Should Qidian International releases be displayed on NU?

Discussion in 'Novel Updates Site Discussion' started by Ai chan, Mar 12, 2017.

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  1. k1nk4

    k1nk4 Sage Verdurous Sea Turtle

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I aways thought that NU was created to easy my life in managing the hundreds of novels that I read.

    True, its a good way to the unknown translator get some suporte, but it helps the reader to be aware of amazing works too.
    if qidian works are not released here anymore, most of the new users will not know about their novel, and it will get harder for some of us to track it too.
    When the others publishes starts going international, then NU will end up dead if we do as you say.
    I'd rather just keep "F5ing" NU.
    namia91 likes this.
  2. henrywolf123

    henrywolf123 『<(-.-<) kriby master』

    Jul 18, 2016
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    They do daily posts all at midnight EST though right? So wouldn't it only drown out releases right around then?
  3. tkhendrix22

    tkhendrix22 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2016
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    A lot of the names , in game content and lore is directly ripped from WoW. Malfurion Stormrage for example.( i should mention that it is time reset/ vrmmo novel)
  4. Cygsiulle

    Cygsiulle error 404: title not found

    Sep 7, 2016
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    i think if the chapters are easily accessible, it's fine. once/if things go beyond "prove you're not a bot" or "enable java/cookies" and turn "private" there's not much reason to keep showing them. 'course, this is something of a repository, so perhaps just add a function to ignore/show paywalls?
  5. Alivraal

    Alivraal Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I was also thinking more around this idea, it may come in handy in the future to be able to remove certain releases from the front page or a more drastic option would be to make a section with just qidian translations and the fan based translations on another section
  6. luckyman89

    luckyman89 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2016
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    It is too early to call. They had a mass release for one of their series just now so that's why they had lots of releases at the main page. If this always happens there are other ways to make it so QI does not occupy the main page even if they have lots of updates i.e. one entry for a series vs per chapter.
  7. Luruxi

    Luruxi Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    You do realize that qidian is basically paid fanfiction right? They even have fanfiction (or parodies) of some of their own original stuff.
  8. monkey magic

    monkey magic Born from an egg on a mountain top

    Sep 28, 2016
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    You can always filter their series one by one or does series filtering do the opposite?
    Wujigege likes this.
  9. tkhendrix22

    tkhendrix22 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2016
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    it can't really be considered fan fiction as it is not based in the same universe as the blizzard games. It is its own world, therefore should be considered a novel in its own right and if people are paying for it then that is even more reason to worry.
    Wujigege likes this.
  10. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I had the same thought as you when anime went from fansubs to stolen fansubs. Also had the same thought when manga went from full fan translation into aggregation. Both went to hell and translators received no respect or thanks while enriching aggregators. By the time we realized what happened, it was already too late. This is going to happen again, with novels this time. Because I am both a translator and an author, I wouldn't want this fate even for my worst rival author.

    The Berne Convention, which China is a signatory of forbid the violation of copyrighted materials. It doesn't matter if they're paid or not. If the fanfiction does not receive written permission from the original copyright owner, it's against the law, even in China. However, China doesn't respect copyright, even their own, so that's why they've been able to do what they do for so long.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
    Saol likes this.

    NZPIEFACE Leecher

    Mar 22, 2016
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    No. NU has already stated itself to be neutral on the matter, so it shouldn't specifically weed out certain groups, no matter how large they are or how they do the translations.

    @Tony Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    namia91, mecharos, mom and 3 others like this.
  12. Seraphic

    Seraphic Uncomfortably close

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I don't think NU, as a directory site, has anything to worry about on the copyright front as long as material isn't posted on here directly.

    Personally, I would prefer NU continue hosting Qidian novels as this is still the most convenient site to find updates, and there will still be many novels not on Qidian (especially, as mentioned, non-CN novels). I don't particularly care whether translators are doing it for-profit or not (everyone's gotta pay the bills somehow), but NU has been fairly neutral in that regards anyhow.
  13. Westeller

    Westeller Smokin' Sexy Style!! Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I've never understood why anyone actually cares about the front page.

    I have read, and even now am reading, dozens of these novels, and I can say with complete honesty that not a single one of these were novels I picked up by paying attention to the front page. What the fuck does it actually even matter what is on the front page. Hell, if I could replace the front page with my reading list, I would. I don't need to see it at all.

    To begin with, does being on the front page for your literal ten minutes of glory in the long and ever-updating stream of releases really make that much of a difference in your ability to attract readers? If you only release chapters once a week, does the ten minutes that release is on the front page contribute so much of that week's share of readers? Truly?

    .... All that aside, I don't believe there is any difference between the novels on Qidian's site and a novel on a fan-translator's personal blog. Why? Because many of the novels on Qidian's site are being translated by these same fan translators. Now that they've moved to Qidian's site, we're supposed to no longer list their translations on the front page? Why? Because others deserve more "coverage?" ... Seriously? Why do they deserve it? Because their novels aren't on Qidian's site? Because they're harder to find?

    Then what about translations that are truly hard to find? Those that only have a few odd chapters and don't get much attention at all? Should they be prioritized even more? Should we often cycle them back through the front page, even if they aren't new releases?

    Then what about those translations that are already complete? Should we cycle those back through the front page? After all, they're quite deserving of attention, too, and never having new releases means they'll never be on the front page again.

    But then, are novels that get a lot of attention and have great popularity also really not deserving of their time on the front page? .. To begin with, aren't those novels what many people come to NU to keep track of? Should we highlight novels they don't necessarily have any interest in at the expense of novels they actually do care about and want to be informed on?

    Maybe, to be truly fair, everything should get its turn on the front page. Y'know. The way they all currently do.

    NZPIEFACE Leecher

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I can feel your anger man.

    Calm down, and have a coffee or something.
  15. Westeller

    Westeller Smokin' Sexy Style!! Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    This one isn't anger. It's disdain. Disdain for the idea that any group, any translator, should be censored from even just the front page, or that others should have priority appearing on it. Disdain for the idea that translators should be tagged and separated based on whether they profit from their translations or not.

    But most of all, it's just disdain for the importance placed on Novel Update's front page. Disdain for the idea that fan translating could literally die from underexposure because of Novel Update's front page. That "for-profit" translators would have no choice but to "over-extend" themselves to "compete with Qidian." That fan translators will eventually have no choice but to request money when they do not wish to.

    Just what the fuck kind of holy grail do people take the front page of Novel Updates for?

    Just what the fuck kind of disregard do people have for translators, that they think this is what truly matters?

    What kind of lack of respect?

    Has anyone taken a look at the manga scanlation scene? Seen the rampant aggregators, the overwhelming breadth of licensing and official publishing, the complete lack of financial gain - and yet, there are still many fan translation groups.

    Has anyone seen the fan translations of visual novels? Again, licensing has become so common. Those are such big projects. So much work, and for what? Yet, there are still many fan translation groups for those, too.

    How about video games? Anyone ever went looking for fan translations of old SNES games? PSX games? Even NDS games? There are so, so many games that have actually passed under the hands of fan translators. Even games that already have official english releases, and even games that have significantly improved remakes. Why are there so many of these, then, that are fan translated?

    Why, still today, are so many fans working to translate these things?

    Because these are things they love? Because they're just bored and have nothing better to do with their lives?

    Hell if I know. But there is one thing I know for sure.

    It sure as hell ain't because they're on NU's front page for ten minutes after they finish up. God damn.

    NZPIEFACE Leecher

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Did you, uh, have that coffee I suggested you have?
  17. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    56023.png nyahahahaha~
  18. 4myzelf

    4myzelf Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    I don't know about others but I have a separate reading list for novels I've dropped or novels I don't want to see in the front page and use the "Hide from Main Release Page" option in the List setting. That aside, your idea pretty much shits on what NU is about.
  19. intelanands

    intelanands Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    I use the 'Favorites' feature on the front page to keep a track of new chapters.
    Now there is a new chapter released for a novel that I follow, but this release streak by Qidian sent that particular chapter to page 2 of the main page before I saw the chapter.
    Now, I wake up after a long night's sleep, open novelupdates, check the favorite section on the front page for any new chapters released while I was asleep, find it empty, and miss that chapter because it was on page 2 and not on page 1.

    This is how I use the front page, and this is why I would like to exclude Qidian's releases from my front page.
    I am not saying that NovelUpdates should not show Qidian's releases, that would be a really bad decision.
    What you could provide me instead, is a way to exclude Qidian's releases from my front page.
    The 'Release Filtering' feature has could do with an option to exclude a certain Group's releases from the front page.
    I'm sure this feature would satisfy the op.
  20. Wujigege

    Wujigege *Christian*SIMP*Comedian

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Parody is not the same as fanfiction
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