Spoiler Suddenly Became A Princess One Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Shizun, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    yes. More focus on family rather than romance. And black haired guy is an unknown.

    ...you just didn't give me plot bunny, didn't you? I already have a novel!athansia who basically surrenders everything to Jennette. It so angstful that people who read gave me flames

    re:changes. Yes. in a lot of ways.

    Novel!Jeannette turns out to be a green tea bitch so she didn't earn many people to her side when she was trying to get Ijekiel to her and Lucas too. As the novel was more romance-themed, you should know that shippers didn't take this lightly. Now, she might not turn out to be a green tea bitch in the toon but she is a budding white lotus and a yandere so I'm still not going to like her unless she does anything that unmakes her a pawn. About her upbringing, I still don't get her motives for not spilling the truth about her parentage. From the beginning, her desire and her actions don't make sense. I am fond of misunderstandings in the plotline but the inability to not be a pawn annoys me. It's not unreasonable for her to be a pawn but it is unreasonable for her to ask for something (a family) but doesn't follow through (telling her version of the truth which Alphues fed into her). if she continues to act as a disposable pawn., then I'll treat her like one.

    I guess Athy being assertive and proactive (which should have appealed to Western tastes) makes her villain now compared to Jeannette who is a tropey representation of passive people.

    ...you just didn't give me plot bunny, didn't you? I already have a novel!athansia who basically surrenders everything to Jennette. It so angstful that people who read gave me flames
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  2. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    I'm flattered~
    I practically have Plot Australia right now and I'm not sure when I'll stop churning out these ideas which is funny cause it gets in the way of me writing them out.
    Reading a well-done story does that to you tbh I'm loving the ride so far and these types of otome-isekais gives me tons of ideas I wanna work on. Too bad college is busy so I'll have to wait till break.
    But anyways I would love for Claude to see an Athanasia that by no uncertainties absolutely hates him, and he can't just run away from that fact since it'll anger his Athanasia. He has to live with a version of his daughter that he's hurt and thrown away and the worst thing about it? He can't even deny that it's something he wouldn't have done in the past, that his Athy just got really lucky that she ran into him that faithful day, that she could've tried all her life to earn his love and still end up getting killed by him for no reason.
  3. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Yeah I get it. Like legitimate good original heroines become prone to suspicion or hated on just because there the heroine. Which makes me want to form a defense squad. We've gone full circle lol.

    I do want these attractive psycho daddy's to be held accountable but then I remember that novel where the MC poisoned her whole psychotic family at the age of 3.

    Its either the MC turns a blind eye to all the crimes and past shit they went through (like I was born as the kings daughter and this one) or full on family extermination before they even begin to walk. Where is the middle road?

    Also I know the dads in these novels start loving there child but that's where it stops. To the rest of the people they are still trigger happy maniacs ready to execute at the snap of the finger. Cant they becme decent people in general . Instead of only to there kids. That what makes claude seem like a plot device more then an acutal dynamic character. To me at least

    Also claude please stop threatening servants and children. How that kingdom hasnt had a rebellion or been invaded I'll never know. Also in dire need of cps
    seabuckthorn likes this.
  4. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Serious questions.
    Did you miss out on the bloody rebellion before Claude took the throne? Even if there was a rebellion, who is gonna lead it without a question of legitimacy? Claude and Athy are the last Obelians unless you want total upheaval of government. And nobles kill each other to fill the power vacuum and civil war, here we come.

    I thought everyone also knew that Claude as a ruler was practically decent. If you haven’t, the snip says
    • Brilliant, but Lazy: He's usually shown sleeping, having tea with his daughter, or dumping paperwork to Felix but he is said to be a ruler who is much better than the former tyrant Emperor, his brother.
    Held accountable? By modern standards or perspectives?
  5. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    I know a work that runs with tat theme and I really wanna finish but the author has a life so I just have to wait. It's kinda a twist in a reincarnation thing - she didn’t exactly die but got a magical amnesia and lived in the modern world like new!Athy. Also got a new ML. If you’re interested, let me know.
  6. Silentstorm

    Silentstorm Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2019
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    Wait, is that a fanfic you wrote or something based on the timeline described at the start?

    Yeah, i can see why that would be really depressing considering the main character ends up dying, anyways, i know the spin-off is about Athy going to the novel's timeline and even meets the Jennette there who is apparently more selfish and unlikeable, but i am wondering, does she go to the body of the Athy of that universe, are there two Athys, or does she go to that world after her counterpart is dead?

    The latter two seem the most interesting to me, particularly if we have scenes like Jennette being scared at the ghost of Athy appearing or it ends with Claude thinking he is being haunted by the ghost of a girl he killed.
  7. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Was anyone laughing at the most recent chapters? Lucas is the reason one of the main antagonists against Athy never made it to the country in the first place! He was fighting the world tree for its fruit and its branch. In retaliation, the world tree started creating a bunch of natural disasters. In one of those disasters, the aunt of Jeanette dies in a landslide. The culprit of the faux poisoning is hilarious.
  8. Silentstorm

    Silentstorm Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2019
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    That was unexpected but hilarious, usually these kind of stories have the villains still doing something, or at least getting a whole scene that has them try do something evil but the main character is completely prepared and ruins everything for them.

    In this series...nope, she doesn't even meet Athy, nor do we get any reaction to Claude spending time with Athy or the debutante hall not resulting in Jennette talking to him, if she was planning anything, we don't see it, she just dies from rocks, she was so unimportant the story literally kills her offscreen.
    yuriezzz and Neyva like this.
  9. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    If theres a rebellion and the king butchering people every few years it's a wonder the coutnry is stable. And I know that book tells us hes a good leader but really....come on add to the fact that apparently being tyrantd runs in the family and he is unstable he should bot be able to be a good leader in a narrative sense. And the people would be more weary. Many leaders even in today's time helped the country's dying economy but are still considered dictators and tyrants due to how the treat there people. Putin and winny were Waugh better then the preivpir leader soft there relative country but there but all sunshine and rainbows either. And his brother is a pretty low bar to pass

    And I'm sure even during that time killing of people wasn't seen as a normal thing for a king to do. So yeah being held accouhtable by those standards too
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
  10. ardills

    ardills Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2019
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    ehmm,, this is what I can gather so far.. correct me if I'm wrong..


    spoiler summary:
    - Athy end up with Lucas
    - Ijekiel gave up out of guilt
    - Jeanette is in the grey zone (?)
    - Aetherian is posessing Anastacius' body (?)
    - Aetherian were actually a sessaeng fans of Lucas (?)
    LayZhang, euls and Kanishka Kushram like this.
  11. Apsara_

    Apsara_ Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2018
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    Could anyone provide a link for the raws of the light novel? I could only find kakao but it's not entirely accessible in my country. Knowing that there are 200+ chapters that I can't read even on mtl is killing me
  12. eydelyn

    eydelyn New Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    estas preguntas son de unos lectores de donde los saque haci que los comparto con ustedes y la traductora que se lleva ese credito se llama @ASO812AS DE WATTPAD
    ¿Qué relación tienen el padre y el hermano con Claude? ¿Por qué inicia la Rebelión?
    +Claude se enfada de las injusticias que hay en el reino, su madre fue una sirvienta y siempre recuerda la humillación que le hicieron; le prometió a su mamá, antes de que ella muriese, que él sería un buen Emperador. Por eso creció con la idea de ser fuerte.

    La pregunta que más hicieron; la muerte de Diana es un conjunto de complicaciones. Aebum y Aetherunistas maldicen el embarazo de Diana, provocando que fuera de alto riesgo, por eso Claude la tiene oculta en su habitación con toda protección posibleDiana tampoco estaba lista para soportar tanta magia desbordante; recordemos que Athanasia tiene demasiado mana, desde que era un feto, el mana se desbordaba.
    Diana es constantemente amenazada por todos, incluso por Penélope. No obstante ella decide tener a su bebé, Claude sabe de antemano que ella no será tan fuerte para soportar el parto, por eso le pide que aborte. Ella hace un pacto con Claude, que incluso muerta ella lo buscaría para amarlo por la eternidad.
    Diana muere horas después de dar a luz. No, no la mata Claude, muere en brazos de Claude, por eso todos creen que él la asesinó. Él le lloraba cuando todos llegaron
    Diana sobrevivió lo más que pudo para despedirse de su hija. Muere por las maldiciones, por el sobre esfuerzo de dar una luz a una hija que consume su vida para alimentar y sobreponer el mana. Para no hacerla sufrir tanto, Diana le pide matarla más rápido, Claude se niega al inicio, al final solo usa magia para terminar su sufrimiento. Diana muere feliz de haber tenido a su hija y Claude al final de su vida. Aquí crecen los traumas de Claude.

    -¿Claude odia a Athanasia?
    No la odia a ella, odia el hecho de no tener a Diana a su lado, y Athanasia se lo recordaba una y otra vez.

    ¿Aetherunistas usa magia negra en anasthasia?
    Sí, pero para eso está Lucas y Claude protegiéndola. Además, Athanasia se hace hechicera y comienza a protegerse sola.

    ¿Por qué Athanasia lee Princesa Encantadora?
    +Todo es planeado

    Qué le pasa a la verdadera Athanasia? ¿Es feliz? ¿A dónde fue su alma?
    + Athanasia siempre ha sido Athanasia. No hay dos. Nuestra Atthy es y será la única
    ¿Qué pasa con Lucas y Atthy? ¿Atthy se enamora? ¿Cómo se da cuenta? ¿Se casan?

    +La pareja principal es Athanasia y Lucas. Siempre ha sido así, sí, siempre. Ambos se enamoran una y otra vez, están en un bucle. Sí, se casan. Sean felices.

    Cuándo se casan Atthy y Lucas?

    +Hasta los 26. Claude es un padre celoso.

    ¿Qué pasa con Kiel, Jennet y el Duque Alfius al final?
    +Son desterrados.

    -¿Jennet revela alguna vez sus ojos ante Claude? ¿Cómo reacciona él?
    +Sí. Al inicio Claude lo cree divertido, cuando ve que Jennet comienza a ser un problema y que Athanasia está deprimida, le deja en claro que no la soporta

    Kiel y Jennet son malos?

    +No tenemos que verlos como iguales. Kiel es más bueno que Jenneth. Al inicio ambos son amables, corteses y leales; poco a poco se van corrompiendo, más Zenith.

    Se cuenta la perspectiva de Claude cuando recuerda a Athanasia? ¿Se da cuenta de que quiso matarla? ¿Qué dice o siente?
    +Claude la recuerda, y se siente avergonzado; le pide perdón, de hecho, se sinceran entre ambos. Se dicen todo, incluso Athanasia admite lo de su infancia. Es muy hermoso, van a llorar

    De qué tratan los libros dos y tres? ¿Los vas a traducir?
    +El libro dos trata de la segunda reecarnación; están en el Corea del Sur actual. Salen los mismos personajes pero en una vida alterna.

    El libro tres es una serie de historias alternas. Yo lo veo como una serie de posibles fanfics en las que mezclan todo de todo. Incluso hay una historia para Team kiel:aww::blobtaco:
    MonBon992201 and Neyva like this.
  13. Cnfairy

    Cnfairy Active Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    I love this series. ;)
  14. Rosie77

    Rosie77 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    From what I know, all of that is true but I don’t really remember what happened with Jennette...
    ardills likes this.
  15. Chocofudge

    Chocofudge Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    Hi y'all im here to just express my thoughts about the novel after reading many versions of it... first of all im so thankful for all the hardworking and selfless TLs for the novel in wattpad ;-; i love you guys. And yeah as i was saying, i was rereading them all...and i find one of the translations i was reading was quite detailed it gave a lot of revelations about the characters and how they were all so significant to the story. I honestly cried with snots on the arc where claude lost his memory and one of my favorite chapter is about felix our handsome scarlet blood knight uwuuuuuuu i was crying real hard because that translation was able to give us the strongest emotion and i can clearly feel how all of them feel esp felix our soft little puppy who was hurting the most after witnessing his brother claude out of his sane mind hurting our precious little athy ;-; he was more than a best friend to both claude and athy i was crying real hard he was so torn between the two cuz he cant take side ok. I was all the more touched and wanted to hug our soft pure little scarlet knight after going so far as to make an annoying look over claude's attitude and even swore to never get back on his royal order of protecting princess athy for all his life even when claude told him to kill her. He even went to see our poor little athy and undid his royal empire badges and sword and went to hug athy while she mourns for her 'lost' daddy. And for when athy finally broke down almost to madness...he held her like his own daughter aaaaaahhhhh ok. Thats what i wanna share cuz im crying real hard and my snot is oozing oof love you all the fans of WMMAP!!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  16. Chocofudge

    Chocofudge Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    So im here again to share some of what may be a SPOILER to you guys but uhhh:blobpeek:yeah cuz i really love this novel and want to share what i learned about it if ever you missed it on the manhwa version:blobpats:

    Ofc because im loving felix, here is a bit knowledge about him,:bloblove:he was actually a mana receptacle, he contains claude's mana so we can consider him a human version of blackie to athy. But the diff is that while blackie was born out of athy's overflowing mana, felix was trained to contain claude's mana because they needed a vessel to contain it lest they die because of such surge of power(y'know even lucas was agitated cuz he found himself waking up to a very powerful emperor and we all know lucas hated being weak cuz yeah maybe his pride of being the most capable wizard?:blobjoy:)

    And also, unlike what most of us thought of claude being ignorant of what little athy said to felix when he was fast asleep lying on the back-of-the-court bed with the baby athy, that "its a lie that i dont want to see mommy" etc... he knew it, cuz yeah felix and claude are somehow connected.

    Felix was also said to be immuned to magic that's why he can never be put into a spell by anyone except claude. That's why when claude lost his memories, he was particularly questioning felix's special case because he knew, as for his speculations, that if athanasia bewitched everyone into her favor, felix shouldnt be in a slightest bit, be moved by her. (Because he can see how felix held athy dearly as the one and only princess of Obelia).

    That also, when Lucas told athy that "your father loves you more than you think he does" he means it cuz our lone wolf XD, knows that claude having to command felix as athanasia's royal knight to guard her with his life uwu:aww: is like placing himself as athy's protection since again, felix and claude are connected to each other.

    Aaaaaaaahhhh ok. Thats it for now:blobcozy: may we all receive the blessings of obelia *courtseys* :blobmelt:
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  17. Rosie77

    Rosie77 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    Thank you for those spoilers and info!!
  18. Sheri_Yui_Chan

    Sheri_Yui_Chan Fighting my final semester battles ⚔

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Read till the recent chapter in webtoon must say the art is beautiful though and I felt very sad when Claude humiliated Athy a the banquet after he forgot his memories poor baby Athy :blobfearful::blobfearful::sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely::blob_catflip::blob_catflip::blob_catflip::blob_catflip: I felt so angry at Claude.
  19. Chocofudge

    Chocofudge Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    Aww right :blob_teary: one of the most painful chapters wwuuuu y'know that part was when athy finally broke down :blobsob:yes it was said that she suffered depression after that incident:blobsad: aaahhhhh:blobcry: i guess spoon cut the scene short. But anyhow, i really admire her art so much, i can say it's the best webtoon i have ever read esp in terms of her great skill in portraying the characters :blob_teary: and you guys ive seen quite a lot of hate comments towards daddy claude :blobupset: he too suffered too much :blob_pout: its just that the general lack info regarding his back story that is as cruel as the original athy's:blobconfounded:
    Ang3Blue, Sara0jan and Sheri_Yui_Chan like this.
  20. Sheri_Yui_Chan

    Sheri_Yui_Chan Fighting my final semester battles ⚔

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I don't hate Claude but at that moment I felt angry on behalf of the original Athy her life was just so tragic .
    Chocofudge likes this.