Spoiler The Second Coming of Avarice / Gluttony

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Knight8, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. Kinjie24

    Kinjie24 New Member

    Jan 4, 2020
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    Anyone still got links to the raw chapters for 200+? The one in comrademao seems to be removed already.
  2. neolyn

    neolyn Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    I'm not surprised Maria didn't make it. Neither Yun Seora. But Agnes ?
    Miss Teady Bear didn't make it ? HOW! She's better be dead, because if she's not I won't accept it.
    She's the best of them all, there's no better interaction than her and Seol.
  3. The Punisher

    The Punisher The Order

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Lol you rather she be dead??
  4. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Determined』『Status: Coding in Uni』

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Can someone tell me to whom should I direct this anger that I am feeling right now?

    As a reference, war is done and Yuhui was just 'attacked'. Seol was taunted by some nobodies in "Eat, Drink, and Enjoy" of all places and almost got arrested as a suspect by the Temple of Luxuria by the order of some bishop.

    I really can't stand this 'besmirching' it's like Shieldbro all over again. I need know who's the bastard behind these.
  5. Konstantin

    Konstantin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    Lol, this is ridiculous. In the first place, MC helped her a lot financially and even left university because of it. So, as a result, he didn't have enough money to support himself and her. This was one of the reasons why he started to gamble in the first place, to the extent of overusing his power. He wouldn't have a reason to gamble if she wasn't stealthy about her ability to earn money if she really loved him then even supporting him completely shouldn't be a problem. What is wrong with a woman providing for a man financially if she is able to earn millions of $ easily? Instead, she decided that they should be corporative slaves instead and then when MC tried to find an easy way to earn money (which worked at first) and become addicted because of it - she just abandoned him. Unless she entered Paradise and become strong only after MC was already completely addicted then she is totally the one in fault for creating circumstances that forced him to become an addict. Normal struggles my ass - you can choose to have "normal struggles" while being millionaire, sure, but if you hide your wealth from people close to you to force them struggle together with you then you are a piece of shit.

    Can someone spoil me if MC's ex entered the Paradise before or after his gambling started? And how far in the novel truth about her revealed?
  6. hunillaison galeno

    hunillaison galeno New Member

    Jan 7, 2020
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    Is the MC scene with their wives and children on Earth or in Paradise? To Earth, like Charlote and Teresa, who didn't earthlings, get there?
  7. modislaszlo

    modislaszlo Active Member

    Jan 1, 2019
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    After Seol dies how much time passes before he returns? < 1 day/days/weeks/months?
  8. neolyn

    neolyn Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    My thoughts exactly. It doesn't matter if she went to paradise before or after, she went, became level 8, could snap her fingers and get shit load of money and DID NOT.
    So yeah maybe she wanted a mundane life, that's fine, but there is wanting a mundane life and hiding her money and there is letting the man she "loves" droped out of uni, renounces any dreams he may have for her because he loves her more than anything, letting him suffer, and no doing anything to better her little sister's life.
    How can she look herself in the mirror every morning? In the first chapter she plays the broken woman and all but what a load of bull-crap.
    And yet, she IS part of his harem and not BEST WAIFU Agnes...
    (Though I have to say, Seol becoming an addict is on him, her actions indirectly pushed him to it.)
  9. moneng85

    moneng85 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    People, while i didnt want to bring real life topic here, i must say that you guys might have less experience regarding people like the past Seol Jihu. The one hurts the most is actually both parties, in which struggles in real life issues while being conscious/unconscious(?) about it. You can't deny that Seol will ruin his life like his previous life if not for his memories of his past life, and people surrounding him are always supporting him to a better side. But there are stages of people like that where they will fuel to their desire no matter how you help them. Judging from the novel, his girlfriend is still supporting him even when his family disown him after stealing stuffs like his sister's laptop and car, until she cant take this toxic relationship anymore. If the novel stated that she was poor in their university days, then she might only gotten rich in paradise, after she spends time there, probably by the end of her graduation(not everyone's growth is as perverted as Seol's)(and not everyone immediately gets rich in paradise). If she have gotten rich and kept on sponsoring Seol for his gambling addiction would it be better for Seol? Not everyone can bear living with an abusing, stealing, paranoid addict and keeps it up for 6 years(at least). do you know what addicts will do when you kept on fueling their addiction? they wont thank you but will shout at you at one point why aren't you stopping them. Do you know what they will do when you stop them? they will shout at you and abuse you for keeping away their enjoyment. Do you know what panic people will do when you shout calm down? I AM CALM!!!
    So you cant say that they are heartless and their previous help isn't important just because they gave up on him while they and also Seol have been suffering different parts of the event. Human relationship is complex because of lack of communication, yet not everyone can communicate in the same way as the majority do. If you have the money and strength as Seol's girlfriend, what can you do in her shoes? punch the living hell out of him? spend the enormous money to forcefully make him undergo addiction therapy in a very strict and closely monitored environment? If someone isn't willing to listen to their own close family in the soft and hard way for years how can you blame a similar significant other for giving up after helping him the same way as his family for years even after he had been harming them continuously emotionally? dont forget his family even gave him many chances to repent only to be disappointed again and again(said by Seol in his brother to brother talk).
    A badly phrased metaphor is an injured doctor being blamed for a suicidal patient's repeated suicidal attempts even after the doctor have saved the patients life multiple times, injured by the saving action and even by the patient themselves.
    yatogami, momonga143, kjpo34 and 2 others like this.
  10. Konstantin

    Konstantin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    Do you understand how "gambling addiction" works in the first place? It isn't like gambling is addictive by itself, it is just a stupid game if you don't give a fuck about money. Multi-millionaire can't be a gambling addict. People become addicted to gambling when their life is shitty and poor - when they are in debt and the only thing that can change it is either very very hard work (which they consider impossible) or winning in gambling. It is completely different from being a heroin drug addict when your whole brain is fucked up by chemicals. Rather, it is a negative spiral of being poor, then getting in more and more debt while climbing to the slim hope of winning everything back. He betrayed his family not because he is a complete piece of shit, but because from his limited perspective he would be able to return everything he owes if he just wins big once. This is just some basic psychology of gambling addiction, not some deep science here. The way they helped him was just half-measure.

    Another problem we pointed out is that if she became a player before he even started gambling, but just never used Paradise to make money (which seems to be the case, considering that she completed the Banquet 4 years before him) - then it is her fault even more.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
    Carbone61 and hoppala like this.
  11. moneng85

    moneng85 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    4 years before Seol then means 1.3years in earth time because of the 3x time difference in paradise. Seol was already a gamblic addict by then.
    Not to brag or not to downtalk me either but there are all sorts of addiction that doesn't need the usage of chemical to ruin someone's life. There are tons of addiction that doesn't even make sense and most came within our present information age, some as nonsensical as plastic surgery addiction, caffeine addiction, porn addiction, social media addiction and others first world country problems. Those addicts doesn't even feel the euphoria/excitement when having those addictions anymore, reasons like depression, force of habit, sense of loss, emptiness in one's life is also a driving force of those addictions. Even the more sensitive topic for youths nowadays, video game addiction that disregards family and life environment(school, work), rages when is forced to do thing contrary to their decision, and will even resort to physical violence once internet connection is forcefully terminated.
    Examples and EXAMPLES like porn addiction, *cough* *cough* a friend of mine *cough* was trapped in that addiction, was looking for porn everytime he was bored. You might think it is normal until he kept this habit for 11 years straight. Though out the years he finds out that this habit wasn't normal, he felt the side effects of it(balding hair, less sleep, addiction takes too much of his time, even getting in the way of his public and private life), and this addiction is not a positive thing in his life and should throw it away. From where he got this information, of course he should rely on the internet itself for answers! Some of the tips he got was make yourself busy, get to public places more often and dont be alone at home so that sense of shame will block out that addiction.
    Of course you can argue that an addiction that can be overcomed of is a mild case, however experience can tell you that more have failed to overcome it than the motivating stories you heard that xxxxx is freed from the addiction he/she is suffering from. Once you overcome it you may feel it is easy to stop the addiction again and falls into the cycle of overcoming it, and falling into it again, however the span of period of being freed from it becomes lesser and lesser making the addiction even more serious.
    He wasnt even happy about watching porn at this point in time and it feels like a chore. But once he deleted his history, bookmarks, files and others, within minutes he will browse for those sources again. The tips that were effective doesn't even faze him anymore and his sense of shame is being overwritten by those addictions and he occasionally browse those materials in public. Some addiction are so mild that it is even hard to detect from third party perspective and to battle it from within as it doesn't immidiately affect your life.

    Hope that may sufficiently change your view about addictions without chemicals.
    Sorry for discussing more about unrelated topics but are trying to defend characters like addicts victims and people surrounding him(Seol, girlfriend and family)
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
    kjpo34 likes this.
  12. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Determined』『Status: Coding in Uni』

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I find it interesting that some people apparently think that Seonhwa could pay up few months (or even a year) after she enters Paradise. I find it laughable that the thought of her starting as a Red Mark is not even considered.

    Yes, she may be a bigshot right now or someone might have helped her, but never forget – Chohong, Hugo and Phi Sora started as Red Marks.

    Also another reference – wielder Silver and Bronze Marks, the Yi siblings. They were almost dirt poor before Seol picked them up.

    Do you think Red Marks would fair any better, with the 'payment' they have to shoulder to break off from their organization's 'support'?
  13. neolyn

    neolyn Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    What she did was shitty, no way around that.
    She was miserable true but she brought it upon herself.
    Now did she deserved it ?
    Yeah I think she does, because I do believe that she was in paradise before Seol became an addict.
    High ranker or even starting at level 4 are people with talent, and no really searching for money for earth.
    They do in paradise because every equipment or medecine is expensive as hell,but on earth, there are no such thing.
    Hugo is level 4 and had enough money to tour Europe.
    So I dont believe one single moment that she didn't have money or the means to have some in earth.
    Good for her she did try to help Seol when he was an addict. She did until she mentally couldn't do it anymore.
    I'd say that it was more because of her guilt than her love(I won't deny that she "loves" him).
    Carbone61 and hoppala like this.
  14. Konstantin

    Konstantin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    I'm not sure about it, I haven't read the raws and in translated chapters, it isn't obvious if 2 years between Banquets is inside Paradise or outside of it. If it is inside the Paradise and she was Red Mark then it is even possible that she entered Paradise because of MC, then it is a different case altogether.

    Em, don't want to disappoint you, but ALL addictions exist because of chemicals in our brains - the difference is only if those chemicals produced by our own body or delivered artificially by the usage of drugs. This is why drugs are so dangerous - they ruin your Dopaminergic system inside your brain. In comparison "natural" addictions that haven't resulted from drug abuse are results of your own brain releasing chemicals of addiction which are necessary for our motivation to do anything. In fact, technically, everything you mentioned can't be considered an addiction in a medical sense, those are just DESIRES, sometimes uncontrolled, yes, but just desires nonetheless. This is why I explained how gambling addiction works - it isn't even real addiction, it is just a person in shitty circumstances who chooses the "easy" way and lacks solid knowledge about reality. There is no person who will continue to buy lottery tickets after already winning millions.

    Em, not exactly. I know how "porn addiction" works on the level of the brain, so your explanation means nothing. The vast majority of guys watch porn without any serious side effects, your friend just have a brain which works differently, most likely he has very strong libido and low self-control while being unable to fulfill his sexual desires in the real world. It is natural for a single man to want to have sex with multiple women, watching porn is just the fulfillment of this desire in an artificial way. If we talk about such "addictions" as social media, porn, games, novels, food, etc then those aren't even real addictions, but just a person being lazy, living meaningless life - in fact, those addictions rather can be considered a CHOICE and such addiction could be "cured" in a few days if such a person really wants to change himself. But the fact is - in life, you should have desires, life without desires (which are addictions at its core) is boring shit. BTW, your friend starting balding has nothing to do with porn, lol. As far as I know there are no proven negative side effects from masturbation (well, other than lack of motivation to get laid IRL).
    Carbone61 and hoppala like this.
  15. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Determined』『Status: Coding in Uni』

    Sep 28, 2016
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    What you're doing now is awfully familiar, in fact related to what almost happened to Seol – you're throwing stones at Yeonhwa without even knowing the full picture.

    Comparing Level 4 Hugo to Seonhwa is like comparing a monkey to a cat.

    Seonhwa has a sister that she has to send to school. She had to pay "debts" to the Seol household and she also has to secure a house or dwelling for herself and her sister.

    Do we know anything about Richard Hugo? Other than he's African, a Level 4 Barbarian Warrior, all brawls and no brains, and has a crush(?) on Seo Yuhui?

    Are we able to do a comparison with their expenses versus what they earn with the information we have at hand? Nope.

    Also simply having money is not the point. The point is when did she start gaining enough that she could have helped Seol.
    momonga143 and kjpo34 like this.
  16. Shatteredsun

    Shatteredsun Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2018
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    People don’t know shit anyway Seol started gambling to test his ability and then for fun it was never to help his family or girlfriend
  17. beepbeeplettuce

    beepbeeplettuce New Member

    Jan 9, 2020
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    Hello, can someone that read the raw version spoil me on what happened to Agnes at the end? thanks!!
  18. mr.douche

    mr.douche New Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Can someone spoil me about Seols ex-gf and how she is connected to paradise? I have read some previous responses and they were not very clear.

    Why did she borrow money from Seol and let him pay for her tuition if she was so famous on Paradise as Baek? When did she first go to Paradise to begin with? Does she also retain memories of previous timeline like Seol and Yuhui? Was she his gf in the previous timeline too?
  19. jheno13

    jheno13 Snub

    Dec 13, 2016
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    seol ex gf did go to Paradise it should be the time she study abroad. It's a cover to hide the fact that she was in Paradise like seol pretending to be working to hide the fact that he was in Paradise.
    So she wasn't a big shot yet and the money she got from seol and his family should be helping her out in Paradise.
  20. chucke

    chucke Going towards the glorious future

    Jul 31, 2016
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    I wonder if she killed all the other people in the banquet. For what reason, if it was the case?