Spoiler The villainess is happy today

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Hmm, so the og!villainess loved her mother, but not her son? And her mother was bullied even tho she was the duchess of the house that has more power than the royal family? Sure...
    She could've married the CP even without twisting him so I don't get what was the point? Did the author not even bother to introduce a believable reason? And she was bullied by him by her own wish...even if she had sth against him, why did she make herself suffer under him in the meantime?...makes no sense

    Thank you for the spoilers. I'm just kinda disappointed...looks like the author probably tried to do some novel twists, but they're kinda ridiculous.
  2. Veille

    Veille Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    It would be disturbing if he didn't choose the children tho... I'm glad that he chose the children instead of og leilin.

    But I'm really curious what happened when things went wrong for Iris and was there a part of the story where Leilin didn't win against or Leilin always win whenever she encounter Iris? I mean that girl always get in my nerves whenever she approach Leilin. I wanna isekai myself just so I can tell her to just fuck off. Like, I wanna knock some sense to the crowd that surrounds them that " WHY WOULD YOU APPROACH A PERSON WHO HATES YOU AND YOU'RE EVEN HAVING AN OBVIOUS AFFAIR WITH HER FIANCE?"

    thanks for the spoilers!!!!! it made my day!
  3. Isekaifan13wen

    Isekaifan13wen Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    Don't worry iris never win
    In the end mc will make sure she know her place.
  4. Banneyo

    Banneyo Active Member

    Aug 4, 2021
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    THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THOSE SPOILERS. Now I can leave this thread peacefully if people start to debate about MLs
  5. Lisbeth1108

    Lisbeth1108 Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    [QUOTE = "Isekaifan13wen, publicación: 6657959, miembro: 324617"] [SPOILER = "Iris bitch final"]
    Iris conoce el pasado, se apodera de Leila usando al príncipe heredero para el trono. Ella quiere hacer lo mismo.
    Ella es una perra hasta el final
    Ella trajo al mago y al príncipe heredero falso hijo (no duermen juntos. Es falso hacer con magia)
    Ella apuñala al príncipe heredero y FL salva la vida del príncipe heredero vertiendo una poción mágica en la herida.
    Ella hizo un contrato con el diablo para regresar el tiempo. Y al final ella paga el precio con su vida (siendo tomada por el diablo mientras ella está en la prisión)
    La razón por la que odia a Fl porque está obsesionada con ella.
    Ella es su sirvienta en el pasado y Fl elogia sus modales elegantes (que una sirvienta tenga modales como una aristócrata)
    Pocos años después, Fl la olvidó y se enojó.
    También robó joyas de Florida y fue castigada por la criada de Florida. (Fl maid consiguió su habilidad tomada por un rey debido a esto).
    Esta perra nunca aprende. (No vale la pena hablar de ella) [/ SPOILER]

    Aquí un spoiler sobre otros ml.

    [SPOILER = "Lucas"]
    Lucas es el maestro del gremio de la información.
    Traicionó a Laila en la primera línea de tiempo.
    No es un buen candidato a ML.
    También piensa en volver a traicionarla.
    Pero el sentimiento de culpa del pasado lo mantuvo para no. Porque juró no volver a traicionarla
    En realidad, es un aristócrata, su familia fue asesinada por el rey y en secreto ayuda a otros niños que tienen la misma situación. Por eso necesita dinero.
    La razón por la que traicionó a Leila en la primera línea de tiempo es por los niños.
    Algunos nobles conocen esta situación y usan esto para presionarlo. Eligió a los niños y vio a Leila ser asesinada por el otro hijo duque (uno de los candidatos de ml).
    Se dio cuenta de que amaba a Fl y quería trabajar con ella.
    Fl le da un título y una mansión para que pueda proteger a los niños.
    No está haciendo mucho para proteger nuestra Florida.
    Simplemente entraba y salía de la ventana de la habitación de Fl con la esperanza de que Fl abriera la ventana. (No es mi mermelada).


    * Creo que arruiné el nombre de Fl. No es * Leila pero es * Leylin

    [SPOILER = "Kassion"]
    Kassion es el caballero
    Él en realidad es el más leal.
    Le encanta Leylin en la primera línea de tiempo y se convierte en su caballero de escolta.
    Murió para proteger a Leylin. (Falló porque no puede ganar contra el maestro de la espada).
    Recuerda la primera línea de tiempo cuando el príncipe heredero tomaba de la mano a un caballero de otro país para atacar al rey en un torneo.
    Protege a fy de los ataques, pero se da cuenta de que no tiene mucho poder. De repente, algunos recuerdos del pasado regresan.
    Dijo que esta vez no pude protegerte de nuevo. ¿De nuevo? ¿Pasó antes?
    Después de pensar en esto, la memoria regresa.
    Lo provocó el recuerdo del pasado y juró que esta vez protegería a Fl.
    Se convierte en espadachines y derrota al enemigo. (Él también recibió una puñalada).
    Después del ataque, encuentra a Fl y se arrodilla ante ella.
    Se convirtió en su caballero.
    Fl le dio un título noble, pero él se negó. Su madre y su hermano escuchando desde fuera de la habitación. Y de repente su hermano vino a la habitación y le dijo las palabras de su madre. Si no lo acepta, su madre lo "terminará".
    La que ama es Leyla en el pasado. Él sabe que la leyla ahora es diferente, pero al final él todavía elige ser su leal caballero.


    [SPOILER = "Último candidato de ml"]
    Ya olvidé el nombre de este tipo
    Es el hijo del otro duque. Su apariencia parece un gran oso (según la descripción de fl)
    Él es quien mata a Leylin con su espada y la traiciona en la primera línea de tiempo. (Cuando Lucas se queda quieto en la parte de atrás para mirarlos)
    Es un maestro de la espada. A menudo va a la guerra
    Se enamora del iris, pero se siente traicionado cuando sabe que iris es el que toma la novia.
    Cuando vio a fl por primera vez sufrió un ataque mental debido al aura del príncipe heredero, se asombró de lo rápido que volvía a su estado normal. Piensa que fl es fuerte.
    Después de eso, siempre quiere proteger fl
    Caer lentamente en fl y ser un acosador
    Fl se enojó y dijo alguna palabra para que dejara de ser un acosador.
    Al final, realmente no recuerda la primera línea de tiempo, pero tiene algunos sentimientos que siempre quieren un perdón de FL.
    En la primera línea de tiempo, juró cuando vio el cadáver de Laylin.
    FL sabe esto y perdónalo al final.
    Todavía siente algo por FL, pero de todos modos no es tan importante.
    [/ SPOILER] [/ QUOTE]

    Wow i almost ran out of air reading it

    Thank's for the spoiler
    Your're an angel?


    shiory, Th.ay and Isekaifan13wen like this.
  6. luanara

    luanara Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    I wanna know what happened to that loyal dog he's proud of. Is he one of supporting characters or what?
  7. Akira791

    Akira791 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Well ,I have seen it a lot that people don't like the male leads ....and usually because when we read a manhwa we need to figure out who the male lead is from the very first chapter and most readers usually ship the FLs with the most Handsome or most tyrannic or most powerful character that appears the first.. And when the real ML appears they complain about the other one being better and at some point they act like to them the real ML doesn't matters anymore.....

    I noticed this thing a lot in the mahwa >WHEN THE VILLAINESS LOVES < There most of readers shipped Litia with Eugene just because he's the ML candidates who made his appearance first ... Well I like Daniel better though .... Because I usually ship FLs with the most mysterious MLs.

    And who the male is really doesn't matters .... What I want is the FL to have a happy ending ...
  8. babayagu

    babayagu Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2021
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    This actually broke my heart a little. I think it is one of the rare few times where I genuinely wish the original couple would have been given a second chance.

    The CP is nothing more than a victim, if my understanding of the spoilers stands. Manipulated and neglected by his own parents, lead astray by his partner who made him believe she was an oasis of love and safety, things that were unknown to him before her, and ultimately rendered mentally incapacitated by her, with their son's status left in a most likely precarious situation, after a life of suggested neglect. Even in this current timeline, the damage was already done by the OG!villainess before the OG FL could transmigrate back. It is the first time I feel the ML was as innocent as people in his situation can ever be.

    I truly believe that the OG ML deserved a chance at redemption, especially compared to other MLs from other novels. It just makes me feel so icky that somebody so clearly suffering from a handful of mental illnesses was taken advantage of by so many people with their own personal agendas. How is he any different from all those reincarnated villainess that get a second chance at a happy ending?

    Dunno know, I just feel like not enough was done for him narrative wise to makeup for his suffering to truly make it feel like a satisfying ending. It's one of those cases where I feel thorn between the current ML and the OG ML, and would have perhaps enjoyed a polyamorous route to have been taken at the end.

    The ML needs copious therapy and genuine help.
  9. Isekaifan13wen

    Isekaifan13wen Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    I agree with u. When I know the real problem. I can't hate him.
    His ending make me pity him.
    He devoted his life to FL and burn his face.
    He burn his handsome face

    It will be more satisfying if this have a harem ending:blobthinkingsmirk:

    Oh if u curious about FL and ml lifespan

    Ml have a long lifespan as u guys know his age now is 600years old. So he will have a long lifespan more than a normal human life.

    If u read my spoiler about the empire hero that take FL body.
    Our FL killed her and the hero is happy with that(she can't die so she always want to die)
    FL will get a little bit of the hero power. She will have a long lifespan like the ml.

    She got a little bit power. If she get all the power, she can't die

    Happy ending for both of them
  10. Xuchi

    Xuchi Active Member

    May 22, 2021
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    Actually at first I didn’t mind whoever the FL ends up with but tbh I’m happy to hear that leopard boi is the ML instead of the knight. Idk its like a breath of fresh air for me because the knight just radiated “I’m the male lead” vibes ever since he showed up, and usually this type of character would definitely end up as the ML in most stories, but imo, (knight dude simps don’t throw rocks at me) he’s kinda like a default knight ML with a few tweaks here there..? :notlikeblob: But even so I like quiet characters who get all blushy blushy when they’re in love so I just kinda accepted it in the end and stayed for the other components and the FL who slayed with her money and attitude :blobmelt:, but still it was a pleasant surprise when I heard from the spoilers that Javi was the male lead instead of Cassier. :aww:
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
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  11. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Btw, if anyone knows pls let us know if she finally invents a better carriage:blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy:
  12. Isekaifan13wen

    Isekaifan13wen Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    Yeah she did. With magic it's a comfortable carriage
  13. Tfortitanium

    Tfortitanium New Member

    Sep 24, 2021
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    Thank you for the spoilers
    can you tell us more about the ml and fl romantic relationship I hope it starts after he looks like an adult it would be weird if she starts to like him when he still looks like a child and how much time does he spend with her before he turns into an adult
  14. darkcrystal

    darkcrystal Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2017
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    So that pinky bit** iris and og villainess/fake leylin are two different entities right they have no connection except they both are bitc*es so how did this fake Leylin come back when og leilin's body rejected her soul she surely need a soul to come back right.
    And in recent chapters we have seen how cp is so intimate with that pinky bit*h so at this point we can conclude he's not brainwashed yet right but still having an affair with her.
    Tbh I don't understand this all female characters stories.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
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  15. Isekaifan13wen

    Isekaifan13wen Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    CP look intimate with iris only to test leylin. Cause leylin say no matter what he do. She will always come to him and never betrayed him. That fake leylin ask him to do thing like this, and ask him to test her. He already being manipulated. As far as I know, he doesn't love iris, in the past life, he did bring another woman to the ballroom but not iris(to test leylin) .

    Yeah all happen when he turned into an adult.
    There is not much fluff moment. But they do depend on each other.

    They kiss in a bed after near the ending of the novel.

    The fake leylin just stay inhumane(kinda like ghost but have a body. She can't die) . With no physical body. She is the king weapon. In the end she will be attacking leylin.
    Melita_H, Elisee, Yukari_me and 6 others like this.
  16. Luukia

    Luukia Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2018
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    May I know what happened to the CP after he tried to kill leylin? I heard CP tried to kill leylin and then the king only gave himba slap om the wrist at best. Like basically CP didn't receive any punishment even though he tried to kill Leylin.
    icay1x and chiri.ru like this.
  17. AnnHime

    AnnHime Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Could you give a spoiler about what happens at the banquet? Leylin going alone or with someone?
  18. LyRogers

    LyRogers Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2021
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    Ok, so about the FL and MC confrontation. She puts the fear of God into Iris and humiliated her pretty well. She showed off her power and warned her to not cross her.

    So apparently the Crown Prince took the FL to the National day ball. He was confronted by Leylin, and she also challenged Iris(FL) to a duel. In the process, he hurt Leylin's shoulder quite badly. The Duke Carlos, supporting pillar to the Empire, like Cadmion, also supported her. There's also a mention about how only people of Carlos bloodline have black hair and, that Leylin is somehow related to them, maybe on her aunt's side.
    Now, the appearance of the unknown third male lead occurs and, supposedly he has been two-timed by the FL. Coincidentally, he was the one overseeing the duel and he is also the son of Duke Carlos. After he asks the MC to keep the secret about him and Iris, he leaves. Now, in the duel of Honor, iris can't ask any help from her boy toys, so she is alone. She realises this and is shaking. The MC says, that there's no one to help her now. Iris asks her why the hell was she doing this and goes towards MC but, is stopped by the knights. FL appears crazy with bloodshot eyes. I think FL is screaming about something and then, MC calls Becky and tells her to inform the Wardrobe capital(I think clothing stores) to stop receiving any material from Iris's textile business or else they are going to face the wrath of Cadmion. She also asks to "contact this woman's perfumery , who can deliver fragrances, artillery, and anything else you need. In any case, I'll buy it for you and you can stop dealing with me." So therefore, she brought the perfumery business. Iris asks her why is she going this far and tried to reach her arm as she clutched at her sword. Leylin asks to buy the Iris's house and evacuate everyone immediately. Iris starts screaming like a wild beast. Leylin wonders what Iris saw before reincarnation. Leylin also says, that she could pay become the person whom the Conrad's owe their money to. After then the knights who restrained Iris force her to her knees and Becky forced her to bow her head. Letlin throws her handkerchief at her and instructs them to send Iris home. Iris asks her, "Why have you changed?" and Leylin wonders on what she should tell her. Leylin threatens to cut off Iris's leg and asks her to be polite. Then she finally asks Iris to choose: Between her family becoming commoners or legs. Iris tries to flee and then she apologises. She then let's get go and takes back everything she said to Becky. I think, then she's thinking about what kind of punishment should be given. Someone suggested pulling her tongue out and they discuss that. Then the story switches Brad Carlos(3 Male Lead) who recalls meeting Iris, who was wearing a blonde wig at that time.

    Then on the morning of eighth day after a week had passed, the imperial family decided to abolish the crown prince.
    (Taken straight from MTL Ch62) Also the conrad family was turned away by everyone. Since the rumours about the CP chetaing and physically assaulting Leylin spread, the public support was down as well as support from nobility.

    So, he is studying hard and wants to be Leylin's equal, so that he can marry her. He thinks of her as the light of his life. P.S, he is a leopard shape-shifter.
    icay1x, KuranFan, RakaSarkar and 47 others like this.
  19. LyRogers

    LyRogers Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2021
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    Welcome :):):)
  20. Luukia

    Luukia Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2018
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