LCD The Second Coming of Gluttony

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Shield Loyalist, Sep 26, 2018.


Which is strongest?

  1. banana

    18 vote(s)
  2. ramen

    104 vote(s)
  3. lilac

    32 vote(s)
  4. naengmyeon

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    Oh, it seems the default became all time now. Got used to the weekly one that I didn't check.

    Edit: it's probably a glitch. It was on no. 17 earlier, and no. 2 is no.1 too. The default is still weekly ranking.
  2. Westeller

    Westeller Smokin' Sexy Style!! Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Came here to say 'so what if there's some celebrity gossip about him?' Tbh there should be already. He's popular enough. And celebrity gossip is 90% fake to begin with. I'm surprised people aren't just making things up about him. The bigger his name becomes, the more there are going to be people spreading rumors about him and hating him for no real reason. That's just how the world works. Big deal.

    But on the way here, I realized Seol is someone who's attempted suicide before. When he got the choice, he pretty much just ran away from Earth because he couldn't face his family or the shame of his life there anymore. He's someone who might take it extremely hard if a few random people on the street look at him like he's some kind of degenerate. He's someone this strategy may really work on.

    Ofc, at the end of the day the only people that should really matter to him are those he counts as friends, acquaintances, and allies. Carpe Diem, Sicilia, Triads, Royal Family of Haramark. The people he's actually met, befriended, saved, fought for and alongside. Even Sinyoung - although there might be some internal dispute? Point is, at the end of the day it doesn't matter what Person A on the street thinks about him. A defamation campaign accomplishes nothing when anyone who's actually important knows that it's bullshit.

    This is especially true when you realize the vast majority of Earthlings will not put their lives on the line for Paradise. Meaning that Person A on the street isn't just some random guy, but he's a random coward and asshole who plans to run home the second any kind of actual war breaks out. Who cares what someone like that thinks about you?

    But it's a different story if the defamation actually pushes him into suicide or something. It probably wouldn't, because he's surrounded by people that care about him, and it's fundamentally different from his shame at his own failures on Earth.


    Anyway, super dark plot against him aside, I meant it when I said celebrity gossip is just how the world works. Whether someone planned for something like this to happen or not, eventually there are going to be rumors about him and people slandering him for no particular reason. That's life. He should probably get used to the idea.


    Ofc, slandering him like this seems like merely one avenue of attack rather than the entire plan. Whether this succeeded, failed, or just didn't really have much impact either way, it doesn't matter. This was just a minor jab. Looking forward to whatever real conspiracy pops up. (Gonna be disappointed if this WAS the entire plan).
    Shield Loyalist, tkato and Astaroth like this.
  3. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Well...having a bad rep makes it easier to push blame onto you (like they tried with the attack on yuhai) Say they say he raped someone. If he already had the rep of being like that sung guy, all aggro and shit, then it would be more believable to the average earthling. Jealousy would also play a role. It could hinder carpe diem's growth as well since less people would be likely to form connections with them, etc.

    They're cutting off his wings and pushing him off the cliff.
  4. tkato

    tkato Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    if this is gonna become a common thing where people talk shit to him and try to piss him off by saying out of line stuff i hope he just kicks there ass. ya it may look bad but i dont want to read him just getting bullied all the time. thankfully he knows so many strong/influential people so this shouldnt be a long term issue. also why do yall think the triads are leaving haramark?
    Astaroth likes this.
  5. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Honestly last 3 chapters have been quite annoying to read. Maybe I've just read way to many CN novels but MC getting bullied without doing anything about it just irks me
  6. tkato

    tkato Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    it bothers me if i get really into a novel. just cause i start to get more emotionally attached to the character so i dont really like reading him getting crapped on for no reason. i think part of it too is its only been 3 chapters but because its 1 chapter a day its been 3 days for us as opposed to if we read through it all at once it wouldnt be as bad
  7. wantek

    wantek Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2019
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    maybe you should wait until this arc ended before reading again?
    i also dont really like this development, will wait until he goes to another expedition or maybe another parasite terminating mission before reread again
  8. Westeller

    Westeller Smokin' Sexy Style!! Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Flow was a little off on this chapter. The conversation felt a bit disjointed.

    That said, whoohoo. Seol wants to be King now. Gonna be a bit weird if he actually moves out of Haramark to establish a faction somewhere else. I mean, the story has been centered on Haramark for so long I just can't imagine his home base being anywhere else.

    ... Rather, I don't even really know of any other places, LOL.

    + Haramark is the front line of the war. Which, while normally a bad thing, is literally the perfect place for Seol to be.
    tkato likes this.
  9. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    I don't see him needing to move out of Haramark to form the faction he wants to. To stay in Haramark he pretty much needs to be in good standing with the Haramark Royal Family (and he'd have to do something pretty bad for Theresa not to support him with everything) and not be incompatible with Taciana Cinzia and her organization(which shouldn't be too hard since Cinzia seems vastly amused with Seol's and Agnes' interactions). Seol basically wants to save Paradise so technically he should be able to cross kingdoms with his faction without stomping on too many toes as long as he negotiates well. Even the factions that are in Paradise purely for personal profit won't have huge issues with Seol since the longer Paradise survives the more profit they'll get (assuming Seol's actions don't cut into their profits.)

    That being said, as soon as he makes a faction, the traitors will start maneuvering and it'll be interesting to see how many of the purely profit organizations/assassins/general asshats they'll be able to buy off/blackmail/maneuver into screwing with Seol and his allies.
    Westeller and tkato like this.
  10. tkato

    tkato Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    i felt like this chapter was a little redundant to be honest. we'd already had a whole come to jesus moment for seol when he decided he wanted to lead carpe diem and change paradise. i feel like this is really the same thing now other then him becoming a "king" (which with teresa he might literally become a king at some point lol). either way i guess now he officially starts building his organization to change things. also no way he leaves haramark unless teresa joins his team she'd never allow it lol.
  11. chucke

    chucke Going towards the glorious future

    Jul 31, 2016
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    Well, here the author is telling a story instead of just doing wish fulfillment.

    Why do you think workers create their own companies in a separate place instead of doing that inside their original company?

    Do you really believe everybody wants to save Paradise?
    Astaroth likes this.
  12. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Not quite comparable. Seol doesn't has any support Earth side for an organization, so he pretty much is going to have to rely on freelancers and native Paradisians for his organization. Other than Hannah, his whole potential support base exists in Haramark. All the good faith he's generated from his actions (from the Human side) are nearly all in Haramark. Trying to start a faction elsewhere would be nigh impossible.

    I'd say the vast majority don't. Most want to exploit paradise for personal gain. However in order to exploit Paradise, Paradise has to exist. In order to remain in Paradise, you have to at least pay lip service to protecting the human realms from the Parasites. So if someone else is going to do the hard work of keeping Paradise going while you can keep reeling in the benefits, why are you going to get in the way if they don't get in your way? Do the bare minimum to support Paradise and keep leeching away.

    As for the traitors who specifically want to mess up Paradise? Well I already mentioned them.
    tkato and Astaroth like this.
  13. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    That's what's really strange about the traitors imho, what do they actually get out of it?

    It's one thing to try to prolong the war to leech more benefits etc. but making the parasites win should do more harm than good.

    Of course there's always going to be some people who just want to ruin everything for everyone else for whatever reason, people with 0 logic, etc. but that should still be a minority.

    So there has to be some kind of benefit that only the parasites can give that is transferable to Earth, or I guess technically "paradise addicts" that won't ever return to Earth could still benefit if they've joined the parasites and the parasites win?
    lunarshadow likes this.
  14. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Well don't quote me on this because I'm going purely from memory, but if I recall you can transfer stuff from Paradise back to earth at a certain % if you spend enough contribution. Since the Parasite Queen is basically the head divinity, it's not hard to imagine that she can offer a better deal. At the cost of fucking over humanity. Also power. There's always certain humans who will sacrifice anything and everything for power.
    Astaroth and tkato like this.
  15. Liron

    Liron Well-Known (Failed) Prophet

    Sep 17, 2016
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    Hamarak already has Cinzia as King, Hao Win literally said that's why he is moving out. Jihu will probably have to do the same If he wants to rise above.
  16. tkato

    tkato Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    its not like the other parts before this were just wish fulfillment, i mean his life kinda sucks on earth and paradise hasnt really been a cakewalk so i dont really think this is "telling a story" more so then any other part of the story so far.
    ya but haramark isnt a company so thats not really an accurate comparison. ya cinzia is currently a "king" there but that doesnt mean he has to leave to become one too
    Not necessarily. Hao win and the triads had an issue with Cinzia before all this and said that her making peace with them involved them leaving. that doesnt mean Seol would have to leave to become a "king" in haramark just cause cinzia is there. between his relationship with her and agnes, and the royal family in haramark theres no reason to think he cant stay in haramark and succeed in growing if thats what he decides.
    lunarshadow and Astaroth like this.
  17. chucke

    chucke Going towards the glorious future

    Jul 31, 2016
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    It is comparable - all his actions will be limited to the ones that will not affect Sicilia. And in case of some big actions - he will have to consult and look for approval from Cinzia.

    You can easily exploit for a very long time...Like slowly decay Paradise. I mean that's how every resource work - you are depleting it while you can, reaping benefits but it will dry out eventually.

    What I meant it that the author is trying to create a more or less believable world with people scheming against each other etc. Not the one when - I don't like you clothes I will cripple your cultivation, you stole my candy and I will obliterate all your family...
    SCOG is the closest one novel that took best of Chinese and Japanese novels - having a world with a story to tell and having a good set of characters with personalities.
    You need the authority to decide how to resolve the conflict personally, without looking behind at Sicilia for approval. Seol is limited with Carpe Diem alone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2020
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  18. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    That's how a literal resource like a mineral vein work, but paradise is more like an infinite resource. It's an entire world after all. Sure, technically there's a limit, but just like how we and countless generations will be long gone before the sun goes out, there should be plenty of resources to get from paradise.

    There could still be a lot of "leech" mentality going on though, like they're happy with only draining the resources so long as it's there, but they won't actually do anything to make sure paradise isn't ruined. They'll just take and take until there's nothing left to take and then leave.

    Kind of like over fishing, so long as you fish in moderation it's a "limitless" resource, but with too much greed the resource will be exhausted and give less long term.
  19. tkato

    tkato Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    again i dont think he has to look to sicilia for approval for most things he has to do. there goals are completely different he wants influence to fix paradise and win the war, sicilia from what little info we know is like all other groups that cares about profit. i doubt soel makes them lose profit through his actions, and even if they had a problem his relationship with agnes, the haramark royal family, yuhui (who could be a king too for all we know, she isnt any less influential then any other top figure), and maldong as his backer affords him plenty of space to operate in haramark and work things out. i dont really see sicilia oppressing him or forcing him to look to them for approval, hell the triads survived in haramark for a long time with a direct conflict to them and did just fine
  20. chucke

    chucke Going towards the glorious future

    Jul 31, 2016
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    Yeah it can probably be used to produce more resources but at the same time, it might be used to enrich yourself right now. Like - I don't want to go into politics here - but look at Russia - it has tons of resources yet president and his cronies slowly enriche themselves at the expense of russian future.
    Also, for now, we don't have direct information about why
    sided with Parasite Queen. We can speculate only - maybe they don't believe that humanity can save Paradise.

    Imagine Seol starting conflict with Temple of Luxuria - it will create trouble for Sicilia. So he cannot do that. Just one example. Also for triads they survived because as Cinzi said their actions did not affect Sicilia. So basically they were limited in what they can do.

    It is the same as owning the apartment and renting it - surely you can buy furniture, cook food, playing games etc. but you are limited in your ability to change the apartment itself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2020
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