Spoiler Under the oak tree

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. HappyGnome

    HappyGnome Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2021
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    Please refer back to page 1 =) someone posted a chronological order of the spoilers there + frequently asked questions.

    His wedding night POV was already posted (Wedding sidestory). I don't remember which page but please refer back to page 1. There's a table of contents for spoilers there.
  2. Lin97

    Lin97 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    This happen in Part 2 of the book. Max is stuck in the mountain alone with Kuahel Leon.
    We got to learn more about Riftan from Leon’s point of view.

    “I don’t want you to freeze to death. If something happen to Madam, I’ll have to fight Calypse first before going to war with the monster. I want to avoid such annoyances.”

    Max blushed. Her nerves were on the verge, feeling as if he was laughing at Riftan’s blind affection. She shot coldy.

    “Even if something goes wrong… Riftan won’t blame it on Sire Leon.”

    “You really think so.”

    Max started trying to refute it, but she wasn’t sure of it herself, so she shut up. He picked up a stone, threw it into the fire, and added it dryly.

    “The man is surprisingly irrational when it comes to you. I couldn’t think that Riftan Calypse was the type of human being obsessed with something.”

    Max narrowed her eyes to his strange tone.

    “that… what do you mean?”

    “That’s what it literally means.”

    He leaned against the wall and stretched one leg. It looked like a cat leaned down in front of the fireplace. The paladin, who dipped a little wine in a small glass and dipped his lips, said unconsciously.

    “The man is a monster. A lone monster that no one can understand and no one understand… I’ve been thinking that way.”

    “Uh, how can you say such a harsh word..!”

    Max was trying to get up and almost ruined the roof. She sat down again. Then she stared at him with an enraged glance and said blindly.

    “All, you don’t know anything about Riftan! Around him… There are many people who care about him. Riftan is an honorable knight… He have done a lot of good things for people. All, your words are so unjust and intolerant!”

    “It doesn’t matter who is around Calypse and what he does. I am talking about the man’s nature.”

    He replied profoundly, then released the sword and put it down next to him. It seemed like he wasn’t interested in whether or not he was excited about who was next to him. Max looked at him with resentful glances and said in a slightly calmer tone.

    “I can’t understand why you had such a ridiculous idea. Riftan… he is not a monster. That person too… its just one human being.”

    The Riftan she knows was a person who hides a vulnerable, delicate appearance behind a strong appearance. But Leon seemed to be seeing a completely different picture. She suddenly wondered how he came up with that idea.

    “You two… isn’t a friend who fought together in the Dragon Subjugation? I heard that Riftan did a great job in that battle.”

    “That’s right. He played a very decisive role.”

    He softly agreed. Asked Max as if it were.

    “But why about him… You think so badly of?”

    He didn’t answer right away. Kuahel, watching only the fiery flames, slowly opened his mouth.

    “Because he has a very different mindset. Calypse is a man who is extraordinary when it comes to good words, and a man who thinks close to heresy to speak badly.”

    She couldn’t understand what he was saying and wrinkled her eyebrows. Kuahel threw one more feather into the flames and spoke with confidence.

    “When the Dragon Subjugation war reached the end, many people lost their war and deserted. We had a meticulous plan, but our chances of success were low, and most of the Allies were predicting death. Even those who couldn’t let go of their hopes became confused because they couldn’t withstand extreme fear and tension, and high-ranking knights were in a hurry to control the military. In such intense confusion and mental pressure, the man…”

    He paused for a moment. Kuahel, staring in the darkness as if choosing a suitable word, spit out before long.

    “The man was clamly looking into the heart of the Dragon.”

    “That… what do you mean?”

    “It literally means.”

    He repeated the same words. Max stared at him as if asking for an explanation. Kuahel, who was slightly impressed with the continuing questions, slowly explained.

    “Everyone was in a hurry to control their minds, but Calypse tried to look at everything from a monster’s point of view, like playing chess. What Dragon thinks… Wishing… How the omnipotent monster looks at humans… Why doesn’t the Dragon take any action against the humans wandering around his front yard… He tried to look inside the dragon’s head.”

    Kuahel’s cold eyes flew toward her.

    “And Calypse correctly read the Dragon’s intentions. Had it not been for him, the subjugation would have turned into a terrible failure.”

    In a peculiar thrill, Max looked into the priest’s serene eyes. She felt that many events were implied in those few words. However, considering the priest’s personality, it seemed difficult to hear a detailed explanation. She hesitated and asked.

    “This, I don’t understand. If so… why are you talking badly about Riftan?”

    “Do you not know?”

    He frowned like a teacher treating a stupid student.

    “It is not a normal person who tried to understand the mind of a monster, from the idea of which he was born. Even he did it perfectly. In short, Calupse is a man capable of thinking from the perspective of a monster.”

    His tone was faintly reluctant. Max quickly protested.

    “Aren’t you so leap forward? About my husband… you’re thinking too malicious.”

    “I have no malice in your husband.”
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
  3. sepheddy

    sepheddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    Ouhh I see thanks for answering :blobsmilehappyeyes: I'm hope other people recognizing her efforts and skills will boost her own confidence
    Aliali likes this.
  4. H-nim

    H-nim Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2021
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    Crazy.With re-reading this, it seemed to make sense. He was able to think from a perspective of a monster because of the taboo magic Ruth applied:blobfearful: If this has come to this, Kuahel is getting suspicious :sweating_profusely::blobastonished:

  5. HappyGnome

    HappyGnome Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2021
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    I’ve been thinking the same thing as well. Kuahel being suspicious and that he might find out one way or another about the forbidden magic, Ruth will be in a really big trouble.
  6. H-nim

    H-nim Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2021
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    @HappyGnome I read back again from the 1st book and I will attach something from LNH. It has to be black magic:blobfearful::blobfearful::blobfearful: Kuahel is on verge of deciphering the secret between Riftan and Ruth. I think that when Kuahel was conversing with Maxi, he is also gathering information from her. Just making her make a slip of tongue. The investigation itself is a double edged sword that will be wielded by the Catholic church against the wizards and the people involved with them

    “The Catholic Church still strongly influences the trading of monster parts, and usually only allows mana stones to be traded. If you’re caught trading monster bones, scales, or skins, you are referred to them. I have only been able to make a few magic tools, myself, since resources are limited.”

    “Do p-protestants allow t-trade?” Max said.

    “Protestants allow people to trade gemstones, monster bones, scales, and even monster skins freely. However, trading the blood or flesh of a monster is strictly prohibited.”

    Max frowned.

    “W-what w-would you do w-with the blood or f-flesh?”

    She had heard that mana stones and bones from monsters and dragons could be used for magic equipment, such as using scales and skin to make armor. But how could one use the blood or flesh? Agnes smiled, amused at her trepidation.

    “They can be used for black magic or alchemy. There are rumors that some people even consume monster flesh.”
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  7. mj209

    mj209 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    I just want to say that I am also fairly new at this forum and I want to thank all the people that have made this possible! I first read the manhwa then I found out that is based on a novel. I am addicted to this novel!!!! I have read all the spoilers available and the more I read, the more anxious I get as the novel is not finished!!!!!! I am not a novel person, but this author had made this novel just deepen to all my senses and I cannot believe such beautiful writing and how the characters come alive! This is truly a piece of art to be cherished! All my blessings and prayers to the author hoping gets well from her health and I hope she knows how much her majestic writing has transformed our lives ! Thank you everyone!
  8. Pixelbreeze

    Pixelbreeze Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2021
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    I think not only Ruth, Riftan is also in trouble. Because he's the one whom Ruth used black magic on. So the temple and world tower soon will try to hunt him down (probably? Not sure cz i read it somewhere that the rest of the book 2 is gonna really dark, the reason korean citizens requested the author to focus on romance, not dark magic and all...) i also read that it could be that 7 countries will try to kill Riftan, or 6 countries against Anatol:( Riftan chased down monsters for 12 yrs of his life, protecting the people of 7 countries and one day they all gonna turn his back against him, story's gonna ve really tragedic haha
  9. H-nim

    H-nim Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2021
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    That’s the ugly part of politics, my dear. And the church influences everything
  10. Aliali

    Aliali Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2021
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    OMG, I hope not. when the author returns (if she ever does, idk, i am thinking that she never will, at this point), i just hope that she wraps it up & ends it with nothing but fluffiness & happiness for riftan, maxi, Ruth & the knights.
    Maxi went to train at the world tower for about 3 years in order to be able to protect Riftan from her horrible father's potential horrible actions against him so, wouldn't she be able to protect & save Riftan ( & hopefully Ruth, too) from this??
  11. H-nim

    H-nim Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2021
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    If this is a case for Maxi protecting Riftan and Ruth she’ll do it without a second doubt. Book 2 is about their character’s growth and vulnerability. It’s meant for Maxi to enter Nornui- to prepare herself for this. The author will return that’s for sure:blobsmilehappyeyes:
  12. peppergum

    peppergum Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2021
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    thank you for the spoilers everyone!!
    i'm obsessed with this novel/webtoon because the characters feel so three-dimensional.

    i'm wondering if anyone can quickly translate this blog post by the author if it relates to the book ?
    i used google translate and it's really hard to make out what the author's trying to say, but it feels like she's complaining about people commenting on her novel or illegally distributing ? i'm not sure.
    tessssdhubervillllle likes this.
  13. tallnerd

    tallnerd Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    I think its my time to give back to this forum. I have been seeing the rainshower snusnu fanart and how everyone was liking it and bought and read the chapters. Because its a snusnu seen im only going to share how it happened without going into too much detail.
    the scean start with the conjucation traviling through a very moist and dry forest. Everyone is dying to shower because of huminity in the road. Riftan says
    ''lets carry out, it is going to rain soon"
    . While they dont think how is going to rain in this hot and humid weather they reach their destination and set out their camps. While Maxi tying up Rem to a close tree Riftan takes her bag and carry into his own tent (btw i didnt reead the whole but it seems that Riftan has been sleeping right outside of the tent while Max was inside so there wouldn't be an accident haha) While she is in the tent she hears raindrop souns and looks outside and sees the heavy rain. And she saw the nights going out and showering in the rain.
    Riftan :Maxi come here, If you wanna shower this might be your only change.
    M: Haa, but..
    Maxi clenches her teeth and can't resist the idea of showering, she gets inside the tent gets her soap and tries to hide behind the tent so that the others won't see her. Riftan holds her arm and drag ger through the forest away from the knights and between two rocks he hangs a fabric and makes her a small room to shower and turn around to take watch. In the beggining Maxi is really restless thinking that what if a demon or an animal attacks me while im showering. But her anxiety goes away and she starts to laugh to the stragness of the situation. Rain is so heavy that it almost looks like a mist. While she is laughing she raise her head to get rid of the soap in her face and realise that the cloth between him and Riftan is dragging in the ground beacuse of the heavy rain. (This is where I start to screeam). She looks at Riftan and Riftan is staring at her with burning eyes and body frozen like a statue. He looks at her up and down and Maxi gets embarrased and reach over her clothes to cover herself. (Maxi tinks that he is looking at me like he has never seen me naked)
    Riftan grabs her arm: don't do that. How long have I been...
    He couldnt continiou and starts some stuff. (I'm sorry i cant get into too much detail) Maxi comes to her senses and try to run away.
    Riftan: No, I can't control myself anymore. Really, this is the limit.
    And you know afterwards is snusnu and they do it afterwards in the tent. they normally could not do that but because the rain covers up their sound they do other rounds.
    Maxi : I didn't know you were holding back.
    Riftan squeze her cheecks and say : How can someone giving the torture does not realise they are doing it.
    Maxi says she was in such a bad condition with the huminity and all.
    Riftan says: Her hair scattered in the wind. Her eyes are glowing. And her skin shines with sweat. Really this has been the hardest conjugation.
  14. Deleted member 323398

    Deleted member 323398 Guest

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    I felt sad for having to miss this marvelous opportunity for Maxi. You see, she'll be a high-ranking wizard in no time! But at the cost of rotting in the world tower forever, ugh. I kind of hope she'll reveal/use the golem magic sooner or later. There are too many restrictions for wizards, and the 'grand sanctuary' is the antagonist of them all (Too suspicious, coz I don't trust this one.).

    "Sorry to call you right now. i was thinking about waiting until tomorrow, but I thought it would be better to talk when there were few people."

    He said, putting down the book he was reading aloud. Max looked anxious.

    "Something happened?... "

    "Sit down first."

    With his chubby finger, he pointed to the chair in front of him. As she sat down as instructed, Landon picked up a pile of scrolls from the stacked books. Max immediately discovered that there was the magical design that she had given him for review. She spread the rolled pattern on her lap and looked up at it for a while and opened her mouth.

    "You must have guessed it, but I called you to discuss this magic formula."

    "In my design ... Is there a flaw?"

    Shook his head.

    "No no. Rather, it is the opposite. This magic formula is very innovative. It is incredible that it was done by an apprentice who has been in the tower less than 3 years."

    Max, who was very nervous, widened her eyes at an unexpected compliment. It was a magic formula that she did very carefully, but she did not expect to receive this evaluation from the leader of Gnome Hall.

    She felt her heart swell with the joy of being recognized for her abilities. But when the deeply serious face appeared before her eyes, the anxiety suddenly returned.

    "What... what is the problem ...?"

    "The problem is because it is very good." He said, pointing at the scroll with his thick finger. "When you announce this magic formula, you will be recognized as a high-ranking wizard in no time."

    "Mage, high ranking wizard?"

    Her eyes widened in surprise. Landon nodded with a serious face.

    "As you know, if you become a high-ranking wizard, you can study magic freely with the enormous support of the Tower. Instead you will have many restrictions to leave this island."

    Immediately, Max's face turned pale. In horror, I peer between Landon and her magical design. She felt like someone was strangling her and she gasped.

    "No, I don't understand. It's a magic formula that ... The idea that this is great magic ... I don't think so. Compared to high-ranking magic, the structure is also simple ..."

    "The fact that the structure is complex does not necessarily mean that it is excellent magic. Rather, the simpler the better for practical use. In that sense, this design is a masterpiece."

    He took the pattern, looked at it with a childish gaze, and frowned.

    "But it would be impossible to put this magic into practice. Probably, in the Urd, its magic formula will be classified as taboo magic. It is a shame. No matter what great magic you have created, the great sanctuary must not know of its existence, it should only rot inside the tower..."

    Landon sighed for a long time as if he was sad. Max could no longer afford to be surprised. She couldn't believe he'd done something so tremendous, so she blinked blank. Landon clicked his tongue at her fateful reaction.

    "Even after making something like a golem recipe, haven't you thought about the dangers? If such magic is known to exist, isn't it obvious that there will be an uproar in the Grand Sanctuary? Monster-related magic is strictly forbidden as doctrine ".

    "Ah, but the golem is not a monster! I was taught that golems are some kind of magical tool. Well, if you look at the record... During the Roem golden age, a large number of golems were made to fight against the monsters ..."

    "Golems made this way are now indiscriminately attacking humans. Therefore, people outside the island regard the golem as a monster. That is a universal perception." He shook the scroll. "In short, the magic formula you made is a classified recipe. If they discover that such magic exists, how will the Grand Sanctuary react?"

    Max froze with fear, unable to say a single word. Finally, she was able to fully understand what kind of trouble she was in. She snatched the pattern from his hand, snatching it from him.

    Surprised by the sudden action, Landon's eyes were white with surprise. Max rolled up the parchment paper and put it in her pocket.

    "I'm going to get rid of this magic formula. So... pretend you haven't seen anything."

    Landon opened his mouth in amazement.
  15. H-nim

    H-nim Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2021
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    Hello everyone! I just want to ask a question about Maxi. Was she originally betrothed to King Ruben? I read it on a post somewhere and I can’t remember anything about this being mention in the books. Can someone please help me? Thank you!
    Deleted member 310775 likes this.
  16. Jann17

    Jann17 Active Member

    May 9, 2021
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    So its like she will post the remaining chapter like one time big time? I really pray and hope sooooo...

    So its like she will post the remaining chapter like one time big time? I really pray and hope sooooo...
  17. eidyia

    eidyia Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Oh yea I feel like its only a matter of time before she is forced to choose between her loyalty to the world tower and her loyalty to Riftan (and Ruth) and she too will break with the tower. But that's just my feeling.

    I also feel like Riftan really exemplifies Emperor qualities and I have high hopes, after a lot of trials, tribulations, and transformation, that he will win out and reunite the Continent. The Drake blood thing is creeping up as a next hurdle though.

    And what about Cuahel being infatuated with Maxi? How will that be leverage for him to persecute Riftan, and will it somehow play out to Maxis advantage? After destroying the demon city he seems to be in love with her. How cold or hot that love is...

    Oh I think for empire Maxi will be the unifying factor and Riftan the strategic and military power. I think Maxi still doesn't realize her influence as the Dukes daughter, the Roem blood, and the peoples' loyalty to the Lady with the red hair. I am curious to see how her relationship to her sister Rosetta will develop, and to what extent they will be behind-the-scenes rivals for the crowns.

    And another thing, remember how the first time she arrived in Anatol Maxi said the castle lokks like a Golem crouching on the mountainside, like her husbands alter ego a cold lonely monster. I wonder if Anatol ever is under attack, Maxi will use stones from the castle as Golems in defense.

    Last edited: May 11, 2021
  18. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    You have translated the novel?! do you share it in discord or something like that? If so, can I join? I’m too lazy to mtl it
    riftanilian likes this.
  19. riftanilian

    riftanilian Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    I just read it now....
    Is it still available to join ?
  20. sweetaneng

    sweetaneng Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2020
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    I only used chrome translator and yep author was complaining about her work being distributed illegally. Seems like someone sent out the novel to those who gave their email ads. This is why it's important to support author, if we can. We will also do ourselves a favor because seriously, this is an epic novel/webtoon. ♡♡♡
    Haha nope. She wasn't bethrothed to anyone. She is fated to be with no one else but Riftan. :love:
    Ch26 ended at ch39 out of 344 raw chapters. At this rate, it might take years to reach 344 so no worries and let's hope and pray for kim suji's return. :love:

    You pointed out really good scenarios here. ♡ still waiting for author to give more details on uigru and the dryad and how the roles of the uigru incarnates will play out. So far, Richt's convo with Maxi hinted a foreboding war plus we are yet to see his duel against Riftan. These events may lead to something much bigger and who knows maybe, as you mentioned, Riftan can be the emperor. :blobthinkingsmirk: Maxi deserves the highest rank in their continent and at the same time, I still root for Rosetta as queen of Wedon. :aww: There are more to the story that author is yet to uncover. :blobpats::blob_teary: