What’s with this same castle everywhere?

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by InTheEther, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. InTheEther

    InTheEther Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2019
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    *Credit to reddit, I started trying to go through webcomics for examples to show and found out someone else had already done the work.

    I was just weirded out eventually by how often I’m seeing this exact castle in different comics.
    I get that it’s a free asset, and using them let’s the artists get out pages much quicker for us readers.

    I guess I’m just confused why artists like *this* castle so much. I’m pretty sure that front building with the arch cut out of the center, alongside the massive bridge thing going waaay across to the back building are architecturally impossible. Which, it’s primarily used in fantasy webcomics so there’s no real need for realism. But they make it instantly recognizable and at least my attention is immediately drawn to it every time. It’s actually become kinda distracting how often I see it. You’d think they’d go for something a little more generic.

    Not really complaining, just wondering if it’s jumped out at anyone else. And kinda wondering what asset pack is so universally used my webcomic artists and why?

    (Apparently it goes by castle-nim on Reddit)
  2. AMissingLinguist

    AMissingLinguist [Not Here][Blank Sect][Nuffian #N]

    May 15, 2016
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    Maybe all these comics take place in the same world? :blobhyperthink:

    Castle-nim is so popular that he guest stars in many webcomics. No one can get enough of him. blobmelt_thumbs