Spoiler The resetting lady

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lucefer, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. xyzVil

    xyzVil Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    sick, i'll check this out later :blob_plusone::blob_plusone::blob_plusone:
    Giratina and DOHere like this.
  2. Thclownn

    Thclownn Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Is there anyone who has complete reading this novel? :blob_plusone:
  3. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Chapter 2 Matan's Shooter
    Evan's family putting out a circus in town. Karen is bored and wanted to try to change the story. She wanted to go out while her father and fiancé are busy, but the coachman, Bowen, won't let her go out alone. Karen teased Bowen if he likes Donna, when she knows he actually likes Nancy. Since she already killed her maid, Nancy, she dragged another maid, Donna, to go out with her around town. The other maids were upset since there's a lot of work to do, on top of one missing maid (who is dead). Karen was able to bring Donna, a maid close to her age, with her.

    Based on og novel, her father and fiance will neglect her and somehow after her father get into bankruptcy, Duran will go to the monastery in the mountains leaving her more pathetic. It's for the "tragic" plot of the female protagonist. In fact, in the og novel, Karen spends the most time with Isela (more than half the novel), then Raymond, Duran, and rest of the characters.

    Donna was looking and buying things. She mentioned Mrs.Dare, who Karen doesn't know since she only knew characters from the novel and characters she encountered during when she was 'Karen'. Mrs.Dare was og Karen's tutor who taught her etiquette when she was young. Karen only keep reliving the 1 year when she was 17 thus doesn't recall Mrs.Dare.

    Donna is chatty so she kept talking about Mrs.Dare. She was Karen's mother's friend, a fallen noble who worked as Karen's tutor for 8 years. After Karen's mother died, she quit her job. She didn't have a good relationship with Nancy. Nancy was a gypsy before becoming a maid. Mrs.Dare tried to throw out Nancy because she's 'dirty'.

    Karen decided to see the circus with Nancy in her next life. She watched a woman wearing thick makeup perform acrobats in the air. Karen wished to see the performer fall and die; she was disappointed it didn't happen. Karen decided to just try to enjoy the rest of the circus. She drank some beer. Bowen won't let Donna drink though since she have to work afterwards.

    Karen also saw some animals. She was amazed with the elephant and wanted to touch its nose. Bowen won't let her touch it since it's dangerous. Karen doesn't care since things will happen and people will die anyway. Fearing death is trivial for her. She reached out and try to touch the elephant who then approached her. The elephant went crazy walking over the audience and the trainer tried to stop it by stabbing it. Karen was enjoying the show. Everyone else ran for the exit. Bowen stood in front of Karen and Donna when the elephant approached them.

    Someone then covered Karen's eye and gunshots rang out. She can tell the elephant had been shot. Karen can tell who did it too since these roles aren't for extras. She ran to try to stroke the elephant. Someone screamed at her to get back. He grabbed her arm, and Karen can tell he's Raymond. She got bored. It was her lover, male protagonist, and knight. Someone who doesn't know her now. She's not sure why he's not in the city and here.

    Karen wanted to see the animal, but he won't let her. They argue who should be the one to step back. Bowen came in between them. He thanked Raymond for saving their lady. Raymond was being sarcastic with Bowen saying it should be the lady who invite and thank him, but when Bowen turn to look at Karen, she was gone. Raymond mocked the lady for being a lost child.

    On the other hand, Karen had exited and left for the maze of alley. Well she have been through this place many times so it's nothing to her. She's trying to escape far away from Raymond. She wonders if she can meet Mrs.Dare alone. Karen is trying to create some new events. Today she was able to see an animal she had never seen before. When she thought the animal had died, she started to feel a bit nauseous but she doesn't think she felt guilty over its death.

    She was trying to head to her former tutor's place, near the hat shop, when she then stopped and recalled that alley ahead is where there's a rape/death flag and Raymond would save her according to the og novel. She recalled the scene in the novel. The guys did showed up and tried to rape her, but then Karen laughed at them and started calling their names (Hans and Thomas) and predicting what happens to them in the story later. They think she's crazy. Karen knows they may have raped her before, but they never tortured her. This time they end up stabbing her on the side with a knife. She wondered if she's going to die now.

    They end up getting shot. The scene reminded her of the elephant again. She started having regrets not being able to touch its trunk, but it's too late for that now. He asked if she's okay. She kept her eyes close, not wanting to see who saved her. She know it's him. Eventually she did open her eyes and she tried to act out a scene as though she's meeting him for the first time, even though she wanted to cling to him and act spoiled like a long time lover. She ended up crying and he pressed her side to stop the bleeding. He patted her back awkwardly since he hated crying women. Raymond said the same boring stupid lines to comfort her. Karen sighed.

    He picked her up like a groom carrying a bride and brought her to the carriage. When they made eye contact and then she closed her eyes as if to faint, it was at that moment he would fall in love with her. Karen just hoped her favorite lace wasn't torn.

    Xenon was talking to Raymond in the carriage wondering why he came when he doesn't even like his fiancée. Raymond was Xenon's boss. Raymond was a knight who does the dirty work for nobles. He's a sniper. He was good at it though, famous for it even. Everything about him was excellent. His eyes were like the hawk in the sky. He doesn't even have to use a scope. Xenon was embarrassed with the maid and coachman all worried about their young lady on the side, but didn't care about them since Raymond was his focus. He watches Raymond tried to comfort the lady and her servants.

    When Karen secretly escaped, Raymond had said he have to find her. He immediately went up a tall building to scour the area. She was spotted surrounded by two men and he didn't even have to rush down to save her. The two shots rang out from there. It was a situation Raymond was able to resolve without Xenon's help. But then he saw his boss carried an injured girl back.

    Chapter 3 Uncomfortable Dinner
    Hearing repeated nagging was boring. But it was Helen, a maid, nagging at Donna, looking all angry while Donna's eyes were all swollen. If it was Nancy, Karen would've gotten nagged by Nancy.

    Karen decided to maintain a good relationship with Duran until a future incident. On the other hand, luckily, she didn't get deeply stabbed so only two stitches remained on her side.

    Donna's monthly salary got cut by half. Karen wanted to keep Donna by her side since she's more interesting so she tried to defend Donna. She doesn't want to be stuck with Helen who is boring. Helen is highest ranked maid there, and since Karen is still a child, she acts as she's the mistress of the household. Helen has the power though. But Karen can appeal to her using her pity pretending to be sad and lonely.

    Helen wondered when Nancy will be back since there's so much work. Karen made some excuse that she quit since she can't stand the job. They have to prepare especially today though since Raymond is visiting along with the Evans. Karen is too lazy to dress pretty though. Karen doesn't care about dressing well since they'll be dressing better than her. They have the money for it. Besides Karen is so pretty, it doesn't matter what she wears. They applied balm oil on her since she can't take a bath with her wound. Helen wants to dress Karen pretty to attract Raymond since she doesn't think Duran is good enough for her beautiful lady.

    Duran showed up while they were talking and they got embarrassed. When he saw Karen's wound he got all worried and tried to give her advice on what to do with the wound. Karen thinks he's unusually sticky with her in this life time, since they slept already. She finds him annoying though. The maids got tired trying to turn Karen even more stunning. Isela no the other hand demanded to her father, Verdick, for better clothes to make her look prettier. He told her to do it in moderation. He felt troubled over her daughter. Isela cried to her father that Raymond had saved Karen and already saw she's prettier than her. She doesn't want Raymond to fall in love with her. Her father doesn't think there's anything to worry about since Raymond has her as a fiancée and Karen has her own fiancé as well.

    Isela told her dad about her repetitive nightmares of seeing a dark skinned dead maid. Her father told her once she sees the maid alive, the nightmare should be gone. That's the issue though, since she haven't seen that maid since that nightmare.

    Dinner was uncomfortable from the start. When Raymond tried to talk to Duran, he stuttered more than usual, making people more uncomfortable. Karen's father thanked Raymond for saving his daughter. Karen also thanked him and they laughed facing each other making Isela jealous. Isella tried to bring up a conversation to Duran about food and sin. Her father felt embarrassed with her but couldn't openly rebuke his daughter. They kept talking about food and consumption. Because Isella was trying to insult the food at the dinner since it's not as extravagant as the dinner at her own home. Raymond is fine with the food though and when they did end up bringing out an expensive dish, he even mocked her back. Isela's father tried to defend her.

    When the conversation turned to about Nancy, Karen's father remained ignorant and spoke as if it's not a huge deal. Karen just played along with composure. The last dish surprised them all. Isela's father wanted to buy the recipe from the chef, but later on Duran admitted he was the one who added the spices. Karen haven't take a bite out of the food yet but she laughed at Duran and Verdick's conversation. Verdick can see Raymond looking at Karen and felt unpleasant since he had paid Raymond a lot. Isella who also noticed his gaze tried to insult the food and Verdick stepped on her feet to try to stop her.

    Isela tried to fix her makeup at the mirror. She got angry at her mom for not giving birth to her beautifully. Isella wished for a marrige with love even though she's sure people don't really married for love so with her talent in making money, she was sure to get what she wants. Her parents didn't marry for love either. Her father would cheat on her mother with the tutors and her mother knows about it and even cheats on her father with the butler. In fairy tales, the prince and princess always love each other and become happy together. When she first saw Raymond, she thought he was a prince from a fairy tale. She was sure over time he would see her strengths.

    But then in time, she realized that the lovers don't need strengths. They just have to be pretty and pitiful. Isela can't imitate Karen's beauty or pitifulness of being poor. All of her father's lovers were younger and prettier than her mother. Isela would try to pour tremendous amount of money to make herself beautiful but some things can't be altered. She hold it in watching Raymond ignoring her blatantly to talk to Karen.

    On the other hand Karen was too busy thinking of Isela and Nancy, when Raymond broke her thoughts to try to talk to her. She was annoyed with him. She find his love useless as it's all just following the plot of the novel. When he offered her to have a drink with him, she told him she has a wound so she can't drink. He told her, he will drink her share then. Raymond was trying to appeal himself to Karen. Talking about how he's a good groom, and asking her if it isn't a good thing to see him since a lot of ladies would apply to be nurses at the battlefield to see him. She laughed at how confident he felt about himself, but didn't find it funny. He didn't even try to be humble as it was in his character to be confident.

    He grabbed her hand and she tried to pull it out but he held on firmly. It was then she noticed Isela was nearby. Raymond didn't care about her though. Karen knew Isela will be overwhelmed with jealousy and try to harass her later. He still kept trying to appeal to her to make her think about his offer, that he's a pretty popular groom candidate. Also he's sure she knew him from before since he lip read her saying his name from afar. Karen pretended she only said it because she remembered having a conversation about him with Isela before. He was sure she knew him more than that though since she had no expression or suspicion, nor admiration, and giving out an atmosphere as if she knew him well. He thinks she dressed pretty to try to seduce him. He pulled her closer to her, but then Duran came and grabbed his arm, told him to stop being interested in his fiancée.

    Karen wanted to kill Raymond. She's upset that he's hard to kill since he's the male protagonist. She's more upset that she's the only one who keeps dying. She wondered if he will still love her after all this.

    Karen wanted to test something out, see if her father can lie. She kidnapped a boy to deal with a dead body.
  4. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Karen seemed like a serial killer or psychopath, but she's not the only killer around. Warning advised. I did remove some of the ways she was doing her torturing.

    Chapter 4 Funeral Where No One Cries
    It was a funeral for Hans and Thomas. No one dare to cry for them as they were people who dared to try to rape their lord's daughter. Instead, everyone was respectful towards the killer, Raymond. Tom, who was named after his father Thomas, couldn't even cry. The people around him gave him some candy and someone gave him a gold coin as reward. He played with the gold coin, but someone told him not to play with it outwardly or someone might try to take it.

    Rona, Han's wife, was glad her husband died so now she can live with the old blacksmith. Tom thought she would take care of him, but after she told him that, he realized he's pretty unwanted since he's too young (only 9) and weak. Rona makes money working at the bar, but since Tom is young, people pay him in bread instead of money. He now has to try to find work to live.

    People tried to sell the house, but it was all complicated for Tom. A pretty girl, older than him, approached him and asked why he's not going to the lord for free food, mocking asked if it's because his dad was a murderer. Tom refute her and she corrected herself to rapist, attempted rapist. Tom doesn't think what his father did is bad. The girl asked if he's trying to make a plea for his father. He didn't answer so the girl said she will pay him 5 gold coins if he answered her. Tom asked her why is rape even bad. They might've enjoyed doing it on the street. The girl said no since his father is dirty and ugly. Tom told her he's big under. Also how is rape worse than murderer? And also nobles eat well and live well anyway. She laughed at his answers.

    Raymond greeted Karen, and then knocked Tom's feet. Tom fell on his face looking up at Karen. Karen told Raymond she wasn't shocked and she's fine. As she helped Tom get up, she whispered to him to meet her at the back door of the lord's mansion at dawn. She'll pay him more gold coins and tell him something about his father.

    So he went, and got tied up with a cloth gagged to his mouth, as he became witness to Karen cutting up Thomas's body. Tom knew instantly why he was there. She then told Tom that because of the physical differences, she can only kill a child like him, since a man and woman are difficult. She apologized to him and told him not to cry, since he won't live long anyway. It's best to experiment with orphans even if it hurts her pride a bit.

    Originally she had picked Han's body, since he was the one who stabbed her but Thomas, who is Tom's father, would be better to grab Tom's attention. Also Thomas is lighter than Hans. She had left his mutilated body there leaving Tom to see the corpse being left like a dead animal.

    Isella tried to tell her father to look into the lord's murder, since she believes Karen's father killed the maid. Verdick didn't want to deal with it and didn't care whether the maid was killed by the master or not. Isela told her father she is trying to help him, when he thinks that she should just focus on trying to get Raymond's attention. He regret giving her too much education as the nagging might make Raymond upset.

    Isella went to her room to find comfort in her 37 luxurious dresses. But even so, she can't forget the strange noises she kept hearing last night at her room. All night she had to cover her ears. She then, noticed one of the dresses was the dress she wore that day when she was looking for her necklace. She had given the clothes to Karen before when she changed them out, since they got dirty from menstrual blood. Somehow they got cleaned and placed into her closet. She threw it in the trash.

    The next day as Isella suffered from menstrual cramps, she thought about that day, and she realized she had changed out of the dress, but never changed out of her underwear. That meant the blood on her dress wasn't Isella's blood. She tried to forget about it, but that night she heard faint cries once again.

    She went knocking on Duran's door for help with sleeping. Duran who found her annoying, thinks she need prayer and medication, but then he gave her some medication, and told her to take them before bed. When Isella looked at what he gave her, she noticed they were purple flowers. It was said to have a soothing effect. She noticed they're what Karen drinks for tea every day. She wondered why she would drink if everyday when she's so calm already. Duran blushed and didn't answer her. He told her to stop asking useless question.

    Karen was checking the time and waiting for Tom to die. She also realized her father lied. Dead body doesn't disappeared. Also Tom didn't die. She wondered if it's some injustice. She packed some medicine on Tom and started to pity him since she was able to live comfortably under her father, but this boy lived life horribly and soon he'll die from all sorts of illness. She decided she should kill with compassion. She has an obligation to find pleasure in killing since people around her will die anyway such as Hans and Thomas who died because she was there. Guns are out of the question since they're too loud. She decided to use drugs first, but she almost forgot the syringe. When she got it, she realized it was rusty, but then thought why should that matter since he will die anyway. Tom's body shook violently trying and Karen became distressed and cried, but felt she still have to kill him since he witnessed everything already. She felt more sympathetic to him than to Nancy, since he was weaker than her.

    When the trembling subsided, she wrapped him in a blanket, and went to light up the fireplace. Somehow she noticed there were already skeleton in the fireplace that she didn't know of. She didn't have time to ponder about it. Also Tom's gag was loosened and he started to beg her to let him live longer, and apologize for his sins. She told him he's already going to die, and it's not his fault either. He didn't commit any wrongdoing. It's just that he met a bad b*tch. He still kept pleading but the drugs made him slower and he couldn't fight as she struck him in the back of the head and shove him into the fire, but it was useless effort. She's sure he can kill her anytime. She was sure she will die just like he will die. Tom couldn't speak anymore, but she stopped him from dying, even though she doesn't trust him.

    It was over breakfast when Raymond was flabbergasted at Karen's idea. Actually Duran, Isella and Karen's father also were shocked when Karen brought up how she wanted to take in the orphan of the attempted rapist as a servant. Her father opposed the idea as well as Duran, but Karen was firm. She brought Tom to be cured by Duran.

    She would show off all Tom's wounds to try to get her father to agree to letting her take Tom in. Duran told them that he won't ever be able to speak or write, and won't get to live long. His throat was inflamed with pus and also causing him bad breath. His tongue also have a hole. Karen was pleased that Tom can only nod and shake his head in response. She decided that's enough dialogue to keep his ego from collapsing and listening to her. Also there were some news that Thomas's body had disappeared. It wasn't Karen who did it.

    Karen told Tom about the layout of the house, and Isella's room and what she did with Nancy. At first Tom thought she didn't kill him because of compassion but now he realized she's crazy. Basically she explained how she killed Nancy and the time it took for her to move the corpse to Isella's room and wait for Isella to find out. Along with changing her dirty clothes. Karen looked happy. Tom laughed along with her so it'll seem less scary even though it doesn't seem natural. Karen told him that she had died and lived many times so she felt embarrassed to only find out now that dead body doesn't disappear.

    Karen started to ponder some things. She had strangled Nancy after she paralyzed her with drug. Nancy was placed in the room at 4pm, but discovered at 10. There was plenty of time in between for something to happen. In fact Karen had waited and went with Isella. There was a 5 hr gap for someone to have found and damaged the body. The room was also weirdly tidy even though Nancy's throat was cut off. In fact Karen had left Nancy's body in room 5, since she thought room 6 was locked. But somehow room 6 has Nancy's hair.

    Someone have to be powerful enough to cut up Karen in a short amount of time and move her around, as well as know that room 6 wasn't locked. Karen believed her father was the one who did it to hide the evidence for her. She wondered how far her father would go for her. She believe it should be natural since Verdick had killed her before for Isella so it makes sense for her father to do the same amount of effort for her. The dead bodies that shouldn't be disappearing based on her test, somehow had been disappearing. Tom on the other hand couldn't understand what Karen was saying at all.

    As Karen turns around, Tom wanted to push her, but she turned back, and he sat back in a hurry. Karen didn't noticed at all. Karen start to worry for his burns. Tom felt weird since she was the one who caused them. She was acting like some nice lady.

    It was then she showed him some rotten flesh and telling him that it wasn't big (referring to what Tom said before about his dad). Apparently Karen was curious so she checked. She continued to marvel over how neatly the person who cleaned it up for her, did it. She felt great that her father took care of it for it. But then she got upset that she's the one who did the actual killing but can't be as neat. It's too clean.

    Chapter 5 Hunting Season
    It was soon to be Lent (it's when people fast and offer sacrifices in reflection of their sins). Everyone had to offer some sacrifices. Even Duran was feeling odd as to whether he's a priest or a slaughter. Verdick finds him ridiculous, while Duran is annoyed with him. In turn, Karen, as the mistress of the fief, had to prepare for the hunt. She felt annoyed having to do things as a ruling class. She would have to wake up at dawn to be dressed by Donna, deal with Isella in the morning, order lunch, in the afternoon, entertain and manage the Evan's family guests, then review the day. She wondered why her father never remarried, so she doesn't have to do so much at 17.

    Karen who can't ride a horse, usually take a carriage to the hunting grounds. She brought Tom along. Isella didn't like the presence of Tom and would rather ride a horse. Looking over at where the horses are, she admired Raymond who was there talking to the coachman. Karen pitied Isella who worships Raymond but can never obtain his love even within the 100 repetitive years. To Karen, Raymond might be handsome, but she finds it more interesting to look at the virgin (Isella) looking at him.

    Raymond then turned over towards the ladies. Karen found his gaze burdensome, while Isella got jealous. Karen left Isella to try to proudly talk about her horse riding skills to the Raymond. She once again pitied Isella, and went to check the luggage. As she was about to get on the carriage, she was told the footstool is broken. Usually back then in past lives Raymond would be the one to help her on the carriage. She felt a bit unpleasant even though it was a change. She beckoned Tom to to grab the coachman to help her, but then a cold voice from behind asked Tom why he didn't bend down. His eyes were coldly looking at Tom, and insulted him for being slow. Tom bend down, and Karen realized what Raymond was saying. He's telling Tom to be the footstool. When Karen looked at Raymond and their eyes met, he called her by her full name and reached out his hand. Karen felt weird her knight is asking her to trample on a 9 year old boy. She took his hand and as she was about to step on Tom, he lifted her up onto the carriage.

    Karen thanked him and he smiled and closed the door from inside the carriage, meaning he got in as well after carrying her in. Karen felt overwhelmed as they're not in a relationship for him to do such a thing. She asked about Isella and he told her that she likes to ride horses so he was being considerate to let her enjoy that. Also there's enough room in the carriage. She asked him why he didn't go by horseback. He had no comment. He made some excuse while posing comfortably that he's introverted so he's too shy to speak to her for the first time. She told him to call her 'Karen' since 'Catherine' is her mother's middle name and it's awkward.

    She started to rate his conversations. He tried light talk on weather and season. He didn't like the winter. Karen remembered a time in the past life when they were in bed together when he talked about seeing white snow everywhere, that it made him want to cut his finger off to see blood. He would then lift the ends of her red hair and kissed it saying how much he loved the color of her hair.

    In the carriage, Karen played her part as a lady of good will. Raymond still think she should've sent Tom away. He told her in a few years, he will be stronger. Karen is sure he will die in a month anyway. When he told her he will remember her in his next life, she told him, he cannot. She made up some excuse that she was looking at his face because he's handsome. It was useless though since he's not the answer to what she wanted. She used to thought he would save her, but it wasn't. This time, she wanted to gift him death. With all her years of experience, she was already convinced he's attracted to her.

    Karen almost fell trying to get down without stepping on Tom. Isella, who rode horseback alone, stared jealously. Raymond didn't even bother to look at her. Karen's father and Verdick were doing calculations. It's over budget, so there's a problem.

    On the last day of the holiday, when all the residents were receiving their blessing from their lord, Verdick recalled the face of his crying daughter. Verdick was also upset that Raymond didn't ride horseback with Isella but took the carriage with Karen.

    Isella hid behind a tree and called Karen a 'bad b*tch' for flirting with her fiancé. They haven't been officially engaged yet but both families already expected it since her family helped them pay off their debt. Also while Raymond never expressed anything to her, he had slowly adapt to her and sent her gifts on her birthday and special occasion. She was fine even when Raymond doesn't hold her hands when there are no people, or try to see her when there's no work. As long as she's the only woman with him and married to him, there would be no problem, but he is so blatantly friendly with Karen.

    Right after Raymond had said he saved Karen from danger, she would watched the two anxiously. She noticed he would often laugh out loud in front of Karen. Even at the mansion, he would try to spend more time with Karen than herself. Instead of going horseback with her, he took the carriage with Karen. Karen seduced him. She wanted to know what they talked about or did in the carriage. She began to worry. She can overhear their conversation right now from a distance. She wanted to intervene. She got upset why Karen's stuttering fiancé didn't come. That man suits Karen more.

    Isella felt strange seeing Karen interested in the traps. While Isella enjoyed horseback and had gone fox hunting, she would never participate in the hunt, but Karen was interested in the hunting itself. Karen was sort of acting as the daughter of the lord. Isella thinks about how that will be her soon. Her father will buy off the title. Originally her father was just going to buy a portion, but Isella wanted to be thorough, she have to get rid of Karen thoroughly or she would steal Raymond from her. Even if Raymond is a sincere man who wouldn't be seduced by Karen.

    Isella then get surprised at Karen calling her name out. Raymond had already left to join the hunt with others. Isella asked why Karen didn't call her earlier when she found her. Karen said she did, but Isella thinks she's a liar, and trying to obviously leave her out, so she can flirt with Raymond more.

    Karen continued to check on the traps. Isella questioned about her interest in the hunt, but when Karen talked about the animals around there, she got scared. Her anxiety intensified as the people around them now are all Karen's people and not the Evan's people, also Raymond isn't around. Karen told her, she shouldn't be too worried since the animals will get trapped as soon as they come. When she smiled, it caused Isella more fear. She pretended not to be afraid as she walked off, but then Karen warned her the way she's going have a trap. When Isella noticed, she yelled at Karen for not telling her earlier. Karen said she did. All the maids around looked pathetically at Isella. Karen shrugged.

    Isella decided to go change her clothes at the carriage. Karen went to help her. She helped her unbutton at the back. Even the slight touch made Isella felt unpleasant. She wondered why she hated Karen so much, and resulted to believe it's because Raymond showed interest in her. As Karen helped her tie her corset, she then commented that Isella seemed to have blood on her dress. Isella was experiencing menstrual cramp, but no matter what, it was odd that even if it leaked through, there was no stain on her underwear.

    What was even odder was Karen had no feeling towards the sudden disappearance of the maid who had been following her around since childhood. Karen was shown to be kind to everyone but there was no interest toward Nancy. Isella felt uncomfortable.

    Duran spent the week butchering and burning offering was complaining of the blood and smell. On the other hand, Karen was enjoying it. He gave her an unpleasant expression. Preparation ended in 3 days and on the 4th day, the engagement for Isella and Raymond was held. The mansion got busy with the ceremony. There was never a time like this. It was unexpected. What made Karen more excited was the grievances Isella kept pouring to her father. Nancy's death terrified her and Raymond's apathy made her more anxious so Verdick had to do this to appease her.

    Duran asked her if she's sad that Isella will marry him. Karen said a bit to ignite his jealousy as she wrapped her arm around his neck. She then complimented Raymond, and Duran released her hug. She pretended to get upset at him rejecting her hug. He called her crazy but didn't act too upset. In fact he's been oddly more relaxed and Karen didn't like it much. She wanted him to show more jealousy, but it seemed IIsella and Raymond's engagement blunted his feelings. When he talked about the days, she squeezed his head to get him to show more feelings.

    There was something she wanted to check. She asked Duran for the keys to her father's library, using the excuse that she missed her mother's portrait. Duran gave it to her reluctantly. Karen tried to get him to be jealous some more, by bringing up Raymond, but it didn't work. She then tried to get Duran to go with Isella and Raymond, so she can find some time to move freely around the mansion.

    Karen tried to go see Mrs.Dare but Donna and Bowen were reluctant. Karen struck Bowen with her parasol and they went. She told Donna she won't run away. Mrs.Dare's place isn't too far, but the place looked a bit tacky. Donna tried to defend the place. Bowen knocked on the door and a a poor maid opened the door. A while later a middle aged woman came out. Karen was disappointed. The impression was mediocre, but she suppose not all unexpected things always make her pleased.

    Mrs.Dare on the other hand was excited to see her. She hugged her, making Karen embarrassed. Mrs.Dare asked her if she remembered her. Karen laughed and said it's been a long time. Mrs.Dare said it hasn't been that long, but she can tell Karen doesn't remember her and she asked if she still have memories. Mrs.Dare whispered to Karen that she had lost her memories, so Donna or Bowen can't hear. They followed her into the house, and Karen told Bowen and Donna to go out and enjoy the festival. Donna didn't want to leave Karen there but Bowen dragged her out.

    Mrs.Dare didn't answer any of Karen's questions. She just answered with words that made Karen question it more. Mrs.Dare said it's been that way since her mother passed away. On the other hand, Mrs.Dare will only tell her up to what Karen knows. She revealed to her about her mom. Karen had no wish to know about her parents' love story. Catherine was very beautiful and popular, always surrounded by men, with many suitors after her. Mrs.Dare had always thought she would marry to a good place. Karen listening to Mrs.Dare grew bored and realized she's just an old woman who just wants to chat and missed her old days.

    Mrs.Dare pointed to the portrait of her mother on the wall. She really resembled Karen. Karen was a pretty and smart child. That youthfulness disappeared after 7 when her mother fell sick. At 10 when Karen's engagement was decided, Catherine's health grew weaker. Catherine wanted to see her daughter's engagement before she dies. The betrothal went through, but it was Karen who had an unpleasant expression at 10 and Dulan with a rotten expression at 18.

    Karen really tried to fight over it. She released dogs to attack Dulan. He shut himself into a room with a chair to the door to protect himself. If a servant hadn't lifted Karen and broke open the door, Dulan would've died on the spot. Dulan's parents were poor so they can't say anything as they want their child to take over the lord's position. Mrs.Dare was the one who rebuked Karen. She struck her and dragged her away. Karen sarcastically asked why she didn't die either. Duran threatened Karen will die by her hands. After she noticed what she said, the shock came to her and from that following year she never visited their mansion again. She tried to change Karen but couldn't. Karen's seizures increased and Catherine's health got even worse. Her pay was cut and there was nothing Mrs.Dare can do. It was that day, Nancy took over her position. Karen turned 14 that year.

    When her mother first brought Nancy to see Karen, Mrs.Dare was still there. It was to show the lost of standing Mrs.Dare had fallen. That was why Mrs.Dare hated Nancy. Even so, Karen also didn't like Nancy and that made Mrs.Dare felt better. She would always go to Mrs.Dare rather than Nancy. Karen would tell Mrs.Dare that Nancy would sing strange songs. Mrs.Dare would then compliment Karen and stroke her head for rejecting that woman. Mrs.Dare opposed to the lord for bringing Nancy to try to teach Karen, an unusual woman whose said to do witchcraft. The lord said what their daughter need right now isn't education. When she brought up when the lady dies, the lord didn't want to hear of his sick wife.

    Nancy would feed Karen unknown medicine and tell her strange stories, but Karen's seizure had decreased. But that's when Karen get more weirder, her emotions start to dull and her memories would fade. She would remain calm. Her mother didn't mind either as Karen no longer tried to harm herself or have seizures. Mrs.Dare think Catherine had her eyes clouded. She told her that Karen had been following Nancy around as if she was the lady herself. But Karen doesn't even remember her own mom from the last meeting and looked at her as if she was dirty and would take Nancy's hand.

    When Catherine died, she told Mrs.Dare it's fine, still believing her daughter will be fine. Mrs.Dare told Catherine that a maid cannot replace her. Catherine held onto Karen's portrait when she died. Mrs.Dare didn't leave her room for a month after her death. She was avoiding seeing her daughter. When she finally saw Karen and told her Catherine is dead, Karen asked who is Catherine. It felt like a nightmare to Mrs.Dare. She immediately tried to drag the issue to the lord, but he was more concerned about the death of his wife than the normal craziness of his daughter.

    When she finished telling her story, she asked Karen if she's fine. Karen felt fine. Mrs.Dare told her she shouldn't be fine. Karen laughed. She doesn't think living 100 years would be easy anyway, so it's normal to feel some madness. But she was able to learned her father knew she's not sane. She's not sure how much to believe of Mrs.Dare's words. Even if she's speaking truth, she's an outsider (never appeared in the novel), so it's too little information.

    When Mrs.Dare asked about Nancy, Karen told her, she had left and quit her job. Mrs.Dare asked her if she can return to being her tutor then. Karen felt disgusted at her for trying to use her missing memories to appeal to her. Karen doesn't really want to have her around but don't want to throw her away yet.

    She told Mrs.Dare there was still one thing she haven't told her. Why she was kicked out. Mrs.Dare told her it was Nancy who opposed her. Karen doesn't trust anyone. She refused to believe in anyone. She started to insanely yell out that had she already drugged, smashed, and burned a person so to someone who just suddenly appeared, how could such a person satisfy her. Mrs.Dare got confused what she's saying. Karen yell out to her to stop pretending that she doesn't know. She yelled out she knows that she had no intention to keep her alive. Mrs.Dare told her to calm down and said Nancy was harassing her and making her come to be like this.

    Then Mrs.Dare felt something wrong. Karen had shot her in the head but it grazed her head. Her head is still covered in blood. Karen commented how Raymond can do it in one hit, but it seemed like human skull is slipperier than she thought. Mrs.Dare tried to tell her to come to her senses. Karen told her she killed Nancy. Mrs.Dare stepped back.

    All sad things are in novels. It's all a dream. This world is all a dream to her. The knight and her will fall in love and all hardships will end.

    It was Bowen who came back to pick her up.

    tiny spoiler for ahead
    There is no other killer but it is as Karen predicted, her father was willing to clean up for his daughter. Also that room 6 that was locked, that was apparently the same room, Duran closed himself in before. Also Bowen didn't like Nancy and was fine with cleaning up after Karen. Mrs.Dare did die. In fact her father didn't mind Mrs.Dare died. Her father hates Mrs.Dare. Karen felt odd, thinking that Mrs.Dare felt similar to Isella.
    Her feeling isn't so wrong because the women in their family were cursed to all die early and spread the same curse to their daughters who looked the same as them. Her mother had also relived countless lives, and Mrs.Dare might've been the love rival for her.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2021
  5. Sourwer.XDD

    Sourwer.XDD Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2019
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    That means she is gonna kill isella too. Right?
    Is raymond crazy too? Does her father know about the curse?
  6. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    So far no, Isella got into coma from some fire. Raymond didn't save Isella and instead went to save Karen. Raymond doesn't seem to be crazy so far, but I do think there are some things he's not saying. Such as when he went to save Karen, I do think he might've seen Isella beforehand. Her father knows about the curse because her mother went through the same thing, and her mother was finally able to die because she experienced true love with her 'male protagonist', her father. Karen still doesn't believe in her father though. Because her 'male protagonist' is Raymond, and through their previous lives, he had always loved her, but she still can't die. I think the issue might've been on her part and she doesn't know that. The issue might've been she is the one who has to feel.
  7. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    So the romance starts halfway in the novel. After her death in 100th return, Raymond starts to remember all the past lives as well. So when she restart her life again, he also recalled it.

    Karen did tried to kill her father. She had huge trust issues, so to her she thought love can be proven if the person is willing to die for the other. She doesn't think the love she wants is the same love between her parents since when her mother died, her father didn't try to die along with her. She tried to kill her father, but Tom ended up killing him. It was then a fire started, Raymond came to save her. Duran was the one who started the fire and also put Isella into coma, but he saved Isella.

    Verdick adopted Karen as his own daughter, since Karen's father died, and he used her as a pawn piece since Isella is in coma. Thus Raymond and Karen became engaged. Karen would have to nurse Isella every morning and every night go on dates with Raymond. She still doesn't trust his love, but then she realized he might've approached her before because he hated Verdick. He told her he will try to love her so he would give her flowers and say 'I love you' to her every time they meet up.

    Raymond doesn't really trust her either, since he's trying to find out if she's a murderer. Later on he realized even if she was a murderer, he wouldn't kill her or imprisoned her. Instead he felt the responsibility to just take care of her so she doesn't kill in the future. Verdick ended up abusing Karen because she gambled with his money, so he would whip her until she bleeds. Karen did one more gamble with Raymond's money to make a deal with him. She had already told him she had kept reliving many times and he didn't believe her so she had been telling him things to prove it, such as telling him the name of some huge serial killer case and told him, she can win the gamble with Baron Ains. She won, so he kept his end of the bargain.

    It was through the gambling, Karen found out about Prince Guiz. When she found out he had a past relationship with her mother before, she wanted to meet him. They were lovers before, but he wouldn't marry Catherine because her family standing isn't high, so the prince only wanted to make Catherine his mistress. But he was obsess with Catherine, so when he first saw Karen, he kept sexually harassing her. Raymond stopped it from happening one time, but then at some point when the prince invited her personally, while sending Raymond away at a job, he tried to rape her. Raymond sent Prince Louis, Prince Guiz's son, to save her. Guiz killed Louis though and Karen killed Guiz while he was focusing on killing Louis. Then Karen killed Donna, since Guiz had already tortured her and Karen felt bad leaving her alive and suffering.

    Raymond came late as always. She was condemned for killing the successors to the throne and imprisoned. Verdick used his money to buy out people to make the issue bigger. Raymond tried to work in the background to fix the issue so she won't get an execution trial. He got Duran to write out a proof that Karen is crazy so her charges can be lessened. Originally Karen didn't care and wanted to get executed since it's a new way she can die. It's interesting, but she felt indebt to listen to Raymond so she tried to live a bit longer for him. It didn't work out since Isella finally came out of her 7 month coma and told everyone that Karen isn't crazy and had killed before. Duran also ended up lying in front of the jury saying he was bribed by Raymond.

    Karen was sent to execution, but Raymond still tried to save her, asking Marquis of Pancay for help. In the end, he did a one man mission killing everyone while he tried to get to the tower where Karen was supposed to be executed, but Duran ended up being the one who pushed her off the tower as Raymond tried to catch her but failed. He watched her die that way. After that he started to have memories. Initially he had wanted to commit suicide, but he realized after getting memories, that he should try to stay alive to get information. Because his life is longer, but he still relives to see Karen's age 17 regressions.

    at around halfway of the novel (chapter 2 The Lady and the Gentlemen) the numbers in the chapters get reset as well
    Karen committed a few suicides (about 5) after she returned. She was testing it out, since from her 117th year, she realized she can actually die earlier than the time she had always thought she could die. Eventually she got bored of it, and decided to look more into things. She didn't bother to kill Nancy after that first time, and just threatened her instead.

    She also found out Duran knew more than he lets out. Catherine set up the engagement between them because she was hoping her daughter would find love with Duran and break her curse earlier. So Duran was told by Catherina about the many lives. He also knew about the coin Karen had that she used to mark her year. Karen ended up losing that coin after that 100th return. She also found out Bowen was close with Duran and had been keeping tabs on her and telling Duran everything. She tried to kill Duran one time, but got killed immediately afterward by Bowen. That's how she found out.

    At some point she was able to be a bit closer to her father as she started to call them her father and mother. Before she was calling them 'lord' and 'Catherine'. Her father also can tell she doesn't love Duran and that feeling had been the same since she was 10, so he broke the engagement between them for her.

    Eventually, she had some odd inkling things were changing drastically from outside force. Her family wasn't close with the Evans either. Nancy didn't know Isella either. Her father didn't want to make a business deal with Verdick. It was when she went to break the contract with the Evans, and she got kidnapped by some foreigners on the way back home, that Raymond saved her. This time, she knew he remembered because he went and hugged her immediately.

    After that, Raymond just became over protective. He took her in and moved her to his home mansion. He fired all the staff so no one will have a chance to hurt her. Pretty much kept her in a mansion alone with him. Kevan gets bored living there with him, and feeling unsatisfied since they have no staff. He did all the cleaning and cooking, but since it's a huge mansion, she just gets to spend 2 hours with him or so. He also wouldn't have sex with her until she initiated it. But then she realized he was holding it in since they were alone in the mansion together, he pretty much just went all out. The whole mansion ended being like their bedroom even though she tried to make him only do it in their bedroom.

    After she spent the night with him, Karen realized just one person isn't enough in her life. She felt lonely. She initially thought people around her were like people in a book, so they're meaningless relationships but she realized she had always been surrounded with people.

    She saw some nail in some dirty water he left out and questioned him about it later. Raymond wouldn't tell her much about it but he's pretty much going around killing for her and gathering information so she doesn't have to lift a finger. In his head, Karen is fragile so she she can't even kill properly, so it's the husband's job to do the rough work.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2021
  8. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    105th return
    Raymond did killed Isella from before and used that to torture Verdick. On the other hand, Verdick didn't kill her in this life and even try to "save" Karen believing Raymond is the dangerous guy who took her and brainwashed her. The person who ended up killing her is Duran. Raymond spent the rest of his years torturing Duran.

    106th return
    This is when after Karen realized she want to have other relationships other than just Raymond. She tried to mend her relationships again. She trusted Nancy, even when Nancy stole her money and ran away to be with Bowen. She tried to be friends with Isella. Raymond was against it for a long time until the end. Raymond pretty much lost hope in changing the future because he recalled all his memories and the future after Karen had died. They were all the same. Prince Guis would kill his son and even after he dies, the throne keeps getting fought over. Karen wanted to change the future. Eventually she did become friends with Isella and Isella became lovers with Xenon. Karen got pregnant with Raymond's child but miscarry when she was kidnapped with Isella.

    This occurred when Isella and Karen were kidnapped to be playthings for Prince Guis and Karen helped her escape. Isella found out her father isn't so great and tried to save Karen. It all worked out in the end, until the wedding of Raymond and Karen. Duran killed Karen and Raymond shot himself in the head to follow her (more explanation on this killing). But from this life, Raymond got more hopeful since he noticed the future can change and wanted to live longer to see the changes with Karen. Prince Louis became King. Duran suffered alone afterward and realized his mistake.

    We get more secrets released. The reason why Raymond got back his memories, was thanks to Duran. That 100th return lifetime, Karen was actually pregnant with Duran's child and he killed her since he wanted her to live forever. Duran pretty much worships Karen. Since he knows she can live forever, like Catherine, he thought it was a great thing. He didn't realized it was horrible until her 100th return, and she started killing people and he noticed he created a monster, but it was too late and decided he can't stop anymore. Instead he made a bet with Karen before believing she won't be able to find true love. He lost the bet as he realized Karen does love Raymond, when she didn't realize it herself. When Karen fell from the tower, he prayed Raymond won't catch her, but he also had previously prayed for the person she love to regain his memories.

    Duran doesn't believe he commit sin by killing Karen since he know she can return, but since he never remembers the returns, he doesn't know the sufferings she went through living for so long. Whenever he realizes it, it's already too late and she's dead and in the next return, he'll forget everything again. Raymond is the one who knew and Karen told Raymond, it seemed he knows Duran better than her now.

    107th return
    Right when she returned to that rainy day, Raymond came on his white horse and hugged her. That same day Karen introduced him to her father as the man she loves. Her father had been waiting for that day hearing from what Catherine had told him before. Raymond came to propose.

    During Karen's pregnancy, she ran away from home to go on a cruise ship to escape Raymond's over protectiveness. She got Isella and Xenon's help but Raymond was able to catch up to her on the ship and they ended up travelling together for a month. Nancy remained her maid this time around.

    As for the future, Verdick's business failed but Isella diverge from her family business into shipbuilding and cruising and became rich. Xenon still became her fiancé and they delayed their marriage since she's been busy with work, but they didn't mind. They have a very good relationship and Xenon remains as her guard.

    Because Raymond had lived so long and he had gathered all the info he already needed, he was able to quickly finish everything. Prince Louis became king again while Marquis of Pancay helped him rule. Prince Guis died early on.

    Raymond's brother who kept dying early before and Raymond killed him early before as well to take over Baron title, but he let him live this time, since the last return, he realized relationships between people can be changed with effort. So he fixed his relationship with his brother. His brother is slowly recovering.

    Duran became more focus on medical afterward and took in Tom as an assistant. After he helped Karen give birth to her first child, he left a letter to Raymond to not see them anymore since the curse have been broken.

    So the family curse, they have to all die a total of a 10000 lives all together. The first that started it was when people sacrificed a saint to redeem all their sins. The saint was the first to go through the curse. Somehow with Duran and Raymond's past memories, those years also got taken into account, and the curse was broken from Karen's generation.

    Their daughter, Rebecca, looks somewhat similar to Karen, but has a totally different personality from her mother, and a tomboy. She's strong and likes to hunt and wants to become a soldier like her father. They also got another younger son with blonde hair. Donna seemed to be more of Rebecca's maid.

    As for Karen's family history, her grandmother loved her grandfather but he was a cheater husband. Her mother had vowed to find true love and actually failed, since she had loved Prince Guis until she realized he doesn't love her as she wanted and then to find out about his sick hobbies, ruined her. Prince Guis loved her but won't marry her since her status was too low for him. Her mother was a Countess. He wanted someone at least from Duchess or Grand Duchess like her grandmother. He was going to marry her off to a low noble, Karen's father, who is a Baron, and then make Catherine his mistress because that's the only way he can make her his governess. Catherine never loved Karen's father but they were comfortable and he was pretty much her saving grace from Prince Guis. Her real love had always been Karen, her own child.

    Would definitely recommend this novel.

    Karen was never transmigrated. This was originally her world. The reason why she kept thinking she's some protagonist of a romance novel is because of Nancy's brainwashing that Catherine made Nancy do to her daughter. Catherine was a mother who loved her daughter but thought she knew what was best for her daughter and set up everything herself, such as making Duran her fiancé and then brainwashing her to think she's in some romance novel, because the result to end her life is to get pregnant.

    On the other hand, Duran wished for Karen to live forever. So he's the one who made her sterile through drugs and also the one who orchestrated most of her previous deaths. The reason why she holds a golden coin was also because of him. It was his way to test out if she regressed, by keeping tabs on her to see if she kept a gold coin on her with a number. In the end, Duran was forgiven and poured all his time into medical to cure her sterile body that he caused overtime.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
  9. illysillymilly

    illysillymilly Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2021
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    Probably one of the craziest stories I’ve ever read.
  10. donaiseiyuu

    donaiseiyuu Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2019
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    Thank you for all the amazing spoilers! This story is seriously unique - although I don't know if it's in a good or bad way... Talk about a horror comedy romance (?).

    how did they manage to restore her from being sterile? Also, was Karen still mad even until the end? Poor dear...
  11. withmedea

    withmedea Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2020
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    i actually thoroughly enjoyed this novel. it’s like a black comedy but add some romance.
    Asya.M, Grayel, DOHere and 3 others like this.
  12. Ahmya

    Ahmya mammiyaah~

    May 6, 2020
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    thank you for the spoilers!
    NohrNeir likes this.
  13. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Who knows how they managed to restore her. It was just extra bits written in the epilogue which was less than a chapter long. The ending was literally him riding his horse to her place and she went to introduce him as the man she loves to her father.

    I'm not sure what you meant by was she still mad? Mad about what? About who? If you meant that side story bit where she ran away, well I doubt she was that mad since she invited him to travel together with her. It was just her being upset he's too overprotective. She wasn't exactly that mad at him. If you're referring to her mad about other people, She had long since forgiven her ex-fiance. She was already no longer upset at him around the time when the romance picked up with Raymond.
    TrinaAngel, IIVISS, CherryB and 16 others like this.
  14. donaiseiyuu

    donaiseiyuu Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2019
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    Sorry dear, I meant mad as in crazy. Because I think the spoilers said she had a mental breakdown or went crazy due to dying and regressing so many times.
  15. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Yes but as I've also mentioned, on 106th return, the mood of the whole plot turns. She was only really going around being a serial killer in 100th return, then from 101th-104th return, she just commit a bunch of suicides as soon as she returned.

    After 105th return, she finds out Raymond also regained his memories, and from then on, Karen slowly started to have hope that she can change the future, since she realized the people around her can change depending how she interacts with them. From then on, she tries to befriend Isella from 106th return. It's really a pretty uplifting story.
  16. itsgraxiabibi

    itsgraxiabibi smol beby

    May 21, 2021
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    I have a copy and it's from novel translate. I haven't checked the quality tho. You still want it? :blobpeek:
  17. cometothedarkside97

    cometothedarkside97 Unleash Your Imagination

    Dec 26, 2020
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    What a unique story:blobpopcorn_cool:
    mitji likes this.
  18. lucefer

    lucefer Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    @NohrNeir I can't say enough how I'm greatful for your spoiler, I had waited 3 years for some spoiler, translate or manhwa adapted but there's none. I made this theard and eventually forgot about it since there wasn't much reply.
    Your post are so detail and so much work in it, I enjoy your spoiler in other theards as well. So thank you so much one again.
    DapperDabber, CherryB, Lynnx and 6 others like this.
  19. sslsdm

    sslsdm Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2021
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    I-i want it pleasee :oops: