Spoiler Suddenly Became A Princess One Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Shizun, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. clair17

    clair17 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2018
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    So far not yet and probably they won't give anymore updates. But you can go here https://w.tt/2Pw82jH to follow the series' novel which by now, it's not that far from chapter 80-ish and she gave out two future chapters too, one of them
    is when Claude trying to kill Athy :blob_teary::blob_catflip: I cried a lot :blobflag:
    Alice-sama, Lisaa and Yukari_me like this.
  2. Yukari_me

    Yukari_me I Gotta Put Me First

    Aug 15, 2017
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    Somebody save me from this river filled with my tears :blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary::blobsneeze:
  3. elaii03

    elaii03 Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Wattpad? Hahaha! Yea, read that already. But the author always tease us. Thanks
  4. Katra1212

    Katra1212 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2016
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    A painting of the two of them together.
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  5. Lisaa

    Lisaa Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    Where i can read the raw novel??? Pleasee anyone
  6. clair17

    clair17 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2018
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    OMG I have a hunch that would be it when I read ch 45 of the webtoon, Can you spoil some more if you have any? :aww:
  7. elaii03

    elaii03 Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Is it a long way before it is revealed?
  8. StalkingMyFavoriteNovel

    StalkingMyFavoriteNovel Active Member

    May 7, 2019
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    wohooh, i made account to stalking my favorite novel. am waiting for the manhwa to comeback from hiatus :').
  9. Katra1212

    Katra1212 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2016
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    It will appear soon. When Claude losses his memory, it will serve as evidence that Atty was really his daughter. He thought Atty used black magic to manipute people around him to think she's his daughter. So he didn't accept other people's claims until he saw Atty's drawings that he kept and the painting. He was in disbelief when he saw that painting. Because after all the hell he's been through, he never made that face- peace, serenity.

    Claude was really a bastard during that time, humiliating Atty and all. But he redeems himself later on. Can't hate him for long.
    creizreiz, Daisy18, Tias and 4 others like this.
  10. elaii03

    elaii03 Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Did claude really love penelope more than his life ? Thats why there's a picture of her in his room? I have read in wattpad that the reason why claude love jennette is because she is related to penelope and he loves everything related to her. And also does claude hated diana?
    readerz likes this.
  11. Roselyx

    Roselyx Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2019
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    I think it the opposite. I think he loved Diana very much and originally blame Atti for her death (she dead giving birth to her, Claude even beg Diana not keep the baby) . Even in the second life he said he still wanted her dead but he cared more about her this time so he could never do it. That why he never around during Atti’s birthday because it the anniversary of her mum’s death. As for Penelope he was heart broken by her as she cheated on him with his brother, he probably still have feeling for her, and like Jeanette because she cute and cheerful and I think his brother influence him using magic as well to not like Atti but Jeanette in original.
    DOHere and seabuckthorn like this.
  12. Katra1212

    Katra1212 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Why is there a broken picture of Penelope in his room?
    2nd life/current timeline: To remind him of her betrayal.
    1st life /orig Atty (novel) : As validation that he still cares despite her betrayal. (He has no memories of Diana, she's the only woman that he cared his whole life.)

    He loves Jenneatte bec she's related to Penelope during the (novel, 1st life).
    Yes. Bec during that time he had already lost/sealed his memories of Diana, so the sentence "You have never been my daughter" is true for Claude bec he does not remember ever having a daughter nor loved someone before. He only remembered Penelope's comfort despite her betrayal. So when he sees Jenneatte, he feels softer to her.

    Claude loves everything related to Jenneatte.
    Aside from the answer above, Jetti, being a Kimera (born out of dark magic) also possessed a magic (albeit unconsciously used) that attracts other people to (like/love) her.

    Claude hated Diana.
    In the first life (novel), he does not remember, so there is no hate nor love, merely indifference.
    In the 2nd life, when Atty transmigrated, he hated and loved her, the borderline is very thin. Because he loved her so much but Diana didn't choose him. (She chose the child she didn't know, knowing that she will die.) Claude was really possessive and felt disgusted that he fell to another women's trick (comfort), just like what happened with Penelope before, but he can't help but still love Diana, so he begged to choose him. But still he was never chosen. That... is why he was still bitter till now. Diana's memories hunts his dreams so he wanted them erased so he won't feel pained. Had Atty not appeared for 9 years, it would've been successful. (Just like what happened with orig Atty.)
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  13. tmd88

    tmd88 Active Member

    May 8, 2019
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    Im confused, can someone explain the novel ending?
  14. Lavenderia

    Lavenderia 『Glow』『Daughter of Heyu』『Tea Lover』『Foodie』

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Hello all!
    So, I am reading the spoiler thread because I myself have been looking for spoilers past chapter 43 of the webtoon and I'm annoyed to see false information/ assumptions spread about due to some readers attempts to interpret the raw webtoon solely through images without understanding the text (korean). So I will provide some FACTS from what I have read so far to clear any misinformation. Particulary about Claude's history, his relationship with Jeanette in the orginal novel, and Jeannette's birth.

    About Claude
    Claude was born in the royal family and his name meant "cripple". His mother was a concubine and he did not have a happy childhood. But he was very talented individual with superior magical than his older brother, the heir apparent. Which brought him to be considered a threat and eyesore in his brother's eyes.

    Only the Empress's son or heir apparent of the throne can recieve a name that meant "eternal". Enter Anastacious (someon correct the spelling). Claude's older brother. Annoyed and jealous by his younger brother's superior magical power ability and talent. He welcomed the ambitious Penelope's (Claude's fiance) advances. After he ascended the throne, he proceeded kill Claude's mother and attempted to kill Claude with the help of black magic. He was not a good emperor as his father before him from what I've gathered. Claude, having been betrayed by his brother and forme fiance and witnessing his mother's death and being hunted by his older brother rebelled against his older brother and ultimately killed him. Avenging his mother and saving their country from his brother's rule. He is called "sage emperor", etc. For a reason. And that's why no one went against him or his ascendance to the throne as he was a far more capable ruler and was both feared and beloved by the people. He brought stability, prosperity and peace in their country.

    For some short time he lived a life of debauchery until he meets and falls in love with a beautiful dancer, Lady Diana. Diana was a captivating beauty. When their union conceived a child, it was eating away her life. Claude tried to desperately persuade her to choose him over the child. Even went as far as promising the his revenge on her would be to completely forget about her, not care for their child (he did exactly that in the orginal story which brougt about the tragic fate of his original daughter). No remnants or records of magical "memory" video still of Diana, from when she was alive, exist (in their world they can do this, the purpose being to remember the dead and see a brief memlry of them from when they were alive). Claude casted a black magic spell that would make him forget ad purge any memory of Diana from his mind along with the feelings he had for her. In the original storyline, he succeded in completely removing any memory or feelings of Diana. And it is speculated that this included his daughter. Making him indifferent and unfeeling towards his own daughter (when he said he never considered or thought of original Athy as not his daughter, he meant it).

    The new Athy however met her father earlier before the spell he casted upon himself cpuld completely purge Diana's existence from his memories and cause this spell to not take place and is unssuccesful. It forced Claude to face his memories and his daugher whom he resented and blamed for taking the only woman he ever truly loved. It is implied through out the webtoon that he had loved Diana so much that the thought of her and losing her had pained him and every year on the Princess's birthday he would get drunk and not visit her (he still ask the princess what presents she wants, etc. And grants them but never celebrates together on he birthday as he mourns Diana's death (by getting drunk) on her birthday. Only b-day he attended was the debutant ball). He also consciously or unconsciously makes his daughter "dream" of Diana, at least his memories of Diana through his eyes. And all of this memories in the dream, according to Athy, were always "clear" images. Athy asked Claude once if she looked like her mother and he replied that he had no clear memory of the dead (liar). During Athy's childhood Arc, when Athy outloud expressed longing to see how her mother looked like, the maid and the knight knew that with Claude's superior magical ability, he would be capable of transfering his memories of Diana directly to Athy. They wanted to ask this on behalf of the princess since no magical vids exist of Diana at all.

    About Jeanette:
    Claude's brother was aware that Claude has far superior magical ability than him and wished to create a child through black magic that can go against Claude. Before Claude's rebellion, Penelope and Claude's brother, together, dabbled on and experimented with black magic to create this child. The result is a cute brown haired baby girl with blue jewel like eyes of the royal family. Note that Lucas called Jeanette a "Chimera" in the webtoon when he first caught sight of her. A chimera is a mythical animal with parts taken from various animals. Implying she is not natural but an abnormal existence in the novel. Random Black Magician in a store explained to Athy that these children are "cursed" and misfortune follows them. And a great sacrifice is needed to reverse it?

    But fact is: That Jeanette is the niece of the king. No, she was not the lover of the king in the original novel like some of you assumed. He only treated her as a daughter. The portrait of her mother, Penelope, in Claude's sleeping quarters, was but a reminder of her betrayal. In the orig timeline tho, he had already succeeded in completely wiping out the existence of Diana (including his feelings). So to him, only women that was relevant, was only Penelope, the woman he trusted and betrayed him, and maybe lingering affection he might have had for her (Before her betrayal). It is still unclear why he had treated Jeanette so well in the first life more than he did his own biological daughter but it is a fact that he feels indifferent with the princess because he no longer had any memory of Diana or the exostence of his daughter with her.

    Hope that helped CLEAR some things up. I had been reasing comments saying Claude was just some murdering maniac, power hungry, incestuous, pedophile. Accusing him of making his niece his lover which is false info. All false! His nothing like that. Do not attempt to intepret the images in the webtoon without understanding the text please. I hope no one drops this novel due to this.

    Please read chapter 1-43 in "mangadex" or sites provided by the translation team of this webtoon in order to have a clear foundation and knowledge of the characters.

    Good luck and happy reading NUF family!
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  15. Tautropfenn

    Tautropfenn Active Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Yeaaaah. I feel a little confused too
  16. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    There are a lot of conspiracy or assumed endings for this novel/webtoon but @Lavenderia gives the most concise account. I suggest either we wait or trust those who already spoiled hen novel. I am going with the spoiled version.

    Damn, I need more months before I check in again. I'm sure gonna have tears when the separation happens.
    clair17 likes this.
  17. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Nails everything on the head. BTW, Claude's brother is Anastasius.
    Tias likes this.
  18. Roselyx

    Roselyx Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2019
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    About when will the next chapter be out?
  19. Jojo01

    Jojo01 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2018
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    Bad news, new chapter will realise at july, i hope the author get well soon :’)
    Can someone translate the novel till the end?
    seabuckthorn likes this.
  20. seabuckthorn

    seabuckthorn Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
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