Spoiler Running away at night

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by luvsunny11, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Yse

    Yse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2021
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    Carlyle is Kim Yoon.
    Carlyle and Kim Yoon have the same soul, Carlyle is a part of Kim Yoon
    Kim Yoon is a powerful being like a god, he has been traveling from dimension to dimension, he is around a thousand years old.

    He can manipulate people's memories and their souls.

    An explanation of his past:

    Kim Yoon was an ordinary human being, he was also a pianist.

    But, one day he fell into another dimension after the first concert.

    “After a certain amount of time, I was kicked out of the dimension where I was staying. Each dimension had a different length of stay, but the larger the dimension, the longer it could stay. "

    “The dimension I stayed in the shortest was one day, and the dimension I stayed the longest was probably two hundred years. Every time I moved, my strength was reduced, so I didn't want to move often, but it was sad because it wasn't my way.

    So, 60 years before our protagonist was born, he came to this world

    And he fell asleep for sixty years.

    He didn't want to waste his power in that world.

    "My powers accumulate over time, and every time I am kicked out of a dimension, they erode."

    He just wanted to go home to him.

    "So it took time to build a power great enough to achieve what I wanted. A thousand years of time. And about sixty years after falling into this world, I realized that it wouldn't be long before I finally had that power."

    But, he lacked more time.

    "Thirty years, if I stayed in this world for much longer and accumulated power, I could go back to my hometown."

    “But I can't wait those 30 years and the world is trying to expel me.

    "I wanted to stay in this world anyway."

    And that's where Carlyle was born.

    From what I understood, Carlyle's mother, Rose, and the Crown Prince, currently the Emperor, Carlyle's father. They were very mortally wounded by assassins, so Rose makes a deal with a strange being to save the Emperor.

    But, in return he will eat her child.

    The Emperor always refers to Kim Yoon as the "monster" since he ate his son.

    And so, Kim Yoon is reborn in Carlyle.

    Kim Yoon sinks to the depths of Carlyle's consciousness, so he doesn't remember anything.

    Carlyle is Kim Yoon with no memory.

    (Yulia, the supposed protagonist that Lilian read)

    Kim Yoon created a kind of soul that has a part of the memories of him. It's like a clone of him. And he placed it on Yulia's body. All this, as a measure to save Lilian.

    (This story has a first life, which Lilian does not remember, until around chapters 80, 90 and I think until 100. What we see is Lilian's third life)


    I have not read the novel for a long time, but I read a large part, and I am going to pick it up again. Because my vacation has finally started.

    Oh well. This novel is really very interesting. The novel marks a clear line between love and obsession, with their differences. We see Carlyle's psychopathy in his first life, and his horrible obsession with Lilian even led to the murder of one of Lilian's brothers. Poor Lilian fell into a deep depression and hatred for Carlylie. (In fact, the scene we see on the second cover, a bloodied Carlyle, happens when Carlyle kills one of Lilian's brothers.)

    Lilian ended up committing suicide in that first life.

    It must be clarified that the Carlyle that we currently see in the first chapters, up to 80, is a psychopathic Carlyle (in current life, Carlyle behaves like a normal person in society, and but, in reality, he does not feel empathy for anyone, but he starts to feel emotions when he remembers that it is Kim Yoon). He doesn't mind hurting someone close to Lilian to have her or by any means.

    Instead, when Carlyle remembers that he is Kim Yoon, he wants to kill himself for everything he did to Lilian. He disgusts everything he did as Carlyle. (This is in the first life).

    But, there is a reason why Carlyle has no emotions, just having his obsession with Lilian. It's because the emotional area of his brain is dead. Kim Yoon, remembering everything, realizes this. Kim Yoon fixes the emotional part of Carlyle's brain and from there he begins to feel.

    Kim Yoon is like a more humane and empathetic Carlyle, coming from Korea and the modern world. He redesigned the world to save Lilian, take her away from Carlyle and make her happy in this life. But, he never thought that our Lilian would go up north with Carlyle on their wedding night. He wrote that novel that Lilian read to get her away from Carlyle. And in case something should go wrong, he created a kind of clone of him, and placed him in Yulia's body to separate Lilian from Carlyle.

    Kim Yoon-Carlyle, when Lilian recovers her memories of her first life, he waits for her to decide what she wants to do, all he wants is for her to be happy, even away from him. But, Lilian has a contradiction, she loves the Carlyle of the current life (in the current life, he did nothing to his family, also she has a love for him, since the two grew up together and had difficulties together. But, that doesn't mean she's going to forgive him.). Even at one point in the novel, Kim Yoon wonders if Lilian has Stockholm syndrome.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2021
  2. lavidaloca

    lavidaloca Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2020
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    A sneak peak at Carlyle's obsessiveness (honestly not sure which timeline this is, just read a little bit).

    Forgot if this was mentioned earlier, but Carlyle always eats/drinks half of Lillian's things. The servants see it as his loving up his wife and trying to make sure she isn't poisoned. However from his perspective, there are 2 kinds of poisons: the kind that immediately kills and the kind that builds up in your body over time. His reasoning was that if Lillian is poisoned over time, he would rather be poisoned as well so he could die with her, since there's no point living without her.

    Lily's plan for escape is to come up with a fake lover to run away with (hence Eugene). They openly flirt in front of the servants and Lily openly says things like how she only sees Carlyle as family and instead is attracted to someone else. During the period Eugene is working at the Winter Castle, Carlyle becomes increasingly clingy, always hugging her waist, faking an illness so she can stay with him, and essentially moving his stuff to her room while he's sick. Eventually Eugene is sent to battle some high level monsters (under Carlyle's orders) and tells Lily this information better be worth almost dying for and I'll be back to pick you up.

    After Lillian runs away with Eugene from the Winter Castle the first time, Carlyle ofc goes wild trying to look for her. He hires some crew to come and install prison bars on her bedroom window, then has the maids making handcuffs and choosing out which fabrics would be the most comfortable for keep her wrists confined in. He goes back and forth internally debating whether to keep Eugene alive as a hostage to keep Lily with him, and reckons at one point he could keep him around but take off some limbs.
  3. badsanta88

    badsanta88 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2020
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  4. Reiujii

    Reiujii Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2021
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    Her husband is the ml?
  5. Celo

    Celo Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    I just want to say ML IS FREAKING HOTTT.
    millieeee and Kyyiiq-q12 like this.
  6. Kyyiiq-q12

    Kyyiiq-q12 Simp for obsessive MLs and Yanderes

    Aug 1, 2021
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    No spoilers???:notlikeblob::notlikeblob:
  7. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    No more spoilers?
  8. Eloisane

    Eloisane Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2022
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    Carlisle and Lyrian ended up together
  9. llaladeriver

    llaladeriver Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2021
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    ngl the ml is a crazy yandere, how did fl even fall for him?:blobsweat:
    Cho_Youni likes this.
  10. dunnoperson_

    dunnoperson_ was reading your spoiler

    Jun 7, 2021
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    There's still no date when they released the manhwa version but I'm excited to see it since I'm into this kind of story where the ml is obsessed :blobmelt: .. The look of ml in this cover has yandere vibes :aww:
  11. Manhwalover356

    Manhwalover356 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Really?:hmm: Well i don't feel anything about the cover. I rather think the manhwa won't have the yandere vibes that ml has like in the novel:blob_tilt:
    Yuma28, Rin.rinaaa and dunnoperson_ like this.
  12. dunnoperson_

    dunnoperson_ was reading your spoiler

    Jun 7, 2021
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    maybe, it depends on the reader what would they think for the cover :blobamused:
    Manhwalover356 likes this.
  13. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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  14. Kyyiiq-q12

    Kyyiiq-q12 Simp for obsessive MLs and Yanderes

    Aug 1, 2021
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  15. Ipokun15

    Ipokun15 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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