Discussion Well I need help.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by redanxela, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. redanxela

    redanxela Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    So have you ever like known you need to do something but you just can't exactly do it?

    Might seem a bit confusing, but that's exactly my situation.
    So I'm basically your average guy, 18, third year in uni and finally decided to be serious with my life (I always decide to be serious with my life every year)
    This time around though I'm way more serious than usual.

    So it's like this, my grades are awful as in pretty awful. If things don't change fast I'll prolly be leaving uni with a second degree lower, that is a no no. Never really aimed for a first class, but I really want a 2.1 problem is I don't read at all.

    Yh I read webnovels (I read web novels every single day, I know I'm addicted) but when it comes to reading as in academically, I can't; even during exams. Like I'll just go through my notes and jottings a little and go on and write my exams like that(Worse still, i skip classes) Thankfully I'm a little intelligent. If not, i guess being a drop out would have been the least of my worries.

    Now the problem isn't that I don't know this wrong, nah I figured I had to change way way back, the problem is I can't get myself to change.

    It's like knowing this exactly is what will make you a better person but I just refuse to do so, and it's not like I'm consciously stopping myself (heaven knows I try to help myself) it's more like I'm subconsciously inhibiting myself.

    And the problem isn't friends or partying or stuffs like that, I have very very few friends, stay copped indoors most of the times and hardly ever go out. So what exactly is stopping me? I DON'T KNOW.

    For real, I don't know, first thing that'll come to my mind is web novels but sure I'm addicted to web novels but I still have tons of free times on my hands and yet each passing day it gets wasted.

    I create schedules for myself to better manage my time effectively but I'll always fail to follow through, I easily lose interest and be like "who am I kidding, this all rubbish" and many more stuffs like that.

    More so it's not like I'm financially stable so i don't have to worry about anything, nah the reverse is the case I pray every day not to starve.

    So here I am, lost faith in myself and have to beg random strangers to please advice me on how to get my life back on track.
    DrunkReader01 likes this.
  2. Noni606

    Noni606 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    I have it too. Tonight there is a test and forget about learning, I didn't go to the lesson this morning (big comfort, right?) Try Adderall.
  3. DrunkReader01

    DrunkReader01 Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2021
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    something that I found helpful is when my parents confiscate my phone, and time my computer (18).
    If I have 2 do work on the comp I can't afford 2 play around cuz my time is limited and since my phone's not with me I don't get distracted. working under supervision also works.... worked, but it helps to keep me from being distracted when I know that someone is there and may check on my progress, the stress helps
    phonebinder likes this.
  4. TypeFantasyHeart

    TypeFantasyHeart Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I have this very same issue...but worse, your lucky you are only 18, so maybe you choose the wrong career. Try to think veeeeery well, if what you are studying in tye uni is what yiu trully want to do for the rest of your life. Its not bad to change things, even more so when you are so young.
    Maybe its good to drop things and take a wholes year of "Life Discovery", what this means is doing all kinds of different things to discover what you love to do. Maybe try cooking? Becoming chef is nice. Or an artist?, blacksmith, lawer, programmer, etc...
  5. redanxela

    redanxela Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    Whew thankfully I'm not alone:LOL: skipping classes always brings in tons of comfort (don't judge me:cry:) well google makes things a lot easier, never heard of Adderall before lol. I'll ask around and see if I can get it, hopefully I will. However do I need doctor's prescription or something? The side effects doesn't look so friendly.
  6. Sawanara murasaki

    Sawanara murasaki Sawa the HEro-sensei

    Sep 23, 2017
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    I feel you bro cause I also did that and got bad grades and retaking them again next year:blobwoah:

    But the best thing you could do is to just limit yourself from reading. I understand about that cause I did the same thing in the past and this year I did it again. But I before my AS exam, surprisingly I got good grades (not so good though) so what did I do?
    I watched anime and read manga once a week only and spent hours on them. For the rest of the day and night, I studied, Welp I also played games but only for few hours and continued studying again. I made a schedule but never followed hahaha. Ok, only that I hope you can follow. Oooh ooh and also during class it's better to write what your lecturer says, I did that, always, jotted down every important words, yea I'm a fast writer and I'm very good at making notes.

    More importantly, don't skip class, I never skip class but overjoyed and even requested extra classes from my teachers. I sacrificed my personal study just to see my teachers and study with them.
  7. redanxela

    redanxela Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    Omg thanks a lot, I'm tearing up a little never expected so much response this fast. Thanks once more.

    Well I found out I work better while supervised, problem is parents and guardians are a bit far away from me, I'm an introvert so very small circle, the little frnds I have are more like my bro frnd and me the tag along guy.

    I'm more like the guy who they just have to deal with rather than actual frnd so don't think they'll help (I'll give it a try though) most of my actual frnds are online ones kinda hard doing the supervision through the internet I guess.

    Well I'm studying mass communication can't say I like it, more like the " meh let me just get through with this"

    This that I believe I'll love doing is making video games, I guess the only time in my life I ever stuck with something was spring my junior school, I'll make games on paper kinda like RPG and stuffs with dices (you'll roll the dices to do certain actions, sometimes I make paper pads or stuffs) unfortunately I don't have a PC to make actual games moreso I suck at math. so programming is very hard, spent a few years learning programming but my brain just isn't built for calculations.

    I obce love drawing and painting, but dropped that and just can't find the passion I once had for it

    I don't think what I'm doing now is exactly what I'll want to do for the rest of my life but, things don't work like that here, you don't have any say about what you want, it's more like your family plan it for you and you just have to follow the path, going on a year long break is also a no no, not only cause of above mentioned reasons, also cause I'm scared, like what it after a year it doesn't turn out any better? That'll not only be a waste of time, but also effort, moreso I'll let my parents down.
  8. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    so you lost in direction of life? dunno what you actually wanna do~
    well that tough situation
    for start let see.....
    what your dream? try work for it on structural, coherent, logical step~ if you have none then try search or create one~ go try work on volunteer stuff, it may have no income or thank you stuff but it can give ya some experience meet those who really on low time of their live~ it can broad your horizon~ it also open community where people come from various background, sometimes the experience volunteer kinda good adviser on thing like this~

    btw for game programming you need logic not math tho? math do help programming but logic play greater role

    mass communication hmmm so PR department? oh well~ many people end up on whole different side way apart from what they learn on uni or school~

    now this cat feel no good try to act like this....
    back to rolling~
  9. Mnotia

    Mnotia The Trash Man

    Apr 12, 2017
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    I hate to be that guy but just do it.

    Once you do it you'll realize that it wasnt that tough/hard.
  10. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    You kinda just have to force yourself with this one

    Take breaks, but set timers for those breaks

    Test your willpower!
  11. maoserr

    maoserr Active Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    The longer you procrastinate, the harder it is to start because you feel like you have to catch up. Best way I found to deal with procrastination is to find a way to convince yourself you're never behind, and whenever you start is a good starting point.

    Also, I never found forcing yourself to do something works consistently. Better to find a study group to help motivate rather than trying to go alone.
  12. Baldingere

    Baldingere Roseau pensant

    Jul 31, 2020
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    I feel you, I make the same mistakes
    Do you have apps and extensions that help concentrate on your phone and browser? They're stuff that make free time apps inaccessible once you enter work mode or that make a tree grow when you use your browser for work and make it wither if you go back to entertainment.
    What helped me out was installing the atmosphere app. It's an app with forest, city, instruments, water and white noises and also frequencies to concentrate. When I wanna study, I turn on a few sounds and it helps me feel like studying
    Otherwise, the pression of group studying helps. Not just sitting in the library with others, actually being with people to study together.
    And when you feel like you are going back to procrastinating, put your phone whatever aside, take a deep breath, and remind yourself why you want to study. Or think of a nice memory, or meditate 5 minutes or enjoy a small ceremonial like making a cup of tea or listening to your favorite song, to get back on track afterwards.
  13. Selha

    Selha Active Member

    Sep 30, 2021
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    This hit way too close to home...

    One of the things I did in uni was ditch my phone and laptop at my dorm, and hole myself up in the library or dining hall to study or get my work done. If there's a place with no internet, you can bring your laptop as well though. It worked on and off for me, but if you can force it into becoming a habit it might help a lot.
    Baldingere likes this.
  14. Shizukani

    Shizukani Chronically stressed

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Hm... Self-sabotage perhaps? I heard it's quite common~ :blobsmilehappyeyes: Basically, you feel like you don't deserve it so you keep hindering yourself. Maybe when you were a kid, somebody told you that you didn't deserve something. So subconciously you believed that and it's still sticking to you. Getting rid of this takes practice. :blobReach:

    Or there is the possibility of you being a bit of a perfectionist? So basically, for fear of failing and not meeting the standards you make for yourself, you just... sorry for using this term, but you make excuses. You just smash the cracked pot. :blobReach: "I barely tried anyway, so OF COURSE I didn't get a great result" --kind of mentality. :blobpats::blobpats:

    Then there's your hopes to change. I read that in order to change, you have to look forward to the process of changing, not just the outcome. Kinda like climbing a mountain, when all you see is the peak, you will likely stumble on a rock beneath your feet. So move forward one step at the time. :blobpats: Only then will you be able to truly change.

    Well, I'm not a professional so what do I know. All of the above are from the self-help books and videos I've seen. I'm sharing them with you in hopes that it will help you in your journey. :blobpats: I'm wishing you the best. It's okay to be confused and to fail, remember to just always have the strength to try again. If your own strength is not enough, it's okay to ask for help from others like what you're doing now! :blobReach: *hugsss*
    Baldingere likes this.
  15. Dog food please

    Dog food please Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
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    Well, that's what I feel right now. Welp, I'm not sure if it would work but, why don't you try not reading for a bit (I know it sounds weird) but then you'll feel bored and if you try to read your study materials it gives off a similar feeling to reading novels, try other hobbies maybe? Watching video discussions will also help. DEEP BREATH. I wish you all the best! ( * w * )
    Baldingere likes this.
  16. yun yun yun

    yun yun yun (◍•ᴗ•◍) [Important things must be said 3 times]

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Thank you for narrating my situation... :blobsweat_2:
    Still in my 2nd yr tho... Dropped 2 subs so far~
    It's prolly the environment you're in that holds you back... For me, I'm at home with no academic atmosphere at all doing online classes, the computer draining all enthusiasm I have for learning (given I'm also incompatible with my major) and no one who could help me in my subjects since I'm already the eldest and my fam don't really understand my lessons...
    Don't force yourself to read else it might frustrate you more, maybe look for other resources and not necessarily the given ones...
    So how are you now ?
    Baldingere likes this.