What does a protagonist smell like?

Discussion in 'Author Discussions' started by IrregularPerson, Aug 1, 2021.

  1. IrregularPerson

    IrregularPerson Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    An odd question but let me frame it with some context. in short: AlphaBetaOmega or an ABO setting. Honestly I don't like all that this setting has to offer, smut aside- but recently I've taken an interest in smell glands in an ABO setting. So personally, in reality or fictional preference, should smell has a definite influence of peoples first impressions, or is it a deterrence? It's not only prevalent in ABO settings as I'm aware there is this shoujo trope where the ML can smell like sunshine or an air conditioner, but I want second opinions on what is a protagonist smell.
    it's also called omegaverse and gained popularity with m/m couples AU and original works. though that's just a personal perception, I don't think it's far from the truth.
    ABO's is a setting where the two genders are made into six, with definite physical differences. Where basically all Alphas have some sort of phallus, Betas are normal constitutions and Omegas all have a strong ability to conceive children. tropes that come this type of setting is your typical oppression and power dynamics, just with the extra spice of pheromones and "instinct"
    funfact: ABO's in my butchered words, are a result of this researcher who studied and observed a wolf pack and made this spiel. except his book was met with much enthusiasm. he was an honest lad, so when he realized with further observation that "alpha males" are completely false, unfortunately the media and the masses spread this misinformation as the truth
    prevalent characteristics in ABOs is a heat/rut period, respectively in omegas/alphas - this is where pheromones (or scent) come into play and functions as a free-for-all aphrodisiacs (betas are usually exempt from the complexities of pheromones). and there are other animalistic behavior like marking- which can be the premise of a tragedy, inhibitors for those heat/rut periods and depending on the author the concept of soulmates is myth or reality.
    the conceptions of the power dynamics is that: Omegas are unfortunate and spoiled. they're naturally born weak (sometimes it is naturally difficult to build muscle mass), and only useful for there impressive fertility. they're "commodities" and depending on the setting, it is taken to the extreme. on the casual side they're presented as much as a commodity as a good wife, and on the other side of the spectrum there are unsavory transactions. the "spoiled" part comes from there sponsors. Alphas on the other hand are determined by the omega's position in society, though that is more of the pit of how the main love interest's defining trait is there role rather than there personality. Alpha's are born to be successful. either born rich or because they win the genetic lottery and get a protagonist halo by birthright. some admit to being aggressive or commit to possessive behaviors; they're typically charismatic and usually have a hard time bearing children. hence Omegas...! and Alpha and Omega genetics are recessive I suppose? cause there is this prevalent thing where the ratio of A/B/O is 20/70/10, and if you pair a A/O together the child will most likely be A. there is also the case where the entire A is a whole other species that is only human-like and they need to facilitate the next generation with Omegas.
    this genre typically leans towards Omega protagonists, but I've seen my fair share of power bottoms so all is not lost in power dynamics
    1. "don't look for boyfriends in the trash bin" premise is that humans all start out as betas, and have this potential energy to evolve or de-evolve. people in this novel can absorb the potential energy of an opponent after a strenuous exercise, usually mech fights. each person has there own scent and it becomes softer/sharper when they respectively de-evolve and evolve into Alphas or Omegas. it felt more like flavor text but with word association it clued in some characteristics. like how "milky" can be a negative connotation like bratty. the specific constitutions are not elaborated on
    2. another, is about a society wholey featuring pheromones. and the protagonist owns a sort of perfume bar. I think it was meant to be more of a dietary supplement, and there was "rare" resources related to perfumes. and pheromones played an important role of influencing those resources. the protagonist had a distinct deterring odor, so I liked the analogy that because of his scent, his inhibitor functioned more like a pad. y'know the type that's means to be a underwear liner. the scent glands was located on the back of the neck.
    AneeChan and judeiiro like this.
  2. Despapa69

    Despapa69 Revered 17 Syllable Sage

    Oct 12, 2020
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    In Shoujo, springtime daisies, sickly sweet roses, calming lavender. In Xianxia, bloody, rotting or no smell at all. In BL, idk. Fine alcohol, musky or minty.
  3. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Like BS.

    Sorry, I couldn't help it. The thread title was just too inviting to pass up. :blobsweat:
  4. Agentt

    Agentt Loves cats and pats and my wife

    Oct 7, 2020
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    Usually soap or sweat?
  5. Neiri

    Neiri Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Only if protagonist has access to modern soap or there is a cleaning magic cause oddly medieval society has no access to soap or only nobility can afford.
  6. Kansuou

    Kansuou Song of Lone Indifference.

    Nov 10, 2015
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    It's always, something minty, rosin, grass or spring water.

    If its in a manga, its citrus.

    You forgot the protagonist halo, they're always sparkling clean.
  7. Neiri

    Neiri Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    yeah, it also better than hair gel cause their hair is not messy even after going through hell.
  8. canaria23

    canaria23 『  』

    Oct 21, 2015
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    If its male, musky. If female, yogurt.
    IrregularPerson likes this.
  9. oblueknighto

    oblueknighto Blue Person

    Oct 20, 2015
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    lol what. Like shampoo? Like deoderant?
    Though tbh probably cologne or aftershave... those smell stronger.
  10. albeldayuia

    albeldayuia Can't-Re Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Anything it is, smells that attract the love interest? I've read ones where they smell bad by the general standard but still attract the one they should attract.
  11. Xian Piete

    Xian Piete Author of many mediocre stories

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Your protagonist should smell like cheap beer and stale peanuts.
  12. aShinyVaporeon

    aShinyVaporeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2020
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    Through my experience of reading ABOs, it almost always seems to be a pleasant plant smell, like fruits, flowers, spices, and wood. (I've read way too many of these...*sigh*)
    How in the world do these kind of smell things develop, anyway? Shouldn't each person have a smell uniquely their own instead of sharing it with a plant?

    One day I want to read an ABO where the main character and love interest smell like something less romantic. Like peanut butter or pizza. Or maybe something that's not pleasant at all, that would be great. Like luosifen, durian, or stinky tofu, mwahahah.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
  13. IrregularPerson

    IrregularPerson Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    there is this novel, "Rebirth to Become the President’s Omega Wife" where the MC smells comparatively like a corpse flower. corpse flowers are described to smell like left out hot dogs on a summer day or literal garbage. I mentioned in one of the spoilers that I liked this particular novel because of the inhibitors acting like a pad for him.
    and I think it's easier to compare a scent cause we already have the foundation for fragrance notes, basically the ratio of scents in perfumes or candles. I would adore it if someone smelled like freshly baked bread or the sour scent of yogurt? basically they'd be my brunch bae~ flower/natural scents are "more pure" I suppose in comparison to comfort food. cause food can linger, any school kid who left there lunch in there backpack over the weekend can tell otherwise.
    aShinyVaporeon likes this.
  14. IReadWhenBoredSoWhat

    IReadWhenBoredSoWhat Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Don't know how much it'll help, but people smell like what they do. Woodcutters and carpenters smell like cut wood, people with animals like dogs or horses smell very similar to the animals, bakers smell like vanilla cause it seeps and I have usually put way too much in my cookies. I know it's for stories, but try and think why they would smell a certain way or what they like to do and build from there?
  15. Feng Tian

    Feng Tian Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2018
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    If they aren't actively putting scent on them this is probably the way to go. One of my characters is described to smell like a forest fire on a bad day. Given he is an advanced pyromancer and "on a bad day" usually means battlefield...
  16. IrregularPerson

    IrregularPerson Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I adore that idea. if anything I forgot to consider occupations like that (ones with lingering scents), not to mention my setting has families that pass the trade in their families. so it's more likely to be the case, either that or interference, like if they choose to pursue a path where it's sensitive to smell- I recall a certain (fictional) series where a cook got whiplashed cause he used a citrus-y perfume- it would be more difficult
    IReadWhenBoredSoWhat likes this.
  17. Funaroma

    Funaroma Active Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    Interesting. Made an account to ask: do tell your story title
  18. Baldingere

    Baldingere Roseau pensant

    Jul 31, 2020
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    I saw a video about people with synesthesia

    And one girl said she avoided people who had a smell, and she might have come off as rude to a girl because it was so intrusive and hard to bear, constantly having mandarine smell even when you eat or such so she always avoided her. Even worse with people who smelled bad, like a guy who smelled like rotten mangoes.
    IrregularPerson likes this.