The Charm of Soul Pets small things that got past editing

Discussion in 'Translator's Corner' started by Silvertin, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Silvertin

    Silvertin Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2016
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    Want to start off by saying I am loving the series so far, and Iove how active that translator is in the comments of each chapter.
    I have been binge reading this series and have noticed several small tidbits ranging from spacing, typing errors, leading to the wrong word used, though that last one is rare. an example being instead of using precious it had said previous, which is an understandable mistake ... though oddly something that no one in the comments pointed out or one that was fixed, and yes I am almost 100% certain it should have spelled precious ... the line just doesn't make enough sense otherwise ... All I remember is that it was from book 2, relatively early on in its chapters, I will see if I can find that again later.

    I am just making this thread to have a list of small bits that somehow slip through the cracks. I also have zero idea how to contact the translator "moonfox" of Wuxiaworld (outside of leaving a comment which is its own small hurdle for me), so if some one could forward these mistakes (via a comment in the respective chapters) or possibly tell them about this comprehensive thread listing these small things that slipped past editing (seems simpler to me), that would be appreciated. Oh and expect this to be edited frequently as I add additional things I spot as I go through the chapters, of which I'll have to re-read the start of book 2 as that's when I feel they really started, or at least when I started noticing them. The list will be put in a spoiler because between the character names and some small context given through lines, it might be considered a spoiler.

    Also, I wasn't sure if this should be posted in Novel's general or the Translator's corner. But felt it leaned more towards the translator's corner since it was kind of a feedback thing, so I hope that was appropriate.

    List of spotted missed bits:
    Book 2 chapter 75: As Chu Mu saw it, after the clan moved, he probably wouldn’t have anymore interactions with Qing Menger, unless she was willing to move with his own clan to the South Region.

    The probably should have been "with her own clan to the South Region." Unless of course it meant she was going to leave her clan to leave with the Chu clan.

    Book 2 Chapter 90: "After signing a fairer treaty with the White Nightmare[TL note: This seems to be figurative, so no real change in their soul pact or anyth ing]" missing space at the start of TL note brackets and additional space in the word anything.

    Book 2 Chapter 97:
    As such, as a demon that found such a dense demonic aura, the Night Thunder Dream Beats was incessantly excited. It wanted to immediately jump onto the peak of the enormous firmament wood and absorb the purest demonic aura!
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
  2. rh12

    rh12 Destroying the world with my snores

    Dec 5, 2016
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    If you want to point a lot of mistakes go for qidian’s super fast release novels with 4-5 chapters per day, those will just take you straight to heaven.
    TianKrea likes this.
  3. Wick

    Wick Black van owner

    Feb 14, 2016
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    No comment
  4. elengee

    elengee Daoist Ninefaps

    Mar 15, 2016
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    How politically correct of you :blobsalute:

    p.s. instead of criticism people could see this as someone offering to help WW offer an even higher quality standard of translations for free. If interaction between translator/editor and comments could be achieved. (something which is impossible with the current Qidian. But WW can have its own strengths).
  5. arceus

    arceus The Invisible Reader

    Nov 26, 2015
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    You could always post this in the Discord Server of Wuxiaworld under the tcosp(They have their own made up name) topic. There is a good chance that the translator will check it and will thank you for pointing out the mistakes as well.
  6. Robbini

    Robbini Logical? Illogical? Random? Or Just Unique?

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Grammatically, it might've been wrong, but a) people understand it anyway b) she could be seen as having some influence with her clan, and she would be more important than the clan itself, so you can draw the conclusion that if she comes with, the clan would follow.
  7. Saitama.sensei

    Saitama.sensei [[xiantian lifeform]]

    Jun 15, 2016
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    There’s only 2 books.. yes the author is an idiot for making it that way but the story is nice
  8. Silvertin

    Silvertin Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2016
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    I don't really use discord, so that didn't really come to mind. Though with it basically being a text or voice chat, and with WW being as popular as they are, wouldn't the feedback get lost in the chat history? Which I would imagine is very possible if it is used regularly and could flow at a pretty fast or brisk pace (twitch chat being an indicator of high pop chat rooms).

    Also as a list there is actually around 5 things I could put up, but being that I didn't make a note what and in which chapter, its going to be a while until I re-find those. All the more so as I am more caught up in reading the next chapters rather than looking at the previous ones.

    Worst part? Somewhere in the last 75 chapters I'm going to have trouble finding the one that had a sentence ending with a period.With a missing space after it like this.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
  9. arceus

    arceus The Invisible Reader

    Nov 26, 2015
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    You can tag the tl'er with the major mistakes in Discord. That will ensure the visibility of the messages. The minor formatting errors can be looked over because they do not affect the translation too much. Frankly, I had seen much worse on QI before I boycotted them during the first outbreak of the Great Translation War.
  10. readerz

    readerz Madam Jin

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Normally people just leave a comment on the chapter where they find an error. There isn't any need to go to any special place to point out some simple stuff like missing commas or periods, just leave a comment. :coffee:
    Blitz and Nino Sasou like this.
  11. Nino Sasou

    Nino Sasou 『 ******** 』『 On Paid Leave』

    Aug 3, 2017
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    You can leave the correction on comment section of that chapter. Moonfox (translator) is responsive enough when it comes to this
    Great translation war, what a cool name

    Nah, he/she give me chance to earn some nuffies :blobokhand:
    arceus and readerz like this.
  12. Silvertin

    Silvertin Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2016
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    I don't have an account with whatever manages the chapter comments on wuxiaworld, I could also never find a register button or login button anywhere anyways. At the moment I am just compiling a list of the small things that made it past editing as I read through the chapters. Some one, be it me if and when I finally get to it, or some one who wants to bring it up as I am just going through my chapters and putting together a small list to try to be a little helpful.

    Closest to logging in I ever saw was "login to reply" which seeing as its a link, would take me to a login or register screen or such, but I haven't actually tried doing that yet as I would hardly ever use it to begin with, at best to say thanks which I don't want to be part of the comments that sometimes flood it with thanks, though it is nice to see other readers show their appreciation. As well as to point out a few small things that make it past editing and there.. There is that line saying "login to leave a comment" but no log in button or register link conspicuously placed.
  13. readerz

    readerz Madam Jin

    Jan 4, 2017
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    That's where you can register. Or you can just make a account then you can comment there and almost all of the other translation websites since they almost all use wordpress.


    BTW if people are wondering why you need to register before making a comment, it's probably because they get spammed. For small sites, comments are not a problem, but big websites with lots of traffic get a lot of bots and spam.

    That was one reason why batoto closed down, all of the bots and spammers.