Stupid cats (rant?? story-ish for today)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Mr. Tired, Nov 18, 2021.


do you like cats?

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  1. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    I love cats. Cats are one of my favourite animals.
    But when it's 39F/4C and all I have for warmth is my jacket and I'm up in a tree trying to get the damn cat down even though it keeps climbing up higher....I found some new feelings of contempt and hate for this creature.
    Stupid cats.

    On our walk, my gf and I heard this terrible yowling, and there's this little black cat stuck in the tree. A woman was already there trying to get it down, and she said the cat had been up there for three days, crying in this cold and windy weather, and had made no attempt to get down because it was too scared.
    So my love for the idiotic gremlin is what drove me to climb the tree, even though it thanked me by scratching my neck. >_>
    It took way longer though, about 40 minutes probably until we finally were able to get it down.

    And when we called the fire department as our first result, they said they couldn't do anything because "It hasn't been up there for that long,"

    Wha? I didn't know that there was a certain time needed to get a cat out of a tree...but okay.
    Anyway, the cat got down safely and no one broke anything, and now we get free pizza. Yay. The cat was really fluffy and had nice yellow eyes.

    I'm still so cold though, my hands are the numbest.
    Stupid cat. :blob_catflip:
    End of rant.
  2. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    In all my (near) 30 years, never seen a cat stuck up a tree; seen plenty of stuck-up cats tho. :blobwhistle:
  3. gyan7

    gyan7 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2021
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    Just woke up. Was looking at the title and the rant. Somehow my brain decided that by cats.. you were referring to women. And so for a few seconds in my head, I'm thinking. "Why was a 39 year old female with a bra size of 4C (?) up on a tree and refusing to come down? Climbing up higher and refusing to come down.. is that an analogy for something?"

    Anyway! I love looking at beautiful cat pics. on twitter but that's as close I get to them. I'm too traumatized by my Aunt's extremely fat cat and a pic. of some twitch streamer getting scratched in the eye to want one as a pet! But then again, I dislike pets in general because I can't stand nonsense and have 0 patience.

    Nice job on saving it though, you're a great guy! :blobphone: Woulda loved cat pics. tho if cat was beau! :blobsmilehappyeyes: Fire department is bonkers over there!
  4. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    ah yes, that magical "just woke up" state of mind where you're still half in la-la-land and half in reality. Also the single most dangerous thing for me in my every day life. I've fallen out of bunkbeds and cracked open my head, I've accidently kicked my bed roller into my mid toe joiint, nearly fallen down stairs, etc.

    Anyways, personally I like cats because my music teacher's cats were very cute. I've also never seen a cat stuck in a tree though.

    Did she at least have a ladder or did you have to climb the tree like you were a kid again, OP?
  5. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    All of this was fun to read :blobsweat_2: and I just woke up from a nap only 8 minutes ago too, so I'm still groggy and sleep-hungover :blobsleeping:

    She thankfully did have a ladder, and for extra height, she even put it in the back of her truck so I could get more ground (more....tree?? lmao) better.
    The cat was cute but irritating, I know it was scared, but after being stuck up there for three days in the windy cold, I didn't understand why it didn't come down sooner when the chance was given. He kept going back up, higher and higher, down a little, higher, from this branch to there-
    We had to take a couple of breaks.

    I'm happy the lady came back over to help, or else my gf and I would have probably given up.
    ANonMouse and gyan7 like this.
  6. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Kinda like how people have to be missing for 24 hours before you can report them as missing in stories?
    Mr. Tired likes this.
  7. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    *Concerned even more*
    Lissi and Deleted member 283793 like this.