unfortunate. the blame can be put on so many people for her personality. ultimately irredeemable, cause of how the dowager and nee sun allowed her personality to become.
  7. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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  8. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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    The latest chapters will show that the old dowager is more a piece of shit than ever. I bit my tongue so hard when people started saying she wasn't that bad. Some folks are redeemable. She however, is not.

    And @Arcturus, still reading? Things don't happen at the speed of light OP MCs in ROS, but we've got a rebellion brewing~
    BScythe and mr.tanen like this.
  9. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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    Woah, we reached 100 chapters three months ago, and 200 in October. Time flies, and we're about to enter a very, very exciting/rebellious time in ROS!
    BScythe and nigaria like this.
  10. Nom de Plume

    Nom de Plume [Shio’s Disciple] [True Villain] [Equip: Gunblade] Novel Updates Staff

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I’m shocked the novel killed off good people... and a lot of them at that. It also shows the bad of good people and the good even in bad. It’s refreshing even if the body count was a little high. I respect the author for it. Good job finding a gem etvo ;)
  11. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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  12. arogi

    arogi New Member

    Jun 22, 2019
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    I too, feel like I've just been sucker punched. In the past, I've read SOTR on ww and decided to give ROTS a try on volare since etvo is the translator. To my dismay, there were a number of chapters that were split for ROTS. I found this odd, as SOTR chapters are much longer than ROTS chapters, so why the need for splitting? Anyway, I left a comment saying that I was glad there was finally a full chapter after she made that announcement on her discord channel.

    Shortly after, she came in and there was some back and forth. I've taken screenshots of all posts that she and I have made. Unimportant people have been cut out because they're unimportant.

    Before posting anything, put your bias towards etvo aside and ask yourself if this is how a mentally stable, professional individual who translates full-time and owns a site should act. Enjoy the screenshots!

    Edit: Forgot to add one last warm fuzzy <3


    If 3k chapters are long then I guess ww must be a concentration camp lul.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2019
  13. Z__SKULL

    Z__SKULL Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2016
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    i don't get it. usually when you save pics for this kinda stuff its supposed to help your case. she seemed fine and even gave more details on why she was doing what she was doing. your comments didn't do anything but make yourself look like an ass
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
    StuffedDuck, Westeller and Jaspaaar like this.
  14. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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    You and me both lol. I did originally feel bad for snapping back last night. Bad etvo, no chatting when exhausted for me! Thank you for hopping in, and thank you to the readers who sent this post to me. <3

    This is so 2017. :p

    You are certainly no reader of mine. Any legitimate reader would know the actual abbreviation of the novel, the schedule, what's going on with the 'splits', or that I stepped down from running volare last year. Out of the many reasons why I stepped down, a minorminor one is that I can be grouchy when I want to be, like last night, as opposed to nicely PC all the time.

    I can see your timezone from the timestamps in your SS. You went to the trouble of creating a new NUF account, spammed posts to reach a certain perm threshold, so you could make this post at 1:40am. ...I'm flattered, actually! That was a lot of effort so late at night. (y)

    The only thing I want to address from this nonsense is chapter splitting. As our dear friend doesn't understand because they don't actually read my novels, I put out content for ROS when I can. In recent times, that's meant half a chapter 50% of the time, and I update the same chapter with the rest the next day or so. The other times, it's the full chapter. Chapter splitting = inflating chapter count by splitting chapter 1 into two parts, and calling it chapter 1 and chapter 2.

    Length-wise, ROS certainly doesn't need to be split. I just wave the flag when it's really late, e.g. I really couldn't keep going at 3:30am last night. I'm sorry, I was feeling sick from being too tired. :cry: Length isn't the only indicator of time needed on a chapter. Any real reader of both novels know the differences in filler, writing level, and details. I also point it out in my grouchy glory.

    Now, I can't actually see the SS (halp mods? They all appear as broken picture links to me). Ergo, I invite everyone to check out the nonsense in its full glory on the volare Discord. I fully own my tired, snappish glory and will not be editing or deleting any of my convo.
    StuffedDuck, Westeller and nigaria like this.
  15. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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